Therapeutic Exercise Test 2

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What psychological effects occur under the cathode of an electrical simulator? 1. vasodilation 2. vasoconstricton 3. tissue softening 4. irritation

1, 3, 4

The female athletic triad describes the simultaneous presence of with of the following? A . An eating disorder, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis B. Depression, premenstrual syndrome and osteoporosis C. A medial collateral and anterior crucial ligament sprain with meniscus tear D. Menstrual cramping, overeating, and premenstrual syndrome E. Dysmenorrhea, eating disorder and osteoporosis

A . An eating disorder, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis

When stretching during a warm up routine, which type of stretching should not be encouraged because it may lead to an injury? A. Ballistic B. Active C. Static D. Plyometric E. PNF

A. Ballistic

Which of the following exercises should b avoided in the early stages (phase 1) of anterior crucial elements reconstruction rehab? A. Full knee extension exercises B. Resisted hip abduction C. Toe raises D. Hamstring curls E. Isometric contraction of the quads.

A. Full knee extension exercise

Which of the following are braces used after rehabilitation? A. Functional B. Prophylactic C. Patellofemora D. Rehabilitative E. Postoperative

A. Functional

What is one of the most serious adverse reactions during iontophoresis treatment? A. Galvantic burns B. Anaphylactic shock C. Dermatitis D. Histamine reaction E. None of the above

A. Galavantic burns

What does the production of black, tar like stools indicate A. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding B. Infection C. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding D. A diet that is too high in iron E. Colon cancer

A. Gastrointestinal bleeding

The most common form of hyerthyroidism identified by tremors, weakness, difficulty in swallowing, speaking, and facial/eye tics is known as A. Graves' disease B. Leg-calve-perches disease C. Paget's disease D. Reye's syndrone E. Sarcoidosis

A. Graves' disease

A cross country runner comes to you because he would like to begin a strength training program for general body development. He informs you that he he has never really lifted weights before. How would you ndstruct him regarding his breathin pattern during a lift? A. Have the athlete inhale deeply at the beginning of the lift and then forcefully exhale at the end fo the lift B. Have the athlete hold his breath during the lif C. Have the athelte inhale during the lift and hold his breath at the end of the lift D. Have the athlete breathe in, blow out, and breathe in again at the end of the lift. E. Breathe normally

A. Have the athlete inhale deeply at the beginning of the lift and then forcefully exhale at the end fo the lift

______ and _____ are important qualities that an athletic trainer must possess when counseling a patient during a time of distress. A. Honesty, respect B. Sympathy, pity C. Confidence, logic D. Objectivity, decisiveness E. Logic, detachment

A. Honesty, respect

Electrical stimulating currents are classified into 3 categories. Which of the following is not one of these categories? A. Interferential current B. Direct current C. Pulsed current D. Alternating current E. Galvantic current

A. Interferential current

Which of the following modalities results in the movement of ions into the body through the use of an electrical current? A. Iontophoresis B. Pulsed diathermy C. Phonophoresis D. Direct coupling E. Ultrasound

A. Iontophoresis

Which of the following types of exercises can produce a spike in systolic blood pressure that can result in a potentionally life threatening cardiovascular accidnet? A. Isometric B. Plyometric C. Isotonic D. Eccentric E. Isokinetic

A. Isometric

Which of the following actions may help to decrease skin-electrode resistance when performing an electotherapty treatment? A. Moisten the electrodes with water B. Cool the skin first with an ice pack C. Place the electrodes on skin that has excessive hair D. Use a plastic meshed cloth electrode E. Apply body lostion on the skin

A. Moisten the electrodes with water

What is a primary indication for cervical traction? A. Muscle spasm B. Hemorrhage C. Muscle weaknes D. Vertigo E. None of the above

A. Muscle spasm

Upper extremity closed kinetic chain exercises are used primarily for strengthening and improving proprioception of which of the following structures? A. Muscles that stabilize the shoulder girdle B. Ligaments that stabilize the glenohumeral joint C. Tendons that support the joints of the cervical spine, shoulder and elbow D. The articular surfaces of the glenohumeral and acromioclaviculaqr joints E. The articular surfaces of the acetabulum and femoral head

A. Muscles that stabilize the shoulder girdle

Physiologic adaptations of teh respiratory system during aerobic endurance training include all of the following except: A. Reduced submaximal heart rate B. Enhanced oxygen exchange Withings the lungs C. Decreased submaximal pulmonary ventilation D. Improved circulation throughout the lungs E. B and d

A. Reduced submaximal heart rate

What occurs during a joint mobilization technique when a convex surface moves on a concave surface? A. Roll and glide occur in opposite directions B. Glide adn spin occur in opposite directions C. A shearing force occurs at the joint surface D. Roll and glide occur in the same direction E. Straight glide in same direction

A. Roll and glide occur in opposite directions

Which of the following is not a contraindication or precaution for the use of ultrasound> A. Scarring B. Acute hemorrhage C. Anesthesia D. Treating over the endocrine gland E. Open wounds

A. Scar tissue

All of the following muscles form the pies anserinus muscle group except A. Semimembranosus B. Semitendinosus C. Gracious D. Sartorial E. B and D

A. Semimembranosus

A moist heat pack offers what type of thermotherapy. A. Superficial B. Deep C. Cutaneous D. Surface E. One of the above

A. Superficial

When rehabilitating a patient, it is important that the area being rehabilitated is stressed with a variety of intensities and durations during conditioning. The body responds to these stresses by adapting to the specific demands imposed on it. What is the principle known as. A. The SAID principle B. The DAPRE principle C. The RICE principle D. The SITS principle E. None of the above

A. The SAID principle

When rehabilitating an athlete following a lumbar strain, the athletic trainer should emphazize the significance of having the athlete improve the flexibility of all of the following structures except A. The abdominals B. The iliopsoas C. The paraspinals D. The hamstrings E. The hip extensors

A. The abdominals

One of your patients has been diagnosed with Ainding Larsen Johansson disease. Which of the following is not appropriate when advising the patient in regard to minimizing his symptoms? A. To increase the strength of the vastus medialis obliques muscle with isotonic quadriceps strengthening exercises B. Use ice packs frequ3ently to minimize pain and s Welling. Avoid stressful activities such as running for approximately 6 months D. Avoid dep squatting E. All of the above

A. To increase the strength of the vastus medialis obliques muscle with isotonic quadriceps strengthening exercises

Which of the following is the least occurring type of shoulder subluxation/dislocation? A. Superior B. Inferior C. Anterior D. Posterior E. C and D

A. superior

Which of the muscle groups listed below are involved during a bench press? Anterior deltoid Rhomboids Triceps Pex major Latissimus dorsi Upper trap

Anterior deltoid Triceps Pex major Latissimus dorsi

Conventional TENS uses a frequency in the ___ pulses per second range with a phase duration fo ____ seconds. A. 50 to 100, 250 B. 10 to 100, 2 to 50 C. 2 to 4, >150 D. >100, 20 to 30 E. <10, 50

B. 10 to 100, 2 to 50

The D2 flexion pattern of the hip works which group of muscles A. Abductors, flexors, internal rotators B. Abductors, flexors, external rotators C. Adductor, flexors, external rotators E. Abductors and flexors only

B. Abductors, flexors, external rotators

A patient presents with insidious pain along the posterior aspect of the thigh. Which of the following steps should be performed first by the athletic trainer? A. Palpate the muscle bellies of the posterior thigh B. Ask how and when the pain started C. Manual muscle test the hamstring muscles D. Perform a functional test E. Assess sensation of the hip

B. Ask how and when the pain started

One of your basketball players often complains about localized lumbar backaches. After performing your evaluation on this patient it appears his primary problem is postural. All of the following are actions that the patinet can take to prevent low back pain except. A. When standing for long periods of time, rest one foot on a stool if it is available B. Avoid sleeping in side-lying position with the knees slightly being C. Carry objects at weaist level when possible D. Sit on chairs with a firm seat and straight back E. Keep his abdominals strong

B. Avoid sleeping in side-lying position with the knees slightly being

Where is a morton's neuroma most commonly located? A. Between the first and second metacarpals B. Between the third and fourth metatarsals C. Between the second and third metacarpals D. Between the second and third metatarsals E. Plantar surface of the heel

B. Between the third and fourth metatarsals

Articular cartilage has limited ability to heal because of which of the following reasons A. Constant movement of teh joint does not allow for healing B. Cartilage has limited or no direct blood supply C. The high incidence of aseptic necrosis D. Poor results with NSAID treatment E. None of the above

B. Cartilage has limited or no direct blood supply

What should the athletic trainer do when teaching a patient how to properly use crutches? A. Make sure the patient's weight is fully supported on his or her hands and arm pits B. Caution the patient. Not to lean on the crutches so that his or her weight is on the crutches and axillary pads C. Teach him or her how to use a cane first. D. Teach the patient a 4 point gait E. Teach the patient a 5 point gait.

B. Caution the patient. Not to lean on the crutches so that his or her weight is on the crutches and axillary pads

A type of training that employs a series of stations that consist of various combinations of weight training, flexibility, calisthenics, and brief aerobic exercise is known as which of the following? A. Isokinetic training B. Circuit training C. Plyometric D. Progressive resistance exercises E. Specificity training

B. Circuit training

Like changes repel while unlike charges attract each other. This is known as what law? A. Ohm's B. Coulomb's C. Murphy's D. Wolff's E. Horner's

B. Colomb's

What kind of heading method does a warm whirlpool utilize? A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Evaporation E. All of the above

B. Convection

Which of teh following involves the use of an once or a cold spray before perorming a stretch? A. Cryokinetics B. Cryostretch C. Cold therapy stretching D. Dynamic stretching E. Cryogenics

B. Cryostretch

A swimmer reports to the athletic training facility complaining of symptoms related to Scheuermann's disease. Which type of exercises are beneficial in trying to diminish the symptoms during the early stages of the disease? A. Cervical rage of motion exercises B. Extension and postural exercises C. William's flexion exercises D. Hughston exercises E. Deep breathig exercises

B. Extension and postural exercises

Which organization must certify face masks that are used in his hockey helmets a. CSA b. HECC c. NOCSAW d. ASTM e. NCAA


The rate at which a drug disappears from the body through metabolism, excretion, or both is know as whic of the following? A. Biotransformatio B. Half life C. Efficacy D. Bioavailability E. Expiration rate

B. Half life

Which of the following describes a grade III joint mobilization technique? A. Small amplitude movement at end range B. Large amlitude movement throughout the full available range of motion of the joint C. Small amplitude movement in the beginning of the range of motion D. Thrusting movement done at the anatomical limits of the joint E. None of the above

B. Large amlitude movement throughout the full available range of motion of the joint

Which of the following is a cardinal sign of inflammation? A. Cyanosis B. Loss of function C. Cold skin D. Numbness E. None of the above

B. Loss of function

Which of the following types of electrical stimulators is considered subsensory? A. Interferential stimulator B. Low intensity stimulator C. TENS D. Diathermy E. High intensity stimulator

