Time Convertions

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1 decade=10 years, 1 century=100 years and 1 millennium=1000 years.


1 hour=60 minutes, 1 day=1440 minutes, 1 week=10080 minutes and 1 month=43800 minutes.


1 minute=60 seconds, 1 hour=3600 seconds, 1 day=86400 seconds and 1 week=604800 seconds.


1 month=roughly 4 weeks depending on the month, 1 year=52 weeks, 1 decade=521 weeks and 1 century=5214 weeks.


1 week=7 days, 1 month=30 but it depends on the month, 1 year=365 days leap year=366 days and 1 decade=3650 days.


1 year=12 months, 1 decade=120 months and 1 century=1200 months.


1 day=24 hours, 1 week=168 hours, 1 month=730.001 hours and 1 year=8760 hours.

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