Thea 201 Final

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second event

seeking help from a teacher

a hip, '70s pato loco

smokes marijuana

more skeptical, pessimistic plays; pre-cursor of tragicomedy and melodrama; wrote with great sympathy for the "outsider"


which types of characters are common in Noh plays

spirits Gods demons

order eight

tech week

first event

call to adventure

order three

rough sketch of design

order six

three-dimensional model/fabric swatches/ light plot

1940s-era Zoot Suit-er

Not respectable enough; may steal

In your own words, define what Plato meant by "ideal" and how his definition is different from other common definitions.

Plato means that "ideal" things are most likely the things that summarize the honest and necessary things of nature. For example, in terms of Plato's idealism, we must only find the truth through self-seeking or cogitation and logical analysis, not through emotion and experience that we have in our day to day lives. Most of the time, "ideal" means that something is preferred, like a sunny day is ideal for a soccer game.

How does each character's "wants" change over the course of the scene?

Professor Marvel initially does not know who this woman is and does not really care for her or her interests, yet after meeting her and learning more about her he is intrigued. Professor Marvel eventually wants Dorothy to stay with him and not leave him. Dorothy initially sees Professor Marvel as a mind reader or a psychic and wants him to tell her more about her family life and her future life, yet at the end she goes home because she is worried.

order four (Greek theatre)

The City Dionysia is established as an annual competition of tragedies.

"It hath evermore been the notorious badge of prostituted Strumpets and the lewdest Harlots, to ramble abroad to Plays, to Playhouses; whither no honest, chaste or sober Girls or Women, but only branded Whores and infamous Adulteresses, did usually resort in ancient times."

William prynne

introduced the second actor; reduced the chorus to twelve people; known for his stately and poetic language


A bold heroic character, easily identified by red, white, and black make-up




order five

color rendering

A director helps an actor understand where the door he will be entering from will be located in the finished set.


fifth event

completes the "supreme ordeal" by sacrificing some part of self

order seven


order four

continue meeting with director

How many of the following are responsibilities of the Set Designer? (Check all that apply)

create a physical environment for the play establish the play's mood, style, period, and locale establish the audience's first impression of the world of the play

third event

crossing the "threshold of adventure" into a strange new world



order nine

dress rehearsal

How many of the following are responsibilities of the Costume Designer? (Check all that apply)

establish the play's mood, style, period, and locale highlight the emotional content of a scene provide for the actor's needs

wrote in a conversational tone; won the City Dionysia more times than anyone else; best remembered for plays about Oedipus's family


According to this video, which of the following is a major form of expression in Kathakali acting? (Choose one)

eye movements

fourth event

faces monsters or other challenges

Which Greek writer does Ion consider himself an expert in?


What is the Greek word for someone uninterested in politics?




in media res

in the middle

A director reads the play several times and repeatedly asks himself, "What does this play mean to me?"


the amorous bandito

made in Mexico

the "urban" Mexican

may get arrested

order two

meet with director and establish a concept

hard-working farmworker family

might go on strike


moment of recognition

Who was the Greek leader celebrated for investing public money in cultural projects?


"The same goes for tragic playwrights, then, since they are representers: they are two generations removed from the throne of truth and so are all other representers."


A local radio station broadcasts an "About Town" segment that highlights local events and interviews some of the people involved. This would be a great way to promote our next play. Who should reach out?


The Set Designer has gone over budget. In order to complete the construction before opening night, someone will have to raise another $3500.


order one

read the play multiple times

An exaggerated and stylized female character traditionally played by a man


Which theatre professional is most like an architect? (Make sure you spell it correctly)




How many of the following are responsibilities of the Lighting Designer? (Check all that apply)

provide selective visibility onstage highlight the emotional content of a scene accent and support the work of other designers

sixth event

returns home to benefit society


reversal of fortune

How many of the following are responsibilities of the Director?

serving as a "hub" of communication coordinating the work of others into a unified whole providing other artists with a guiding idea or interpretation

order five (Greek theatre)

Comedies become a category for competition at the City Dionysia.