B. Low intensity stimulator

An exercise valgus force to the knee may result in an injury to which ligament A. Lateral collateral ligament B. Medial collateral ligament C. Anterior crucial ligament D. Posterior crucial ligament E. Arcuate ligament

B. Medial collateral ligament

Which of the following is a manual technique in which an injured patient's muscles are actively contracted against a counterforce in a specific position? A. Myofascial release B. Muscle energy techniques C. Joint mobilization D. Strain- counter strain E. Multi angle isokinetics

B. Muscle energy techniques

Which of the following is not a contraindication to the use of diathermy? A. Acute inflammation and joint effusion B. Muscle spasm C. Pregnancy D. Open wounds E. C and D

B. Muscle spasm

A stretch injury to a nerve resulting in transient symptoms of parenthesis and weakness is known as what? A. Neurotmesis B. Neurapraxia C. Neurovibromatosis D. Nerve gliding E. Myopraxia

B. Neurapraxia

An athletic trainer working in a sports medicine clinic may have to read a SOAP note. In what section would a finding such as a positive Lachman's test be recorded? A. Subjective B. Objective C. Assessment D. Plan E. Special tests

B. Objective

When the length of a muscle prevents full range of motion at the joint or joints over which the muscle crosses, it is known as what? A. Adhesive capsulitis B. Passive insufficiency C. Hypomobility D. Muscle contracture E. None of the above

B. Passive insufficiency

Which of the following structures is responsible for relaying information regarding muscle dynamics to te conscious and subconscious parts of the central nervous system? A. Muscle spindle B. Proprioceptors C. Golgi gendon organs D. Yep III msucle fibers E. Brain stem

B. Proprioceptors

Pain occurring at a site distant to damaged tissue that does not follow the course of a peripheral nerve describes what type of pain? A. Muscular B. Referred C. Radical are D. Visceral E. Parasympathetic

B. Referred

A dynamic program of prescribed exercise for preventing or reversing the destructive effects of inactivity while returning an individual to his or her former level of competition is known as what? A. Pilates B. Rehabilitation C. A DAPRE program D. Cardiovascular program E. Yoga

B. Rehabilitation

What is protecative spasm of the muscular abdominal wall called? A. Gas pain B. Rigidity C. Myositis D. Splinting E. Very painful

B. Rigidity

____ is a type of electro therapy used to re-educate a muscle A. Interferential B. Russian C. Iontophoresis D. Premodulated E. Low intensity

B. Russian

Which of the following exercises improves proprioceptive feedback when rehabilitating a lower extremity injury? A. Stationary bike B. Single leg standing on a mini tramp C. Using a knee extension machine D. Bilateral calf raises E. All of the above

B. Single leg standing on mini tramp

An athlete experiences a catastrophic injury in which she is perminantly unable to return to playing the only sport which she is familiar. What would be the athletic trainer's appropriate response when discussing the injury with the athlete. A. Tell her it is not appropriate to deny her condition and that it is best to accept her limitations B. Tell her it is ok for her to feel a variety of emotions and to openly express her needs and concerns C. Tell her to speak to her coach about her future in athletics D. Tell her to seek psychological cusnseling until she is no longer angry about her injury E. Tell her it happens all the time and eventually she will get used to her situation

B. Tell her it is ok for her to feel a variety of emotions and to openly express her needs and concerns

Hans Selye's phenomenon of the general adaptation symdrone, which occurs when an individual responds to a stressful situation, includes which 3 stages of the stress response? A. Fright, flight, exhaustion B. The alarm stage, resistance stage, exhaustion C. The alarm stage, flight stage, exceptance stage D. Anger stage, bargaining stage, acceptance stage E. The alarm stage, flight, exhaustion

B. The alarm stage, resistance stage, exhaustion

Joint mechanoreceptors are found in all of the following structures except A. Ligaments B. The brain C. Meniscus D. Fat pads E. Musculotendinout junction

B. The brain

Which physical law is applied with the use of an infrared lamp? A. Joules law B. Inverse square law C. Wolff' law D. Ohm's law E. Newtons law

B. The inverse square law

The therapeutic conversion of electrical energy into high frequency sound energy above the audible range to create heat in the tissues is the definition of what modality? A. Diathermy B. Ultrasound C. Electric stimulation D. TENS E. Interferential current

B. Ultrasound

When usin fluidotherapy, the treatment temperature range is normally set at which of the following temperature? A. 60 to 70 degrees B. 85 to 100 degrees C. 100 to 113 degrees D. 75 to 96 degrees E. 40 to 60 degrees

C. 100 to 113

Paraffin bath therapy is commonly used on the hands and feet as a method of superficial heating. To keep the paraffin mixture in a molten state, the temperature should be maintained between: A. 100 to 115 B. 80 to 105 C. 126 to 130 D. 118 to 125 E. 140 to 150

C. 126 to 130

Bracing for scoliosis of the spine may be effective with all ages except A. 5 years old B. 10 years old C. 18 years old D. 14 years old E. Bracing is not effective at any age

C. 18 years old

Delayed onset muscle soreness normally occurs how long after a strenuous exercise session? A. 1 hour after exercise B. 12 hours after exercise C. 24 to 72 hours after exercise D. 4 to 6 hours after exercise E. Immediately after exercise

C. 24 to 72 hours after exercise

Indications for ultrasound include all of the following except A. Christi's B. Fasciitis C. Acute hemorrhage D. Plantar warts E. Tendinitis

C. Acute hemorrhage

A dry, nonproductive cough is most often caused by which of the following? A. Lung infection B. Bronchitis C. Allergies D. Pneumothorax E. Cancer

C. Allergies

All of the following are contraindications for electrical stimulation electrode placement except A. Stimulation across the heart B. Stimulation over an acute thrombophlebitis C. Control of labor pain by stimulation fo the lower back D. Stimulation over the temples E. Directly over the spine

C. Control labor pain by stimulation of the lower back

Contraindications to cervical traction include all of the following except A. A positive vertebral artery test B. A positive alar ligament test C. Disc herniation D. Increased radical are symptoms with treatment E. Nystagmus

C. Disc herniation

Which of the following is defined as an uninterrupted direct current? A. Interferential current B. Microcurrent C. Galvantic current D. Pulsed current E. None of the above

C. Galavantic current

All of the following are indications for the use of a warm whirlpool except: A. Cleaning large, open wounds B. Relieving pain C. Initial edema reduction D. Increasing range of motion E. Reflexation

C. Initial edema reduction

Which of the following positions must be avoided when rehabilitating an athlete who has posterior instability of the glenohumeral joint? A. Abduction with external rotation B. Full forward flexion C. Internal rotation with horizontal adduction and flexion D. Internal rotation with shoulder extension E. A and b

C. Internal rotation with horizontal adduction and flexion

Which of the following is an example of muscle spindle activity? A. Nystagmus B. Babinski reflex C. Knee jerk reflex D. Moro's reflex E. None of the above

C. Knee jerk reflex

When palpating the knee joint after an injury, the athletic trainer should be sure to palpate which of the following structures? A. Anterior superior iliac spine B. The navicular C. Medial condyle of the femur D. The tibial crest E. Dorsalis pedis

C. Medial condyle of the femur

Which of the following is a term that refers to a group of techniques used for the purpose of releving soft tissue from the abnormal grip of tight fascia? A. Glides B. Traction C. Myofascial release D. Therapeutic massage E. Joint mobilizations

C. Myofascial release

Two exercises that are designed to stabilize the lumbar spine during low back rehabilitation include ____ and ____. A. Single knee to chest exercise, double knee to chest B. Hamstring stretching, bridging exercises C. Partial sit ups, active trunk extension in prone D. Resisted hip abduction exercise, iliotibial band stretching. E. Hamstring stretching, piriformis strengthening

C. Partial sit ups, active trunk extension in prone.

What is a vascular reaction to cold that results in a white, red or blue discoloration of the extremities? A. Neurapraxia A. Analgesia C. Raynaud's phenomenon D. Hypothermia E. Cyanosis

C. Raynaud's phenomenon

When a muscle is stretched to a point where a mild discomfort is felt and the limb is held in one position it is know as what type of stretch? A. Ballistic B. PNF C. Static D. Dynamic E. None of the above

C. Static

Which of the following electrode placement techniques is most commonly used when treating an individual with brief intense tens? A. Direct placement B. Dermatome placement C. Stimulation point placement D. Continuous placement E. Bracket method

C. Stimulation point placement

What is the internal reaction or resistance of tissue to an external load called? A. Mechanical failure B. Strain C. Stress D. Yield point E. Threshold

C. Stress

During the rehab of a knee injury, the athletic trainer decided the use of neuromuscular stimulation is indicated. As the athletic trainer is applying the electrodes to the patient's thigh, the patient says he has never had electric stimyulaon and isis scared of electricity. Which fo the following would be an appropriate response b the athletic trainer? A. Tell him he is being childish B. Demonstrate how it work C. Teach him about the general principles of electrical stimulation D. Tell a joke about electricity to relax him E. Do not use an electrotherapeuric modality on the patient.

C. Teach him about the pt general principles of electricale stim

All of the following are indications of ice massage application except A. Interferential stimulator B. Low intensity stimulator C. TENS D. Diathermy E. High-intensity stimulator

C. Tens

All of the following principles must be considered before the athleyic trainer begins an activity designed to improve activity except A. Multiple planes of motion must be stressed B. The activities must progress to sport specific activities C. The activity should incorporate a unisensory approach D. The exercises must be safe but challenging E. A and b

C. The activity should incorporate a unisensory approach

You suspect one of your soccer players is experiencing training staleness. Which of the following should you assess when developing a counseling approach with the patient? A. The level of the patiet's ability to play the sport B. The relationship between the patient and his family. C. The patient's trading in schedule and diet D. The patient's competition schedule E. The relationship between the patient and coat has

C. The patient's trading in schedule and diet

If the patient complains of a burning sensation during an ultrasound treatment, all of the following may be the source of the problem except: A. The intensity is too high B. Not enough ultrasound medium is being used C. Too much ultrasound gel is being used D. The movement of the transducer head is too slow E. B and d

C. Too much ultrasound gel is being used

Injury or disease of the pancreas creates pain in which quadrant of the abdomen A. Lower right B. Upper right C. Upper left D. Lower left E. Central

C. Upper left

In which of the following sports would plyometric training be beneficial? A. Rock blinking B. Cross country C. Volleyball D. Archery E. Swimming

C. Volleyball

What is the temperature range of an ice bath? A. 35-50 B. 70-75 C. 65-70 D. 50-60 E. 60-80

D. 50-60

Isotonic external rotation fo the glenohumeral joint during shoulder rehabilitation focuses on what muscles? A. Infrasipinatus B. Teres minor C. Posterior deltoid D. All of the above E. None of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following devices is more effective in decreasing skin temperature during a cryotherapy treatment A. A microwaveable pack B. A chemical spray C. A cold towel D. An ice pack E. A fan

D. An ice pack

Ultrasound waves are reflected by ____ and absorbed by _____ A. Bone, skin B. Skin, connective tissue C. Skin, blood D. Bone, muscle E. Nerve, muscle

D. Bone, muscle

What is an upward force experienced by a body in a fluid that acts in the opposite direction of gravity and is responsible for the feeling of weightlessness in water? A. Specific gravity B. Viscosity C. Hydrostatic pressure D. Buoyancy E. None of the above

D. Buoyancy

Which of the following is not an indication for diathermy? A. To increase local circulation B. Reduction of spasms C. Pain relief D. Cardiac abnormalities E. Osteoarthritis

D. Cardiac abnormalities

Cognitive function may be affected by all of the following conditions except A. Dehydration B. Malnutrition C. Abnormal body temperature D. Depression E. Medication

D. Depression

What is the term used in ultrasound to describe the time that sound waves are being emitted during one pulse per second? A. Ultrasound frequency B. Cavitation C. Attenuation D. Duty cycle E. Intensity

D. Duty cycle

An athlete is recovering from a partial meniscectomy performed 5 days ago. All of the following actions would be appropriate at this time extent... a. Achilles stretching B. Four quadrant straight leg raises C. Stationary bicycling with minimal/no resistance D. Eccentric quadriceps strengthening E. Hip flexor strengthening.

