"The Outsiders" Big Unit Test Chapters 1-12

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Explain Ponyboy's motivation for running away.

After Darry hits him, he gets real upset and mad. He thinks Darry hates him and doesn't want him at home. That's his motivation for running away.

Where does Dally take Ponyboy after the rumble?

After the rumble, Dally takes Ponyboy to the hospital. Johnny wasn't doing well when Dally left. Dally wanted to tell Johnny that they won the rumble.

Which four Greasers were at the movies "with" Cherry and Marcia?

At first, Dally Winston, Ponyboy Curtis, and Johnny Cade were at the movies with the girls. Later, Two-Bit joined them.

What happend at the Nightly Double?

At the Nightly Double, Dally starts talking dirty to two Soc girls. Johnny surprisingly tells him to stop and he does. The boys hit it off with the girls. Then Pony tells Cherry about Johnny's mugging by the Socs.

What are Johnny's last words?

Before Johnny dies, he tells Pony and Dally that fighting is useless. He then says, "Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold." He was trying to tell Pony to not get hard like the rest of the guys in the gang. To stay young and innocent. He wanted him to continue to dig sunsets and books and not be caught up with the greaser lifestyle. He wants Pony to make something of his life.

Why did Cherry decide to help the greasers?

Cherry decided to help the greasers because she felt that the whole mess was her fault. The Socs were drunk and looking for a fight. Pony and Johnny were just acting in self-defense.

Why can't Dally accept Johnny' death?

Dally can't accept Johnny's death because Johnny was his best friend. He was a little brother to him. He wanted to protect him and keep him safe. Johnny was the only thing Dally loved. Without him, he had nothing to live for.

Who comes late to the rumble? What effect does his late entrance have?

Dally comes late to the rumble. He left the hospital using Two-Bit's switch blade. His late entrance allows Paul Holden to get a sucker punch in on Darry. This then started the rumble.

What does Dally give Ponyboy and Johnny to take with them to Windrixville?

Dally gives them a gun, money, a plan, and some new clothing/jacket to keep warm.

In one well-written sentence, characterize Dally.

Dally is a dangerous hoodlum who is protective of his friends.

What information did Dally bring to the boys?

Dally told the boys that Cherry, Bob's girlfriend, was spying for the greasers. He also told them that the Socs and greasers are having a big rumble in the lot tomorrow night.

What was Dally going to do with Two-Bit's knife?

Dally was going to make his way to the rumble using Two-Bit's knife.

In one well-written sentence, characterize Darry.

Darry is a hard working, dedicated, and overwhelmed brother who loves his family and will do anything to keep them together.

Ponyboy feels the only reason to fight is self-defense. According to his survey, why do these other fight?

Darry- To show off his muscles. Two-Bit- For conformity (everyone else does it). Soda- He likes the action. Steve- Hates the Socs and wants to beat them up.

Why did he feel this way?

He felt that way because Dally looked after Johnny and protected him.

In what ways did Johnny care for Ponyboy?

He took care of him by getting groceries, helped disguise him, and got him a book to entertain him.

How long do you think the boys will be able to hide out at the church? Why?

I think the boys will be able to hide out from 50 minutes because the police were going to find them.

In the letter Johnny writes Ponboy, what does he ask Ponyboy to tell Dally?

In the letter, Johnny wants Dally to look at a sunset. He wants him realize that there's still good in the world, and it's not so bad being a greaser.

Why was this hard for them to do?

It was hard because their hair is their identity.

Why did Johnny decide to turn himself in?

Johnny decided to turn himself in because he felt bad that Darry and Soda were worried about Ponyboy. Also, he recognized that he acted in self-defense.

What does Johnny give to the nurse for Ponyboy?

Johnny left Ponyboy his copy of the book, "Gone with the Wind". He wanted Ponyboy to have it.

How did Johnny feel about Dally?

Johnny looks up to Dally as a hero and inspiration.

Why did Johnny refuse to see his mother?

Johnny refused to see his mother because he felt like she'd just tell him about all the trouble he's causing his parents. She thought he'd just yell at him.

What was Johnny's physical condition after the fire? How did Ponyboy think this would affect Johnny's life?

Johnny was burned all over and had a broken back which paralyzed him. Ponyboy thinks this would be terrible because he would be stuck at home with his abusive parents.

What happened to Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally because of the fire?

Johnny was burned badly and his back was broken. Dally burned his arm. Ponyboy had smoke inhalation.

What happens to Ponyboy on the way home from the movies?

On the way home from the movies, Ponyboy gets jumped by several greasers. They threaten to cut his hair off. Darry and the gang rescue Pony form the attack.

When did Ponyboy realize that Darry loved him?

Pony recognized that Darry really loved him when he saw him crying in the hospital. Darry had never cried even when his parents died.

Why does Ponyboy remind Cherry that they both watch the same sunsets?

Pony reminds Cherry that they both watch the same sunsets to show that they're not different from each other.

When he was ten, why had Pony saved his money? What does this say about Ponyboy?

Pony saved his money to buy Soda Mickey Mouse, a horse. This shows that Pony loves his brother and he's kind and generous.

Why did Ponyboy and Johnny go into the burning church?

Ponyboy and Johnny went into the burning church because they felt guilty for starting the fire. They wanted to save the children's lives.

What does Ponyboy do with the broken bottle glass that makes Two-Bit know that Ponyboy won't get tough?

