Theology of Christian Marriage Final

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Briefly explain the Pauline privilege (SA)

- dissolution of a purely natural marriage which had been contracted between two unbaptized spouses. -One becomes a believing Christian valid and consummated and the other remain non-Christian. -If the unbeliever is unwilling to be married to a believer and the unbeliever chooses to leave the spouse then the marriage may be dissolved.

Explain why the document called tametsi is important (SA)

- introduced a new sequence of marriage -wedding, marriage, sexual intercourse, and then fertility.

Catholic Church and artificial contraception

-Artificial contraception takes out the procreative aspect to marriage - prevents new human beings from coming into existence and it doesn't create the personal relationship between spouses, their union, and their relationship with the child that should be the end result of procreation.


-Came from God -Spouses are equally human-made from bone and flesh -2 in one body-submitting to one another

Gratian's Compromise

-Consent initiates or ratifies marriage and subsequent intercourse consummates it -a marriage that is not consummated may be dissolved

Betrothal and cohabitation

-Engagement. -Up to the 17th century England betrothed couples were held to be legally husband and wife. -Societies in which fertility is central permit post-betrothal sexual relations. -The central event of betrothal was held separate from the ceremonial event of the wedding which was feasting and gifts

What did Romans say made a marriage?

-Free consent (initiates or ratifies marriage), fulfills legal requirements: the marriage is valid -First sexual intercourse after consent consummates marriage: the marriage is now indissoluble. -A marriage that is not consummated, although previously considered to be valid, may be dissolved. To this day, non-consummation is reason for dissolution. This reflects the centuries-long emphasis on procreation.

Do other Christian denominations have annulments?

-Instead emphasize reconciliation and forgiveness -there is no annulment process -The person who seeks remarriage repents, is forgiven, and is allowed to remarry in the church -The entire Christian tradition teaches that faith is essential to sacrament

What is the significance of Natural Law

-Is essential to understanding sexuality across the history -Sexual activity was not restricted to marriage -Marriage was not about love, but about procreation -Need to order/control sexual desire via reasonable ends: procreation -natural and truly human moral action is reasonable and responsible

Biblical foundation of contemporary theology of marriage

-Man & woman are equally human -God's act of creation establishes covenant -2 purposes: procreation & unity

Aquinas and Marriage

-Marriage is a sacrament -sex and marriage were good because created by God -Sex out of marriage was a sin -ends: procreation, mutual support, sacrament

Martin Luther

-Marriage is holy estate of the world but not a sacrament -Marriage is not to be regulated by the church but by civill authority -part of the public

John Calvin

-Marriage is not a sacrament but a covenant by God with the spouses and the spouses with God -Church makes laws and regulate doctrines that oversee marriage

Why people are opposed to same sex marriage

-Natural law: need to order/control sexual desire via reasonable ends: procreation -Prohibits marriage because two individuals of the same sex cannot procreate together -Based on scripture -Based on natural law

Explain at least one change to the theology of marriage that resulted from the second Vatican council (SA)

-One change to the theology of marriage that resulted from the second Vatican council was that procreation and mutual love are equally as important -Marriage seen as a Covenant instead of contract

Difference between Divorce and Annulment

-One is a dissolution of a civil/valid marriage and the other is a dissolution of a sacramental marriage -The Catholic church does not recognize civil divorce because it contends that, if the proper form was observed and if consent was freely given, the ecclesial/sacramental bond of marriage remains intact—it is indissoluble. -Even if the first and second (emotional and legal) bond of marriage has been broken, the sacramental bond between two baptized Catholics remains intact.

Augustine and marriage

-Sex and marriage were good because they were created by God -Sex out of marriage is sinful -ends: offspring, fidelity, and indissolubility

What are the 3 bonds of Marriage?

-The emotional -the legal bond -ecclesial/sacramental bond

Jesus and divorce

-The interpretations of Jesus' remarks about divorce seem to say that God's intention was for marriage to be for all of life. -Divorce was allowed on the grounds of "porneia" an ambiguous term for sexual immorality that was variously understood & disputed in Jesus' day


-The legal or civil dissolution of a valid marriage "A marriage that is ratified and consummated [by first sexual intercourse after consent] cannot be dissolved by any human power or by any cause other than death." -The Catholic Church does not recognize Civil Divorce, but it does dissolve marriages. -Current Catholic Law -Marriage that is valid and consummated cannot be dissolved (Can 1118). -Civilly divorced Catholics incur canonical penalties ONLY when they remarry without annulment because of remarriage, not divorce, they are not to receive communion - still married in the Church -Those who apply for and receive a declaration of nullity (which states there never was at any time a valid sacramental marriage) are free to marry again in the Catholic church.