D. Eccentric quadriceps strengthening

One of your male patients notices a tingling sensation in his urethra followed by a discharge of greenish yellow pus from his penis. He is also complaining of pain during urination. You suspect which sexual transmtted disease and recommend which of the following actions? A. Syphilis; have the patient take Zovirax for 7 to 10 days B. Trichomoniasis; have the patient drink acidic fluids, call his family physician, and have the patient refrain from all sexual contact C. Genital candidiasis; have the patient apply a fungicide to his Penn D. Gonorrhea; refer the patient to a physician and have him refrain from all sexual contact E. Genital herpes. Have the patient take diflucan

D. Gonorrhea; refer the patient to a physician and have him refrain from all sexual contact

The amount of power generated by an ultrasound unit is defined as what? A. Frequency B. Duty cycle C. Duration D. Intensity E. An ohm

D. Intensity

The progression for strengthening exercises is usually in what order? Isometric, isokinetic, isotonic, plyometric B. Isokinetic, isometric, plyometric, isotonic C. Isotonic, plyometric, isokinetic, isometric D. Isometric, isotonic, isokinetic, plyometric E. Plyometric, isometric, isotonic, isokinetic

D. Isometric, isotonic, isokinetic, plyometric

Treatment for facet dysfunction consists of all of teh following except A. Facet joint mobilization B. Passive rotation C. Pelvic rock exercises D. McKenzie extension exercises E. Dominant strengthening

D. McKenzie extension exercises

A patient presents with an acute injury of the foot and has an antalgic gait pattern. Which should you do first? A. Have the patient run half speed on a tradmill for cardiorespiratory health B. Give the patient crutches C. Instruct the patient in a heel to toe gait pattern D. Observe/palpate the injured area for gross deformity and point tenderness E. Have the patient wear an open toe shoe

D. Observe/palpate the injured area for gross deformity and point tenderness

Which fo the following acoustical interfaces is most reflective of ultrasound energy? A. Water-soft tissue B. Soft tissue- fat C. Soft tissue-bone D. Soft tissue-air E. None of the above

D. Soft tissue-air

Which muscle does not need to be strengthened after a rotator cuff repair? A. Supraspiatus B. Biceps C. Teres minor D. Sternocleidomsastoid E. Triceps

D. Sternocleidomastoid

When developing a functional progression for an athlete who is undergoing a rehabilitation program, all of the following factors need to be considered except A. The physicians expectations for the athlete's return to play B. The athlete's expectations for his or her return to activity C. The severity of the athlete's disability D. The length of the rehab program E. The athlete's position in the sport

D. The length of the rehab program

When counseling a patinet about the proper way to self administer a medication, it is important that the athletic trainer make the patient aware of what two factors? A. Any side effects and in detail how the drug works on the body. B. If the drug may be addictive ad how long the effects will last C. If the drugs may cause depression and in detail, how the dru works on the body D. When to take the medication and what foods/drugs not to mix with it E. B and c

D. When to take the medication and what foods/drugs not to mix with it

An involuntary muscle contraction characterized by alternate contraction and relaxation in rapid succession is known of which of the following? A. Tonic contraction B. Alternating contraction C. Eccentric contraction D. Clonic contraction E. Phasic contraction

D. clonic contraction

The athletic trainer of a collegiate women's swimming and diving team suspects one of his patients might have a severe eating disorder. After lengthy discussion with both the coach and patient, the athletic trainer decides it would be best for the patient if she is referred for professional help. To which fo the following professionals should the patients be initially referred? A. An endocrinologist B. A chiropractor C. A register dietitian D. A registered nurse E. A psychologist

E. A psychologist

Which of the following is not an example of an isotonic device? A. Free weights B. A total gym C. A squat rack D. Wall pulleys E. A wall

E. A wall

What medium does not transmit ultrasound waves> A. Water B. Gel C. Body lotion D. Steroid creams E. Air

E. Air

What is air hunger marked by labored or difficult breathing called? A. District B. Dystrophy C. Diaphoresis D. Dysphasia E. Dyspenea

E. Dyspenea

Polydipsia is is also known as whihcof the following A. Excessive urination B. Excessive hunger C. Excessive blood glucose D. Low urine pH E. Excessive thirst

E. Excessive thirst

When rehabilitating an athlete following a ligamentous wrist injury, once the ligament has healed enough where active motion can be initiated, it is important to educate he athlete to exercise only: A. Isometrically B. In water C. While using a prophylactic brace D. First thing in the morning E. In a pain free range

E. In a pain free range

All of the following are tests for glenohumeral instability except: A. Clunk test B. Anterior apprehension C. Anterior glide D. Load shift E. Neer's test

E. Neer's test

______ is a method of massage that involves the lifting and kneading of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle with the fingers or hand. A. Friction B. Tapotment C. Effleurage D. Rolfing E. Petrissage

E. Pettrissage

____ and ____ are two means that deliver medication via sound waves and electricity. A. Ultrasound, iontophoresis B. Ultrasound, phontophoresis C. Micromassage, phonophoresis D. Phonophoresis, iontophoresis E. High-volt electric stimulation, iontophoresis

E. Phonophoresis, iontophoresis

What is a form of exercise that helps develop eccentric control during dynamic mocentmets? A. Isometric B. PNF C. Hydraulic training D. Isokinetics E. Plyometric

E. Plyometric

The athletic trainer should perform which of the following tests for posterior crucicate ligament laxity? A. Alley distraction test B. Jerk test C. Alley compression test D. Bivouac shift test E. Posterior drawer test

E. Posterior drawer test

Ultrasound is based on the ______ effect. A. Resonance B. Sounding C. Cavitation D. Phones or E. Reverse piezoelectric

E. Reverse piezoelectric

Strengthening of which muscle is vital in the throwing athlete? A. Lower trap B. Pettiness C. Serratus posterior D. Obliques E. Rhomboids

E. Rhomboids

Diaphoresis is also known as which of the following A. Rapid heart beat B. Body odor C. Bad breath D. Slow heart beat E. Sweating

E. Sweating

Which of the following individuals should the athletic trainer advise and consult with when developing a reconditioning program for a patinet following a musculoskeletal injury while playing football? A. The team physician B. The school nurse C. The head football coach D. The patient's parents if he is a minor E. The team strength and conditioning coach

E. The team strength and conditioning coach

Which of the following is the most effective motivator for compliance to rehab of an athletic injury? A. Coercion B. Bribery C. Fear D. Collaboration E. Goal setting

E. goal setting

Which of the following muscles are the primary muscles involved when performing a resisted wrist curl? (Palms up) Flexor digitorum longus Flexor digiti minimi Adductor pollicis Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Brachialis

Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris

Which of the following are contraindications to massage? Inflammation Pregnancy Hemorrhage Infection Phlebitis

Inflammation, hemorrhage, infection, Phlebitis

Which of the following muscles are involved in a seated row exercise? Latissimus dorsi Teres minor Teres major Middle trap Rhomboids Pec major

Latissimus dorsi Teres major Middle trap Rhomboids

when rehabilitating a patient with a recent herniated disc, which of the following exercises are most appropriate?

McKenzie extension

When advising a patinet about his year long strength training program, the athletic trainer should have the patient limit his heavy lifting workouts to which periods? A. Inseason and postseason B. Preseason and inseason C. Postseason and off season D. Off season adn preseason E. None of the above

Off season and preseason

Which of the following muscle groups are involved during a full squat with weights? Quads Hamstrings Erector spinal Middle deltoid Gluteus max Serratus anterior

Quads, hamstrings, erector spinal, glut max

when treating an athlete with trochaneric bursitis, flexibility shoudl be increased in which of the following muscles? a. glut max TFL Iliacus Piriformis lumbar


Which of the following muscles are involved ina. Seated military press? Trapezius Latissimus dorsi Pex major Serratus anterior Posterior deltoid Triceps

Trapezius Pex major Serratus anterlior Triceps

how would you define a policy? a. a specific plan for members of an organization to follow b. a broad statement of an intended action c. an organizational plan that provides program direction for 1 or 2 years d. a mission statement of an organization e. a vision statement of an organization

a broad statement of an intended action

what organization publishes CPT codes on an annual basis? a. AMA b. NATA c. CAATE d. BOC e. none of the above

a. AMA

The ____ is a change that represents the maximum amount that is an insurance company will pay a provider a. HCFA b. NCR c. ADA d. CPT e. UCR


which of the following forms should the athletic trainer fill out to gain the quickest reimbursement form for an insurance company? a. HCFA-1500 b. CPT 1-A form c. UCR form d. an incident report form e. none of the above

a. HCFA-1500

according to Mainland's 5 grades of joint motion, which grade would be most appropriate when joint movement is limited by pain and spasm? a. I b. II C. III D. IV e. V

a. I

over the past 6 months you notice one of the athletic trainers on your staff exhibition some behaviors that are out of character for that individual. you recognize these behaviors as signs of burnout. which of the following are signs of job burnout? I. insomnia II. angry behavior III. manic behavior IV. self-preoccupation v. attentiveness VI. daily feelings of exhaustion a. I, II, IV, VI b. I, III, IV, V c. II, III, V, VI d. II, III, IV, VI e. all of the above

a. I, II, IV, VI

The ____ is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization that gathers injury data from a number of sources including educational institutions a. NSC b. NOCSAE c. ACSM d. OSHA e. ISS

a. NSC

which of the following sequences contains the appropriate steps in rehabilitation a grate II ankle sprain? a. RICE, stretching the achilles tendon, isometric exercise, proprioceptive exercises, isotonic exercises b. RICE, isotonic exercises, hopping exercises, stretching the achilles tendon, active range of motion c. RICE, isotonic exercises, isokinetic exercises, active range of motion d. RICE, treadmill ambulation, active range of motion exercises, figure 8 exercises, strengthening of the achilles tendon, foot intrinsic exercises e. none of the above

a. RICE, stretching the achilles tendon, isometric exercise, proprioceptive exercises, isotonic exercises