Ponyboy cleans up the broken glass from the bottle. He does this so that someone won't get a flat tire. This lets Two-Bit know he won't get tough.

Why does Ponyboy collapse the night of the rumble?

Ponyboy collapsed because he was exhausted, was in shock, and had a minor concussion from being kicked in the head. He was running a fever before the rumble and he shouldn't have been in it.

How did Ponyboy feel about his life now that he understood Darry?

Ponyboy felt that everything was going to be okay now. He realized he was stupid for feeling that Darry never loved him. He said, "I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home to stay."

What information did Ponyboy learn from the newspapers?

Ponyboy finds out that he might be separated from his brothers and go to a boys' home. Also, he will have to go to court to see if he can stay with his brothers and Johnny has been charged with manslaughter.

How is Ponyboy different from the rest of the Greasers?

Ponyboy is different from the rest of the gang because he likes school, is smart, and digs movies and books.

What did Ponyboy mean when he considered, "Sixteen years on the streets and you see a lot. But all the wrong sights, not the sight you want to see"?

Ponyboy means that Johnny was so young. He spent sixteen years living in the vacant lot and on the streets and he saw a lot of bad things. He never got a chance at living life and seeing all of the amazing things life has to offer.

Who does Ponyboy tell Randy was the person who killed Bob?

Ponyboy tells Randy that he killed Bob, not Johnny. He says this because he's in denial and pretending Johnny isn't dead will ease his mind.

Why was Ponyboy upset with Cherry?

Ponyboy was upset with Cherry because Cherry refused to visit Johnny in the hospital. She didn't want to visit the boy that killed her boyfriend. Pony felt like she was talking down to him when they spoke in the lot.

How did Ponyboy feel when he awoke in the church?

Ponyboy woke up feeling confused and thinking it was all a dream.

Why is Ponyboy surprised when Cherry tells him with whom she might be likely to fall in love?

Ponyboy's surprised that Cherry said she might fall in love with Dallas. He's surprised because Dallas was disrespectful and mean to Cherry.

Why didn't Randy want to fight in the upcoming rumble?

Randy didn't want to fight because no one really wins in a rumble. Your problems will still be there after the rumble.

Why did Randy want to talk to Ponyboy?

Randy wanted to tell Ponyboy he wasn't going to fight in the rumble and that Bob was a good guy who just needed someone to tell him no.

In one well-written sentence, characterize Sodapop.

Sodapop is a handsome boy who is happy go lucky and loves life.

What happened to the Curtis brothers' parents?

The Curtis brothers' parents died in a car crash a few months ago. Darry didn't go to college so he can stay home and raise the boys. This prevented the family from being split up.

What kind of weapons do the Greasers and Socs use in the rumble?

The Greasers and Socs use only their fists. One of the Brumly Boys gang did use a pipe even though he wasn't allowed.

What did the Soc do to make Johnny kill Bob?

The Socs threatened Johnny. Johnny was scared they were going to attack him again, and they were drowning Ponyboy in the fountain. Johnny was trying to protect himself and Johnny.

Briefly describe the conflict between the Greasers and the Socs.

The conflict between the Greasers and the Socs stems from the fact that the Greasers are poor and the Socs are rich. The Greasers think the Socs have it made. When the Greasers get in trouble, it goes in the paper and they go to jail. When the Socs get in trouble with the law, nothing happens or their parents use their money to fix the problems.

Why did the doctor allow the boys to see Johnny?

The doctor allowed the boys to see Johnny because they were the closest people to the family that Johnny has. Also, the doctor implied that Johnny wasn't doing well and it wouldn't hurt to let the boys see him. Lastly, Johnny was asking from them the whole time.

In one well-written sentence, describe the mood at the Curtis house just before the rumble.

The mood at the Curtis house just before the rumble is one of excitement and giddiness.

What does Cherry say is the real separation between the Socs and the greasers?

The real separation between the Socs and the Greasers is that the Socs are too cool to the point that they don't feel anything. They're aloof. The Greasers feel too much.

Why were television reporters interested in what happened to Ponyboy and Johnny?

The reporters were interested because they are greasers that risked their live to save kids.

What is the subject of Ponyboy's theme for English class?

The subject of his paper was the novel, "The Outsiders". He wanted the world to know that there are kids like this out there in the world. Hopefully, they could relate and learn from Pony's experiences.

Why did the boys change their hair style?

They changed their hair because they wanted to disguise their identities.

How did the boys pass the time in the church?

They passed the time by reading, "Gone with the Wind", they played cards, they smoked, and they talked.

What important discovery about individuals did Randy and Ponyboy make when they met at Tasty Freeze?

They realize that everyone has problems.

What does Cherry Valance mean when she says, "Things are rough all over"?

When Cherry says, "Things are rough all over", she means that everyone has problems. That greasers may have their problems, but Socs do, too. Everything isn't perfect because you are a Soc. Their problems are just different from the greasers' problems.

What thoughts are triggered in Ponyboy's mind when he sees Bob in the yearbook?

When Ponyboy see Bob's picture in the yearbook, he begins to make connections between his friends and life, and Bob's. He begins to see Bob as a real person with problems.

Does Dally want to die? Explain.

Yes, he did want to die because he couldn't handle being in the world without Johnny. On page 154, it says, "I knew he'd be dead, because Dally Winston wanted to be dead and he always got what he wanted".

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