The Renassance

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What was a " Renaissance Man" ?

A Man who is highly educated and has developed skills in a vast array of subjects, culture, and sport

Who was Donatello?

A renaissance was an Italian sculptor of the Renaissance.

What was a "Renaissance Woman" ?

A woman who is skilled in areas of politics, literature & the arts.

Who was the Leonardo da Vinci of the Northern Renaissance?

Albrecht Durer

Who was Michelangelo, and what did he do?

An italian renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, and poet who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art.

How did the Printing press impact our world?

Books were printed, more people learned to read, people gained access to more knowledge, and it helped spread the idea of the Renaissance.

Who was Pieter Bruegel?

Bruegel was a Painter from Flanders. He painted scenes of Peseant lifes but also used his paintings to critizice the intolerance and cruelty he saw.

Who was Caravaggio?

Caravaggio was an Italian painter active in Rome, Naples, Malta, and Sicily from the early 1590s to 1610. His paintings combine a realistic observation of the human state, both physical and emotional, with a dramatic use of lighting, which had a formative influence on Baroque painting.

Who was Baldassare Castiglione?

Castiglione wrote The Book of the Courtier about the ideal men and women.

Which wive out lived king Henry V|||?

Catherine Parr

Who was Cervantes?

Cervantes was a Spanish writer. cervantes penend Don Quixote about an idealistic knight and his faithful servant Sancho Panza.

How did the economy change during the Northern Renaissance?

During the Renaissance, the European economy grew dramatically, particularly in the area of trade. Developments such as population growth, improvements in banking, expanding trade routes, and new manufacturing systems led to an overall increase in commercial activity.

Who was Erasmus?

Dutch author, Praise of Folly, humanist and was the greatest scholar of the Northern Renaissance.

What country did Henry V||| rule?


Where is Flanders located now?

Flanders is located in between of Northern Belgium and southern Netherlands.

Where did the Northern Renaissance begin?

Flanders, Belgium

What is the most known country during the italian Renaissance?

Florence and many more small italian city-states were most known during the Italian Renaissance.

Where did the Renaissance first begin?

Florence, Italy

Who was Rabelais and what did he do?

French writer Rabelais penned Garganta and Rantagruel.

Who was Giorgio Vasari?

Giorgio Vasari was an Italian painter, architect, writer, and historian, most famous today for his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, considered the ideological foundation of art-historical writing.

Who was Giotto?

Giotto was an Italian painter and architect from Florence during the Late Middle Ages. He worked during the Gothic/Proto-Renaissance period.

What country were the sculptures Donatello studied from?


Who painted the portrait of King Henry V|||?

Hans Holbein the younger

Who was Filippo Brunelleschi?

He was one of the greatest architects of the Renaissance. He developed a technique for linear perspective.

Where did printing first begin?

In Germany

Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?

Italy was center of Roman Empire, city-states were wealthy and competed.

Who took the throne after King Henry V||| died?

King Henry son. Edward V|

Who was the most famous artist during the renaissance?

Leonardo da Vinci was the most famous painter ,sculptor,architect,musician,mathematician,engineer,inventor,anatomist,geologist,writer,and botanist of the Italian Renaissance.

Who was Masaccio?

Masaccio was a Florentine artist who is regarded as the first great Italian painter of the Quattrocento period of the Italian Renaissance.

Who was Sir Thomas More?

More was a English Humanist, he peened Utopia about an ideal society. He was executed because he did not support King Henry V||| and was later named a saint by the Catholic Church.

Who was Niccolo Machiavelli?

Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat, politician, historian, philosopher, humanist, writer, playwright and poet of the Renaissance period. He has often been called the father of modern political science.

Who was Francesco Petrarch?

Petrarch was a scholar and poet of Renaissance Italy who was one of the earliest humanists. His rediscovery of Cicero's letters is often credited with initiating the 14th-century Renaissance. Petrarch is often considered the founder of Humanism.

Did the Northern Renaissance have even the idea of humanism?

Renaissance Humanism came much later to Germany and Northern Europe in general than to Italy, and when it did, it encountered some resistance from the scholastic theology which reigned at the universities.

Who was William Shakespeare?

Shakespeare was an English Poet and playwright. He wrote 37 plays with universal themes that are still performed today. Many words and phrases used today first appeared in his work.

When did the Italian Renaissance begin and end?

The 14th century and ended the 16th century.

Who ruled England when the Church of England built?

The Church of England was built during the ruling of King Henry V111.

When did the Italian Renaissance begin and end?

The Italian Renaissance began in the 1300's and ended in the 1600's.

What was the meaning of The Italian Renaissance?

The Italian Renaissance is best known for its achievements in painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, philosophy, science and exploration.

What were the destinations of both of the Renaissance?

The Italian renaissance began in 1300 old Italy and then it spread to Northern Europe in 1450.

Who ruled Florence during the Renaissance?

The Medici family

What is so important about the Northern Renaissance?

The Northern Renaissance refers to the events that happened during the Renaissance in Europe outside of Italy. Printmaking was an important and popular medium during the Northern Renaissance because, artists were able to sell many copies of their prints which were then seen throughout Europe.

What was the Northern Renaissance?

The Northern Renaissance was a unique event and although influenced by the Italian Renaissance was distinct from it. This article will argue that the origins of the Northern Renaissance were a result of the spread of printing, influence of Italy, growing wealth and the decline of the culture associated with feudalism.

What is the Renaissance about?

The Renaissance is about the time of Artistic creativity, Political, social,economic, and cultural change. Reawakened interest in classical learning especially about Ancient Greece and Rome.

How did the Renaissance start?

The Renaissance was a cultural movement that started in Florence,Italy, but then spread to Europe.

Who were the Van Eyck brothers?

The brothers from Flanders developed oil paint.

Who was Titian?

Titian was an Italian painter, the most important member of the 16th-century Venetian school.

Where was Leonardo da Vinci born?

Vinci, Italy

Who helped the Arts of the Renaissance flourish?

Wealthy merchants became patrons [financial supporters] of the arts which helped the Renaissance flourish.

Who was Jan Van Eyck?

a painter; he used oil paints (was one of the first to do so)

Who was Leonardo da Vinci?

an italian painter, sculptor, inventor, scientist and many more.

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