The New Kingdom of Egypt

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What did Queen Hatshepsut call herself?

"His Majesty"

What was the title of the leader of Nubia?

"Kings Son of Khush"

What contributions did Thothmes I make for Egypt?

After Ahmose kindly set up his successors in an exemplary position for expansion, Thothmes I took advantage of this and expanded Egyptian territory past the Euphrates river into the Mittani Kingdom as well as pushing the nile up to the third cataract. In addition to claiming new territories Thothmes I contributed to Egypt by forming an alliance with the Mittani as well as new resources after plundering Syria and Palestine.

After Hatshepsut died, how did Thothmes III contribute to Egypt?

After she died Tothmes III greatly expanded Egyptian territory and established egyptian power in Palestine and Syria for over a century. He was the greatest military leader in all of Egyptian history and often believed as the greatest Pharoah because he set Egypt up for its most prosperous age of the 18th dynasty.

Who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt?


During the reign of which Pharaoh did Egypt reach its height of prosperity?

Amenophis III

In lands of antiquity, what was the national language for correspondence?

Babylonian Cuneiform

What is the name of the art style involving carving out of a stone?

Barre Relief

Some people believe that Thothmes III didn't actually hate Hatshepsut, what evidence is there to support this?

Because he was the son of a concubine, Hatshepsut didn't have to give him power, and she included images of him on her most important monuments.

Why was Hatshepsut able to rule in place of Thothmes III?

Because she was a good leader and technically because he was the son of a concubine, he had no official claim to the throne.

What are 3 theorized causes of the fall of the Bronze Age?

Ecological devastation, cultural differences, and military conflict

Who was the leader of Palestine and Syria?


What did Thothmes III do to Hatshepsut's monuments after she died.

He defaced them in the attempt to erase her memory.

What did Harmhab do for Egypt after Akhenaton's rule?

He reverted Egypt back to polytheism

Describe the religious changes Akhenaton instilled upon Egypt during his reign.

He transitioned the polytheistic religion to monotheistic one, in which Aton was the supreme god.

How was Aton portrayed?

He was portrayed asa sun with rays coming down into hands.

Why was Hatshepsut able to rule in place of Thothmes II?

He was too young and sick to rule.

What changed about the army in the New Kingdom?

It transitioned to a standing army rather than just drafting trained civilians during wartime.

How did the fall of Hyksos kings occur in Egypt?

People within Egypt were growing to dislike the Hyksos rulers and evolved into a very nationalistic state in which an Egyptian Ruler Kamose defeated a Hyksos King in battle restoring power in Upper Egypt. From there Kamos attempted to seize power from the Hyksos kings in Lower Egypt by pushing them out of the delta but his brother Ahmose a more dedicated ruler finished the job.

Why did the Mittani give up fighting Egypt?

Queen Hatshepsut had no interest in military relations therefore she didn't continue the fight with the Mittani and they followed suit.

How did Akhenaton's mom feel about his new religion?

She didn't like his religion, and didn't follow it, but supported him nonetheless.

When were the Hyksos in charge of Egypt?

The 16th dynasty

Where were Egyptian Kings buried?

The Valley of Kings

What was the capital city of Egypt during the New Kingdom?


What were the Amarna letters?

They were international correspondence during the time of the Tothmes reign.

What was the main Babylonian river that Thothmes crossed?

the Euphrates

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