The Scientific Revolution

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Who was Robert Boyle?

Distinguished between individual elements /chemical compounds. Explained the effect of temperature/pressure on gasses. Helped develop modern day chemistry.

What's a hypothesis?

A possible explanation based on reasoning.

How did Newton try to explain the workings of the universe?

Copernicus and other previous scientists had already proved the orbiting planets, so Newton tried to explain how the planets remained in their orbit. He discovered the gravity concept by observing an apple falling from a tree and contemplating on the force that must have caused it.

Who was Francis Bacon?

English scientist. Challenged scholarly traditions of medieval universities that sought to make the physical world fit in with the teachings of the church. Stressed experimentation and observation. Goal was to use science to make life better for people (by the use of technology inventions)

Who was Rene Descartes?

French scientist. Challenged scholarly traditions of medieval universities that sought to make the physical world fit in with the teachings of the church. Emphasized human reasoning. Discarded all traditional authorities basing all his theories on things that could be proven, not approved.

Who was Galileo Galilei?

Italian scientist who observed many aspects of the universe with an astronomical telescope that he created. Scholars opposed his ideas b/c they contradicted ancient view of the world. Church opposed his ideas b/c they challenged the church teachings that the heavens were unmoving/fixed/perfect. Was threatened with death by the inquisition, so avoided it by lying.

Why did Descartes mean by the statement "I think, therefore I am"?

Since Descartes believed in discarding traditional authorities' approval and instead focused on logically proving a hypothesis, he concluded that only doubt was left and the doubter had to exist, which is why he made this statement.

What's gravity?

A single force that keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun. (Isaac Newton came up with this)

Who was Johannes Kepler?

Assistant to Tycho Brahe. German astronomer/mathematician. Used Brahe's data (which proved Copernicus's theory) to calculate the orbits of the planets revolving around the sun. His calculations: the planets didn't move around the sun in a perfect circle, they orbited in an oval called an eclipse.

Who was Isaac Newton?

The scientist who discovered the concept of gravity by age 24. Also helped to develop Calculus.

Who was Nicolaus Copernicus

The polish scientist who wrote a book On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres. In it he proposed a heliocentric model of the universe.

What was Heliocentric?

Nicolaus Copernicus's belief that the sun is the center of the universe, not the Earth, which only revolves around the sun. Most people rejected this until Kepler and Brahe proved it to be right.

Why did some people oppose the heliocentric theory of the universe?

Because if they contradicted the teachings of the church (that the heavens were fixed/perfect/unmoving). Also, they heliocentric theory contradicted previous ancient view about the world.

How did the scientific method differ from earlier approaches?

The new scientific method was much more accurate in the way that the scientists accurately measured and collected data and afterwards proposed many experiments and hypotheses to attempt to prove if it was correct or not.

What was the scientific method?

The step by step process of discovery: observations/hypotheses/experiments/conclusion/theory.

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