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Be able to recite (write) the words of St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:12

"As a body is one though it has many parts, and all parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ."

What three vocations require Holy Orders?

Deacon, Priest, Bishop

In Luke's Gospel, why does Jerusalem play a central role for Jesus' ministry? (4.5)

Jerusalem was Jesus' destination because as a prophet, Jesus knew he must go there to die.

What does the Sanctuary Light remind us?

Jesus (God) is truly present in the tabernacle.

Name four kinds of miracles Jesus performed. (4.4)

Jesus performed: 1. physical healings 2. exorcisms 3. nature miracles 4. he raised people from the dead

List three things from the Sermon on the Plain(Lk 6:17-49) that the Lord requires of his followers. (4.2)

Jesus requires his followers to: * love even their enemies *follow the Golden Rule *imitate god *listen to the words of Jesus and make them come alive in their hearts.

What happened at the Great Commissioning?

Jesus said to make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, tach them my commands, and know that I am with you until the end of time.

What was the purpose of Jesus' miracles? (4.4)

Miracles achieved Jesus' purpose of announcing the presence of the Kingdom of God.


False belief that claimed that secret knowledge (gnosis) of salvation was transmitted by Christ to the Apostles or selected followers. Denied the Resurrection of Christ and would not accept that the son of God took on human flesh. Said material reality is evil. Denied the validity of Scripture and the authority of the pope and bishops to rule the Church.

Ecumenical Councils

Gatherings of all the Catholic bishops of the world. the word ecumenical pertains to a theological recognition of and willingness to learn from those different faith traditions. Ecumenical councils determine those things that all the local churches will hold in common.

What is the meaning of the parable of the Prodigal Son? (4.3)

God is a compassionate, loving, non-judgmental father whose love cannot be earned or depleted.

Which most truly describes God

God is love

What is the meaning of the parable of the wheat and the weeds (Mt 13:24-30, 36-43)? (4.2)

God will separate the good from the bad and will reward the faithful and punish the evildoers.

What is the focus of the Church's sacred memory?

God's revelation in Jesus Christ.

According to the parable of the sower (Mt 13:1-9, 18-23), name two situations that keep people from entering the Kingdom of God. (4.2)

Situations that keep people from entering the Kingdom of God would include: * lack of understanding * temptation of the devil * giving in to trials and persecution * lure of wealth * lure of worldly concerns.

To whom did the Blessed Mother appear to in order to ask that a medal be made to honor the Immaculate Conception?

St. Catherine Laboure.

What does the priesthood of the baptized mean?

That the baptized worship God, receive the sacraments, and give witness to Christ and the Church by their lives.

What are examples of the individualistic mentality present in the life of high school students?

People plugged into their own music, their phones, their stuff and finding reasons to avoid friendship/relationship.

What is an example of religion being treated as a product rather than a way of life?

People shopping around for the best music, or the finest preacher, or the most social opportunities, or the most welcoming congregation, etc.


The denial of Christ and the repudiation of the Christian Faith by a baptized Christian.

Deposit of Faith

The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, handed down in the Church from the time of the Apostles, from which the Magisterium draws all that it proposes for belief as being divinely revealed.

What is NOT necessarily an effect of the sacraments on the faithful who receives them with faith and love.

Sacraments unite us with Christ, and with each other. They also increase our capacity to receive God's love and to give it. They do NOT make us smarter.

Sanctuary - what does it mean and what does it symbolize?

Sanctuary -- Latin for holy ... the area of the church where the Real Presence is consecrated and is often reserved in a Tabernacle.

What is the difference between Scripture and Tradition?

Scripture is the spoken Word of God. Tradition is the passing on of the Gospel.

Sacred Tradition

The living transmission of the Church's Gospel message found in the Church's teaching, life, and worship. It is faithfully preserve,d handed on, and interpreted by the Church's Magisterium.


The movement, inspired and led by the Holy Spirit that seeks the union of all Christian religions and eventually the unity of all peoples throughout the world within the Catholic church.


The name for participants in one of the nine armed expeditions by Christians beginning in 1094 and ending in 1291 that were intended to drive the Muslims out of the Holy Land and in the process reunited the Christians of the East and West.

What is the main job of the bishop?

To unify the local church as pastor and teacher

Church Fathers

Traditional designation given to theologians of thefirst eight centuries whose teachings made a lasting mark on the Church.

What trait of God refers to his total otherness and being infinitely beyond and independent of creation.