what must the athletic trainer establish with the athletic prior to and during the rehabilitation in order for the rehabilitation of an injured athlete to be successful? a. a good rapport b. a position of dominance c. a deadline by which the athlete must return to full-time participation d. the understanding that the coach has the final decision in his or her rehab sessions e. b and c

a. a good rapport

Which of the following may occur as a result of a puncture wound that has not been properly treated? a. a tetanus infection b. a streptococcus infection c. a spirochete infection d. a staphlococcus infection e. dissemination of the wound

a. a tetanus infection

which of the following conditions is not indicated for mechanical traction? a. an acute interspinous sprain b. degernative joint disease c. herniated discs or protrusions d. degernative disc disease e. muscle spasm

a. an acute interspinous sprain

Why is the repair response so limited in the articular cartilage of a joint after an injury in the adult athlete? a. articular cartilage cells o not undergo mitosis in the mature athlete b. articular cartilage has a poor venous supply c. articular cartilage has a low water content d. there are fewer mitochondria present in the articular cartilage that in hyaline cartilage e. all of the above

a. articular cartilage cells o not undergo mitosis in the mature athlete

an athletic trainer discovers that he is infected with HIV. All of the following would be prudent steps for the athletic trainer to take except a. avoid seeking medical care b. inform, or if when it becomes appropriate to do so, his patients, coworkers, and supervisors of his status c. take the necessary stems to avoid the possibility of infecting others d. make sure he has ongoing medical evaluations e. b and d

a. avoid seeking medical care

what is the most important thing an athletic trainer should do when taking a history fro man athlete after an injury has offered or when a problem arises? a. be an active listener b. make sure the athlete gets to the point c. find out when the injury occurred d. be sure to ask plenty of leading questions e. ask what type of insurance policy he or she has

a. be an active listener

which of the following is the correct sequence of tissue healing? a. cellular response, regeneration, remodeling b. remodeling, regeneration, cellular response c. rejection, regeneration, resolution d. regeneration, resolution, remodeling e. none of the above.

a. cellular response, regeneration, remodeling

which of the following qualities is needed in order to be an effective educator in an athletic training program? a. competence in a classroom teaching methods b. competence in speechwriting and communication skills c. a background in sociology d. competence in computer language audiovisual technology e. all of the above

a. competence in a classroom teaching methods

which of the following is not an error when planning the design of a sports medicine facility? a. concentrating on function rather than style b. the use of wood for the main floor material c. having the adaptive access on the other side of the building d. non-ground fault interrupter receptacles placed within the hydrotherapy area e. having only one entrance and exit

a. concentrating on function rather than style

which of the following is a common adverse effect of an opioid analgesic a. constipation b. headache c. stomach upset d. diarrhea e. anxiety

a. constipation

medical records are defined as which of the following? a. cumulative documentation of a persons medical history and health care interventions b. widely accepted principles the are intended to guide the professional activities of the health care practitioner c. the act of recording health care assessments or treatment on cassette tapes or directly into a computer for later transcription d. a method of recording details of an athlete's assessment and treatment using a detailed prose based format e. all of the above

a. cumulative documentation of a persons medical history and health care interventions

Which of the following describes a neuropraxia? a. demyelination of the axon sheath that leads to a conduction block. usually heals in approximately 1 to 2 weeks. b. loss or disruption of the axon and myelin sheath. the epineurium is still intact c. an injury to the nedoneurium, perineurium, and epineurim with a permanent neurological deficit d. a crush injury to a nerve causing damage to the epineurium. The perineurium is intact. e. none of the above

a. demyelination of the axon sheath that leads to a conduction block. usually heals in approximately 1 to 2 weeks

which of the following models of supervision for a head athletic trainer could be described as a mentoring approach? a. developmental supervision b. inspection supervision c. on field supervision d. clinical supervision e. none of the above

a. developmental supervision

high voltage pulsed stimulation may be used as an adjunct treatment in controlling actor and chronic pain through which 2 mechanisms a. get control and opiate release mechanism b. gate control and histamine release mechanisms c. analgesia production and counterirritation d. edema control and spasm reduction e. stimulation of both motor and sensory nerves

a. get control and opiate release mechanism

when is the best time to begin a rehab program after an injury/ a. immediately b. after the injured part is healed c. after the inflammation is under control d. once the pain subsides a. all of the above

a. immediately

if hyperventilation does not adequately increase the oxygen supply in the blood during aerobic exercise, what must occur to meet the gas exchange demands? a. increased cardiac output b. decreased cardiac output c. supplemental iron pills must be provided d. the activity must be discontinued e. none of the above

a. increased cardiac output

A patient is seen by the athletic trainer 4 weeks post operatively after shoulder arthroscopy. During the athletic trainer's assessment is found that the patient has limited abduction secondary to capsular stiffness. Which of the following joint glides would be appropriate to improve this motion? a. inferior humeral glide b. anterior humeral gilde c. posterior humeral glide d. superior humeral glide e. all fo the above

a. inferior humeral glide

what is the series of codes used by insurance agencies and providers alike to identify a patient's diagnosis for reimbursement purposes called? a. international classification of disease or ICD-to codes b. interclinician codes of diagnoses or ICD5 codes c. third party payer codes d. international procedure and diagnoses or IPD-10 codes e. none of the above

a. international classification of disease or ICD-to codes

Which of the following is the biggest budgetary obstacle that many high school athlete trainers must face? a. lack of a room and special facilitates/equipment necessary to operate an adequate athletic training program b. lack of athletic tape and wraps, athletic training kits and a table c. location of the athletic training facility d. lack of an athletic training student t program which would provide the verified athletic trainer with free help e. lack of a budget

a. lack of a room and special facilitates/equipment necessary to operate an adequate athletic training program

when acquiring capital equipment for your athletic training facility, a decision must be made regarding leading or purchasing the equipment. What might be a possible advantage in leasing the equipment? a. less risk that the equipment will become obsolete b. lower overall cost c. outright ownership of the equipment d. purchased equipment has little resale value e. all of the above

a. less risk that the equipment will become obsolete

which of the following is a method that allocated a fixed amount o money or an entire program without specifying how the money will be spent? a. lump sum budgeting b. request for quotation c. lump sum bidding d. line item budgeting e. need based budgeting

a. lump sum budgeting

which of the following could present a problem for the athletic trainer when using a computer to store medical records? a. maintaining security b. retrieving specific information c. loading files d. using email e. all of the above

a. maintaining security

what is one of the most important steps an athletic trainer need to take when starting a new high school athletic training program? a. make an emergency plan? b. make sure there is enough tape and first aid kits c. have uniforms made for the athletic training staff so they may be identified by the coaches d. meet with the schools booster clubs to begin fundraising e. network with local physical therapists

a. make an emergency plan

although no cure exists for myasthenia graves, medical treatment to minimize the symptoms include which of the following a. medications that act on the neuromuscular junction b. cold laser c. skeletal muscle relaxants d. radiation e. antipyretic drugs

a. medications that act on the neuromuscular junction

an athlete and his coach from your wrestling program have been trying to convince you that that athletic who has been diagnosed with impetigo can return early to wrestle. your response should be based upon which NAT code of ethics principle? a. members shall respect the rights welfare and dignity of all individuals b. members shall comply with the laws and regulations governing the practice of athletic training c. members shall accept the responsibility for exercise of sound judgment d. members shall not engage in any form of conduct the constitutes a conflict of interest or that adversely reflects on the profession e. none of the above

a. members shall respect the rights welfare and dignity of all individuals

a certified athletic trainer refuses to treat an athlete based on what athletes ethnicity. this is in violation of which principle of the nana code of ethics? a. members shall respect the rights, welfare and dignity of all individuals b. members shall accept responsibility of the exercise of sound judgment c. members shall maintain and promos high standards in the provision of services d. members shall not engage in any form of conduct that constitutes a conflict of interest or that adversely reflects on the profession e. none fo the above

a. members shall respect the rights, welfare and dignity of all individuals

an athlete steps out of a whirlpool onto a slippery wet floor and slips and falls, fracturing his wrists. The athletic trainer may be considered _____ in this case. a. negligent b. immune c. a plaintiff d. a witness e. not guilty

a. negligent

treatment for cystic fibrosis includes all of the following except a. nutritional counseling/modification, pulmonary therapies to clear secretions, antibiotics b. regular exercise, nutritional counseling/modifications, expectorant c. bed rest daily suction to lear secretions, antibiotics and expectorants e. bronchodilators, antihistamines and expectorants

a. nutritional counseling/modification, pulmonary therapies to clear secretions, antibiotics

The athletic trainer may use any of the following to treat an injured or ill patient except a. prescription drug b. hydrotherapy c. cryotherapy d. electrotherapy e. massage

a. prescription drug

the process by which something is done in a sports medicine program is defined as a a. procedure b. policy c. agreement d. chain of command e. protocol

a. procedure

when rehabilitating a musculoskeletal injury, what is the proper progression of treatment? a. range of motion, strength, endurance, proprioception b. pain relief, agility, range of motion, strength c. range of motion, pain relief, endurance, proprioception d. proprioception, range of motion, strength, endurance e. range of motion, endurance, strength, proprioception

a. range of motion, strength, endurance, proprioception

which of the following exercises does not address proprioception? a. recumbent station bike b. mini tramp c. stork standing d. treadmill e. all of the above

a. recumbent station bike

which of the following is the only NSAID used topically in the united states? a. salicylate b. ibuprofen c. meloxicam d. celebbrex e. naproxen NA

a. salicylate

where is the primary location for adenosine triphosphate production in skeletal muscle? a. sarcomere b. sarcoplasm c. sarcolemma d. sarcoplasmic reticulum e. mitochondria

a. sarcomere

heat is dissipated in the body by all of the following except a. shivering b. convection c. the lungs d. sweat evaporation e. vasodilation

a. shivering

during a D2 extension pattern of the upper extremity, what is the proper timing sequence? a. shoulder extension, forearm pronation, finger flexion b. shoulder flexion, scapular retraction, finger extension c. shoulder abduction, forearm supination, finger extension. d. shoulder extension, forearm supination, finger flexion e. none of the above.

a. shoulder extension, forearm pronation, finger flexion

when rehabilitation a cervical strain, what must the athletic trainer maintain integrity of? a. shoulder girdle b. lower back c. upper arm d. hand e. kyphosis of the thoracic spine

a. shoulder girdle

What is a stretching exercise that consists of a stretch and hold position called a. static stretch b. PNF pattern c. ballistic stretch d. warm-up e. b and c

a. static stretch

which of the following is a prudent action that the athletic trainer should take prior to an emergency arriving? a. the athletic trainer should arrange a meeting between himself and the local rescue squad, team physician and any other individual involved in handling an injured athlete at least once a year to establish and practice procedures that will be used in the event of an emergency. b. make sure all the folf carts are fully charged and ready to roll c. make sure the athletic director and school nurse are on campus d. know all of the emergency routes of the campus and have directions to the nearest hospital e. b and d

a. the athletic trainer should arrange a meeting between himself and the local rescue squad, team physician and any other individual involved in handling an injured athlete at least once a year to establish and practice procedures that will be used in the event of an emergency.