How does each character behave to get what he/she wants?

Dorothy acts like herself and is honest to her personality. She is honest in her kind nature and is very honest in what happens with her family. She is very family centered and she holds true to her personality in order to find out what exactly Professor Marvel has to say about her life. Professor Marvel makes up things in order to gain Dorothy's trust and try to get her to stay with him, but this does not work.

What des each actor do with his/her voice and body to express this behavior?

Dorothy expresses her anxiety through her nervousness to talk to Professor Marvel and be nervous about what he had to say, along with being nervous about him being angry with her since Toto ate his hot dog. Professor Marvel talks in a way that is comforting to Dorothy and makes her feel comfortable and trust Professor Marvel very quickly. His body language shows that he is like a grandfather or teacher like figure to Dorothy.

What is each character doing at the beginning of this scene?

Dorothy is walking across what looks to be a bridge, carrying a basket that would be used for a picnic and Toto is walking right beside her, following her every step. She comes across a trailer with the name Professor Marvel, and from that trailer comes a man named Professor Marvel. He comes our from his trailer and sees that Dorothy is there and he begins talking to her and then invites her inside the trailer and she goes in with him.

I want you to think about a "story" from your own life...something that happened to you or someone close to you that affects how you think about yourself. This could be the story of how your parents met, the night you were born, how you met your best friend or significant other, how you decided what to study in college, or some other story that pertains to you in some way.

During my senior year, my grandmother got sick and she fell and broke her hip due to a stroke. This caused her to go into the hospital and then rehab, and she was doing better. I enjoyed taking care of her and being there for her and kind of nursing her back to health, but sadly we got some bad news in October 2019. She got colon cancer that spread to her liver, and she immediately went into hospice and was given 4 to 6 months to live. From that point on my parents and I and my grandfather took care of her whenever we could, I would check out of school and take care of her and things like that and this really made me want to pursue nursing. She passed away during the second week of November, and shortly after this my mom got sick. My mom was very nauseous and lost about 50 pounds in the span of three months and she was in and out of the hospital several times but nobody could figure out what was wrong with her. In February 2020, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This was a life-changing moment and it dramatically changed my quarantine for most every other persons. I took care of her every day and night and had to be at her every beck and call pretty much. She made it to my graduation in late June, however she quickly declined after that and passed in early July of this year.

Why is the second story so much more interesting than the first? What does it have that sustains your attention? Identify three things that the second story does that the first one does not.

For me, the second story interested me more because it had more details about the journey to get the ice cream and it was relatable to young adults in their pursuit of ice cream. For most people, when you get in the mood for ice cream, its like you HAVE to have it immediately so that was very relatable. It had eye-catching descriptions and relatable phrases that caught my attention much better than the first story. The second story contained more emphasis on the ice cream than saving money, as the first one did. It also was much more relatable and entertaining than the first story, and it had much more eye-catching adjectives as well.

"Another Instance of the Disorders of the Stage is their Profaneness: This Charge may come under these two particulars: first, Their Cursing and Swearing; secondly, Their Abuse of Religion and Holy Scripture."

Jeremy carter

The woman's grief turns to joy as she feels truly free for the first time


Two actors who are supposed to enter a scene together (from the same side of the stage) enter from two different sides during a rehearsal. One actor wrote down that they would enter from the right, and the other wrote down that they would enter from the left. The director cannot remember. Who can solve this dilemma?

stage manager

From which religious traditions does Noh Theatre chiefly derive? (Check all that apply)

zen buddhism shinto

Think of a situation in your local community. It can be something that affects your campus, your hometown, your state, etc., however you want to define your "community." Now think of that issue as a "scene of oppression" that you could stage as a 10—12 minute scene between two characters. Describe the scene, and describe how a "Spect-Actor" from the audience might possibly intervene to change the outcome of that scene.