A large source of contention between the Eastern and Western Churches was and is whether the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son, or from the Father alone. True or False


In Acts of the Apostles, Peter had a dream that permitted him to let go of Jewish dietary laws and notions of "clean and unclean" and accept those who wished to follow God. True or False


In the Church we can love one another with the same love by which the Father and Son love each other in God. True or False


The Church is apostolic because she is built on the foundation of the apostles, with Jesus as the capstone, the Church remains faithful to the teachings of the apostles, and she accepts the teaching, sanctification and guidance of the apostles' successors, the bishops. True and False


The relationship between the Catholic Church and Islam is based on the belief in one God who is the Creator. (True or False)


When is individualism a problem for people?

When it drives people apart from one another.


A Christian virtue of charity and friendship whereby members of the human family share material and spiritual goods.

Moto propio

A Latin term that means "of his own accord." It signifies words in papal documents that were decided by the pope personally.

What is a sacramental?

A Sacramental is a sacred sign (object, place, or action) that resembles the sacraments.


A break in Christian unity that takes place when a group of Christians separates itself from the Church. This happens historically when the group breaks in union with the pope.


A false doctrine taught by John Calvin that God determines people for salvation or damnation before they are born and that no human effort can merit Salvation or entrance into the elect.

What is a parable? (4.3)

A parable is a short story with a striking, memorable comparison that jesus used to reveal a religious truth about some aspect of the Kingdom of God.

Once martyrdom (dying for the faith) stopped being the common way of identifying saints, what did the Church then look at?

After martydom stopped being the common way of identifying saints, miracles were associated with Christian saints.

Episcopal collegiality

All the bishops of the Church with the pope as their head. This college together, but never without the pope, has supreme and full authority over the universal church.

What kinds of furniture are would one expect to find in the sanctuary?

Ambo (where the readings are read), altar (of sacrifice), presider's chair, tabernacle & Sanctuary light.

Protestant Reformation

An effort to reform the catholic Church in the sixteenth century which led to the separation of large numbers of Christians from communion with Rome and with each other.


An obstinate denial after Baptism to believe a truth that must be believed with divine and Catholic Faith or an obstinate doubt about such truth.

What is Heresy

An obstinate denial after Baptism to believe a truth that must be believed with divine and Catholic faith, or an obstinate doubt about such truth.

Why did Jesus' opponents think he committed blasphemy? (4.4)

Because he claimed a power reserved to God -- the power to forgive sin.

Why does the Church accept most Christian baptisms as valid, even if not done in the Catholic Church?

Because the Church sees Baptism as the foundation of unity among all Christians, of all denominations who baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Why are bishops called the "authentic teachers" of the Faith?

Because through apostolic tradition, the bishops are enabled to teach the mystery of Jesus Christ in its entirety.

The Church's unity is guarantied primarily by


What are the precepts of the Church?

Catholics must attend Mass every Sunday. Catholics must receive reconciliation at least once a year. Catholics must receive communion at least once a year during Easter. Catholics must observe days of fasting and abstinence. Catholics must contribute to the support of the Church.

What are some positive reasons people may attempt to remain autonomous in their Faith life?

Celebrating one's indivdiduality since God created each person in his own image and likeness and because God loves each person uniquely and distinctly.


Central truths of Revelation that Catholics are obliged to believe.

What are dogmas?

Central truths of the Catholic faith, defined by the Magisterium that Catholics are obliged to receive.

In light of the learning in this chapter, complete the following sentence. "Sinners belong in the..."


The role of the bishop in preserving the Church's catholicity

is limited to the diocese to which he is appointed

The three main tasks of the pope and bishops are to

teach, sanctify and govern the Church.

Who is responsible for protecting and proclaiming the Church's Sacred Scripture.

the pope and the bishops.

Anemnesis is concerned with

the recovery of memory!

The Council of Jerusalem decided

to allow Gentiles to have a place in the Church iwthout converting to Judaism.

The role of the Pope in supporting the catholicity of the church is

to visit local churches throughout the world.

The dictionary definition of 'catholic' means

universal or involving all.


was used by the early church to distinguish the Church groups from promoting heresies.

What is the name of the Medal that honors the Immaculate Conception?

The Miraculous Medal


"Defender of the faith." A Catholic who works hard to dispel the false rumors about Catholicism and Christianity and who makes the faith appear both more reasonable and acceptable to non-Christians.

What are characteristics of solidarity?

* helps us see other people as other selves. *is a virtue whereby we share with our neighbors *urges and points to a desire for unity in all humanity.


