Theology I Final Exam

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What are the 4 traditional proofs for the existence of God?

1) cosmological argument - the fact that every known thing in the universe has a cause 2) teleological argument - focuses on the evidence of harmony, order, and design, there must be an intelligent and purposeful God who created it to function this way 3) ontological argument - idea of God, characteristic of existence must belong to such a being 4) moral argument - man's sense of right and wrong and the need for justice to be done, argues that there must be a God who is the source of right and wrong

Why was Jesus' Deity necessary? (Three reasons)

1) only someone who is infinite God would bear the full penalty for all the sins of all those who would believe in Him 2) Scripture tells us that no human could ever save man, only God 3) Only someone who was truly and fully God could be the mediator between God and man

The NT terms that describe different aspects of the Atonement are

1) we deserve to die as the penalty for sin 2) we deserve to bear God's wrath against sin 3) we are separated from God by our sins 4) we are in bondage to sin and to the kingdom of Satan

According to Grudem, the Virgin Birth is an argument for Christ's deity but not His humanity (T/F)


All of the Bible is equally clear, understandable, and accessible to every person who reads it (T/F)


Because God has revealed Himself, we can fully know Him (T/F)


Because God is incomprehensible it is presently impossible to know anything about God (T/F)


Because God is sovereign He is the author of evil and responsible for evil (T/F)


Because Jesus is fully human He had a sin nature (T/F)


Believers are to be passive in sanctification because it is all God's work (T/F)


Canonicity is when the Holy Spirit reveals to us the meaning and application of Scripture for our lives (T/F)


Christ ascended to an alternate dimension (T/F)


Christ rose again spiritually but not physically (T/F)


God created Adam and Eve through evolutionary process (T/F)


God created the universe flawed and affected by sin (T/F)


God is limitless therefore God can do anything even contradict Himself (T/F)


God is omni only in His omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence (T/F)


God knows all things actual but He does not know all possibilities (T/F)


God's Word is contained only in the written words of the Bible


God's freed is limited by human will (T/F)


Jesus is more God than man (T/F)


Jesus is more man than God (T/F)


Jesus is neither God nor man but a unique super being (T/F)


Jesus needed to be God for our salvation but He did not need to be fully human for our salvation (T/F)


Jesus really didn't have to die to save us (T/F)


Justification and sanctification are two terms that mean the same thing (T/F)


Modalism is another term for the Biblical doctrine of Trinity


Sanctification begins after salvation when the Holy Spirit baptizes the believer with their second blessing (T/F)


Sanctification in the Christian life is not a process but a completed act that happens after salvation (T/F)


Since God is a revealer we can know every one of His attributes (T/F)


Since the doctrine of the Trinity is beyond our understanding we should not worry about studying the nature of God nor loving God with our mind (T/F)


Spiritual principles are historically unique ideas that have application only to the original audience of Scripture (T/F)


Studying systematic theology has no relationship to knowing God or a healthy Christian life (T/F)


The Gospels are very limited on their testimony to the resurrection of Jesus (T/F)


The Son and the Spirit are inferior in essence to the Father (T/F)


The primary meaning behind Jesus' death is to show us an example of how much God loves us (T/F)


The resurrection of Jesus is not an essential aspect of the gospel (T/F)


The term "Lord" when applied to Jesus, always means sir or master, but has no significance to His deity (T/F)


There is one God who takes on the form of the Father and the form of the Son and the form of the Spirit as the situation demands (T/F)


We can know everything there is to know about God (T/F)


While the gospel is the message of salvation, it has nothing to do with sanctification (T/F)


Written Scripture has some authority but our final authority for faith ought to be our own personal experience (T/F)


What does God's independence mean?

God does not need us or the rest of creation for anything, yet we and the rest of creation can glorify Him and bring Him joy

What is the definition of God's eternity?

God has no beginning, end, or succession of His moments in His own being, and He sees all time equally vividly, yet God sees events in time and acts in time

What does the unity of God mean?

God is not divided into parts, yet we see different attributes of God emphasized at different times

What does God's Impassibility mean?

God is the origin of our emotions and who created our emotions, He feels emotions -He rejoices -He is grieved -His wrath burns hot against His enemies -He pities His children -He loves with everlasting love -He hates sin and delight in righteousness

This book of the Bible most explains Christ works as our High Priest offering a sacrifice for sins and being the sacrifice Himself


Illumination is the ministry of the _____

Holy Spirit

Did Christ descend into hell?