A common thing that occurs in my hometown is shootings. I'm from Memphis so shootings are quite common and you often fall asleep listening to gunshots going off in your neighborhood. It is so saddening and tragic that this is constantly happening in the city, and that there is not much the police can do about it since gangs are so prevalent. The police cannot be at every single place the gangs are so that makes it quite impossible for them to stop all the shootings. The the gangs are so that makes it quite impossible for them to stop all the shootings. The sandwich start out being in a corner gas station in Lakeland, and there would be multiple people standing outside and inside minding their own business.The scene would start out being in a corner gas station in Lakeland, and there would be multiple people standing outside and inside minding their own business. All of a sudden three men would walk inside of the gas station and see someone and gunshots would start going off. Before the people in the gas station even knew it, a man was lying dead on the floor and the government just walked out the front door and sped off in our car. There is nothing for the people in the gas station to do to stop this, and they were gone so fast that it made it impossible for the police to catch them in time. Even if they did catch them, it would not do much since they are in a gang and there would not be proof of it. It would transition to the police giving up and not pursuing the gunman who killed an innocent man, and then a member of the audience would stand up and begin talking about how enough is enough and this is not right. No matter if the gunman was in a gang or not, the police should pursue action against this killer since the man had a family.

order three (Greek theatre)

A masked actor (possibly named Thespis) begins to impersonate characters and engage in a call-and-response with the chorus.

At the beginning of this chapter, I asked you to define art. Now I want you to respond more personally by choosing a particular kind of art you like—a type of music, a style of painting, a genre of literature—and describe what it is you like about it. Feel free to be subjective in your answer—this is about beginning to articulate your own personal criteria.

A type of art that I enjoy most would be music. Personally, I think that music is a very personal and emotion-filled experience that makes many people feel different ways depending on the type of music. Music helps you bond with other people and you can bond over type of music that you enjoy the type of music that you don't like, and it can help you feel encouragement during rough times. You can also make you feel extremely confident and feel good about yourself when you're feeling down about your appearance. Also, when you're feeling down and need that little extra push to cry, Music is always there for you to give you that little push if you need it. If you just become friends with somebody, you can bond over music that you both enjoy and blasted in your car or over speaker in your house. A lot of friendships start in a car or at a party, and you can really enjoy your time with somebody if y'all are listening the same type of music and enjoy it. Music is a very powerful source of art and it can change lives, improve moods, or help create lifelong friendships.

In your own words, summarize the importance of masks in Noh Theatre.

Asked for very important in Noh theater and are worn only by the main character. The mask aids in freezing time of the action that rises out of the ordinary. For the Noh character that is wearing the mask it gives them somewhat of a magical power and allows for them to do things out of the ordinary that the other characters would not be able to do. It is considered one of the most important parts in Noh theater and it is used to showcase the character that is wearing it and the emotions that they feel during the drama. It is used to showcase the Noh plays imagination and enhance the audiences ability to realize the appropriate body language and gestures that the wearer of the Noh mask is illustrating. The origins of the Noh mask used to be strictly and primarily religious factors, but this changed a long ago and now it is used to portray the emotions and gestures of the main character in the Noh drama. For the wearers of the Noh mask, it is similar to wearing make up for American actors. However, it symbolizes a much different thing for Noh performers and for them, it gives them a certain power to change their own appearance and fully become their character. The Noh performer will not know which mask they will wear, they will choose their mask, but it will not be exactly predetermined and the Noh performer will make the final determination as to which mask they wear. This mask is used and signifies mysterious yet magical capabilities that it has in the Noh theatre world, and it gives the wearer a new sense of confidence and attitude while wearing it that allows them to fully become their character and showcase every emotion in detail to the audience.

A "dialectic" describes a productive tension between two things that seem to contradict one another. In this video, Tony Kushner describes Brecht's work as embracing the "essential dialectic" of the theatre. What is he talking about and how does it relate to Brecht's techniques?

