Theology Chapter 4

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The bishop of Rome took on the same primacy of leadership that Peter had in his lifetime.

Explain why the bishop of Rome is the pope.


Jesus gave Peter the power of _________________ when he said, "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven."

real presence

Jesus himself is truly present under the appearances of the consecrated bread and wine


TRUE OR FALSE: Jesus preached love in action towards those in need as a condition for entering the Kingdom of God.

false—He provoked people to follow or reject him.

TRUE OR FALSE: Jesus was a sign of contradiction, meaning he provoked people to following him.


TRUE OR FALSE: Jesus was sometimes unable to perform miracles when the people around him lacked faith.

false—It comes in parables.

TRUE OR FALSE: Jesus' invitation to enter the kingdom comes in the form of hyperbole, a characteristic feature of his teaching.

false—They were the first bishops.

TRUE OR FALSE: The Apostles were the first deacons in the Church.


TRUE OR FALSE: The Gospel writers quote prophecies that apply to Jesus to show how he fulfills the true understanding of the promised Savior.


The Sacrament of __________________ represents the unity of Christ and the Church.

Transfiguration, Three Persons, Elijah, prophets, confession, Chosen One, Peter

The _______________________ of Jesus was one of the most dramatic in his life. It revealed all __________________________ of the Blessed Trinity. The appearance of Moses and ___________ testifies that Jesus was the fulfillment of both the Law and the _______________. And Peter's __________________ of faith that Jesus was God's _________________________, was affirmed to the witnesses, ____________, James, and John.


the glorious transformation of Jesus that manifested his divine identity to Peter, James, and John


a meeting place for Jews to study and pray


The Last Supper was a celebration of this Jewish feast.



first, first

"Thus, the last will be __________, and the _________ will be last."


"one who was sent forth"


At a wedding feast, Jesus transformed water into _______.

1. The Kingdom is here, yet it also has a future dimension. (It will grow to be great according to God's design.) 2. You cannot earn the Kingdom of God; it is fully God's gift. (Jesus invites everyone to share in his heavenly gift.) 3. God loves sinners and calls them to his Kingdom. (We must forgive others as God forgives us.) 4. The Good News of God's Kingdom demands repentance. (We must love everyone, do good deeds, remain faithful, ask for God's mercy, forgive, and pray.) 5. The Good News about the Kingdom of God requires an urgent response. (We must be attentive and wait for God's return, giving all we have to gain God's Kingdom.) 6. Following Jesus may bring suffering. (We must be willing to make sacrifices to reach the Kingdom of God.) 7. In the end, you will be judged. (Christ will separate the good from the evil.)

Briefly summarize the seven most important lessons of the parables and what they teach about the Kingdom of God.

Simon Peter, Church, Keys to the Kingdom of heaven, bind and loose, absolve, doctrine

First among the Apostles was ________________ whom Jesus declared would be the rock upon which he would build his __________. He gave Peter the "___________________________________" meaning, Peter had the authority to govern the Church. His power to "________________________________" meant that Peter had authority to _____________ people of their sins, and make judgements about _____________ and disciplinary decisions for the Church.


Following Jesus may bring _________________.


He had the first place along the Twelve because Jesus entrusted a special mission to him.

They understood it to be a time in the future when God would show his power, pass judgement, and establish his divine rule over all of creation. Everyone would recognize the one true God.

How did Jesus' contemporaries understand the expression "Kingdom of God"?


In 2002, Pope John Paul II added the _________________ mysteries of the rosary.

Paschal Mystery

In his ______________________ Jesus ultimately accomplishes the coming of his Kingdom.

Great Feast, honor, exalts, humbles, invitation, servants, filled

In the parable of the ____________________ Jesus speaks to the guests about their desire to sit in places of __________. He says, "For everyone who _________ himself will be humbled, but the one who _____________ himself will be exalted." In the story, the guests invited refuse the __________________, so the host orders the _______________ to make people come in that the home may be ____________.

Jesus himself would usher in the Kingdom and, through his Death and Resurrection, open heaven's gates. Jesus' description also had both a present and future dimension. He also taught about the meaning of the Kingdom of God in more depth and detail than the Old Testament.

In what fundamental way did Jesus' description of God's Kingdom differ from the Jewish expectations?