No, Scripture tells us that Christ did not descend into hell

This book of the Bible most explains Christ's work in justifying us as sinners


_____ is the final authority for all doctrine and theological positions

Scripture/Word of God

The church and individual believers (should/should not) ask God to do miracles in Jesus name


The often used NT term for miracles a) awesome deeds b) signs and wonders c) supernatural acts d) great works

Signs and wonders

The resurrection of Jesus declared and distinguished Him as the _____

Son of God/Godman

A Biblical systematic theology helps us differentiate between true and false doctrine


A doctrine is true when it is supported by the exegesis of Scripture, exalts Christ and the gospel and produces godliness in the lives of those who believe and obey it (T/F)


A foundation of a true systematic theology is the presupposition that the God of the Bible is the ______ God


A valid reason for doing systematic theology is so that we can fulfill the Great Commission (T/F)


All that God is and does is worthy of approval (T/F)


An attribute of God is anything that God has revealed to be true and about who He is (T/F)


As the resurrection Lord, Jesus had the authority to pour out the Holy SPirit on His church (T/F)


At the incarnation Jesus gave up His incommunicable attributes in order to take on the limitations of humanity (T/F)


Because Scripture comes from God and is inspired it is the authoritative truth on all matters to which it speaks (T/F)


Christ ascension and seating represent the finished work of the atonement (T/F)


Christ's atonement demonstrates both the love and justice of God (T/F)


Christ's resurrection ensures our regeneration and our justification (T/F)


Concurrence is the idea that GOd cooperates with created things in every action. It is the mystery of God's working with our working (T/F)


God always acts in accordance with what is right (T/F)


God breathed out His Word and used the unique personalities, writing styles, and experiences of the human authors to write down the very words He wanted written (T/F)


God created the universe out of nothing (T/F)


God created time and is Lord of time (T/F)


God expects Believers to know and apply His word (T/F)


God has the power to execute His will (T/F)


God is eternally three persons (T/F)


God's holiness tells us more about how He is unique than it does about His moral purity (T/F)


God's infinity applied to time reveals that God is eternal (T/F)


God's revelation is both rational and reasonable (T/F)


God's wisdom means that He always chooses the best goals and the best means to those goals (T/F)


Isaiah 40-45 reveal God's attributes especially His incommunicable attributes (T/F)


Isaiah 40-45 reveals how an understanding of God's attributes relates to experiencing a God-seized vision and God-sized faith (T/F)


Jesus and the Apostles performed miracles (T/F)


Jesus is fully God and fully man (T/F)


Jesus is the exact representation of the Father and most fully declares the glory of God (T/F)


Jesus' ascension and seating give us confidence of our eternal home in heaven (T/F)


Knowing God's incommunicable attributes expands our view of God to see how big He is and knowing His communicable attributes helps us to see how close and personal He is (T/F)


Our view of Scripture needs to be based on what Scripture says about itself (T/F)


Pantheism asserts that God has no distinct personality (T/F)


The Bible is inspired and the authoritative Word of God (T/F)


The believer is united with Christ in His ascension and seating (T/F)


The biblical doctrine of Christ's vicarious atonement is known as the penal substitution theory (T/F)


The blood of Christ represents that Jesus had to die and fully gave His life for our sins (T/F)


The death of Christ as an atonement for our sin is a fulfillment of the Levitical sacrifices in the OT (T/F)


The relationship between Father, Son, and Spirit is unique and beyond our understanding (T/F)


The resurrection of Jesus has application to our obedience to God in this life (T/F)


The study of the attributes of God is one of the ways we come to know God and gain a God-sized vision (T/F)


Understanding our union with Christ's resurrection is the basis for the believer's victory over sin (T/F)


We need the Bible in order to know and understand the gospel for salvation (T/F)


We should respond to the doctrine of the Trinity with proclaiming the gospel and making disciples (T/F)


We should respond to the doctrine of the trinity with worship and praise to God (T/F)


While God is sovereign over His creation He also actively works within creation (T/F)


While we cannot fully understand the Trinity, to deny the Trinity is a heresy (T/F)