Brecht was not giving people instructions on what to do. Instead, he gave them ideas that he thought could improve the play. This way he was not instructing people on what to do, but instead giving them suggestions that they could make unique. Using illusion helps bring in outside objects to real life and allows them to be used in the play without them actually being there. this allows the audience to think about it deeply and be fully engaged in the play, since they think it is actually happening. When actors choose their own clothing while in plays, it gives the audience a sense of the person's individuality and shows the audience a little bit of their personality.

What is Art? How would you define it, keeping in mind that your definition would apply to painting, sculpture, and architecture, but also to music, dance, and theatre?

I consider art to be a way to express emotions and feelings through a painting or a sculpture, or something like a song or a choreographed dance. In good art, you can really get a sense of what the artist or the painter or the dancer is feeling in their current life and you can relate to them and be able to feel what they feel. A good artist can get their audience to feel the way that they felt while creating that piece of art. Art is a way of life for some people, and observing art is a staple attraction for many people in this generation and in this time. Art has been able to preserve at South throughout centuries and it has transform dramatically throughout the centuries as well. Art is something that never dies and it never will, it will always thrive and it is something that is a staple to any culture worldwide.

When you tell this story to new people that you meet, what is it that you want them to understand about you by your telling it?

I don't really tell the story very often but it's something that's been really weighing on me recently. Being at college in a new environment with the recent loss of my mom is some thing that nobody should have to go through. If I do tell about it to other people, it's not to get pity from them or for them to feel bad for me it's probably just because they've seen me crying or something like that. I don't really want people to ever think that I just want them to feel bad for me because that's not the case at all. I sometimes tell people about my situation if we are all talking about it and just being deep and real with each other, but I don't just voluntarily say it to everyone new that I meet. Its still a very sensitive subject but everyday is easier than the last.

Think back on your personal experience with theatre. Perhaps you have attended a great deal of theatre in the past, or perhaps you have even participated, either onstage or behind the scenes. It is perfectly fine if you have never been to a live theatre performance. Think about other kinds of live performances you have attended, whether it was a musical concert, a circus, a religious ceremony, or even a parade. Describe a memorable experience that you have had while attending or performing in some form of live performance.

I have gone to several musical concerts and also been a part of a few theatre productions in the city that I grew up in. I recall one instance in which I was apart of the "High School Musical 2: Live" at a theatre in Memphis and it was very fun. I remember having to rush to change costumes and remember my lines and things and it being such a challenge for me being only around eight or nine. Being apart of that really made me realize how theatre was not my forte, although I had quite a lot of fun being apart of it.

What are your favorite shows to binge watch? Why?

I love to watch Grey's Anatomy. The show constantly has plot twists and brings in new people to never let the show get boring. It is mostly not about the surgeries that the doctors do, but about the personal lives of the workers and how challenging it is to be a surgeon. I also love to binge Criminal Minds. Criminal Minds is such a great show, even though the structure of it is the same with every episode. It is so fascinating to hear of all the things they discuss, since most of the scenarios are based on real life cases.

Think again about the performance you wrote about when you began this chapter. How did this performance comprise "showing doing?" What experiences and ideas were on display in this performance?"

In that performance, we acted out the roles of the people that were in "high school musical two" the movie. We showcase the emotions of the actors that we were portraying, and played out the scenes to the best of our abilities in order to give the audience an accurate presentation of what the actual movie was like. We practiced for weeks and weeks to make sure that the performance was the best of our abilities, and that it was as realistic as possible. There was a strong sense of commitment among the entire cast, as everybody wanted to make sure the performance was the best it could possibly be.

In your own words, describe one of the Living Theatre's performances, either The Brig or Paradise Now, and explain how this performance reflected their artistic innovations.

