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From 1937-8, what % of the Soviet officer corps were either imprisoned or executed


7) Define kulak.

A class of wealthy peasants

3) What is a command economy?

A command economy is a system in which the government makes all economic decisions.

What happened to anyone who resisted reform in the Soviet Union?

Anyone considered a threat to the state (the government) was considered an enemy and persecuted. Stalin used the secret police (the NKVD) to spy on people. The secret police frequently imprisoned, tortured, and murdered people. Millions were sent to prison camps, or gulags, in Siberia, often for crimes they didn't commit

6) What is collectivization?

Collectivization is the organization of all of a country's production and industry so that it is owned and managed by the government. In 1928, the government began to seize over 25 million privately owned farms in the USSR. They got combined into large, government owned farms, called collective farms. Hundreds of families worked on these farms, called collectives, producing food for the state.

What kind of state did Stalin establish after assuming power?

He turned Russia into a police state. He ruled it in a totalitarian nature

How did Stalin deal with the kulaks?

Kulak lands and property were seized; they were forced on to collective farms; a government-engineered famine led to the starvation of millions. Millions more were shipped to the gulags of Siberia, where they died either in transit or once there.

Define kulak.

Kulaks were wealthy peasant farmers. They posed a threat to Stalin's economic reform policies because they were successful. Their economic success was reminiscent of capitalism, which Stalin despised.

10) Provide two examples of women's increased opportunities under Stalin's rule.

Millions of women worked in factories and in construction. Given new educational opportunities, women prepared for careers in engineering and science.

2) What happened to anyone who resisted reform in the Soviet Union?

Often the leader utilizes secret police to crush opposition and create a sense of fear among the people. The secret police arrested and executed so called traitors. They were executed or sent to labor camps for "crimes against the Soviet state." College professors and students who questioned the Communist Party's interpretations of history or science risked losing their jobs or faced imprisonment.

In addition to who, military personnel were also subjected to purges

Ordinary Citizens

9) How did Stalin deal with the kulaks?

Stalin declared that they should "liquidate kulaks as a class." The state took control of kulak land and equipment, and confiscated stores of food and grain. More than 3 million Ukrainians were shot, exiled, or imprisoned. Some 6 million people died in the government-engineered famine that resulted from the destruction of crops and animals.

1) What kind of state did Stalin establish after assuming power?

Stalin established a Totalitarian State after assuming power.


Stalin's plan to restructure Russian agricultre under the socialist model a. Private farms were seized and became govt. prop b. collective farms(massive govt-run farms) were established in 1928 i. Hundreds of ppl worked on each farm, and the harvest went to state

5) What was the name of Stalin's program to revolutionize agriculture and industry?

Stalin's program to revolutionize agriculture and industry was called the Five Year Plans.

What is collectivization?

The seizure of private farms by the Soviet government. All private farms were combined to form giant collective farms where citizens were assigned to work

4) Define totalitarianism.

The term totalitarianism describes a government that takes total, centralized, state control over every aspect of public and private life. It challenges the highest values prized by Western democracies, reason, freedom, human dignity, and the worth of the individual.

8) In what ways did Russian peasants resist collectivization?

They murdered officials, torched the property of the collectives, and burned their own crops and grain in protest.

In what ways did Russian peasants resist collectivization?

They slaughtered their livestock rather than hand it over to authorities. They also burned their crops, destroyed property on collective farms and murdered government officials


Wealthy peasants

what did stalin establish

a command economyy

what did the workers learn

a skill

Define totalitarianism.

a society in which the government controls all aspects of public and private life. The government monitors and censors what people read, see and hear. There are no individual freedoms or rights guaranteed to people.

in 1934, what did Stalin wage

a terror campaign against political rivals and anyone he felt threatened his supreme authority

Provide two examples of women's increased opportunities under Stalin's rule.

a) women were granted equal rights b) opportunities in science and medicine

what did the state contorl

all schools

Soviet Realism

an art form that glorified communist values and virtues

Collectivization pt 2

c. collectivization was met w/ resistance many slaughtered livestock and ruined crops in protest d. Millions died due to famine and imprisonment e. The Kulaks were eliminated because they disrupted the socialist agenda

how did the role of women expand

factory workers, scientists, doctors


government control over every aspect of public and private life

command economy

govt made all economic decisions

what happened under stalin's 5 year plan

he wanted the USSR to catch up to more advanced countries thru revolutions in agriculture and industry

To gain total acceptance of sommunism, what did the soviet leaders use to promote the ideals of communism

lectures, radio, movies, art, and print

through a network of what, millions of ordinary Russian were arrested and executed as enemies of the Soviet Union

network of internal syping


none, Everything was done 4 the state


none, people were subject to indefinite imprisonment @ any time

free thinking,

none, the govt did your thinking for you

all religions were..

persecuted under stalin

Many places of worship were destroyed w the help of who

the League of the Militant Godless

what does totalitarianism run counter to

the coveted characteristics of democratic nations: liberty, individualism, and free thinking

students pursued eduaction...


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