Theology Chapter 2 extras

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How were followers of Manichæism expected to live their lives?

Manichæism required strict asceticism and sacrifice such as fasting and other personal disciplines.

Who was the founder of Manichæism, and where was he from?

His name was Mani, and he was born in Persia around AD 216.

Why is St. Jerome's Vulgate thought to be the most faithful translation of the Bible?

At his time in history, St. Jerome had access to original texts which no longer exist.

What is the famous story about how Constantine won the Battle at Saxa Rubra?

Before the battle, Constantine saw a cross above the sun inscribed with the words in hoc signo vinces. He ordered his soldiers to enter battle with a cross etched on each shield, and they were victorious.

What was Gnosticism's disagreement with Judaism?

Gnosticism claimed that the Jews worshiped the wrong god—the Demiurge—who was evil. Since Judaism (along with Christianity) claimed that the created order was good, Gnosticism claimed that the Jewish faith kept the divine spark imprisoned.

What was the central issue facing the Church that St. Ambrose struggled against?

He fought for the Church's independence from the State.

Why did St. Ambrose excommunicate the emperor Theodosius AD 390?

He had slaughtered 700 people in Thessolonika. St. Ambrose made the emperor do public penance for this act, and later readmitted him to the Church.

What was St. Jerome's greatest accomplishment?

He translated the whole Bible from its original languages into Latin, so that it could be read by the people of his day.

What is Heresy?

Heresy is disbelief in one or more articles of the Deposit of Faith.

What is Montanism?

It is a heresy that began in the late second century. Montanus claimed that the Holy Spirit made private revelations to him and his two female prophets, Prisca and Maximilla, and they claimed that these messages had an authority equal to Scripture and apostolic Tradition, which was a direct challenge to the Deposit of Faith.

How does one gain the title of "Doctor of the Church"?

It is a title bestowed by the Pope on those whose personal holiness and explanation of theology were exemplary.

What is the Douay‑Rheims translation?

It is an English translation of St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate.

How would a man gain the title of "Church Father"?

It is not an official title given by the Church, but by tradition.

What is gnosis?

It is the Greek word for "knowledge."

In the sense of an Ecumenical Council of the Church, what does the word "ecumenical" mean?

It means a gathering of all the Catholic bishops in the world, under the leadership of the Pope, who come together to discuss central issues of the Church.

Docetism takes it name from the Greek word dokesis meaning what?

It means appearance or semblance.

What was the central teaching of Manichæism?

It taught that Satan had stolen particles of light and placed them in the brains of humans. The goal of Manichæism was to share secret knowledge that would liberate these particles so that they could return to their original source.

According to Gnosticism, what is the divine spark?

It was something that originates in the Divine Being that is found in some people. A redeemer sent from the divine being comes to liberate that spark from the bodies of Gnostic believers so that the spark might return to the Divine Being.

Which was the First Ecumenical Council, and when was it held?

It was the Council of Nicæa, and it was held AD 325.

What were St. Jerome's two enduring passions?

Living a simple ascetical life and scholarship.

Who did Marcion accept as an authentic Christian authority, and why did he see this man as such?

Marcion recognized St. Paul, since many of St. Paul's writings emphasize love over the law.

What were the guiding premises of Gnosticism?

Secret knowledge had been given to a select few who possessed a divine spark.

Why are the teachings and writings of the Church Fathers regarding Scripture so important to us today?

Since they lived close to the time of the Apostles and during the times of the actual writings of the Scriptures, they have a unique perspective that is necessary for us to properly understand the Scriptures, especially the New Testament.

What great mind of the Church fell into the heresy of Manichæism and then later repudiated it?

St. Augustine.

Describe the Gnostic "Demiurge."

The Demiurge is the god who created the material world. Since the Demiurge is responsible for the created order, it is also responsible for evil in the world.

Describe the Gnostic "Divine Being."

The Divine Being created the Demiurge. The Divine Being is remote and unknowable, living in a perfect and spiritual realm.

What was the importance of the Edict of Milan (AD 313).

The Edict of Milan granted official freedom to Christians to practice the Faith while simultaneously restoring property taken by the Roman Empire from the Church.

Who is responsible for naming a Doctor of the Church?

The Pope can name a Doctor of the Church.

By what name is the study of the Church Fathers and their writings known?

The study is called patristics.

How is Gnosticism alive and well in our times?

The various New Age movements are nothing more than Gnosticism under a new mask.

How many Ecumenical Councils have been held in the history of the Church? When was the most recent, and what was it called?

There have been twenty‑one Ecumenical Councils. The most recent was called Vatican II and was held between 1962 and 1965.

Why did the Docetists think of Christ as a kind of ghost?

They believed that God would never unite himself to matter, which they believed was evil.

What was the false belief of the Docetists?

They believed that Jesus never really suffered the pain of the Cross, since he was not truly human, but only appeared as such. It was also taught that either Judas Iscariot or Simon of Cyrene somehow miraculously died in Jesus' place on the Cross.

Who founded Montanism, and what were his basic beliefs?

This heresy was founded by a man named Montanus in Phrygia. He claimed that due to a private outpouring of the Holy Spirit, he was privy to special information telling him that the new heavenly kingdom would be inaugurated in Pepuza, a small town in Phrygia.

In summary, what are the three basic beliefs of Gnosticism?

a. Matter is a corruption of spirit, therefore the world (the created order) is corrupt. b. Man must seek through knowledge to overcome this fallen state and return to God. c. God has made this possible by sending us a savior who is usually held to be Jesus.

List three other English translations of the Bible approved by the Catholic Church.

a. The New American Bible (NAB) b. The Jerusalem Bible c. The Revised Standard Version (RSV)

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