He would "pass over" to his father by his Death and Resurrection, fulfilling the Jewish Passover.

In what sense did Jesus accomplish the full meaning of the "pass over"?

He challenges his followers to purify their consciences, to examine their own lives, and to ask themselves hard questions based on the nature of the parables.

In what ways does Jesus challenge his followers in his preaching, and especially in the parables?

invited, twelve, mission, preach, demons, disciple, apostle, preach, world

Jesus ________________ disciples to learn from him and chose ___________ specific men to be with him and participate in his ______________, giving them his authority to ____________ the Kingdom of God, to heal, and to drive out ______________. In the Gospels, a _______________—a student of the teacher—often refers to people who follow Jesus. The word _____________—meaning representative of the teacher—describes those whom Jesus sent to ____________ the Gospel to the whole ___________.

announced, public, accomplished, ransom, Chosen People, poor

Jesus ____________________ the coming of God's Kingdom from the beginning of his ___________ ministry, and inaugurated it in his own Person. He _______________________ the coming of his Kingdom by giving up his life as a _____________ for everyone. While Jesus first announced the coming of God's Kingdom to the __________________________ his invitation was to all people, especially the ________ and the lowly.


Jesus calls his disciples to "take up your __________" and follow him.

Passover, Father, memorial, disciples, Eucharist, disciples

Jesus celebrated the Jewish ______________ at the Last Supper. Knowing that he would soon return to his ____________, he gave his Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine as a _______________ of his love for his _______________ and of his Death and Resurrection. The __________________ meant that he would never be apart from his _______________ and made them sharers in his Passover.


Jesus performed four types of miracles: nature miracles, physical healings, __________________, and raisings from the dead.

Kingdom of God

Jesus' contemporaries understood the expression "____________________________" to be a time in the future when God would show his power, pass judgement, and establish his divine rule over all of creation.

sign or miracle, Cana, blessed, love, wine, Baptism, wine, Last Supper

Jesus' first _____________________ took place at a wedding feast in the town of _______, and references three sacraments. His attendance at the wedding ______________ marriage as a sacrament of divine _______. The water transformed into _______ symbolizes the purifying waters of _____________, and the wine points to the ________ which Jesus changes into his own Blood at the ________________________.


Jesus' miracles were that the messianic ____ had dawned.

miracles, Kingdom of God, earthly, infirmities, slavery, suffering, anticipate

Like the parables, Jesus' ____________ mirrored his teachings on the ______________________. They freed vulnerable people from ______________ problems and evils. Jesus' mission was to bear human ________________ in order to free people from sin, the worst ______________, not simply abolish all human _______________ on earth. The signs and wonders ___________________ the Kingdom that Jesus inaugurated.


Parables are like ___________ by which you can examine yourself.


Parables convey the _________ of Jesus' message.


Some Jews expected a Messiah who would be a ___________ leader.

Messiah, Israel, Jesus' religion, Suffering Servant

Some Jews expected a _________________ who would be a military leader who would re-establish ___________ as a leading nation in the world. Consequently, they interpreted ___________ words and actions as opposing the Jewish ________________ and could not perceive the Messiah to be the _____________________________________ of God that Jesus revealed himself to be.


Some of Jesus' detractors claimed his miraculous powers came from the __________.

1. They convey the heart of his message. 2. They show that Jesus was an outstanding teacher. 3. They give you a good sense of Jesus' ability to defend himself against opponents. 4. They engage listeners at a deeper level and challenge them to conversion. 5. They purify the consciences of their hearers.

Summarize the five reasons Jesus' parables are important.

-physical healings-divine place with no more suffering -exorcisms-power over Satan and demons -nature miracles-mastery over elements -raisings from the dead-mastery over life and death

Summarize what each of the four types of miracles uniquely reveals about God's Kingdom.

false—Apostleship carried more responsibility since apostles were expected to follow and learn from Jesus, and share the Good news and baptize.

TRUE OR FALSE: Discipleship carried more responsibility than apostleship.


TRUE OR FALSE: Jesus aimed his ministry at all people, calling the wealthy and influential to rethink the meaning of their true life's treasure while at the same time seeking those whom society considered "nobodies."


TRUE OR FALSE: Jesus announced the coming of God's reign of peace, justice, truth, and goodness.

false—He commanded them to celebrate it until he returned again.