In this trailer, Paradise, was slightly different than what I normally picture it to be. This performance has actors showcasing them as how they actually feel about themselves. In the trailer, they discussed the legalization of marijuana. This is a large step for those who are wanting to show their true selves and what they want. The film then continues to show the actors smoking marijuana and getting high. This helps prove to the audience that their main goal is to get high and get marijuana legalized. Another way the actors express themselves in this trailer is by being halfway clothed. The men wore nothing but a cloth over their private parts, while the women wore a bra and underwear. Normally, people like to wear no clothes when expressing their opinion so they can show off their body and tell everyone that there is nothing to be afraid of. Because of this originality, the film is able to show its artistic innovations to the world without causing problems. This shows the viewers what the actors believe in and what their reasoning is, but do not cause a problem by having anyone fight or last back. they don't want to cause any problems and the film showcases this.

"Who is your favorite actor? Try not to answer with the actor you find most attractive, but focus instead on skill and talent. What draws you to this particular actor? Identify three traits of the actor's performance that you believe set this actor apart from others and then provide examples from this actor's work to illustrate those traits." **Please note that throughout this chapter, I use the word "actor" to refer to both male and female performers.

My favorite actor is Jennifer Aniston. She plays several different diverse roles in her movies and television shows, yet she always does an amazing job at them. She plays a comedic role in the television show "Friends", yet she also played a very serious role in other movies that she was featured in. Aniston has a natural gift for acting and portraying a certain character, and she adapts quite easily to everything that she is presented in. Aniston always portrays her character perfectly, making the audience feel for the character and laugh or cry or scream with her. This means that Aniston has a natural gift of acting and pretending that her life is someone else's. Aniston is a world renowned actor and it allows her to be cast in all types of movies or television shows, and stand out from the crowd. She is known for this ability as well.

What is the relationship between the characters in this scene?

Professor Marvel is wanting to guess Dorothy's wishes and why she is out alone by herself, while Dorothy is wanting to figure out what is going to happen in her life. Professor Marvel seems to be some kind of mind reader or psychic and Dorothy believes that he has answers about her life. It is like a teacher dynamic between the two of them, since Professor Marvel is helping Dorothy find her way in what she wants to do.

What does each character want in this scene?

Professor Marvel wants to help Dorothy to figure out what is going on in her life and get her to go with him, and Dorothy wants Professor Marvel to tell her what all is going on in her life with her family and tell her what will happen later on in her life as well. Professor Marvel wants Dorothy to stay with him, while Dorothy leaves immediately after hearing what Professor Marvel says about the crystal ball.

Look at the two images posted this week on the course website. These images are from two different productions of the same play. A novice might be confused by that—which one is 'correct' in the sense of being true to the script? Of course, you have probably moved past that assumption by now. You know that designers and actors can make unique choices without compromising the script. However, the choices in the photos below seem to add up to two different "versions" of the play. What do you see in these pictures? How would you describe each photo in two sentences or more, focusing on the differences between them?

The first image is displaying a man who feels that he has all the power in the situation that he is in, his confidence is shown through his stance and his positioning on his seat. His outfit also shows that he feels that he is the smartest one in the room and that he is better than everybody else. The second image is more humbling and it is not as confident as the other, it shows that the character that is being portrayed is more of a friendly character and he isn't as self-absorbed. The second image is far more realistic in the structure of the play.

Imagine that you are part of a team creating a time capsule that will be opened in 2500 years. While other members of the team are putting in information about the sciences and philosophy and other aspects of modern life, your job is movies. You have to select five films from the last 100 years to represent what life was like in the United States during that time. You can be confident that no other movies will survive at that time...the five you pick are it. Try to avoid just choosing your five favorite movies...focus instead on making decisions that will help people 2500 years from now understand what it was like to be alive during this period of history. For each of your five films, provide a short (3-5 sentences) explanation of why you have chosen that film.

