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True or False. Being the child of a smoker does not necessarily make you more likely to have poor health.


True or False. Certain states have successfully sued tobacco companies to recover the cost of treating tobacco-related diseases.


True or False. Children living with smokers are more likely to have weaker lungs than children of nonsmokers


True or False. Tobacco use at school is prohibited.

80 percent

Up to what percent of his or her energy does a person with emphysema have to use to breathe?

Smokeless tobacco

tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth, or chewed

87 percent

what percent of cancer deaths result from smoking?

88 percent

what percent of high school students do not smoke nationwide?


Carbon monoxide deprives the body's tissues and cells of ____

90 percent

About what percent of adult smokers began to smoke as teens?

to never start

Best way to avoid the negative consequences of tobacco use is ...

4,000; 50

Environmental tobacco smoke from cigarettes, pipes, and cigars contains more than ______ different chemical compounds (more than ____ are carcinogens)

health risks

Knowing the _______ help teens choose to be tobacco free

Legal, social, financial, cost to society

List some consequences of tobacco use.

One pack of cigarettes

One cigar can contain as much nicotine as _____

headaches, nervousness, trembling, Irritability, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, sleep disturbance, cravings for tobacco

Symptoms of tobacco withdrawal

antismoking campaigns or to offset the medical costs related to tobacco use

The money won in lawful cases against tobacco is used for what?

Addictive; toxic

Tobacco is _____ and _____

Blood; oxygen

carbon monoxide is more readily taken up by ____ than _____


is nicotine withdrawal temporary?

Nicotine substitutes

products that deliver small amounts of nicotine into the user's system while he or she is trying to give up the tobacco habit

Secondhand smoke

smoke from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe that is involuntarily inhaled, especially by nonsmokers


Air sacs that absorb oxygen and rid the body of carbon dioxide


All tobacco products contain _______


At least how many chemicals found in cigarette smoke are known to cause cancer?

sudden infant death syndrome

Babies of mothers who smoked during pregnancy or exposed to ETS are more likely to die of _______ (SIDS).

Sense of freedom, less stress, and more confidence in social situations

Benefits of choosing to live tobacco free

Addictive drug

a substance that causes physical or psychological (mental) dependence


a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns

smokeless tobacco

Cancers of the throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas are also more common among users of ____________________


Children of smokers are how many times more likely to become a smoker as children of nonsmokers?


Infants exposed to ETS after birth are how many times more likely to die of SIDS


Infants/young children are more likely to develop ______ than those not exposed to ETS.


Inhaling ETS (either by smoking or breathing it in), brings the ________ into the body

mucous membranes

Nicotine/carcinogens are absorbed into blood through ______ in mouth or digestive tract.


a cancer-causing substance


Once addicted, people need more and more tobacco to satisfy the craving for nicotine. What is this called?

Carbon monoxide

a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas

Tobacco cessation program

a course that provides information and help people who want to stop using tobacco

Begin to have health problems Desire, will, and commitment to stop Cost Using tobacco can lead to other risky behaviors Find it difficult to purchase tobacco products because of age Don't want to hurt family/friends with secondhand smoke Do not want to harm others with secondhand smoke

Reasons why people quit tobacco use


Tobacco use, particularly smoking, is the number _____ cause of preventable disease in the US.

Changes in brain chemistry, increased respiration and heart rate, irregular heart rate, dulled taste buds, reduced appetite, bad breath, yellowed teeth, smelly hair clothes and skin

Short term effects of tobacco


Smokeless tobacco contains nicotine, in addition to how many carcinogens?

2-3 times

Smokeless tobacco is often held in the mouth for long periods of time. It delivers both nicotine and carcinogens to the body at levels how many times the amount delivered by 1 cigarette because the body is exposed to the harmful chemicals that many times longer?

Nicotine substitute

To relieve symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, some people use a ____


True or False. Cigarettes destroy your taste buds.


True or False. Infant can suffer from growth and developmental problems during early childhood, if the mother smoked during pregnancy.


True or False. Nonsmokers are on the rise.


True or False. People may tend to avoid tobacco users.


True or False. Pregnant women can be around tobacco smoke and use tobacco.


True or False. Smokeless tobacco is a safe alternative to smoking


True or False. Smokeless tobacco is less addictive than smoked tobacco.


True or False. Tobacco companies are now required to fund ads that discourage young people from smoking.


True or False. Tobacco products do not carry warning labels


True or False. Tobacco smoke can harm nonsmokers


True or False. Tobacco use can cause trouble breathing during physical activity and a decreased endurance level


True or False. Tobacco use can not lead to other risky behaviors


True or False. Unless detected early, lung cancer can cause death.

gum, Patches, Nasal sprays, Inhalers

Types of nicotine substitutes

irritation of the mouth's sensitive tissues by smokeless tobacco

What causes Leukoplakia?


What contain significantly more nicotine and produce more tar and carbon monoxide? Cigars or cigarettes

Nicotine passes though the placenta, constricting the blood vessels of the fetus. Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen levels in the mother's and fetus's blood.

What happens when you smoke while pregnant?


What human body system is most affected by smoking?


What is in cigarette smoke that destroys lung tissue, making the lungs less able to function?


What is in cigarette smoke that destroys the alveoli?

To reduce the number of people who use tobacco and of deaths associated with tobacco use.

What is one of the important goals for our nation's health?


What's in cigarette smoke that destroys cilia?


When burned, cigarettes create more than how many chemicals?