1. At the Council of Chalcedon in 451, the doctrine of HYPOSTATIC UNION was taught by Pope Leo I and endorsed by the Council with the resounding words: "Peter has spoken through Leo". It taught that Jesus is one Divine Person with two natures: a divine nature and a human nature. [Following the Council of Chalcedon, those who accepted monopohystism formed the Oriental Orthodox churches]

Gnosticism Heresy (First developed in 2nd Century)

1. Claimed that secret knowledge (gnosis) of salvation was transmitted by Christ to the apostles or selected followers. 2. Denied the Resurection of Christ and would not accept that the Son of god took on human flesh. Said material reality is evil. 3. Denied the validity of Scripture and the authority of hte pope and bishops to rule the Church.


1. Council of Ephesus responded in 431 stating clearly that Jesus is one person with two natures. Everything jesus experienced was with his whole Person. From the moment of his conception, Jesus was fully human and fully divine. 2. Mary can rightly be called the Mother of God (Following the Council of Ephesus, churches that followed Nestorious returned to union with Rome).

APOLLINARIANISM HERESY (taught in 4th century)

1. Named for Apollinaris, a fourth-century bishop of Laodicea, this heresy claimed that although jesus had a human body, he had no human sou.

ARIANISM Heresy (first taught in 3rd century)

1. Named for Arius, a priest from Alexandria who was influenced by Greek philosophy, Arianism denied Jesus' divinity. 2. Held that Jesus was God's greatest creature who was made before time, but a creature nonetheless.

What are the Three Parts of the Catholic Church Building.

1. Narthex 2. Nave 3. Sanctuary

NESTORIANISM HERESY (taught in 5th century)

1. Nestorius, the patriarch of Constantinople, made a further distinction between Christ's humanity and divinity, teaching that some of Christ's traits were purely human and others were purely divine. 2. Nestorious declared that Mary was the Mother of only Jesus' human self and that she should not be called Thotokos, or Mother of God.

What 3 main issues led to the Eastern Schism

1. Pope Leo's the Great's condemnation in the 5th century of the Council of Chalcedons ruling that gave the Church of Constantinople the authority to make decisions for all the territories in the Byzantine Empire. The pope could not accept surrendering Church authority that was properly his as bishop of Rome. 2. Iconoclasm. Byzantine Emperor Leo III condemned the veneration of sacred images called icons as idolatry. The pope did not agree with this ruling. 3. 9th century dispute of the Western Church's addition of the phrase filioque (and from the Son) to the Holy Spirit section of the Nicene Creed without the approval of a Church council.


1. Preached by Eastern monks and thologians, this heresy held that Christ possessed only a divine nature and that his human nature was absorbed into his divine nature like "a drop of honey into the water of the sea."

What are the four stages in the canonization process? List them in order.

1. Servant of God 2. Venerable 3. Blessed 4. Sainthood

Name six vocations that can be paths to holiness:

1. Single Person 2. Husband or Wife 3. Sister or Brother 4. Deacon 5. Priest 6. Bishop

What was the Church's Response to Gnosticism?

1. St. Irenaeus, the Bishop of Lyons, argued against Gnosticism in his Against Heresies, highlighting the importance of Sacred Tradition for arriving at religious truth. 2. Argued that God intended to join the physical nature of humans with his spiritual nature. 3. The source of right teaching and belief resides with the Church because the church was founded by Jesus and entrusted to St. Peter.


1. St. Irenaeus, the bishop of Lyons, argued against Gnosticism in his Against Heresies, highlighting the importance of SACRED TRADITION for arriving at religious truth. 2. Argued that god intended to join the physical nature of humans with his spiritual nature. 3. The source of right teaching and belief resides with the Church because the Church was founded by Jesus and entrusted to St. Peter.

There are connections between the Catholic Church and Judaism including

1. The Old Covenant that God first revealed to the Jews. 2. Both faiths awaiting the Messiah.

What do Jesus' miracles accomplish? (4.4)

1. showed that God's power has broken into human history through the coming of his Son. 2. Show that Jesus Christ has dominion over Satan and the forces of darkness and evil. God's Kingdom is here. Satan's reign is ending. 3. They reveal that because he is God, Jesus has the power to forgive sins. 4. Miracles reveal his identity as God's only son, the Savior and the Messiah. 5. As signs of God's Kingdom that has broken into human history, the miracles demonstrate a remarkable way God's love and compassion for us. 6. They lead people to put their faith in Jesus, helping them recognize who he is -- Emmanual, God with us.

When speaking of dogma, it is important to remember these three things:

1. they are infallible and irreformable 2. they cannot change in their essence 3. language used to describe dogma can change.

Episcopal synods

A representative body of bishops assembled periodically by the pope to advise him on important Church concerns. It is not a legislative body.


A term that literally means "bridge-builder." It refers to the bishop of Rome or the pope.

Who receives the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

Bishops, Priests and Deacons.