The first movie I would pick would be Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor, while it is not based on real people that were at Pearl Harbor when the bombings occurred, is a great depiction of what occurred on that awful day and the things that occurred after. It helps people to get an understanding of the loss that happened to all types of people, and the kind of casualties that occurred in the war. Crew members, soldiers, nurses, and civilians alike were murdered with no regard to their life and it gives a great depiction of the reality of life during Pearl Harbor and after it. The second movie that I would pick would be Its A Wonderful Life. This movie is a Christmas movie and it would give the viewer an understanding of the home life during this time in the United States. It depicts a man who is choosing between a family or a different life, and his though process throughout it. This movie is a classic in the cinema history of America, and it would be necessary to people 2500 years from now. The third movie I would pick would be The Godfather. The Godfather gives the viewer an accurate description of the gang life that occurs in the United States, and it gives a behind the scenes view of how it is orchestrated. This movie is a cinematic masterpiece, and it accurately depicts one of the most infamous gangsters in American history. It tells of Al Capone and his gang and the adventures that they embark on. The fourth movie that I would pick would be Saving Private Ryan. This movie gives an accurate description of what occurs in the Marines in this day and age, and it is based on a real story that happened. Private Ryan was lost during a mission, and no man is left behind, so they went back to get him. This movie is riveting and it gave viewers a look into what it is like during war in the modern days. The last movie I would pick is Mamma Mia. This movie is such a great musical, and musicals are a very popular genre of movie nowadays. Mamma Mia depicts the lives of a mother and daughter who live in Greece and the daughter is getting married and wants to find her father. This movie is such a happy movie, but it also jerks at your emotions and keeps you invested from beginning to end.

Think of an issue of public concern that you care about. It can be a national issue or one that only affects your local community. In either case, it should be something about which you have a strong personal interest, whether that arises from your moral commitments, your political ideology, or your economic well-being. Now imagine how you could use theatre to address that issue. Do not only think about the story you might want to tell—although that is a very good place to start—but also about how this piece of theatre would be presented. Who would be your ideal audience? How will you get that audience to come see your play? Where will you perform this play—that is, what kind of space, in what part of town, and at what time of day? How can you attract the right kind of people to your play and appeal to them for maximum effect?

The issue that I would discuss or illustrate would be the ignorance of women's rights. This would be presented through a careful showing of the struggles that women go through every day in order to not be cat called by a male, or even assaulted. My ideal audience would be the American people, and the audience would come to this play by its topic and its catching title. This play will be performed in a theatre in the Orpheum in Memphis, and it would be played during the evening. Since this topic applies to virtually every woman in America it will not be difficult to get them to come, and it would be presented in an appealing way to males.

In the last chapter, I asked you to think about how theatre sometimes falls short of its intentions. Now, imagine a set of "principles" for theatre that would allow all plays to reach the highest goals possible. What kinds of good could theatre do for people, whether on a social or individual level? How could you expand the definition of theatre to accomplish these new, lofty goals?

Theatre could connect with people in an amazing way. Theatre could represent common social issues that are going on, such as sexual assault, racism, women's rights, etc. It would help to give people a voice and help them to understand that they are not alone. Many people struggle with these issues, and if the theatre could portray these issues and show that survivors are never alone, that would be such an amazing thing for survivors. people feel quite alone in certain situations and the theatre has the ability to change that. The definition of theatre could be changed to, "a form of art that supports modern-day issues in society and connects with the audience in terms of actual situations by letting them know that they are not alone." if theatre were to change to this instead of what it is now, I believe many people would feel much more open about issues in America.

Consider the image on this week's course website. Imagine that you are looking through a window at the back of a theatre—you are outside of the theatre, and you cannot hear what is going on onstage. All you can know about the play comes from what you can see in this image. What kind of play is it? Is it funny or serious? Who are the characters in this scene and what is their relationship to one another? What is the time period and locale? Once you have answered these questions for yourself, look at the picture again and think about the visual design elements that give you clues to these answers. How do the costumes, lighting, and set convey this information?