TRUE OR FALSE: Jesus commanded his disciples to celebrate the Eucharist until he rose from the dead.

false—The Transfiguration prefigured Jesus' Passion, Death, and Resurrection.

TRUE OR FALSE: The Miracle of the Wedding at Cana was a prefiguración of Jesus' Passion, Death, and Resurrection.

false—The intention of miracles is to strengthen a person's faith in God.

TRUE OR FALSE: The intention of miracles is to satisfy people's curiosity.


TRUE OR FALSE: The language and actions in the miracle of the loaves and fishes resemble Jesus' language and actions when he instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper.

false—The people still questioned the source of his power; sometimes they even said that it came from the devil.

TRUE OR FALSE: The miracles Jesus performed automatically cause people to believe in him.

false—The raisings from the dead foreshadowed Jesus' Resurrection.

TRUE OR FALSE: The nature miracles foreshadowed Jesus' resurrection.


TRUE OR FALSE: When we accept the gift of the Eucharist, we are nourished by the Real Presence of Jesus.


The "_________" refers to those who Jesus gathered around him early in his ministry and, after his Death and Resurrection, sent to proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth.


The "power of the ______" meant that Peter had the authority to govern the house of God, the Church.


The bishop of ________ is the successor of Simon Peter.


The essence of the parables and of the Good News is that God ________ sinners.


The invitation to everyone to enter to the Kingdom of God also extends to them.

Who is my neighbor, Jews, impure, enemy, mercy, legalism, saved

The parable of the Good Samaritan answers the question: "____________________________?" In the story, the two law-abiding ______ who feared becoming ritually ___________. Ironically, it is a Samaritan, a bitter _________ of the Jews, who shows compassion to the robber's victim and treaties him with _________. In the story Jesus prioritizes love over ________________ and reveals that non-Jews can also be __________.


The power to "bind and loose" meant that Peter had the authority to absolve people of their ____.

real-life, Kingdom of God, analogy, unfamiliar, daily, celebrations

Using images and ___________ examples that his audience knew well, Jesus was able to expand their understanding of the _____________________________ through the use of parables. A parable is an ______________ in which the storyteller compares an __________________ or new reality with a familiar reality from _________ life such as wedding _______________________, seeds, landowners, and servants.

physical healings, exorcisms, nature miracles, raisings from the dead

What are the four categories of Jesus' miracles?

Jesus compares God to a landowner who hires laborers for his vineyard. In his generosity, the landowner violated no rule of justice, and neither does God. It is not important when a person begins his or her relationship with Christ, only that a person does eventually repent of sin and begin to help Jesus to build up his Kingdom.

What comparison does Jesus draw between God and the landowner in the parable of the Workers in the Vineyard? What does it illustrate about God's Kingdom?

They were signs that the messianic age had dawned, and they also invited people to believe that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, sent by the Father.

What did Jesus' miracles signal?

The parable emphasizes that God's invitation to his Kingdom has been rejected by those he initially invited, so the invitation has been extended to others.

What does the parable emphasize?

You cannot understand Jesus—his words or his deeds—unless you believe in him and follow him.

What important theme repeats throughout Jesus' public ministry?

As people follow him, they come to see and understand who he is more and more; and as people reject him, they progressively understand who he is.

What pattern develops during Jesus' public ministry?

The coming of God's Kingdom meant Satan's defeat. Satan's work was about darkness and evil, so it made no sense for Jesus to work on behalf of Satan.

What was absurd about the charge by some that Satan was the source of God's power?


When Jesus performed a miracle, he responded to the _________ of those around him by granting what they asked.

It was the time Isaiah had prophesied about: "The blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the good news proclaimed to them."

Why were the raisings from the dead a clear sign that the Messiah had come?


an analogy in which the storyteller compares an unfamiliar or new reality with a familiar reality from daily life


means pupil, learner, or follower


one of the two important Old Testament figures who appeared at Jesus' transfiguration


simple images or comparisons that confront the hearer or reader with a radical choice about Jesus' invitation for us to enter the Kingdom of God; characteristic feature of the teaching of Jesus


the "source and summit" of the life of the Church


to receive God's offering of love and forgiveness by turning away from sins


works and signs of Jesus that could not be explained naturally

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