The Problem of Evil

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The formulation of the problem of evil.

1. God is omnipotent 2. God is all good. 3. Evil exists

The main points of Plantinga's version of the free-will solution (those covered in lecture).

1. Steps 2 & 3 are wrong- god cannot create any logically possible state of affairs. 2.once 2&3 are modified they yeild a diff. version of 5&6, where free men cannot always do what is right.

Solution 1

Good cannot exist with out evil Possible problems: 1. no theist would endorse the relative/ comparative interpretation. 2. in the sense of absolute properties either could exist without the other. 3. in the sense of logical negation, although words need opposites to be defined, There is no reason to think that things in this world needs opposites. 4. this solution limits God's power 5. if it is really true that good and evil are counter parts then it is not true that an all good being would eliminate all evil. 6. this solution doesn't explain the great amount of evil. 7. this solution doesn't cover all evils.

Solution 6

Moral Evil is due to human free will and a universe with free humans is better than one with non free humans. Problems: - God could have made the world with only good options, so that we would always freely choose good. - If free will is compatible with no evil, then it is certainly compatible with less evil. - this implies that a world of free humans who always choose evil would be better than a world where everyone was predestined to do good. - if our wills are really free then god is not omnipotent. - if god is trying to better us by placing temptations in our path then god is guilty of serious immortality.

Solution 4

Natural Evils are the natural by product of the operation of the laws of nature. Problems : - This doesnt cover all of natures evils (i.e. diseases) - here god could also intervene through the forms of miracles in many cases where it would seem unreasonable for him not to do so.(ie rerouting a hurricane) - implies that god is not omnipotent.

Solution 3

Natural evils are God's wake up call for humans Problems: these evils are primarily the reason why people reject religion. God has much better means at his disposal for doing this. For example miracles ( which also help restore faith in religion)

Solution 2

Natural evils are Gods punishment for sin Possible Problems: 1. This makes God's punishment seem arbitrary / random. Modification of this solution : we have all sinned at birth. probs with modification : - doesn't explain why baptized people die in natural disasters. - doesn't explain why children are born with defects - doesn't explain severe suffering occurs in animals and children.

How could any of the three statements be weakened to provide an immediate solution?

Rejecting or weakening any one of the three statements provides an immediate solution to the problem. Ex: Rejecting omnipotence by limiting God's power or redefining omnipotence to mean some restricted, nonetheless, great power.

Solution 5

The universe is better with some evil than it would be none. Problems: - implies that God is not benevolent in the sense that He doesn't try to minimize pain and suffering. - this implies that 2nd order evils merge with 2nd order goods. - it doesn't justify the great amount of evil in the world. - (i) lif we must increase 2nd order good than we must also be obliged to increase 1st order evil (ii) if we are morally obliged to minimize pain and suffering, it follows that we would thereby be minimizing total good in the universe. - the highest good - love doesn't require the existence or termination of evil.

The six solutions covered in lecture and the possible problem(s) with each.

answers on next couple of slides

The difference between physical/natural evils and moral evils.

physical/ natural evils - 1.)inhospitable geography : areas that cause a person immense distress and lead to death (i.e cliffs, icy places, and desserts) 2.) Dangerous Animals, Pests, and Parasites. 3.) Natural Calamaties : Tsunamis,Earthquakes,Volcanic Eruptions, etc. 4. Diseases 5.Birth defects Moral evils- evils resulting from human immortality. 1.) small scale- selfishness, deception, cruelty, murder, rape, torture, etc. 2. large scale- Genocide, War,Corporate Maleficence. * moral evils- more intense but natural evils harm more individuals.

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