what is the primary care physician who is appointed by an insurance company to oversee the medial care given to a patient and assigns any special and ancillary services called? a. the gatekeeper b. the participating provider c. the third party administrator d. the policy holder e. none of the above

a. the gatekeeper

what types of medications are most commonly used in the treatment of epilepsy? a. tranquilizers and sedatives b. COX-2 inhibitors c. beta blockers d. vasopressors e. psychogenic drugs

a. tranquilizers and sedatives

when developing pre participation physical examination forms, it is important to make sure all patients have all of the following included in their medical folders except a. treatment consent form signed by their parent if the patient is 18 years of age or older b. history of any period conditions documented c. documentation of medications being taken d. assumption of risk forms e. c and d

a. treatment consent form signed by their parent if the patient is 18 years of age or older

Herpes simple lavialis is caused by which of the following? a. virus b. fungus c. bacteria d. parasite e. none of the above

a. virus

all of the following are exceptions to the rule of confidentiality except a. when the media desires information regarding the athletes health status b. when there is a clear and imminent danger to the athlete c. when there is clear an imminent danger to others d. when legal requirements demand that confidential information be released e. c and d

a. when the media desires information regarding the athletes health status

at what concentrations is topical hydrocortisone available over the counter a. 1% and 5% b. 0.25% and 1% c. 1.5% and 2% d. 10% and 15% e. 2% and 5%

b. 0.25% and 1%

how high should electrical outlets be placed above the floor in the athletic training facility? a. 2 to 3 feet b. 4 to 5 feet c. 6 feet d. 1 to 2 feet e. none of the above

b. 4 to 5 feet

during the acute phase of an ankle injury, the water temperature of a whirlpool should be set at what temperature? a. 37C-37.7C b. 55F-65F c. 30F-35F d. 70F-80F e. 40C-50C

b. 55F-65F

you were just given permission to hire a new staff athletic trainer. what order should these components follow when conducting staff selection activities? I. retention II. hiring III. promotion IV. performance evaluation V. demotion a. III, V, IV, II, I b. II, III, I, IV, V c. I, II, III, IV, V d. IV, I, V, III, II e. I, II, IV, V, III

b. II, III, I, IV, V

primary coverage is defined as which of the following? a. self pay insurance b. a coverage that begins to pay for covered expenses after the deductible has been met c. protection for an individual against future loss of earnings because of injury d. the invoiced cost of an insurance policy e. third party payment

b. a coverage that begins to pay for covered expenses after the deductible has been met

which of the following is a priority when developing a sports medicine center for the local community? a. an area for massage therapy b. a mission statement c. an open house d an educational seminar for coaches e. all of the above

b. a mission statement

all of the following are ways athletic trainers can help keep insurance premiums to a minimum except a. insist that the athletes purchase their own personal insurance b. adopt and communicate policies that increase the institutions financial obligations to those injuries that are covered by the school's insurance policy c. spread the risk among all concerned parties d. pass the cost or some fraction of the cost to the athlete e. have the team physician see athletes in the athletic training facility

b. adopt and communicate policies that increase the institutions financial obligations to those injuries that are covered by the school's insurance policy

what are the cost based providers contacted by the federal government and charged with reviewing medicare claims made by hospitals called? a. an intermediary b. an insurance carrier c. a joint review board d. an insurance network e. business manager.

b. an insurance carrier

which of the following is covered in a rider in an athletic accident insurance policy? a. acute traumatic injuries b. chronic overuse injuries c. long term permanent disabilities d. all of the above e. none of the above

b. chronic overuse injuries

which of the following pairs are chemically identical a. diazepam, skelaxin b. cimetidine, tagament c. triacetin, tinactin d. tetracaine, lanacane e. ibuprofen, naproxen

b. cimetidine, tagament

A patient needs instruction on how to properly perform an abdominal sit up. What should the athletic trainer recommend? a. place his hands behind his head, take a deep breath and hold it, and pull his torso up toward his knees b. cross his arms across his chest, tuck his chin, bend his knees, inhale, and exhale as he pulls his torso up towards his knees

b. cross his arms across his chest, tuck his chin, bend his knees, inhale, and exhale as he pulls his torso up towards his knees

which of the following would help an athletic trainer determine space needs when planning to build a sports medicine center? a. enlisting the help of a doctor who is in private practice b. developing a traffic pattern chart . buying the equipment firs and the determine space needs d. performing site visits at various gyps to get ideas e. all of the above

b. developing a traffic pattern chart

_____and ______ are 2 medications that can be combined when utilizing iontophoresis a. acetic acid, lidocaine b. dexamethasone, lidocaine c. dexamethasone, epinephrine d. hydrocortisone, medrol e. antibiotic creams, lidocaine

b. dexamethasone, lidocaine

which of the following is not a responsibility of the athletic trainer a. counsel and advise the athlete about health care b. diagnose and treat illnesses c. administer first aid as necessary d. supervise proper equipment fitting e .organize and set up pre participation physical exams.

b. diagnose and treat illnesses

which of the following standards are performance evaluations standards intended to help foster practicality in the employee appraisal process? a. accuracy standards b. feasibility standards c. utility standards d. proprietary standards e. quality standards

b. feasibility standards

______ is a form of record keeping that allows the athletic trainer to list the athlete's injury information response of the athlete to the athletic trainer's treatment in column form. a. soap note c. focus charting c. charting by exception d. computerized documenttion e. WOTS UP

b. focus charting

which of the following statements accurately describes isokinetic training? a. generation fo muscular force with no visible joint movement b. generation of a muscular force with visible joint movement that occurs at the constant speed but variable external resistance c. generation of a muscular force with visible joint movement at a variable speed but with a fixed external resistance d. generation fo a muscle force durin a muscular lengthening e. none of the above

b. generation of a muscular force with visible joint movement that occurs at the constant speed

before returning an athlete to full activity, all of the following criteria should equal those taken from the uninvolved side at the end of the rehab program except a. strength of each muscle group b. girth measurements at 6 inches bone and below the joint line c. proprioception of both extremities d. flexibility of the involved muscle grips e. C and D.

b. girth measurements at 6 inches bone and below the joint line

a patient with a disability should not be discriminated against, but he or she must have documentation that supports his or her condition. how can he or she justify the disability? a. he tells you about the condition b. he has a record of such impairment with medical documentation c. he has trouble performing in class or in the sport d. all of the above e. none of the above

b. he has a record of such impairment with medical documentation

a moist heat pack causes all of the following effects except a. higher superficial tissue temperatures b. increases in muscle tissue temperatures c. sedation d. reduction of muscle spasms e. vasodilation

b. increases in muscle tissue temperatures

all of the following are contraindications for using cryotherapy except a. raynaud's phenomenon b. inflammation c. vasculitis d. cold urticaria e. A and D.

b. inflammation

a certified athletic trainer is observed to be intoxicated wile at work at a major university. this is in violation of which principle of the NATA code of ethics? a. members shall respect the rights, welfare, and dignity of all members b. members shall comply with the laws and regulations governing the practice of theistic training c. members shall accept responsibility for the exercise of sound judgment d. member shall maintain and promos high standards in the provision of services e. none of the above

b. members shall comply with the laws and regulations governing the practice of theistic training

What is the efferent response to sensory information called? a. kinesthesia b. neuromuscular control c. proprioception d. coordination e. parathesia

b. neuromuscular control

which of the following is a contract between a policy holder and an insurance company to reimburse a percentage of the cost of the policy holders medical bills a. an insurance claim b. point of service insurance c. a promissory note d. medical insurance e. treatment agreement

b. point of service insurance

which of the following proton pump inhibitors is an over the counter medication? a. nexium b. priolec c. prevacid d. protonix e. aciphex

b. priolec

athletic trainers should carry what type of insurance? a. catastrophic event insurance b. professional liability insurance c. accident insurance d. life insurance e. primary insurance

b. professional liability insurance

when using massage to reduce edema in an extremity, the athletic trainer should begin the technique ____ and move ____ a. medially, laterally b. proximally, distally c. distally, proximally d. deeply, superficially e. superficially, deeply

b. proximally, distally

when rehabilitation a patient who has been diagnosed with jumpers knee, which muscle group should eventually be strengthened? a. hamstrings b. quads c. hip-adductors d. hip extensors e. triceps

b. quads

______, ______, ______ must be taken into consideration when developing a risk management plan a. security, liability, competence b. security, fire safety, management of emergency injuries c. insurance procedures, policies/procedures, materials d. licensing, certifications, administrative policy e. employees, liability, security

b. security, fire safety, management of emergency injuries

what would be a functional skill for a patient in an ankle rehabilitation program? a. gastrocnemius flexability b. single leg hopping c. lifting tolerance d. anterior tibialis strengthening

b. single leg hopping

You are part of a planning committee that has been given the responsibility of designing the new athletic training facility at your school. You have been through the initial process of conducting a needs assessment and selecting an architect/contractor. You now are meeting with the architect to begin the development of the schematic drawings that will be submitted for approval. ____ and _____ are 2 major elements that must be addressed in these schematic drawings. a. plumbing, electrical layouts b. space needs, traffic patterns c. field access, escape routes d. aesthetics, large equipment positioning e. color, furniture location

b. space needs, traffic patterns

Circuit training is an effective training technique if the athletic trainer desires to improve ____ and ____ a. agility, endurance b. strength, flexibility c. agility, proprioception d. power, endurance e. strength, power

b. strength, flexibility

which of the following documents would most likely be subpoenaed during a civil litigation suit against an athletic trainer? a. équipement inventory b. treatment log c. budget reports d. sporting even schedules e .proof of athletic thine credentials and certifications

b. treatment log

external muscular force available for useful work is the result of all of the following factors except a. the velocity of muscular shortening b. whether the muscle is fast or slow twitch c. the angle of the pull of the muscle d. the length of the muscle e. c and d

b. whether the muscle is fast or slow twitch

when rehabilitating the lateral epicondylitis, which muscle groups needs to be strengthened? a. wrist flexors b. wrist extensors c. elbow flexors d. elbow extensors e. shoulder abductors

b. wrist extensors

how far from the nose should the facemark of a football helmet be located? a. 1 inch b. 2 finger widths c. 3 finger widths d. 0.75 inches e. 3 inches

c. 3 finger widths

How quickly may the adaptations in skeletal muscle reverse if strength training is discontinued or interrupted during rehabilitation? a. 24 hours b. 36 hours c. 48 hours d. 1 week e. 4 week

c. 48 hours

which organization has identified the domains of athletic training as defied by the role delineation study? a. AMA b. APTA c. BOC d. NATA ethics committee e. CAATE

c. BOC

which of the following are types of state regulation statues for athletic trainers I. certification II. licensing III active IV registration V. inactive a. I, II, V b. II, II, IV c. I, II, IV d. II, IV, V e. I, II, III

c. I, II, IV

All of the following are contraindications for aqua therapy except a. an excessive fear of the water b. an open wound c. an athlete who is unable to treat water d. UTI e. a skin infection

c. an athlete who is unable to treat water

which of the following methods for funding public sector sports medicine facilities utilizes an institutions assets in cash and investments not normally used for operational purposes? a. capital campaign b. tax exempt bonds c. an endowment d. commercial loans e. unrestricted loans

c. an endowment

to bea successful athletic trainer, an individual must possess all of the following personal qualities except: a. the ability to adapt to a changing environment b. a good sense of humor c. an interest in making money d. empathy e. b and d

c. an interest in making money

all of the following are methods of enhancing a budget plain except a. keep an accurate inventory on all disposable and non disposable supplies b. figure out how much of your disposable supplies have been used and estimate how much more will be needed to finish out the fiscal year c. consult with a certified public accountant or professional financial advisor and follow his or her direction regarding the development of a budget plan d. consult with several vendors to et an estimate of how much prices will rise in the upcoming year e. determine how many athletes will be receiving care.

