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Statement Said By John D. Rockefeller ?

"God Gave Me My Money. I believe the power to make money is a gift from God to the developed and used for the good of mankind"

Important Benefit of Laissez-Faire policies of the federal government in the late 19th century?

American entrepreneur were able to invest in their businesses with little government interference .

Successful ex. Of "Americanization "

Children of New Immigrants learned English in public schools.

In The Late 1800's ,What Factor Contributed To The Growth Of The American Steel Industry?

New Production Techniques .

After 1800's where did the majority of the "New immigrants" to the US come from?

Southern and Eastern Europe.

Important effect of industrialization in the US in the later part of the 19th century?

The proportion of Americans living in Cities continuously increased.

What Goal Was Shared By Both The Knights Of Labor And The American Federation Of Labor?

To organize workers To Demand Better Conditions From Employers.

Last part 19th century mos immigrants to the US found work as?

Unskilled factory and sweatshop workers.

What Major Trend Occurred to the population of the US during the industrial expansion of the 19th century?

Urbanization Increased

Period 1865-1900 disputes between labor and business owners were sometimes marked by?

Use of violence by both sides.

What social issue was raised by many philanthropic activities of many Americans Business leaders during the Gilded Age?

Was it right for business owners to pay low wages to their workers to finance philanthropic activities?

Between 1800's & 1900's most immigrants coming to the US settled in cities because?

Factory & workshop jobs were available there.

Late 19th Century critics of big business claimed that monopolies in the United States harmed the Economy by?

Unfairly limiting competition.

Prejudice against "new immigrants increased because these immigrants.

Cultural background different from those of majority of Americans .

Nativist in California in the 1800's would most likely have supported the?

Passage of the Chinese exclusion act.

During the late 1800's what was a major effect of industrialization on America's workers?

Skilled craftsman were often replaced by unskilled machine operators.

Main purpose of antitrust legislation passed by congress?

Protect competition between private businesses.

The Interstate Commerce Act Of 1887& the Sherman antitrust Act of 1890. Were Efforts By The Federal Government To?

Regulate Aspects Of Business.

Which Demographic Shift occurred in the US in the 19th century as a result of industrialization ?

Rural residents moved into Urban areas.

Late 1800's why did congress pass restrictions on immigration from China?

Satisfy nativist prejudices in California.

Positive Contribution Of Andrew Carnegie ?

Showed how to organize large scale production, as well as how to use profits in philanthropic activities.

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