This play is a very serious and action-packed performance. I believe that in this scene, the characters are in an important scene to the plot of the play. This scene is most likely some type of turning point in the plot of the play and it allows for the climax to occur. The play is most likely a serious play, with a few moments of comical relief in order to make it fully enjoyable to the audience. The characters in this scene are quite important, since the character that is standing up in the middle of the circle is most likely the main character and the people sitting around him, surrounding him, are most likely his followers and people that support him indefinantly. I would imagine that the time period of this play would be in the 1600s or so, since they are wearing medieval clothing and there is no electricity in the setting of this scene. The setting of this play is like a stone wall setting so this means that this is a medieval time period. I would image that this play is very enjoyable to the audience and it allows for a sense of relief when the comedic factors occur, and it keeps the audience entertained throughout the entire play. I would imagine the display would allow the audience to see things through a different perspective and I would absolutely love to watch this play in action and see if there more than a window in the back of the theater.

Although you can only follow so much of the plot of this play based on the "trailer" video, you can certainly pick up on who the heroes and villains are, as well as the overall political attitude of the piece. In a few sentences, summarize what you know about this play, including who the characters are, where they work, and what the overall conflict of the play is.

This play uses tragedy and humor in order to present an argument about thinking outside the box when it comes to labor and jobs in our current society. The characters have jobs in factories that are about to go into a major shutdown, and there is a large possibility that these factories would be opened up in San Francisco and Argentina. The singular main character is a female and she leads the entire play. There were only six people in the cast of the play, yet they played multiple roles so it seemed much larger than six. Even though the play uses acting, it also uses Jazz style dancing and a Jazz style band in a troupe while on stage. After watching the trailer it shows that the workers are nervous about getting fired but they are all saying that they cannot be fired. They said, "They can't fire me. I am the only one who knows where everything is." However, a worker is fired anyways. The boss in the play was awful at the execution of firing people. He made them cry even though there were much easier and nicer ways to calm him down and settle the argument.

What comes to mind when you hear the word "classical"? Perhaps you think of classical music, but you might also think of classical dance or other classical art forms. (Let us put aside the more historically specific definition of The Classical Age in Greek and Roman History). For this survey, choose one piece of "classical" music or other art and explain what makes it classical. Please elaborate your answer in 3-5 sentences

When I hear the word "classical," it makes me think of classical movies that were created in the past centuries. A piece of "classical" art that I enjoy would be the movie "Miracle on 34th Street." This movie is a classic in the sense of American cinematic history, and it changed the perception of movies during this time. Before this, movies did not have much depth or perception in the storyline and viewers did not have much to cling to in order to feel what the characters were. However, this movie changed that and it allowed for viewers to feel all sorts of emotions.

Arts such as sculpture and music have long been regarded as creative achievements, but our definition of art is always growing and expanding. One particularly interesting debate over the last few decades has been whether or not food can be a medium for art. Many cooks who pursue a career in food preparation get degrees in "Culinary Arts," although the term may just be a holdover from a time when the definition of art had more to do with skill than imagination. Nevertheless, food can perform some of the functions we have discussed here. For this journal, I want you to think of a meal you have had that was very special. Maybe it was cooked at home or maybe it was something you ordered at a restaurant; it may even be something you ate at a catered event, like a wedding.