c. consult with a certified public accountant or professional financial advisor and follow his or her direction regarding the development of a budget plan

which of these is not a step for recruiting and hiring sports medicine personnel? a. placing a position vacancy notice on the NATA placement Vacancy Notices b. interviewing c. creating program goals d, hiring a head athletic trainer e. all of the above are steps for recruiting and hiring staff

c. creating program goals

maintaining up to date records is extremely important. how often should the athletic trainer document> a. monthly b. weekly c. daily d. every 6 months e. every 2 weeks

c. daily

you are beginning to lat the foundation for your new athlete training facility at north high school. in order to expedite the process and cut down on the amount of individuals you must deal with you have decided to use one of the following construction process models. which of the following uses only one firm to both design and construct the new building? a. lump sum bidding model b. construction development model c. design build model d. contractor supply model e. none of the above

c. design build model

what are heat producing currents in the body that are formed by a magnetic field that is externally applied in short wave diathermy called? a. induction currents b. magnetic currents c. eddy currents d. alternating currents e. interferential currents

c. eddy currents

the term dexamethasone is the ____ name of this medication a. secondary b. brand c. generic d. FDA approved e. trade

c. generic

sensor receptors located at the musculotendinous junction, which monitor active tension generated by the muscle during a contraction are called a. pacinian corpuscles b. ruffini receptors c. golgi tendon organs d. muscle spindles e. contractile sensory receptors

c. golgi tendon organs

when rehabilitating a patient with patellofemoral pain syndrome, which muscle groups should be strengthened? a. quads, hamstrings b. hip abductors, hamstrings c. hip adductors, quads d. hip flexors, hip external rotators e. IT band, hip external rotators

c. hip adductors, quads

although ice bags are the most commonly used modality in the treatment of acute injuries, a drawback of this modality may be which of the following? a. they leak easily b. they take longer to cool the skin than reusable ice bags c. ice machines are expensive and their cost may be to prohibitive d. ice takes a long time to make on a regular basis e. ice machines tend to be unreliable

c. ice machines are expensive and their cost may be to prohibitive

during rehabilitation, closed chain exercises are recommended because they do all of the following except a. stimulate proprioceptors b. increase joint stability c. isolate a specific muscle group for strengthening d. reduce shear forces e. increase muscle co-contraction

c. isolate a specific muscle group for strengthening

what type of exercises may be safely initiated immediately after knee surgery? a. closed-chain eccentric exercises b. isotonic exercises c. isomeric exercises d. functional exercises e. none of the above

c. isomeric exercises

which of the following is not a type of budget? a. fixed budgeting b. variable budgeting c. laissez fair budgeting d. lump sum budgetin g e. line item budgeting

c. laissez fair budgeting

athletic training equipment can be either leased or bought. which of the following is an advantage to leasing equipment? a. higher overall cost b no ownership c. lower initial cost d. higher effective interest rate than traditional financing e. none of the above

c. lower initial cost

which of the following is not one of the 3 phases of the needs assessment as it is related to budget planning? a. exploration b. information gathering c. negotiation d. decision making e. a and b

c. negotiation

torts are legal wrongs committed against a person or his or her property. such wrongs may be a direct result of _____ or ___. a. negligence, commission b. negligence, liability c. omission, commission d. omission, negligence e. commission, liability

c. omission, commission

What is a type of organizational culture characterized by autonomy in decision making and problem solving? a. organizational culture b. collegial culture c. personalistic culture d. informal culture e. independent culture.

c. personalistic culture

according to program management theory, which of the following is defined as a decision making process in which a course of action is determined in order to bring about a future state of affairs? a. vision statement b. mission statement c. planning d. program evaluation e. implementation evaluation

c. planning

if a patient who is covered by an HMO insurance policy needs to see a specialist, who must make the referral in most cases? a. athletic trainer b. specialist c. primary care physician d. patient e. none of the above

c. primary care physician

What conditioning component is needed to perceive the position of the foot as it lands on the ground after the swing phase of gait? a. agility b. balance c. proprioception d. kinesthesia e. eccentric stretching

c. proprioception

which of the following components of a rehab program is most often overlooked by the athletic trainer during rehab? a. endurance b. flexibility c. proprioception d. functional testing top to returning to the sport e. strength

c. proprioception

thermomoldable plastics, such as orthoplast or aqua-last may be indicated for many different situations. which of the following conditions might benefit fro the use of this type of material? a. gene recravatum b. thoracic outlet syndrome c. quadriceps contusion d. anterior cruciate sprain e. gene vacuum

c. quadriceps contusion

knee braces can be classified as either functional, prophylactic, or rehabilitative. Which type of race might be work for 1 or 2 weeks after a trade II mcl sprain? a. functiona b. prophylactic c. rehabilitative d. custom fit e. no brace

c. rehabilitative

which of the following si the most common order for steps i recruiting and hiring sports medicine personnel? a. request for position, application collection, position request approval b. application collection, position vacancy notice, offer of contract c. request for position, telephone interviews d. hiring, offer of contract, request for position e. application collection interview, request for position

c. request for position, telephone interviews

athletic training stope of practice parameters set by legislation fall into all of the following areas except: a. restrictions regarding site of practice b. modality use restrictions c. restrictions regarding classroom teaching d. the definitions of athletic training or athletic trainer e. supervision of athletic trainers

c. restrictions regarding classroom teaching

when rehabilitating a shoulder, in what area should strengthening exercises be initiated first? a. razor cuff musculature b. cervical musculature c. scapular musculature d. shoulder abductors, flexors, and internal rotators e. a and d

c. scapular musculature

what is a type of athletic training insurance that pays for covered medical expenses only after all other insurance policies have reached their limits? a. self b. primary c. secondary d. catastrophic e. liability

c. secondary

A basketball plater who has sprained her ankle for the second time in 3 months reports to the athletic training facility for her thrid treatment session. The athletic trainer notices she is demanding an dose wants to know what the athletic trainer did not fix her ankle right the first time. She becomes some that threatening stating that she will find someone else if she is not successfully helped this time. What would be the best response to an attention seeking athlete? a. give up and let her seek help elsewhere b. work with the athlete as long as necessary to satisfy her need for attention c. set specific but reasonable time limits with the athlete per treatment session so the athletic trainer is not overtaxed d. encourage the athlete to take a more positive position on her rehab and use humor to divert her attention away from the injury e. none of the above.

c. set specific but reasonable time limits with the athlete per treatment session so the athletic trainer is not overtaxed

Which of the following PNF techniques is not a strengthening technique? a. slow reversal b. rhythmic stabilization c. slow-reversal hold relax d. rhythmic initiation e. all of the above

c. slow-reversal hold relax

what is the state law that gives an individual the length of time (in years) to file a claim? a. foreseeable harm b. liability negligence c. statute of limitations d. tort e. statute of suitability

c. statute of limitations

in athletic training, database software has been primarily used to perform what function? a. wire letters and produce forms b. perform simple calculations and integrate text with graphics c. store and retrieve information regarding athletic injury treatment d. merge lists and develop spreadsheets e. all of the above

c. store and retrieve information regarding athletic injury treatment

what type of analysis would be considered a useful tool in the strategic planning of an existing athletic training program? a. the HCFA b. the strengths/weaknesses analysis c. the WOTS UP analysis d. the Samson analysis e. flow chart analysis

c. the WOTS UP analysis

a high school athlete is pitching during a baseball game and is hit in the head with a line drive. he is seriously injured. the assistant coach is also the athlete's father. in this situation, who is legally responsible for the athlete's immediate care? a. the head coach b. he assistant coach/parent c. the athletic trainer d. the high school at which the event is taking place e. all of the above

c. the athletic trainer

which of the following is not characteristic of a managed care organization? a. they require provider accountability b. they promote the use of a physician as a gatekeeper c. they are based on fee for service model d. they utilize various strategies e. they utilize specific providers

c. they are based on fee for service model

what is the process in which health care practitioners are reimbursed by a policy holders insurance? a. primary party reimbursement b. secondary party reimbursement c. third party reimbursement d. tertiary party reimbursement e. direct reimbursement

c. third party reimbursement

when explaining to a parent the difference between an athletic trainer and a physical therapist the expertise of a physical therapist might best be described as which of the following? a. expertise in the rehabilitation of the handicapped individual b. those health care professionals trained in the rehab of orthopedic injuries c. those individuals trained in the rehab of a diverse population d. expertise in the rehab of athletic, geriatric, and neurologically impaired populations e. none o the above

c. those individuals trained in the rehab of a diverse population

as the director of a free-standing sports medicine clinic, it is important to keep accurate records of an employees personal record. all of the following should be included in this file except a. performance evaluation records b. salary and promotion records c. time off request sheets d. employee contracts e. b and d

c. time off request sheets

which type of budgeting model requires justification for every budget line item without reference to previous spending patterns? a. fixed b. variable c. zero based d. performance e. need based

c. zero based

if an athlete needs to lose weight for health reasons, how many calories must his or her daily diet be reduced by in order to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week? a. 250 to 500 calories/day b. 1000 to 2000 calories/week c. 1000-200 calories/day d. 500-1000 calories/day e. none of the above

d. 500-1000 calories/day

maintaining accurate medical records is the responsibility of which of the following individuals in the high school setting? I. athletic trainer II. athletic director III. principal IV. school nurse V. team physician A. I, II, III B. II, IV, V C. III, IV, V D. I, IV, V E. all of the above

d. I, IV, V

which of the following organizations was established in 1950 and created a code of ethics and standards for the profession of athletic training? a. AOSSM b. ACSM c. APTA d. NATA e. NASM


which of the following medications is not a medication that could predispose an athlete to heat illness? a. decongestants b. antihistamines c. diuretics d. NSAIDS e. beta-adrenergic blockers


what guidelines does the athletic trainer have to follow regarding maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation of the athletic training facility? a. ACAHO b. AMA c. CARF d. OSHA e. CAATE