Come up with as many titles of Mary as you can think of.

Blessed Virgin Mother of God Queen of Heaven Queen of All Saints Queen of the Universe Mother of the Church Mystical City of God

Identify Levi and Zacchaeus. Why did Jesus associate with tax collectors? (4.2)

Both were tax collectors. They were hated individuals because they worked for the Romans and, since they were paid on commission, routinely skimmed money from their tax collections. Jesus wanted to let outsiders in, to offer sinners the opportunity to repent, and to make it clear that repentant sinners were welcome in the Kingdom of God.

How do doctrine differ from dogma?

Dogma are teachings Catholics are obliged to believe, doctrine help us to understand those teachings.

Who is called to holiness?


Who is Pier Giorgio Frassati?

Frassati was a teen who enjoyed the outdoors, was passionate about injustice, and had great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.

What did John Paul the II do regarding sins committed by Catholics, past and present?

He asked for forgiveness. He asked for forgiveness over ninety times during his pontificate.

What did Peter confess about Jesus' identity? (4.5)

He declared that Jesus was the Messiah, God's Son.

How did Jesus show through a miracle he had the power to forgive sin? (4.4)

He healed a paralyzed man.

How did Jesus institute the Eucharist? Why did he do so? (4.5)

He instituted the Eucharist by identifying himself with the broken bread and the wine poured out and shared. He gave us the Eucharist to remember him, to enable us to share in his sacrifice on the Cross and his rising to new life.


In 381 the First council of Constantinople labeled this belief a heresy and taught that Jesus was fully man and fully God.

Explain how the parable of the Tenant Farmers (Lk 20:9-16) is an allegory that applies to Jesus himself. (4.3)

It is an allegory wherein the vineyard owner is God, the tenants are the religious leaders of Israel, the servants are God's prophets, and the son is Jesus himself.

What does it mean when someone says the Church is Corpus Permixtum?

It means we are a mixed body of saints and sinners.

What does the Roof represent in the Nave of the Church?

It represents charity which covers a multitude of sins.

What is a negative aspect of consumerism as it relates to the faith?

It turns the goodness that God has provided into "packaged products" or material goods for personal enjoyment, with little acknowledgment of God being the author of all gifts. It also fosters an "upgrading" mentality.

Lumen Gentium...what did the introductory chapter say about the Church?

It was conceived by the Father, inaugurated by the Son, and is sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

Why did Jesus tell the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Lk 18:9-14) (4.3)

Jesus told the Parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in order to reject the notion that the outwardly religious are superior to the other people and to show that God welcomes the humble sinner. [Note: Both the tax collector and the Pharisee were spiritually weak. It was only the sinful tax collector, however, who recognized his spiritual poverty. At the end of his rope, he understood that only God could save him. Unlike the rich Pharisee (who thinks he has it all together on his own), the tax collector was so "poor" he didn't even have pride to swallow.

How do the parables of the mustard seed and yeast (Mt 13:31-33) stress both the present and future dimensions of the Kingdom of God? (4.2)

Like the seed or yeast in dough, the Kingdom is now present, but it will flourish int he future when the seed sprouts and blossoms and when the yeast expands the dough.

What is the prayer of the Church? And who is required by obedience to recite it?

Liturgy of the Hours. It uses Scriptures, especially psalms for different hours of the day....Clergy take a vow to pray it daily.

What is the meaning of the word Church?

Means a convocation or assembly. Its origins in Greek and Latin mean to "call out of" meaning that people are called out from their isolation to togetherness.

Who appeared with Jesus at the Transfiguration? (4.5)

Moses and Elijah

Does the holiness of the church depend upon the holiness of its members?


Does authentic devotion to Mary ever distract Christians from the saving work of Jesus? Why or why not.

NO. Because Mary always leads us to Jesus. In prayer, we ask only her intercession.

Do we worship saints?

NO. We pray to them for their intercession and to honor them because they are models of Christian living.

Is it necessary for a person to separate themselves form the world in order to be a saint?

NO. What is more important is a life of prayer, publicly living the virtues, and self-denial imitating Christ.

Narthex -- what does it mean and what does it symbolize?

Narthex - a vestibule that separates the outside world from the interior of the church. The doors symbolize leaving the world to enter into God's House (heaven!).

Nave - what does it mean and what does it symbolize?

Nave - Latin for Boat ... received its name from the idea that the People of God are on a boat with Peter's successor, the pope sailing through the storms of life.


Nine armed expeditions by Christians beginning in 1095 and ending 1291 that tried to drive Muslims out of the Holy Land and in the process reunite Christians of the East and West.