When I was little my mom used to make this casserole every Sunday night. It was a sausage casserole, and it had sausage and breadcrumbs and noodles and all of these delicious ingredients in it that made it so amazing. We would make this casserole and sit on the couch and watch this movie called a dreamer. My dad and my mom and I would do this every Sunday night for dinner for almost a year, and it was a very special time for us as a family. Whenever I would ask my mom to make this dish it would be such a special thing and she eventually taught me how to make it myself. We would make this together as I got older, and it was such a fun experience for us to be able to bond and cook together. It's something that I remember to this day and it's such a fun memory, especially since she's not here with us anymore. She knew it was my favorite dish and she always made it without hesitation, and it brought her so much joy to make this dish for me and see how much I appreciated her and everything she did. My mom is one of the most selfless people I've ever met and this is a memory that is at the forefront of my mind when I think of her. She did this for many many years until I could make it myself, and then I started making it for my parents.

order two (Greek theatre)

Worshippers celebrate the god Dionysus through structured festivals including the performance of long, choric hymns.

order one (Greek theatre)

Worshippers celebrate the god Dionysus through unrestrained festivals that involved a frenzied "possession" by the god.

Our theatre is putting on the world premiere of a new play. The director and the actors are having a lot of difficulty making a particular scene work. Someone needs to communicate with the playwright and explain the challenges in staging the scene, so that the playwright can consider a re-write.


The next play in the season takes place in Eastern Europe during World War II. The actors and director need someone to help them understand the context that informs these characters' lives.


Bread and Puppet is another example of agitprop theatre, which raises a public issue and then offers a solution. What is the solution that this performance suggests to the prison overcrowding problem?

invest more money in colleges than prisons to expand opportunities

The reader is left to reflect that she was never happy in the first


a woman with a delicate heart condition learns that her husband has died


The woman finds out her husband has not actually died, and she herself dies from the sudden shock


"But if we ought to abominate all that is immodest, on what ground is it right to hear what we must not speak? For all licentiousness of speech, nay, every idle word, is condemned by God. Why, in the same way, is it right to look on what it is disgraceful to do? How is it that the things which defile a man in going out of his mouth, are not regarded as doing so when they go in at his eyes and ears...You have the theatre forbidden, then, in the forbidding of immodesty."


You are watching a Kabuki play when one of the actors stops, widens his stance, swivels his head, rolls his eyes, and freezes. What just happened?

the actor is emphasizing a particularly dramatic moment by drawing the audience's attention, just like a "close-up" film

how many of the following are choices that an actor makes

the character's motivations how the character speaks how a character moves

Describe three images from this video that you find particularly vivid.

the first image that stuck out to me was the first image in which the two people were sitting in beds and a hand came out to try to grab them. The second image that stood out to me was when the girl grabbed the bag of blood and dripped it down her face. The third vivid image I remember was when the spotlight was on the man and he just screamed.

Think back to a theatre production you have seen, either this semester or sometime in your past? What aspects of the production really stood out to you? What elements fell short? Do you think the theatre artists involved accomplished what they set out to do? More importantly, do you think that what they were setting out to do was worth doing? In a few sentences, imagine a new universal "rule" for theatre that would prevent theatre from doing things that are unnecessary. You may be as wildly imaginative as you like, but you should follow up by asking yourself, is this new rule fair?

the things that stood out to me were the intense singing and walking down the aisles of the theatre in order to make the audience feel more included. This production was very well constructed but it was a little cheesy, so it could have had a little bit better of acting or the storyline could have been a little more interesting. The artists definitely accomplished what they set out to do, since this was a Christmas play about Jesus Christ and telling his story in a more modern way. What they were setting out to do is something that should happen much more often, many people do not have the means to understand who or what Jesus Christ is, and they have no idea how much Jesus Christ will change their life if they begin believing in Him. A rule I would make would be for theatre to adjust the simplicity of their play according to their audience size. In other words, if your audience size is only twenty or twenty-five, the extravagance of the play would not be as major as a play with one hundred and twenty audience members. I have been to many plays and some were small and some were large, but in some cases the small ones were much more extravagant than the large ones. In my opinion, a large play should have more equipment, more lighting, more creative ideas about how to get the audience involved in the play and feel like they are in the play with the actors. This rule is quite fair although it might take some adjusting.

A director looks at sketches from each of the designers involved in a production and tries to imagine how they will look when they are all put together.


An educated male character, often an artist or scholar


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