You have a been given the opportunity to asset in hiring a new team physician. who type of agreement should be drawn up between the school and the physician? a. school emergency systems agreement b. a noncompete agreement c. a medical consent agreement d. a physicians letter of agreement e. liability contract agreement

d. a physicians letter of agreement

the equal employment operation chef works with employees who have filed what type of complaint? a. discrimination b. sexual harassment c. racism d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

when massage is utilized to induce a sedative effect, which type of massge technique is indicated? a. tapotement b. vibration c. petrissage d. danish e. effleurage

d. all of the above

which of the following massage techniques is a method of tapotement? a. cupping b. hacking c. pinching d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

which of the following pieces of information are important for the athletic trainer to keep on record in the athletic training facility? a. injury reports b. injury evaluations and progress notes c. daily treatment logs d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

all of the following are important steps in avoiding legal problems when administering care to the patient except a. keeping accurate records b. staying familiar with the health history of the patient c. following orders of the team physician d. allowing the coach to decide when the patient should return to play after the injury e. b and c

d. allowing the coach to decide when the patient should return to play after the injury

The athletic trainer should look for all of the following features when purchasing a stationary bicycle except a. a comfortable seat b. an easily modified workload c. good construction d. an on board computer for easy programming e. adjustable to fit all athletes

d. an on board computer for easy programming

which of the following best describes the function of the school nurse in the sports medicine program of a high school? a. as a liaison between the athletic director and the athletic trainer b. the direct supervisor of the health services c. as the first assistant to the team physician d. as a liaison between the athletic trainer and the school health services e. all of the above

d. as a liaison between the athletic trainer and the school health services

massage can be used as an effective modality to control pain because it activates which of the following? a. central nervous system and chen-sensitive receptors b. parasympathetic nervous system and mechanosensitive receptors c. parasympathetic nervous system and the pacinian receptors d. autonomic nervous system and the pacinian receptors e. autonomic nervous system and chen-sensitive receptors

d. autonomic nervous system and the pacinian receptors

you have been asked to initiate and athletic training program in the high school which you work. one of th areas you are covering is sexually transmitted diseased. the following topics related to AIDS should include all of the following except a. blood borne pathogens b. HIB testing c. universal precautions d. bacterial infections e. OSHA guidelines

d. bacterial infections

Large purchases for an education institution are usually done through a process known as what a. direct purchase b. indirect purchase c. soliciting d. bid process e. none of the above

d. bid process

fixed payments made on a monthly basis to managed care provider are known as what type of reimbursement? a. point of service plan b. fee for service c. third party reimbursement d. capitation e. managed care option

d. capitation

a properly organized athletic training facility should have separate designated areas for all of the following except a. modality area b. hydrotherapy area c. storage facilities d. changing room for the athletes e. physician treatment

d. changing room for the athletes

All of the following forms are critical parts of the patients permanent medical record and should be competed before the patient is permitted to participate in the first team practice except a. permission to treat form b. pre participation physical exam form c. release form for patient's subjected to high risk d. coach's injury report form e. medical history form

d. coach's injury report

where are the 4 sensations an athlete will experience with the application of cryotherapy? a. cold, burning, cramping, numbness b. pain, aching, stinging, cold c. aching, burning, pain, numbness d. cold, burning, aching, numbness e. cold, burning, stinging, aching

d. cold, burning, aching, numbness

which of the following is not among the best means by which an athletic trainer may educate the general public and other healthier care workers regarding profession of athletic training> a. organizing professional seminars and conferences b. providing high alight care to the physically active individual c. publishing articles in professional journals and participating in research d. developing television advertisements e. a and c

d. developing television advertisements

a tight achilles tendon can cause ____ or ____ in order to allow the lower leg to move over the foot during running a. late heel off, early heel strike b. early heel off, excessive supination c. late heel off, late toe off d. early heel off, excessive pronation e. early heel off, early heel strike

d. early heel off, excessive pronation

Which is not a thermal effect of ultrasound? a. increased blood flow b. secretion of chemotactic c. reduction of muscle spasm d. edema reduction e. muscular heating

d. edema reduction

treatment of snapping hip syndrome includes all of the following except a . ice and NSAIDS b. biomechanical c. flexibility exercises d. excision of the greater tuberosity in severe cases e. instruction in proper training technique

d. excision of the greater tuberosity in severe cases

during a lower extremity D1 flexion PNF pattern, what movements are taking place at the hip? a. extension, abduction, internal rotation b. flexion, abduction, internal rotation c. extension, adduction, external rotation d. flexion, adduction, external rotation e. flexion, abduction, external rotation

d. flexion, adduction, external rotation

all of the following are violations of the BOC standards of practice except a. practicing as an athletic trainer without a license in a state that has an athletic trainer regulation b. representing oneself as a BOC certified athletic trainer using other individuals certification number c. divulging the contents oa a section of the certification exam to another certified athletic trainer or student d. functioning as a clinical athletic trainer in a sports medicine clinic within the confines of the individual states practice act e. prescriing medicaiton

d. functioning as a clinical athletic trainer in a sports medicine clinic within the confines of the individual states practice act

which o the following is not a factor in designing an appropriate treatment program? a. the state of tissue healing b. pain with joint motion c. the severity of the injury d. how soon the coach feels the athlete should return to play e. A and B

d. how soon the coach feels the athlete should return to play

what should a postseason conditioning program specifically focus on? a. endurance training b. strengthening and flexibility exercises c. sport specific exercises d. identifying and improving the areas of conditioning in which the athletic is deficient e. all of the above.

d. identifying and improving the areas of conditioning in which the athletic is deficient

What does extension lag mean? a. ability to only flex the knee B. inability to fully backward bend c. one leg drags behind the other during gait d. inability ot fullt extend the knee e. inability to fullt extent he hip

d. inability ot fullt extend the knee

the effects of trading a subacute musculoskeletal injury with a warm whirlpool include all of the following except a. analgesia b. stimulation of local circulation c. decreased muscle spasm d. increased deep tissue temperature e. decreased joint stiffness

d. increased deep tissue temperature

which of the followign pieces of equipment is not considered closed kinetic chain? a. treadmill, b. leg press machine c. upper body ergometer d. isokinetic knee extension machine e. BAPS board

d. isokinetic knee extension machine

All of the following are components of a well-written SOAP NOTE except a. it is legible, clear and concise b. it contains many objective measurements c. progress is expressed in functional terms d. it is written with the intent to mislead and insurance company e. it describes a clear plan of treatment

d. it is written with the intent to mislead an insurance company

all of the following are steps an athletic trainer can take to abide litigation except a. develop a comprehensive emergency plan b. establish a detailed, written job description c. establish a yearly plan for modality maintenance d. keep accurate records of all prescription medications dispensed e. a and b

d. keep accurate records of all prescription medications dispensed

the athletic trainer can avoid the risk of litigation by doing all of the following except a. keep medical records confidential b. establish positive personal relationships with athletes c. create a safe plying environment with documentation of such d. keep an updated resume eon file with the athletic director e. b and c

d. keep an updated resume eon file with the athletic director

which of the following is the most restrictive form of regulation for the profession of athletic training? a. exemption b. certification c. registration d. licensure e. reciprocity?

d. licensure

When developing an emergency plan, all of the following should be established except a. the athletic trainer and coaches should have the appropriate kets to important gates and locks b. there should be phone accessible for immediate use c. the athletic trainer should be familiar with the community emergency medical system d. making sure there is a student athletic trainer available to accompany an injured athlete to the hospital if necessary e. a and c.

d. making sure there is a student athletic trainer available to accompany an injured athlete to the hospital if necessary

high voltage pulsed monophonic generators deliver current to deep tissues without damaging superficial tissues and are used for pain modulation. What type of wave form is used with this type of simulator? a. asymmetrical biphasic spiked pulse b. monophonic squared pulse c. symmetrical biphasic pulses d. monophonic spike delivered in pairs e. none of the above

d. monophonic spike delivered in pairs

what type of tort in which an athletic trainer fails to act as a reasonably prudent athletic trainer would under the same circumstances? a. breach of contract b. omission c. abandonment d. negligence e. foreseeable harm

d. negligence

what type of fracture fails to heal spontaneously within a normal time frame? a. malunion b. oblique c. osteogenesis d. nonunion e. spiral

d. nonunion

bone grows via a process of apposition and resorption on its surface. which of the following cells are responsible for the resorption of bone during its growth or repair? a. osteoblasts b. osteocytes c. osteophils d. osteoclasts e. none of the above

d. osteoclasts

which of the following is not part of a soap note? a. subjective b. objective c. assessment d. participation level e. plan

d. participation level

which piece of information is not part of the athletic trainer's daily documentation? a. treatment technique b. playing status c. daily injury log d. patient's insurance information e. rehab progression

d. patient's insurance information

which type of insurance should the athletic trainer carry in case of a criminal complaint involving negligence? a. general secondary insurance b. catastrophic insurance c. accident insurance d. professional liability insurance e. primary insurance

d. professional liability insurance

Balance and coordination are critical for athletic performance. feedback from the muscles as to what they are doing during a particular activity is known as ____. The area of the brain that assists in controlling the movement is___. a. proprioception, brain stem b. muscle perception, medulla c. kinesthesia, cortex d. proprioception, cerebellum e. kinesthesia, cerebrum

d. proprioception, cerebellum

which of the following exercises are appropriate in attempting to decrease the symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome? a. cervical range of motion, anterior shoulder strengthening b. cervical range of motion, cervical isometrics c. anterior chest wall strengthening, cervical isometrics d. strengthening of the anterior chest wall, strengthening the posterior mid thoracic area e. none of the above

d. strengthening of the anterior chest wall, strengthening the posterior mid thoracic area

All of the following are reasons why an insurance claim might be denied except a. lack of patient progress b. the duration of care is considered excessive c. improper coding d. the goals are based on functional outcomes e. treating beyond the approved number of visits

d. the goals are based on functional outcomes

which of the following is not a type of managed care organization? a. health maintenance organization b. point of service c. exclusive provider organization d. third party organization e. preferred provider organization

d. third party organization

all of the following are reasons why good documentation skills are absolute necessity for the athletic trainer except a. to protect the legal rights of the patient and athletic trainer b. to improve the communication between the athletic trainer and other health care providers c. to enhance the care given by the athletic trainer and to determine when release from the athletic trainers immediate care is appropriate d. to improve the athletic trainer's position for financial gain through reimbursement by the insurance company e. to keep an accurate log of treatment as means of evaluating successful outcomes

d. to improve the athletic trainer's position for financial gain through reimbursement by the insurance company

