The Social Dilemma Documentary
How does the algorithm encourage polarization?
- creates a concentrated "rabbit hole" of content that is powerful to a user and resonate with their interests (ex. Pizzagate) - polarization good at keeping online
Online connection is primary in younger generations. What is the very meaning of communication and culture in this connection?
- manipulation through a third party
Explain the quote that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
- tech persuade to stay online with postitive reinforcement (mess w/ ur psychology)
How did Russia "hack" Facebook?
- they didnt actually "hack" Facebook; they used its applications of polarization, rapid spread of misinfo, and connectivity around the world for a bad reason
What are the three universal goals of tech companies?
1. engagement: finding the right content to keep you engaged 2. growth: invite friends and keep expanding 3. ads: make as much money as possible
How is AI biased?
AI is biased towards a specific definition of success that is profitable
How can someone claim that AI already runs the world?
AI runs the world bc it it the backbone (algorithm) of the internet that keeps us connected
What is "growth hacking" ?
a psychological ploy that encourages ppl to invite friends to the platform which allows the media to grow and expand
what type of society have we moved from?
a tool-based tech environment to an addiction/manipulation environment
how is positive reinforcement like a slot machine?
don't know what you get until you play and win the game, buts its worth the suspense
why is social media addictive according to Lembke?
due to our innate tendency to create connections with others, social media takes advantage of our need for connection and exploit it = addiction
what is "massive scale containment"?
experiements conducted by media companies to figure out how to elicit a response and give user a dopamine hit and getting ppl hooked
What is the difference in the speed between fake and real news?
fake news spreads signifigantly faster
Haidt claims we are not socially evolved enough to...
have social approval dosed constantly
what two industries call customers "users"?
illegal drugs and software
What does data do for companies?
it helps them make good predictions --> create models that predict our moves so our attention can be exploited
Explain what is meant by "We are the tree; we are the whale."
we are the life forms being endangered by our own actions
Explain what this statement means: "If you are not paying for the product, you are the product".
we sell our attention and interactions to social media, content creators, and advertisers at seemingly "no cost" when in reality, they profit off of it