TOM 3010 Mid-Term Review

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Genchi Genbustu

(Go and See) - Gather firsthand information from the situation by going and observing the situation yourself, collection date, and analyzing the data

The architecture of the Toyota Production System

- Make to Order - Pull System

Standard Work Considerations

- Safety and ergonomics - Quality - Cycle Time - Takt Time - Process Knowledge

Kai Zen

- To take apart - Think about - Put back together in a better way

Flow can be _______________ process capacity.

-Equal to - Less than


1. Sort 2. Set in Order 3. Shine 4. Standardise 5. Sustain


A synonym for flow rate


A system consisting of a visible board and a cord running adjacent to the assmebly line. Any employee detecting a problem can pull the cord to stop the line.

Multitask Job Assignment

A technique to reduce idle time by avoiding a worker watching a machine to work.

Demand levling

A way to sequence flow units so that the workflow causes a stable workload for all workers involved in the process

Machine Pace

All steps are connected through a conveyor belt and all of the steps must work at the same rate even if some of them have more capacity to pass through the entire process

Labor Content

Amount of work that goes into serving one customer as the input into the process and turning that customer into a served customer


An unreasonable amount of work, overburdening a machine or operation


Automation with a human touch; use machines but combine them with the intelligence of the workers

To increase the capacity of a process one must increase the capacity of the resource that is the ___________.


Flow units waiting in the process without being worked on are often referred to as __________ inventory.


Inflexibility is the inability of an operation to quickly and ____________ change in response to new information


The _______________ rate is the number of flow units that customer want per unit of time.


Process Capacity

Determines how many flow units can be processed per unit of time (Units/TIme)

Where there are 10 call center operators scheduled but only 9 show up there is variability due to _____________


Worker Pace

Each worker is free to work at his or her own pace

"Lead time" is sometimes defined as the time between initiation and completion of a production process. Which process metric is a synonym for lead time?

Flow Time

Little's law states that inventory = Flow Rate * _______________

Flow Time


Fool proofing an operation to avoid the recurrence of defects

Resources help the flow units to move from being a unit of ____________ to a unit of ____________.

Input to Output

Which metric is most difficult to calculate directly?


______________ is sometimes a mismatch between supply and demand.


The longer the average flow time, the ____________ the average inventory level.


The less you have to wait the _________ the inconvenience component.



Levling production by reducing variation

U-Shaped Line

Locating resources in a U-shaped layout, which increase the flexibility of works to perform multiple taks

Make to Order

Making the activation of resources in a process contingent on receiving a specific order.

Customers willing to pay for same day shipping are in a different ________ segment from those willing to save money by waiting two days for their order to arrive.


Customers buy products that _________ their utility.


The further the location the ___________ the inconvenience component.



Number of units within a process

Single-unit flow

Operate at a flow of one unit at a time from one resource to the next instead of operating base don transfer batches.

Value-added work

Operations valued by customers because they are required to transform the flow unit from its inputs to becoming what the customer wants

Continuous Flow

Producing ad moving one time at a time through a series processing steps as continuously as possible, with each step making just what is requested by the next step.

If the first customer to a restaurant wants a salad and the second wants a sandwhich then there is variability in customer ______________.


___________ are the things a business uses to help transform inputs into outputs.


The goal of operations management is to match ___________ with __________

Supply with demand

Just-in-time Production (JIT)

Supplying a unit of demand when and where it is needed, avoiding unnecssary inventory

Flow Rate

The Rate at which flow unit's travel through a process (Units/Time)

Average Labor Utilization

The average utilization across resources

Flow Unit

The basic unit that moves through a process


The case in which demand exceeds supply and the flow rate is equal to process capacity


The case in which process capacity exceeds demand and thus the flow rate is equal to the demand rate

Standard Work

The current best way we know how to do the work today.

Costs of Direct Labor

The labor cost associated with serving one customer

Demand Rate

The number of flow units that customers wants per unit of time


The parts of the process that are at the beginning of the process flow


The parts of the process that are the end of the process flow


The philosophy of halting production when a quality problem is discovered

Takt Time

The ratio between the time avaialable and the quantity that has to be produced to serve demand

Pull System

The resource furthest downstream (closest to market) is paced by market demand. In addition, it also relays the demand information to the next station upstream, thus ensuring that the upstream resource also is paced by demand.

Flow Time

The time a f low unit spends in a process, from start to finish

Information Turnaround Time

The time between creating a defect and receiving the deedback about the defect

Processing Time

The time it takes resource to complete one unit flow (Time / Flow unit)

Idle Time

The time we pay resources when they are not working

Non-Value Added work

Those operations do not add value in the eyes of the customer but must be done under the current conditions of the process in order to complete the unit

Lead Time

Time between a customer placing his or her order and that order being filled. Lead time is thus we previously defined as Flow Time.

Cycle Time

Time between two consecutive units (time/unit)

Time through empty System

Time for the first customer to pass through the entire process

Price includes the ______________ cost of owning the product of receiving the service.


You should choose a flow unit based upon what you want to ___________ and __________.

Track and Measure

What shape is used to represent flow units waiting in a system (buffer inventory)?



Unevenness in flow


Upon detection of a problem, shutting down the machine

___________ is the inhibitor that corresponds to changes in either demand or supply.


The three sources of inefficiency are ____________, _________________, and __________________. (Three system inhibitors)

Waste, variability, and inflexibility

Process ________ determines the maximum flow rate a process can provide per unit of time.


Process __________ determines thew maximum flow rate a process can provide per unit of time.


When the flow rate is less than the demand rate the process is referred to as ___________ constrained.


When organizations make a trade-off they focus on meeting one dimension of ______________ utility in favor of another.


If the cycle time for a process goes down then the time to finish X units starting with empty inventory buffers will ____________


If processing time increases, then the capacity at a resource with a single employee ____________.


Waste __________ add value to the customer.

does not

Inventory is the number of __________ units within the process


The larger the average flow rate, the _________ the average inventory level.


For a given level of revenue, the higher the costs the ________ the profit.


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