The New Deal

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Marian Anderson

African-American contralto, best remembered for her performance on Easter Sunday, 1939 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.

Francis E. Townsend

American physician who was best known for his revolving old-age pension proposal during the Great Depression.

Huey Long

American politician from the U.S. state of Louisiana. A Democrat, he was noted for his radical populist policies. He served as governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and as a U.S. Senator from 1932 to 1935.

_______ was the photographer hired by the Farm Security Administration (FSA) to document the hardships faced by African Americans on farms.

Gordon Parks

All of the following were major critics of the New Deal EXCEPT:

Harry Hopkins

As a Federal Emergency Relief Administration leader, __________ helped provide grants to struggling states.

Harry Hopkins

Which New Deal program created jobs by constructing dams and hydroelectric power plants in the South?

Tennessee Valley Authority

Many of Roosevelt's policies as governor of New York, such as cutting taxes for farmers and working to reduce the rates charged by public utilities, made him very popular.


New Deal programs such as Social Security were a lifesaver to victims of the Dust Bowl and the unemployed in America's cities


President Roosevelt attempted to "reform" the Supreme Court.


Roosevelt's Supreme Court Packing Scheme took place because he was upset by the court finding some of his New Deal programs unconstitutional.


The everyday reality of the Dust Bowl in the Great Plains states was black clouds of dust at midday with many people barricading themselves in their sealed homes.


Roosevelt wanted to reform the Supreme Court by adding one justice for every justice that ______________.

was over the age of 70

Roosevelt's early New Deal programs were nicknamed the "alphabet soup" because most programs __________.

were given names made up of three or four letter acronyms

What position, appointed by Woodrow Wilson, did Roosevelt hold through World War I?

assistant secretary of the navy

declared by President Roosevelt in order to allow more time for Congress to work towards a financial resolution

bank holiday

The Wagner Act (also known as the Nation Labor Relations Act) passed in 1935, guaranteed employees the right to form unions and _______ .

bargain collectively

Roosevelt's Civilian Conservation Corps program was designed to __________.

create parks, trails, and facilities in public areas

Because the soil was depleted during the time of the Dust Bowl many people:

moved westward to coastal states

According to Roosevelt, what is it time for the people and nation to do?

not cower from the current situation

During the Depression, many state governors declared "bank holidays" to

prevent bank runs

Roosevelt's bank holidays were designed to slow the failure of banks by __________.

preventing withdrawals and gold exchanges

While in the New York State Senate, Roosevelt won a reputation as a

progressive reformer

The primary purpose of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was to __________.

protect accounts in case of a bank failure

Which of the following actions was not a part of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration's plan to assist American farmers?

raising the supply of agricultural goods to cut prices

The National Industrial Recovery Act regulated the economy by __________.

regulating the work week, prices, and wages

Roosevelt refers to "unusual times" and "disaster." What historical event is he discussing?

the Great Depression

The Social Security Act, passed in 1935, was aimed at helping the elderly, dependent children, and _______.

the disabled

Bank runs increased before Roosevelt's inauguration because some people thought he would abandon the gold standard and reduce the value of

the dollar

How did environmental changes in the Great Plains lead to changes in migration?

A severe drought forced many to migrate west

sit-down strike

A sit-down strike is a method used by striking workers of preventing owners from replacing them by refusing to leave the factories.

What artist painted haunting images of the southwestern landscape?

Georgia O'Keefe

This New Deal program created jobs and provided electricity to people living in rural areas.

Tennessee Valley Authority

All of the major critics of the New Deal felt that the programs of the New Deal didn't go far enough to help Americans in need.


By the day of Roosevelt's inauguration, most of the nation's banks were closed.


During the Great Depression, the South began to rely less on cash crops like cotton.


Filipinos and Mexican Americans competed for migrant worker jobs.


Frances Perkins was the Secretary of Labor who promoted the idea of lowering the number of hours worked per week so that some of the unemployed people could find jobs.


Civilian Conservation Corps

(CCC) New Deal agency established in 1933, employed young men on conservation projects

Congress of Industrial Organizations

(CIO) Labor group formed in 1938 that organized all workers in a particular industry into one union.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

(FDIC) New Deal agency created in 1933 to insure bank savings deposits

Between 1929 and 1933, the Federal Reserve system allowed the country's money supply to decline by what percentage?


FDR's court packing scheme would have added how many Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court had it succeeded?


gold standard

A monetary system in which paper money and coins are equal in value to a certain amount of gold.

Charles E. Coughlin

Canadian-born Roman Catholic priest and one of the first evangelists to preach to a widespread listening audience over the medium of radio during the Great Depression. Later in his career, he became increasingly anti-Semitic and radical in his views.

