Tools for Healthy Eating

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The Basic Four

(1956) recommendation to eat a min # of food from each of four categories: milk, meat, veggies and fruits, and bread and cereal. Focused on getting enough nutrients rather than appropriate quantities.

The Food Guide Pyramid

(1992) a tool for choosing a healthy diet by selecting a recommended number of servings from each of five food groups


(2005) an interactive guide to healthful eating and active living

Dietary Guidelines

-Focus on overall eating patterns, not food groups and nutrients -A healthy eating pattern and adaptable framework -Five overarching guidelines: Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan Focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake Shift to healthier food and beverage choices Support healthy eating patterns for all Individuals can enjoy foods that meet their personal, cultural, and traditional preferences and fit within their budget

Adequate Intake (AI)

-Goal when no RDA exists -Based on observed or experimentally determined approximations of the average nutrient intake by a healthy population -Do aim for this amount if an RDA isn't available

Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

-Intake that meets the estimated nutrient needs of 50% of individuals in a gender and life-stage group -Used to calculate RDAs -Don't use this amount

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

-Maximum daily intake that is unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects -Consumption above this level increases toxicity risk -Specific to life stage and gender -Don't exceed this amount on a daily basis


-MyPlate Recommendations: Foods to Increase Make _____ your plate fruits and vegetables High in water, fiber filling Low in calories

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDRs)

-Ranges of intake for energy-yielding nutrients -Ensure that intake of nutrients is adequate and proportionate to physiological needs -Expressed as % of total energy intake Carbohydrates: Protein: Fat:

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

-Recommendations that are sufficient to meet the nutrient needs of 97-98% of healthy individuals in a specific age and gender group -Higher than EAR -Not available for all nutrients Adequate Intake (AI) is used if no EAR -Do aim for this amount


-____ Your Veggies 5 Subgroups Dark green Red and orange Beans and peas Starchy Other


A Healthy Eating Pattern Limits: Sodium (<2,300 mg) Saturated fat (<10% kcal) Trans fats Added sugars (<10% kcal) _____(ok in moderation)

added sugars

A Healthy Eating Pattern Limits: Sodium (<2,300 mg) Saturated fat (<10% kcal) Trans fats _____ _____ (<10% kcal) Alcohol (ok in moderation)

Saturated fat

A Healthy Eating Pattern Limits: Sodium (<2,300 mg) _________ ____ (<10% kcal) Trans fats Added sugars (<10% kcal) Alcohol (ok in moderation)


A Healthy Eating Pattern Limits: _______(<2,300 mg) Saturated fat (<10% kcal) Trans fats Added sugars (<10% kcal) Alcohol (ok in moderation)


A food-group plan that provides practical advice to ensure a balanced intake of the essential nutrients; helps individuals implement the recommendations of the DRIs and Dietary Guidelines Puts dietary guidelines into practice Emphasizes proportionality

Nutrient Density

A measure of the ____ a food provides compared to its kcal content. High nutrient Low kcal

Energy Density

A measurement of the kcal in a food compared with the weight of the food Eating low _____-_____ foods can promote weight loss


A woman's _____ is the size of approximately 3 ounces of cooked meat, chicken, or fish

Discretionary Calories

Additional foods from food groups above daily recommendation Higher-calorie form of a food (added sugars or higher fat) Added fats or sweeteners Foods and beverages that are mostly fat, sugar or alcohol

Estimated Energy Requirement (EER)

Average energy intake values predicted to maintain weight in healthy individuals Formulas based on: gender age height weight Activity level


Based on a 2,000-kilocalorie diet: Food is considered high in a nutrient if the DV is 20 percent or more. Food is considered a good source of a nutrient if the DV is between 10 and 20 percent. Food is considered low in a nutrient if the DV is less than _ percent.


Based on a 2,000-kilocalorie diet: Food is considered high in a nutrient if the DV is 20 percent or more. Food is considered a good source of a nutrient if the DV is between __and 20 percent. Food is considered low in a nutrient if the DV is less than 5 percent.


Based on a 2,000-kilocalorie diet: Food is considered high in a nutrient if the DV is ___ percent or more. Food is considered a good source of a nutrient if the DV is between 10 and 20 percent. Food is considered low in a nutrient if the DV is less than 5 percent.


Choose a _______ of food within each food group and across different food groups Different foods contain different nutrients Helps the body obtain all necessary nutrients Minimizes the potential for negative interactions between foods

Nutrient content claims

Claims on the food label that describe the level or amount of a nutrient in the food Terms such as free, high, low, reduced, extra lean, or lite are examples of nutrient content claims.

structure/function claims

Claims on the label that describe how a nutrient or dietary compound affects the structure or function of the human body


Consume reasonable but not excessive amounts of foods/nutrients All foods and beverages can fit There are no "good" or "bad" foods! _________ means not consuming too much energy, fat, sugar, alcohol or sodium

health claims

Contain two important components A food or a dietary compound (e.g., fiber) A corresponding disease or health-related condition that is associated with the substance


DRIs recommend ______ of nutrients


Diet incorporates: Balance Variety Moderation High in nutrient ______ Be aware of energy _____


Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate make recommendations for ____ to eat


