THTR 1101 Final Exam

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What Theatre is this?

A Venetian Opera House

This illustration depicts a(n) _________ theatre.

Ancient Greek

This illustration depicts a(n) _________ theatre.

Ancient Roman

Which Musketeer was married to Milady?


What are the names of the Three Musketeers?

Athos, Porthos, Aramis

What is the clerical role of Richelieu?


Which of the following is NOT one of the Neoclassical rules of unity?


Dominant Trait Characters

Characters governed by a single humor or psychological characteristic

Representative/Quintesse Characters

Characters who are in many ways typical or ordinary, but are significant because they embody an entire group

Stock Characters

Characters who are not complete or three dimensional, but exemplify one particular characteristic to the exclusion of virtually everything else.

This illustration is a ___________ theatre


Circle of Attention

Concentration on some object, person, or event while onstage

What are callbacks?

Director asks actors they are interested in casting to come back for a second look.

What Theatre is this?

Elizabeth Theatre, The Fortune


Employs wit and irony to expose evil and foolishness.

A morality play uses religious character and religious themes to teach a lesson.


Commedia characters did not wear costumes.


Despite global influences, contemporary theatre tends to maintain the uniform and traditional styles of the country of production.


If a reviewer dislikes a particular production, it is probably best to avoid it.


In most theatres production meetings between the director, designers and stage manager begin 12 months before the opening of a show.


Kathakali is a Japanese dance-drama form.


Performers must not mix acting methods; they should find a method that works for them and then strictly adhere to that method's approach.


The Greek amphitheatre is the first example of a proscenium theatre space.


The god Dionysus, to whom the Greek dramatic festivals were dedicated, was the god of war, death, and chastity.


The realistic portrayal of characters in a lifelike fashion has been characteristic of theatre throughout history.


Thespis is considered the first playwright.


Where are Sabine & D'Artagnan from?


Magic If

Imagining how the actor would feel in a particular situation.


Is premised on the fact that the world can be cruel and unjust.

Bunraku is a(n) __________.

Japanese puppet theatre

Extraordinary Characters

Joan of Arc and Shakespeare's Othello exemplify this type of "larger than life" character

This illustration is a ___________ theatre.


Who wrote this version of The Three Musketeers?

Ken Ludwig


Main character in a plot

This illustration depicts a(n) _________ theatre.



Mixes serious and comic matter in the same play

This illustration is a ___________ theatre.


One of the primary genres; devoted to provoking amusement and laughter


One type of comic form that relies on gross exaggeration and occasional vulgarity.


Originally meant "song drama" or "music drama."

Where is The Three Musketeers main setting?


Comedy of Manners

Points up the foibles and peculiarities of the upper class.

Psychophysical Action

Purposeful action undertaken to fulfill a character's goals as the most direct route to the character's emotions

Athos receives a serious wound to his __________________ from Rochefort early in the play.


Heroic Drama

Similar to tragedy, but with an optimistic worldview.

What is Milady's alter-ego named?


What is the weapon of choice for the Musketeers.


What Theatre is this?

The French Theatre, Comédie Française


The central conflict and movement through a drama


The main character's chief opponent


The playing together of all performers.


The selection and arrangement of scenes that actually happen onstage


Thrives on exaggeration, broad physical humor, elaborate plots, and stereotyped characters.

A key difference between visual and performance art is audience interaction.


Art can best be understood as a mirror: an extension or projection of how we live, think, and feel.


As long as there have been theatrical productions, there has been someone performing the role of director.


Even television reality-show contestants are cast for their character type to improve the chances for dramatic interactions among contestants.


Individual scenic units called mansions were created for medieval cycle plays and actors performed in front of them.


Italian commedia dell'arte had no set text; it was improvisational


Kabuki plays feature beautiful scenic effects and also include the first known use of a revolving stage.


Kabuki was performed first by all-female troupes, then by boys, and finally by all-male companies.


No one knows how theatre began, and where or when it originated.


The overriding concern of the neoclassicists was verisimilitude.


The size and type of theatre space affects audience perception; therefore, this factor makes a big difference to both actors and the audience.


The speeches of the Greek chorus were sung and danced.


When audiences today watch a play at one of our nation's many theatre festivals, they are sharing a kind of live theatre experience that has existed for 2,500 years.


How many diamonds are supposed to be in Queen Anne's necklace?


Which of the following questions is NOT one of those a critic should answer when assessing a theatre production (according to the authors of our textbook):

Who were the actors in this production and were they any good?

Kabuki theatre was originated by

a Shinto priestess


a full account of an event, or series of events, usually told in chronological order

Which of the following most accurately defines the term unities?

a neoclassicist mandate for playwrights, formulated by Italian critics

At the heart of the theatre experience is the

actor-audience relationship

Ensemble acting emphasizes the

artistic unity of a group performance

The arrangement and movements of performers relative to each other and to the stage space is called


The activity of a performer onstage, such as the opening of a letter or the making of a bed, is described by which term?


Because of the power of an audience's mental and emotional participation in a theatrical event, those in authority may fear the effect theatre can have. This fear sometimes results in


Minor Characters

characters that play a small part in the action

As opposed to music and the visual arts, theatre is a fully [Fill in this blank] art form involving different specialists who share a common vision for a unified production.


Which person blocks or stages the play?


A main task of the modern-day director is to

draw disparate elements together to create a unified whole

When a play is performed as it will be before the public, complete with all production elements but without an audience present, it is called the

dress rehearsal

One characteristic of _________ is that the entertainment can be created without human beings as performers.


Shadow puppets were originally made of what material?

intricately carved leather

Which of the following is NOT a necessary component of a theatrical event?


Which two forms of Asian theatre include long narrow bridges (the hashigakari and the hanamichi) used for actor entrances?

nō and kabuki

Which theatre artist creates the script?


The scene-shifting method of changing wings and back shutters that was developed by Italian Giacomo Torelli is known as the

pole-and-chariot system.

Which person is responsible for raising money to finance a production?


In order to throw the voice into the audience so that it penetrates to the utmost reaches of the theatre, the actor must


Which of the following is NOT a component of commedia dell'arte?


A characteristic of all art is that it is


It is very important for directors to create interesting visual compositions with the actors in space; this is known as creating effective

stage pictures

Domestic Drama

stories of everyday people, often centered on the family

Which of the following elements is an essential aspect of the performing arts?

the need for an interpreter

The most significant difference between film and theatre is

the relationship between the performer and the audience.

One characteristic of _____________ is that the audience is capable of affecting the performers.


Which of the following is NOT one of the responsibilities of a performer in the theatre?

to coordinate the elements and the vision of the production

Which of the following best describes the way audiences participate in theatrical performances?


Super objective

what the character wants above all else during the course of the play

The putting aside of all literal and practical considerations in order to enter into the world of the drama is known as the

willing suspension of disbelief

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