The __________ employed Americans by creating works projects in parks and public areas.

Civilian Conservation Corps

labor leaders organized this to unite workers in various industries

Congress of Industrial Organizations

During the Depression Era there was a photographer who provided evidence of the hard times. Which of the following is the photographer who captured the destitution in American?

Dorothea Lange

Which of the following was NOT part of the Second New Deal?

Emergency Banking Act

Which "alphabet soup" agency was intended to bring stability to banking by insuring customers' deposits?


After FDR took office he closed the banks and created this program to guarantee depositors that their money would be secure.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

The Share-Our-Wealth program was proposed by

Huey Long

bank holiday

In 1933, the government temporarily closed every U.S. bank to stop massive withdrawals

John Collier

John Collier who lived from 1884 to 1968, was an American social worker, anthropologist, and author. He became active in Native American affairs in 1922. Collier was editor of the magazine American Indian Life from 1926 until 1933, when he was appointed commissioner of Indian Affairs

Which of the following figures was a famous economist that influenced Roosevelt's ideas on public spending?

John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist whose ideas, called Keynesian economics, had a major impact on modern economic and political theory as well as on many governments' fiscal policies

Mary McLeod Bethune

Mary McLeod Bethune founded the Daytona Normal and Industrial School for Negro Girls, now Bethune-Cookman College. Bethune was active in the fight against racism and served as an unofficial advisor to President Roosevelt.

This controversial Act passed by Congress shortened the work week and attempted to manipulate the economy.

National Industrial Recovery Act

Franklin Roosevelt's policies for ending the Depression became known as the ___________.

New Deal

National Youth Administration

New Deal agency that provided part-time jobs to people between the ages of 16-25. (also known as NYA)

Harry L. Hopkins

One of Franklin Roosevelt's closest advisors. He was one of the key architects of the New Deal, especially the relief programs of the WPA, which he headed. In World War Two he was Roosevelt's chief diplomatic advisor and headed the $48 billion Lend Lease


Polio is a paralyzing disease in which there was no cure until the early 1950s when a vaccine was found by Dr. Jonas Salk.

_______ was the head of the Farm Security Administration (FSA), who sought to visually capture what was happening on the Great Plains.

Roy E. Stryker

The above quote is from a leading liberal reformer's theme song in his campaign. What was his relief program termed?



Share-Our-Wealth was a radical relief program proposed by Senator Huey Long in the 1930s to empower the government to seize wealth from the rich through taxes and provide a guaranteed minimum income and home to every American family.

provided pensions to workers aged 65 and older

Social Security Act

Securities and Exchange Commission

The Securities and Exchange Commission (also known as the SEC) was established by the United States Congress in 1934 as an independent, non-partisan, quasi-judicial regulatory agency following years of depression caused by the Great Crash of 1929

Social Security Act

The Social Security Act is a 1935 law that provides retirement pensions, unemployment insurance, and payments to people with disabilities and widows and children of male workers who have died.

Tennessee Valley Authority

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was a New Deal program established in 1933 that built dams and power stations to provide hydroelectric power and flood control to the Tennessee River Valley.

Wagner-Connery Act

The Wagner-Connery Act (1935), also known as the National Labor Relations Act, was a law that guaranteed labor's right to organize unions and to bargain for better wages and working conditions. Works Progress Administration WPA was a New Deal Agency created in 1934 to put American men and women back to work.

New Deal

The name given to the new laws, during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, aimed at relieving the Depression, which were passed by Congress during the Hundred Days and the months that followed

Frances Perkins

U.S. Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, and the first female cabinet member

allowed the organization of unions

Wagner-Connery Act

Which photographer attempted to show the hardships faced by sharecroppers in rural Alabama?

Walker Evans

The _____________ gave jobs to 8.5 million blue and white collar workers.

Works Progress Administration

Dorothea Lange was a prominent writer during the Great Depression.


During WW I Franklin D. Roosevelt was Assistant Secretary of the Army under Woodrow Wilson.


Grant Wood's most famous painting was Migrant Mother.


In spite of the same last names, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt were not related.


Most Dust Bowl farmers headed to the East Coast after the Dust Bowl drought


Part of the famous quote from Roosevelt's inaugural speech was: "Ask not what your country can do for you; but what you can do for your country."


Roosevelt's experience as the governor of a large state like New York gave him the experience he needed to handle the banking crisis and hold firm on the gold standard


The Agricultural Adjustment Administration paid farmers for not growing crops and this program pleased all farmers.


The Rural Electrification Administration provided electricity to urban areas.


Through the winter between Roosevelt's election in November of 1932 and his inauguration in March of 1933, unemployment decreased


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