Eat _____ of foods with high amounts of added sugars and heart unhealthy solid fats. These are ____ nutrient dense. Foods that are more nutrient-dense include fresh, frozen and canned foods, Dried Fruit, veggie oils, whole-grain food etc


Food Labels Are Strictly Regulated by the ___ Additional requirements for the label since 1990 include: Nutrition information: total kilocalories, kilocalories from fat, total fat, saturated fat, trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, sugars, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron Uniform serving sizes among similar products Indication of how a serving of the food fits into an overall daily diet Uniform definitions for descriptive label terms such as "light" and "fat free" Health claims that are accurate and science-based, if made about the food or one of its nutrients Presence of the eight common allergens


Fresh Frozen Canned in juice or water Dried 100% fruit juice Recommendation: no more than _-_oz/day Beware of juice "drinks


Get ______-Rich Foods -Drink fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk -Choose reduced fat cheeses -Unflavored/unsweetened preferable -Cream, butter, cream cheese, and eggs not included _______-fortified foods may not provide other nutrients found in dairy products


Go ____ with Protein -Vary your protein food choices -Includes meat, poultry, seafood, beans and peas, soy foods, nuts and seeds -Choose seafood at least twice per week -Keep portions small and lean -Watch sodium levels in processed meats


Make Half Your Grains _____ -_____ grains contain the entire grain kernel -Refined grains are lacking "full nutrient package"


Meat and poultry is regulated by the ____. Food labels in grocery stores are required and must indicate in which country the animal was born, raised, and slaughtered.


Multiply your daily calorie intake by 10 to 35 percent to calculate your recommended daily intake of _______.


Multiply your daily calorie intake by 20 to 35 percent to calculate your recommended daily intake of ___.


Multiply your daily calorie intake by 45 to 65 percent to calculate your recommended daily intake of carbohydrates.


Some foods are _____ from having a Nutrition Facts panel. Plain coffee and tea Some spices, flavorings, and other foods that offer negligible amounts of nutrients Ready-to-eat foods that are prepared and sold in retail establishments and restaurants Food produced by small businesses

point of purchase program

Some foods are under the FDAs voluntary _____-__-_______. Raw fruits and vegetables and fresh fish do not have a label. Stores must post the nutrition information on the most commonly eaten fruits, vegetables, and fish near where the products are sold


Starches Peas Potatoes Sweet potatoes Corn Winter squash (butternut, spaghetti, acorn,etc.) -My Plate treats like vegetables -Dietitians treat like starches due to _____ carbohydrate and calorie intake than other veggies


The Nutrition Facts Panel Indicates Nutrient ____


The _ made by a woman's thumb and forefinger is the size of about 1 tablespoon of veggie oil

net weight

The ____ ____ of the food in the box is located at the bottom of the page


The _____ of the product is required to be on the front label


The ________ are required to be listed in descending order by weight; Listed in descending order of predominance by weight (most --> least)


The calculated values use the leanest food choices with no added sugar. Vary the food choices within each group to ensure that the diet is adequate. On days where intake of a food group is inadequate, consume more foods from that group the next day.


There is no __ for trans fat, sugars, and protein. Some Nutrition Facts panels have a footnote at the bottom that provides a summary of __for 2,000- and 2,500-kilocalorie diets.


___: 400-700 calories = 44-78g

daily values (DVs)

_____ ______ (DVs) give a general idea of how the nutrients in the food fit into the overall diet. and help compare packaged foods

Dietary Guidelines

_____ ______ for Americans - provide broad dietary and lifestyle advice -Set of diet and lifestyle recommendations designed to improve and maintain health and decrease risk of chronic disease for individuals aged 2 and older Updated every 5 years by the US Dept of Agriculture (USDA) and Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS) Used to develop federal food, nutrition, and health policies and programs Used as the basis for federal nutrition education materials

Nutrition Labeling

_____ _______ and Education Act in 1990 mandated: Uniform nutritional information Serving sizes Specific criteria for nutrient descriptors and health claims

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)

______ ______ ______ (DRIs) - provide nutrient recommendations for healthy individuals Reference values used for planning and assessing the diets of healthy people on an average daily basis Goals: Prevent deficiencies Decrease incidence of chronic disease and promote health Avoid unhealthy excess Different requirements exist for different life stages and ages


______ calories in and calories out Include a healthy proportion of nutrients to maintain health and prevent disease ______ allows room for less healthy foods UN______ diets can lead to undernutrition, overnutrition, or if prolonged, malnutrition


______: 200-700 calories = 50-175g


_________: 900-1300 calories = 225-325g

Nutrition Facts Panel

a required component of food packaging that contains information about the nutrient content of the food and shows how a serving of the food fits into a healthy diet by stating its contribution to the percentage of the Daily Value for each nutirent


a woman's ____ is the size of about 1 cup (a man's ____ is the size of about 2 cups)

Exchange System

groups foods according to macronutrient content to assist with meal planning

exchange system

is a diet planning tool used to create meal plans based on the macronutrient content and total kilocalories of foods. Groups foods together based on carbohydrate, protein, and fat content Provides specific portion sizes for each food so each food in the group provides a similar amount of kilocalories per exchange Six food groups in the exchange lists Starch Fruit Milk Useful tool to control kilocalories, protein, and fat intake

Food Labels

provides information to help consumers make food choices


the ____ of the forefinger is about 1 tsp of margarine

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