Lung Cancer

When the cilia in the bronchi are destroyed extra mucus cannot be expelled. Cancerous cells can grow in these conditions, block the bronchi, and move into the lungs. What is this called?

Sidestream smoke

Which is more dangerous mainstream smoke or sidestream smoke?

It has higher concentrations of carcinogens, nicotine, and tar.

Why is sidestream smoke more dangerous than mainstream smoke?

It contains an addictive drug

Why is tobacco use hard to quit?

They have bad breath, yellowed teeth, and smelly hair, clothes, and skin.

Why might someone avoid a tobacco user?

30 minutes

Withdrawal symptoms of tobacco can occur as early as _______ after use.

Carbon monoxide

______ Increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, circulatory problems, and hardening of the arteries


______ raises blood pressure, increases heart rate, and contributes to heart disease and stroke


a drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs

Pipe and cigar

_______ and _____ smokers have an increased risk of developing cancers of the lip, mouth, throat, larynx, lungs, and esophagus


_______ damaged by smoking are more susceptible to diseases like, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, heart disease, and cancer


________ contributes to plaque buildup in the blood vessels, which can lead to hardened arteries, (arteriosclerosis). Arteries may become clogged, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Avoiding tobacco

___________ Lowers the risk of lung cancer, Heart disease, and Stroke and improves cardiovascular endurance and lung function. This increases physical fitness and enhances athletic performance

Young children

___________________ are also particularly sensitive to environmental tobacco smoke

Group A

Environmental tobacco smoke is a ________ carcinogen.


Every year, _____ people are diagnosed with lung cancer from secondhand smoke

severe asthma attacks, ear infections, or respiratory tract infections

Exposure to ETS in infants can cause ___________

most dangerous

Group A means __________

Encourage the family member to quit by telling them the health effects Ask visitors to refrain from smoking inside. If someone in your household smokes, open windows to allow fresh air to circulate, and request that certain rooms remain smoke free. Consider using air cleaners to help remove contaminants from the air. If you are visiting a home in which someone smokes, go outside or to another room. You could request to meet somewhere else, like the library.

How can you take action to reduce the effects of ETS?


How many ingredients are in cigarettes?


How old do you have to be to buy tobacco in all states?

low birth weight

If smoking during pregnancy or being around smokers during pregnancy occurs, the baby can have a ___________ along with other health problems


In 1998, legal settlement was reached that restricted tobacco advertising and promotion aimed at the _____

¯ Acetone - found in nail polish remover ¯ Acetic Acid - an ingredient in hair dye ¯ Ammonia - a common household cleaner ¯ Arsenic - used in rat poison ¯ Benzene - found in rubber cement ¯ Butane - used in lighter fluid ¯ Cadmium - active component in battery acid ¯ Carbon Monoxide - released in car exhaust fumes ¯ Formaldehyde - embalming fluid ¯ Hexamine - found in barbecue lighter fluid ¯ Lead - used in batteries ¯ Naphthalene - an ingredient in moth balls ¯ Methanol - a main component in rocket fuel ¯ Nicotine - used as insecticide ¯ Tar - material for paving roads Toluene- used to manufacture paint

List some chemicals found in tobacco smoke.

Decreased function of body systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive), weakened immune system, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, clogged arteries, coronary heart disease and stroke

Long-term effects of tobacco use

No-smoking policies, family values, positive peer pressure, health risks

Name some reasons why teens choose not to smoke

Coronary heart disease and stroke

Nicotine constricts blood vessels, which cuts down on circulation and blood flow to the lungs. What is this called?

impaired fetal growth, miscarriage, pre-natal death, premature delivery, low birth weight, deformities, and stillbirths

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risks of _________

Lung disease, cancers, and heart disease

Smoking has been linked to what illnesses?

Surround yourself with positive influences Reduce peer pressure Be prepared with refusal skills

Strategies to help you stick to your decision to become and stay tobacco free

Healthy People 2020

The Department of Health and Human Services has launched a program called ___________ to promote health and prevent disease nationwide.


The risk of sudden death from heart disease is how many times greater for smokers than for nonsmokers?


Those who chew 8-10 plugs a day of tobacco take in the same amount of nicotine as a smoker who smokes _____ packs of cigarettes a day.


Tiny hair like structures that line the upper airways and protect against infection

Prepare for the day Get support and encouragement Identify available health-related services in the community Replace tobacco use with healthier alternatives Change daily behavior Engage in healthful behaviors

Tips for quitting tobacco use

Chronic bronchitis

repeated tobacco use can damage the cilia in the bronchi until the cilia no longer function. This leads to a buildup of tar in the lungs, causing chronic coughing and excessive mucus secretion. What is this called?

Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)

secondhand smoke; air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke


someone who smokes a pack a day can spend more than ____ each year just on cigarettes

Eye irritation, headaches, ear infections, coughing, worsening of asthma

symptoms ETS causes


the addictive drug found in tobacco leaves

Clogged arteries

the hardening of the arteries is called _____

Nicotine withdrawal

the process that occurs in the body when nicotine, an addictive drug, is no longer used

Mainstream smoke

the smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker

Sidestream smoke

the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar


thickened, white, leathery-looking spots on the inside of the mouth that can develop into oral cancer


this disease destroys the tiny air sacs in the lungs. The air sacs become less elastic, making it more difficult for the lungs to absorb oxygen.

$167 billion

tobacco related illness cost the US about _____ each year

Third-hand smoke

tobacco smoke contamination that remains after the cigarette has been extinguished

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