What is the purpose of marriage prep?

-To gauge the engaged couple's degree of faith maturity, their awareness of doing what the Church does; required for sacramental validity. -can't recommend the couple not marry (Priests can)

First wedding ceremony

-Where did it first take place? Story of Adam & Eve -What time period did it take place (i.e. 1st century, bible, Vatican II?) -Priest and 2 witnesses - Mandate for marriage


-declares that a sacramental marriage never existed. There was a valid/legal marriage, just not a sacramental marriage -Annulment process explores each partner's situation at the time of the wedding - moment of giving consent -Annulment cases fall into one of two categories: Documentary cases: a document (i.e. birth certificate,marriage license, documentation of defect of form(priest and two witnesses) is proof of the particular ground for the annulment. Typically require far less time than Formal Cases. -Formal cases: focuses on defective consent and typically require more time than Documentary Cases. The large majority of petitions for annulment are Formal Cases. Grounds for annulment -A Declaration of Nullity is granted for specific reasons or grounds. When it can be shown there was some impediment to sacramental marriage, that is, something that prevents sacramental marriage from the moment of giving consent. When it can be shown there was improper form or defect of consent.


-equal partnership -subject to one another -husband is head of the wife the same way that Christ is head of the Church -Symbol of mutually faithful covenant between Christ and the Church -Submission to each other is not seen as a sign of weakness, but an act of love

Marriage as covenant

-marriage is a communion of love -Biblical and how it is applied to marriage across Christianity -Origin of marriage is from God - Genesis -They are equally one body God created sexuality, marriage, and fertility and they are all good -Marriage is an equal partnership of steadfast love


-official and documented "permission" to forgo a requirement of form. -It allows the form to be altered in particular cases -When the Catholic bishop/church grants a dispensation from the form, the marriage is considered valid.

Marriage as sacrament

-reveals God's love to their family and community -it is to live in imitation of Jesus the Servant -interpersonal not just legal reality -life of discipleship -represents the relationship between God and his people

Briefly explain the Petrine privilege (SA)

-ruling to dissolve a valid marriage are made by the pope. -This is when the church encounters different cultures, religions, and situations (polygamy or slave trade).

Dispute between catholic canon law and theologians

Catholic Canon Law states that "a valid marriage contract cannot exist between baptized persons without its being by that very fact a sacrament -Canon law is focused on covenant/sacrament while theology is focused on baptism and faith

Clandestine marriage and attitudes

Couples secretly consented to each other without familial or public approval/witnesses. Provoked change in canon and civil law -came during the reformation -Roman response Established legal formalities (priest and two witnesses) that had to be met for the marriage contract to be a valid, indissoluble sacrament. Stated that without the legal form marriage was not valid in the eyes of Rome. -Stated there are three ends of marriage: offspring, faith, and sacrament/indissolubility.

Which bond does the Catholic church focus on?

Ecclesial/sacramental bond -indissoluble

The Catholic Church acknowledges civil divorce


Natural law is an important factor in discussions about what (SA)

Natural law is an important factor in discussion about understanding sexuality across the history. -2 types: order of nature and order of reason -Official Catholic teachings take the order of nature approach.

Can someone who is divorced and remarried WITHOUT an annulment take communion?


What are the two types of cohabitation?

Nuptial and Non-nuptial

What is marriage primarily seen for?


What individual stood in the way for marriage to be a sacrament?

The Reformation

Interchurch and Interfaith marriages are accepted in the Catholic Church


The Catholic Church dissolves marriages

True (Petrine and Pauline Privilege)

Can someone who is divorces and remarried WITH and annulment take communion?


Are interchurch/interfaith marriages allowed in the Catholic Church?

Yes, When the Catholic bishop/church grants a dispensation from the form, the marriage is considered valid.

Where did Natural Law originate?

ancient greek philosophy

Love between the spouses is a representation of love between who?

between God & God's people, between Christ and Christ's Church

Covenant between Yahweh and god of Israel

covenant reflects the love between the spouses and the love between GOD

According to Theology, does faith play a role in marriage?

faith does have a role - baptized vs. not baptized

According to Catholic Canon Law, does faith play a role in marriage?

faith has no role - baptism plays the role - auto sacrament

What did Northern Europeans say made a marriage?

sexual intercourse

Can someone who is divorced take communion?


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