The United Nations
More than a hundred countries belong to the UN today
One of its main purposes is to increase trade between member nations.
san Francisco Conference
The Charter of the United Nations was drawn up by representative of 50 countries attending the:
The UN encourages respect for basic human rights.
New York
The headquarters of the United Nations is located in the city of ______.
The person who oversees the work of the united nations is the
The philosophy of the United Nations is symbolized by a statue showing a man using a hammer to shape his sword into a _____.
The united Nations was organized at the end of World War II in 1945
The world Health Organization an the Food and Agriculture Organization are special UN agencies that help people in need.
UNICEF - the United Nations _____ Fund - provides aid for child development and care, job training, and family planning.
league of nations
______was replaced by the United Nations because it was unstable to maintain world peace.
are only recommendations
decisions made by the General assembly
helps the other branches carry out their duties as smoothly as possible
security council
its primary responsibility is keeping the peace
one of its goals is "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of _____, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind."
international court of justice
settles disputes between nations over such matters as fishing rights and boundary lines
general assembly
the only branch where all nations are represented
has 15 members, including 5 "permanent members"
the security council
korean war
united nation troops fought in the
economic and social council
works in such areas as human rights and the raising of people's standards of living