What two things did Jesus ask people to do when he announced the coming of the Kingdom of God? (4.2)

Repent and believe the Good News (Gospel).

What are some titles and feasts of Mary?

Solemnity Mary Mother of God Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Presentation int he Temple Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. Month of May Feast of the visitation Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Memorial of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Memorial of Saints Ann and Joachim - parents of the BVM Solemnity of Mary's Assumption Memorial of Mary's Queenship Birthday of Mary Our Lady of Sorrows Month of October Presentation of Mary

What were some common opinions of who Jesus was that were held by some of his contemporaries? (4.5)

Some thought he was John the Baptist come back to life, others Elijah, still others a prophet, but NOT the Messiah.

Who is St. Francis De Sales? What is his book and what was his message?

St. Francis De Sales was a bishop of Geneva who wrote "The Devout Life" and the treatise "On the Love of God". He helped refute the Calvinists' doctrine of predestination and taught that holiness is not just for monks or religious but for everyone. He encouraged everyone to seek holiness no matter what their state in life. His most famous quote is "bloom where you are planted."

What did St. Paul teach about the oneness of the members of the Church?

St. Paul understood the Church to be like the human body with different parts that must work together for the whole body to thrive. He did not believe that individuals could define the meaning of Church themselves. St. Paul believed that individuals participate in the life of the Church because everyone needs the Church.

Who is St. Therese of Lisieux?

St. Therese was a Carmelite nun who died young but wrote a journal about her spiritual life, the symbol of which was the "little flower."

What is often hung on the walls of the Nave?

Stations of the Cross

What kind of statues would one see in a Church?

Statue of Mary and often a Statue of Joseph.


The Church dogma that teaches that the Blessed Mother, because of her unique role in her Son's Resurrection, was taken directly to Heaven when her earthly life was over.


The Council of Nicea 325 condemned Ariansim and expressed the Church's teaching in the Nicene Creed. Taught that Jesus is consubstantial with the Father, that is, Christ possesses the same nature as God the Father.

Why is the Eucharist the center of the Church's life? (4.5)

The Eucharist both creates and celebrates the Church, allowing Jesus to dwell in us and transform us.

How were all three Persons of the Blessed Trinity present at the Transfiguration? (4.5)

The Father in the voice, Jesus in the flesh, the Holy Spirit in the bright cloud.

What does the Floor represent in the Nave of the Church?

The Foundation of Faith.

What was the Transfiguration of Jesus? (4.5)

The Transfiguration was an epiphany event in which the glory of God was revealed through the Son.

The feast of Pentecost celebrates

The beginning of the mission of the Church, the presence of hte Holy Spirit filling the apostles with the gifts of the Spirit, the courage of the apostles to expand the boundaries of the Church's communion.

Immaculate Conception

The belief that Mary was conceived without Original Sin.


The bringing of the Good News of Jesus Christ to others through words and actions.

Blessed Trinity

The central mystery of the Christian Faith. It teaches that there are Three Divine persons in one God -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

What is the general message of Jesus' parables? (4.3)

The general message of Jesus parables is that they are invitations to become part of the Kingdom of God.

What is the significance of Jesus celebrating a Passover meal with his Apostles? (4.5)

The significance of Jesus celebrating a Passover meal was that Jesus transformed the Passover meal into the new Passover, to become our Passover Lamb and to leave us a memorial of his Death and Resurrection.


The trait of God that refers to his total otherness and being infinitely beyond and independent of creation.

What does the church look for in determining one's sainthood?

They look for a life of prayer, giving witness to Christ through self-denial, and publicly living the virtues.

What does consumerism have to do with religion?

This "ism" clashes with religion when people forget that God provides the items that they consume. Some people see religion as a kind of product to be consumed with little reflection on its connection to the rest of the Faith tradition or other members of the community. Some church-goers can have an "upgrade" mentality if they change churches when they find something they like better elsewhere. The upgrading mentality also leads other to cobble together a personal spirituality that may combine the Christian story with myths, symbols, and rituals drawn from other religious traditions.

What are 3 ways the Church is Holy?

Ways the Church is holy is 1. through sacramental graces 2. practice of a Christian vocation 3. moral behavior based on 10 Commandments and Beatitudes.

What does the Church tell us is a true path to holiness?

We are to participate in the one sacrifice of Christ and live the graces of the Paschal Mystery as the true path to holiness.

What are wounds to unity of the church?

apostasy, heresy, schism.

What are the three degrees of Holy Orders?

deacon, priest, bishop

What characterized early saints?

martyrdom ... dying for the faith

The domestic church refers to...

the family.

The sacred memories of the Church are kept alive through

the passing along of Christ's teachings through the Church's magisterium.

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