The Rowlatt Acts and the Amritsar Massacre

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How many people were injured?


When was India placed under the Defence of India Act?


When was the Rowlatt Act repealed?


How many people were killed?


What are Hartels?

A stoppage of work used as a political protest

What was the Defence of India Act?

A temporary measure for the duration of the war and 6 months after

When was the Montagu Declaration issued?

August 1917

Why were there so many people in Amritsar?

Baisakhi festival

What did the Montagu Declaration imply?

Britain would grant some form of self-government to India

What was the worst punishment Dyer put in place?

Crawling Order

What did the Defence of India Act allow?

Gave the viceroy the power to issue regualtions

Who led the troops in Amritsar?

General Dyer

How many soldiers did Dyer lead?

around 1,000

How did Gandhi want to protest the Rowlatt Act?


What events led to the Amritsar Massacre?

Hartals which quickly became anti-Raj protests

What happened to Dyer after the massacre?

He was forced to resign but was congratulated as he left

Who did the martial law particularly offend?


What was the commission set up to investigate the Amritsar Massacre?

Hunter Commission

Where did the Amritsar Massacre take place?

Jallianwalla Bagh

When did the Rowlatt Act become law?

March 1919

Who was the governor of the Punjab at this time?

Michael O'Dwyer

What did the Defence of India Act forbid?


Where is Amritsar?


What was the main issue of the Montagu Declaration?

There was no timescale

Why did Gandhi's hartals fail?

They erupted into violence and had to be stopped by Gandhi

What was the aim of the martial law?

To humiliate Indians

What is a martial law?

Very restrictive rule enforced by military force

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