The following are Biblical motivations for obeying God a) The desire for a deeper walk with God b) The desire for financial gain c) The desire to bring God glory d) The desire for personal recognition e) The desire for eternal rewards f) The desire for earning our salvation g) The desire for pleasing people

a) The desire for a deeper walk with God c) The desire to bring God glory e) The desire for eternal rewards

The Spirit a) does b) does not use those with the gift of teaching/exhortation to aid in the illumination

a) does

God's wrath means that God intensely a) hates b) ignores c) understands d) tolerates all sin

a) hates

Which of the three from the list are God's incommunicable attributes? a) independence b) mercy c) love d) unchangeableness e) grace f) unity g) wisdom

a) independence d) unchangeableness f) unity

Which of the following are doctrines that help us understand the atonement of Christ a) redemption b) regeneration c) sanctification d) reconciliation e) justification f) glorification g) transubstanation

a) redemption d) reconciliation e) justification

Jesus' full humanity was necessary for the following reasons:

a) representative obedience b) substitute sacrifice c) one mediator between God and men d) to fulfill God's original purpose for man to rule over creation e) to be our example and pattern in life f) to be the pattern for our redeemed bodies g) to sympathize as high priest

This passage explained the five-fold benefit/application of Scripture because it is God-breaathed a) Isaiah 40:8 b) 2 Timothy 3:16-17 c) 2 Peter 1:1-21 d) Hebrews 4:12

b) 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The best way to understand the humanity and deity of Jesus is that jesus has two a) personalities b) natures c) souls d) spirits in one person and their relationship is inscrutable

b) natures

We can know what we know about God primarily because of a) reason b) revelation c) philosophy d) our inner conscience

b) revelation

The doctrine of inspiration means the the a) authors b) words of Scripture c) steps of canonicity d) all of the above were inspired

b) words of Scripture

This passage describes what is known as the Kenosis Theory a) Matthew 1 b) Luke 2 c) Philippians 2 d) Romans 1

c) Philippians 2

The goal of Bible Study is a) learning what the Bible says b) learning what the Bible means c) applying the Bible to experience transformation

c) applying the Bible to experience transformation

The more we grow in the likeness of God, the more we will personally a) know the mysteries of Theology b) experience the gift of tongues c) experience Christ's joy and peace d) become famous for Jesus

c) experience Christ's joy and peace

The atonement is the work Christ did in His life and death to earn a) God's favor b) victory over Satan c) our salvation

c) our salvation

God's faithfulness means that God will always do what He has said and will fulfill what He has a) desired b) thought c) promised d) delighted in

c) promised

Interpretation is answering the question a) what does it say b) how does it apply to my life c) what does it mean

c) what does it mean

The ancient church creed that best describes the person of Christ is the a) Nicaean b) Ephesian c) Constantinople d) Chalcedonian

d) Chalcedonian

Sanctification affects a) the mind b) the heart c) the will d) all of the above

d) all of the above

The more we know of God's attributes then the more we a) love God b) seve God c) experience God d) all of the above

d) all of the above

The believer (does, does not) share in Christ's authority over sin and demons


The two states of Christ are His _____ and _____

humiliation; exaltation

The two-fold states of Christ's death and resurrection are also known as Christ's _____ and _____

humiliation; exaltation

God's attributes are classified as communicable and _____


The ultimate cause of the atonement is the love and _____ of God


The reformed view of Christ's atonement is (unlimited, limited)


The belief that God is not essentially three persons but merely assumes the roles or modes of expression as the Father, Son, and Spirit is known as _____


The view known as Limited atonement is also known as _____ redemption.


The 2 summary attributes of God that affect every other attribute are His _____ and His infinity.


The two summary attributes of God that help us understand all of His attributes are God's _____ and His infinity


The two summary attributes of God are His _____ and His _____

perfection; infinity

God's grace is His goodness toward those who deserve only _____


Christ's resurrection ensures our _____, _____, and that we will receive _____

regeneration; justification; perfect resurrected bodies

God makes Himself known through both general and _____ revelation


What are the three statements that summarize the Biblical teaching of the trinity? God is... Each person is... There is...

three persons fully God one God

"To have a correct understanding of the attributes it is necessary that we see them all as one... The divine attributes are what we know to be true of God. He does not possess them as qualities; they are how God is as He reveals Himself to His creatures". This truth is known as God's ______


The doctrine of propitiation reveals that Jesus bore the _____ of God for us


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