To Kill a Mocking Bird chapters 7-9

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Explain what Atticus means by telling Jem not to let his discovery inspire him to further glory is there any reason why Jem might now do as his father

Atticus does not want Jem to get involved with Boo anymore. Jem might do as his father says because he has matured and respects Atticus than before.

Explain in your own words what it means and why it might important in the story

Atticus lets her hear it to prepare her for the future and make her stronger just by letting her hear it.

Why does Atticus save Miss Maudie's oak rocking chair

Atticus saved the rocking chair because it was significant to miss Maudie

how much does Atticus tell her

Atticus tells scout only that the father had died

How well does Atticus should defend Tom Robinson was it usual for white lawyers to do their best for black clients i Alabama at this time

Atticus wants to do the of his ability. This is not normal for white lawyers to do for black clients

Why does Scout quiz Atticus about his visit to the Radley House

Atticus went to the Radley house because Mrs. Radley Passed away. She wanted to see if he saw Boo but he didn't say much other than "NO"

When Francis talks to scout he reveals an unpleasant feature of Aunt Alexandra what is this

Francis reveals that Aunt Alexandra thinks she is always right and everyone is wrong, and that she is a frequent gossiper.

Can you find any evidence that Jem is beginning to understand more than Scout about Boo Radley? What do you think this is

I think Jem thinks Boo Radley was the one that sewed up his pants and laid them across the fence and thinks Boo is the one leaving presents in the tree. That's when he realizes Boo is lonely and wants to help Jem and scout

When atticus ask scout about the blanket around her shoulders, what does Jem realize

Jem realizes that while the kids were watching the fire, Boo came up and put the blanket around scout to warm her. He also realized they could've seen Boo nut missed him and boo was protecting are caring for them

when Jem tells Scout about getting his trousers back, he tells her of something strange. What is this?

Jem tells Scout that when he went back for his pants, they were folded across the fence like someone was expecting that he'd come back for them. They were also sewed up all crooked.

Does scout learn anything from overhearing Atticus conversation with uncle Jack what might this be

Scout learns that the cause will effect the family

Scout and Jem have mixed feelings about Christmas what are these feelings and why

The good side for the children is they get to see Uncle Jack, decorate the tree, and get presents. The bad side is see Aunt Alexandra and Francis. They resent Francis because he likes to cause trouble instead of being re accountable he blames someone else. Scout resents Alexandra because she tells scout everything that is wrong with her

Uncle Jack tells Scout that she is growing out of her pants what does this mean and why might he say it

because scout is cursing a lot and she is only a little girl

Does Jem still fear the gift's in the tree

no i don't think he does fear them anymore because he is brave enough to write a letter to a person leaving the gifts. He is upset because Mr. Radley filled the tree with cement.

When the children plan to send a letter to the person who leaves the gifts, they are stopped how does this happen

the children are prevented by sending the letter to the person who leaves the gifts because Mr. Radley filled up the hole with cement. He says he plugged the tree up because it was sick, but i think it was because Mr. Radley wanted to stop communication between the children and BOO.

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