What is the best method of deterring the recovery status of the hand and forearm after a flexor injury? a. use of a KT-1000 arthrometer b. assessing the strength of a handshake c. manual muscle testing of the wrist d. use of a hand dynamometer e. electromyography testing

d. use of a hand dynamometer

catastrophic insurance usually begins coverage after the first ______ of medical bills have been reached a. 5,00 b. 15,000 c. 100,000 d. 50,000 e, 25,000

e, 25,000

the statute of limitations involving a negligence suit has a limit of how many years? a up to 2 years 4 to 5o years c. 7 to 10 years d. 10 to 15 years e. 1 to 3 years

e. 1 to 3 years

in what year were certified athletic trainers recognized by the AMA as a allied health care professionals? a. 1988 b. 1997 c. 1994 d. 2000 e. 1990

e. 1990

an operational plan is a plan that defines organizational activities in the short term and should be no longer than which of the following? a. 10 years b. 15 years c. 25 years d. 7 years e. 2 years

e. 2 years

How long does it take for a patient's heart rate to plateau at a given level during a cardiorespiratory training session? a. 10 minutes b. 30 seconds c. 45 seconds d. 5 minutes e. 2-3 minutes

e. 2-3 minutes

when following the DAPRE technique of progressive resistive exercise, the first set of 10 reps is performed with a weight that is ____ o the weight that will be lifted in set 3. a. 10% b. 25% c. 100% d. 75% e. 50%

e. 50%

Which of the following organizations establishes standards of quality for organizations that provide rehabilitative services? a. TJC b. AMA c. APTA d. OSHA e. CARF


you find out that a certified athletic trainer in your conference is selling an herbal substance to his athletes on a regular basis for personal profit. which of the following codes is this individual violating? a. APTA code of honor b. NASM code of ethics c. NCAA code of honor d. ACSM code of medicine e. NATA code of ethics

e. NATA code of ethics

which of the following medications has antipyretic properties? a. tylenol b. aspirin c. benadryl d. codeine e. a and b

e. a and b

Pediculosis is out effectively treated with which of the following? a. mouthwash b. an antibiotic c. time d. an antifungal e. a parasiticide

e. a parasiticide

which of the following health care providers would be known as a primary care provider a. physical therapist b. orthopedic technician c. a nurse d. an athletic trainer e. a physician

e. a physician

what would be included in the capital expenses of athletic training program? a. staff salaries b. equipment under $500 c. athletic training supplies d. buildings and room construction e. all of the above

e. all of the above

which of the following are factors that influence space requirements when designing a sports medicine facility? a. number of clients to be served b. types of clients to be served c. amount and type of equipment needed d. projected growth of the program e. all of the above

e. all of the above

who should be involved in making the decisions about transporting an injured athlete? a. athletic trainer b. team physician c. paramedics d. EMTs e. all of the above

e. all of the above

why general topics should be addressed in an athletic training program policies and procedures manual? a. who the athletic training program will serve b. facility use and maintenance c. risk management plans d. chains of command and supervision e. all of the above

e. all of the above

the condition intertrigo is treated by which of the following? a. application of a topical astringent b. application of a topical antibiotic c. there is no known treatment for intertrigo d. application of a warm compress e. application of a cold compress, cleaning the area with mild soap and water, followed by the application of a soothing ointment

e. application of a cold compress, cleaning the area with mild soap and water, followed by the application of a soothing ointment

how often should an ultrasound unit be calibrated to ensure the safe application of ultrasound? a. every 3 months b. every month c. every other year d. every 5 years e. at least once a year

e. at least once a year

a patient presents to the athletic training facility complaining of a sore spot on the back of his neck. it appears as a dark red, hard area which later develops as a lesion discharging yellowish red puss from the numerous areas. the athletic trainer suspects the patient has what type of infection? a. viral b. fungal c. systemic d. parasitic e. bacterial

e. bacterial

which of the following describes a person or organization that supports a program but has a history of untrusting behavior? (these people tend to be manipulative in their dealings) a. opponents b. challengers c. allies d. advisaries e. bedfellows

e. bedfellows

Which of the following is a type of insurance policy that is offered to organizations seeking to purchase insurance for athletic teams? a. athletic insurance b. indemnity policy c. basic medical coverage d. group insurance e. capitation

e. capitation

there are different models of supervision that may be used y a head athletic trainer when managing an athletic training staff. two of these models are known as ______ and ______ supervision monarchial, sovereign b. clinical, directional c. transitional, directional d. inspection-production, administrative e. clinical, developmental

e. clinical, developmental

which of the following s a type of organizational culture characterized by consensus, teamwork, and participatory decision making? a. transformational b. personalistic c. formalistic d. organizational e. collegial

e. collegial

The codes that were established by the AMA for health care providers to receive third party reimbursement are CPT codes. What does CPT mean? a. current procedural treatments b. current provider terminology c. consensus procedural treatments d. current provider treatments e. current procedural terminology

e. current procedural terminology

rehab incudes all of the following components except a. assessment of level of function/dysfunction b. organization and interpretation of results of the initial evaluation c. formulation of patient problems d. establishment of long and short term goals e. diagnosis of the patient's condition

e. diagnosis of the patient's condition

___ supplies include such items as adhesive tape, gauze pads, and bandages a. permanent b. capital c. nonexpendable d. nonfixed e. expendable

e. expendable

you are in the position to hire an assistant athletic trainer. you have a specific person in bind but your athletic director implies that he is not comfortable with this persons's gender. Which level of the law mandates hiring and firing of employees? a. state b. local c. city d. district e. federal

e. federal

which cells are active after an injury to begin building collagen? a. osteocytes b. osteoblasts c. granulocytes d. osteoclasts e. fibroblasts

e. fibroblasts

which modality would be best utilized if the desired therapeutic effect is decreased pain, edema, and inflammation? a. moist heat packs b. ultrasound c. diathermy d. fluidotherapy e. ice packs

e. ice packs

the use of a reusable cold pack may significantly increase the possibility of frostbite because of which of the following a. the chemicals in the packs are caustic to the skin b. wet bowling significantly drops the skin temperature c. reusable cold packs cause anesthesia after 10 minutes d. it decreases the cellular metabolic rate e. it may lower the skin temperature below the freezing point

e. it may lower the skin temperature below the freezing point

contraindications for joint mobilization include all of the following except a. acute inflammation b. osteoporosis c. malignancy d. infection e. joint hypo mobility

e. joint hypo mobility

what is the state of being legally responsible for the harm one causes another person? a. criminal intent b. foreseeable harm c. tort d. negligence e. liability

e. liability

which type of budget allocates a fixed amount of money for specific program functions and activities? a. lump sum budgeting b. fixed budgeting c. need based budgeting d. variable budgeting e. line item budget

e. line item budget

which of the following is a growing concept in the insurance industry stressing cost control through coordination of medial services a. a primary are provider b. health maintenance organization c. exclusive provider organization d. preferred provider organization e. managed care.

e. managed care

which of the following best describes an athletic trainer in a nontraditional athletic training setting a. controller b. organizer c. director d. planner e. manager

e. manager

When using short wave diathermy, which of the following objects should not be located within the treatment area? a. towels b. wooden treatment tables c. a container of ultrasound gel d. swiss balls and therabands e. metal stools

e. metal stools

when assisting the general public in understanding the rem sports median, the definition should include which of the following descriptors? a. strength training b. physician c. rehabilitation d. fitness e. multidisciplinary

e. multidisciplinary

what is the potential to influence the behavior of a superior called? a. superior power b. position power c. counter power d. subordination power e. personal power

e. personal power

an athletic trainer is working in a clinical setting. which of the following populations is the athletic trainer best suited to treat? a. neurologically impaired b. mentally impaired c. burn patients d. geriatric patients e. physically active patient

e. physically active patients

all of the filling are routes of drug administration except a. oral b. topical c. parenteral d. sublingual e. pressurization

e. pressurization

all of the following are basic steps in the purchasing process except a. request a quotation b. negotiation c. purchase order d. bid requests e. quality control

e. quality control

sports medicine is a term that includes all of the following specializations related to study of sport except a. exercise physiology b. biomechanics c. sports psychology d. sports nutrition e. recreation therapy

e. recreation therapy

when rehabilitating an athlete, goal setting influences performance by increasing confidence levels and reducing anxiety. which of the following is not a specific type of goal that is found in the goal setting literature? a. subjective goals b. general objective outcome goals c. specific objective/performance goals d. process goals e. reward based goals

e. reward based goals

which of the following best describes a copayment? a. an occasional payment made by a policyholder to an insurance company b. the amount owed yearly by the policyholder for services c. the amount of money that both an employee and employer share when paying for the medical benefits d. a percentage of the total amount the policy holder is required to pay for medical service rendered e. the amount of money that a provider offers as a discount for services

e. the amount of money that a provider offers as a discount for services

the half life of a drug refers to which of the following? a. the amount of time it takes for a drug to lose half its potency while it is in storage b. half the amount of time it takes for a drug to reach it's therapeutic level in the bloodstream c. the time required for the amount of the drug in the blood to be increased by one half d. the time required for half the therapeutic drug level to be excreted in the urine e. the time required for the amount of drug in the blood to be reduced by one half

e. the time required for the amount of drug in the blood to be reduced by one half

in terms of specificity of training, which type of exercise would be appropriate during the late phases of rehabilitation of a soccer player? a. stairmaster b. swimming c. stationary bike d. leg press e. treadmill

e. treadmil

When using ultrasound under water, a rubber type basin should be used. Which of the following is the reason this technique should not be performed in a metal basin or whirlpool? a. cavitation may occur b. the ultrasound transmission is significantly increased c. minerals the water block the transmission of the ultrasound energy d. ultrasound energy is reflected off metal and may damage the transducer head e. ultrasound energy is reflected off metal, increasing the intensity in various areas near the metal

e. ultrasound energy is reflected off metal, increasing the intensity in various areas near the metal

what amount of time may it take for complete remodeling of tissues to occur after a soft tissue injury? a. 1-3 months b. 6-9 months c. 4-6 weeks d. 12-24 months e. up to 1 year

e. up to 1 year

which of the following is the trade of brand name of the drug hydrocodone? a. darvocet-N 100 b. percocet c. demerol d. codeine e. vicodin

e. vicodin

An injured athlete is led through a therapeutic mental process in which he pictures himself being evaluated by the athletic trainer and assured the injury is not serious. He then pictures himself moving through rehabilitation, recovering nicely, and, finally, returning to his sport fully healed. What is this therapeutic approach to the recovery process called? a. regression b. through stopping c. biofeedback d. meditation e. visualization.

e. visualization.

what are the most appropriate exercises or a diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis? a. kegal exercises b. McKenzie extension exercises c. lumbar stabilization exercises d. postural awareness exercises e. williams flexion exercises

e. williams flexion exercises

descending hills during running requires heat type of muscular contraction by the quadriceps to decelerate the body?


when rehabing a patient who has undergone an ACL reconstruction, which of the following muscle groups must be strengthened to support the graft?


which of the following describes an insurance "rider"? a. a supplementary clause to an insurance contract that covers the cost of conditions that extend beyond those associated with the standard policy b. the usual fee charged by a health care provider for a particular service c. a policy that pays for medical expenses only after all ofhe athlete's other medial insurance policies have reached their limit d. a universally accepted insurance claim form used by hospitals e. none of the above

insurance contract that covers the cost of conditions that extend beyond those associated with the standard policy

which of the following modalities should be used sparingly, if at all, with a patient who has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis? a. cold whirlpool b. interferential current c. TENS d. ice packs e. moist heat packs

moist heat packs

An athletic trainer can release a patient's medical records to which of the following? a. professional athlete team organizations b. insurance companies c. the media d. no organization or individual without the consent of the patient or legal guardian e. b and c

no organization or individual without the consent of the patient or legal guardian

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