Tools of Alteryx Designer

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Make Group

Assemble pairs of matches into groups based on their relationships. Generally used with the Fuzzy Match tool.


Returns all the files in a specified directory. Along with file names, other pertinent information about each file is returned, including file size, creation date, last modified, and much more.

Map Legend Splitter

Split the legend from the Report Map tool into its component parts for customization by other tools.

Apache Spark Code

allows the user to connect directly to an Apache Spark cluster instance and run commands directly from Alteryx.

Run Command

allows the user to run external command programs within Alteryx. This tool can be used as an Input, Output or as a pass through, intermediary tool.

Join In-DB

combines two in-database data streams based on common fields by performing an inner or outer join.


combines two inputs based on a commonality between the two tables. It functions like a SQL join but gives the option of creating three outputs resulting from the join.

Union In-DB

combines two or more in-database data streams with similar structures based on field names or positions. In the output, each column will contain the data from each input.

Join Multiple

combines two or more inputs based on a commonality between the input tables. Only the joined records are outputted through the tool, resulting in a wide (columned) file.

Control Parameter

configures a control parameter input for each iteration of a batch macro.

Field Summary

analyzes data and creates a summary report containing descriptive statistics of data in selected columns. Use this tool to gain insight into data and receive recommendations for managing data.


appends multiple data streams into one unified steam. The tool accepts multiple inputs based on either field name or record position, creating a stacked output table. The user then has complete control to how these fields stack or match up.

Append Fields

appends the fields of one input (Source) to every record of another larger input (Target). Each record of the target input will be duplicated for every record in the source input.


arranges reporting snippets on top of one another for output using the Render tool.


arranges the records in a table in alphanumeric order, based on the values of the specified data fields.


arranges two or more reporting snippets to output as a report using the Render tool.

Spearman Correlation

assesses how well an arbitrary monotonic function could describe the relationship between two variables, without making any other assumptions about the particular nature of the relationship between the variables.

Data Stream In

brings data from a standard workflow into an in-database workflow.

Input Data

brings data in to your workflow by connecting to a file or database.


bypasses a process in a macro or analytic app.

Running Total

calculates a cumulative sum, per record, in a file.

Weighted Average

calculates the weighted average of an incoming data field. A weighted average is similar to a common average, but instead of all records contributing equally to the average, the concept of weight means some records contribute more than others.


can conduct a host of summary processes, including: grouping, summing, count, spatial object processing, string concatenation, and much more.

Contingency Table

creates a contingency table based on selected fields, to list all combinations of the field values with frequency and percent columns.

Report Map

creates a map image from a workflow.

Record ID

creates a new column in the data and assigns a unique identifier, that increases sequentially, for each record in the data.

Macro Input In-DB

creates an in-database input connection on a macro and populates it with placeholder values.

Macro Output In-DB

creates an in-database output connection on a macro.

Macro Input

creates an input connection on a macro.

Macro Output

creates an output connection on a macro.


creates basic data tables and pivot tables from input data.

Interactive Chart

creates interactive bar charts, line graphs, scatter plots, and pie charts for visualizing data in your workflow.

Generate Rows

creates new rows of data at the record level. It is useful to create a sequence of numbers, transactions, or dates.

Multi-Row Formula

creates or updates a column using an expression that can reference columns in a subsequent or prior row. It is useful for parsing complex data, and creating running totals, averages, percentages, and other mathematical calculations.


creates or updates columns using one or more expressions to perform a broad variety of calculations or operations.

Formula In-DB

creates or updates fields in an in-database data stream with an expression using the database's native language (e.g., SQL).

Error Message

displays an error message (and halts processing) for an app or macro based on criteria in an expression.


displays an interactive map for the user to draw or select map objects in an app.


displays data from a connected tool as well as data profile information, maps, reporting snippets, and behavior analysis information in the data.

Field Info

displays in tabular form, the name of fields within a data stream as well as the field order, field type and field size.

API Output

displays the contents of a data stream in the Results window as a comma-delimited, quote-qualified string.

Violin Plot

displays the distribution of a single numeric variable, and conveys the density of the distribution.


distinguishes whether a data record is unique or a duplicate by grouping on one or more specified fields, then sorting on those fields. The first record in each group is sent to the Unique output stream while the remaining records are sent to the Duplicate output stream.

Connect In-DB

establishes a new or existing in-database connection in a workflow.

Multi-Field Binning

groups multiple numeric fields into tiles or bins, especially for use in predictive analysis.

Fuzzy Match

identifies non-identical duplicates of a database by specifying parameters to match on. Values need not be exact to find a match, they just need to fall within the user specified or prefabricated parameters set forth in the configuration properties.


includes, excludes, and reorders the columns of data that pass through a workflow. You can also modify the type and size of data, rename a column, or add a description.


is a code editor for users of Python.


is a code editor for users of R, an open-source code base used for statistical and predictive analysis.

Base64 Encoder

issues a base 64 encode string for a specified string field.


lets you create and arrange multiple charts and text elements into an interactive dashboard. Publish to a Gallery for others to gain a deeper understanding of the data.

Browse In-DB

lets you view your data at any point in an in-database workflow. Triggers a database query and can impact performance.

Sample In-DB

limits the in-database data stream to a number or percentage of records.


makes enhanced scatterplots, with options to include boxplots in the margins, a linear regression line, a smooth curve via non-parametric regression, a smoothed conditional spread, outlier identification, and a regression line.

Multi-Field Formula

makes it easy to execute a single function on multiple fields.

Map Input

makes it possible to draw or select map objects (points, lines, and polygons) to be stored in the workflow.

Text Input

makes it possible to manually type text to create small data files for input, which can be useful for creating Lookup tables.


manually transposes and rearranges your data fields for presentation purposes. Data is transformed so that each record is turned into multiple records and columns can be created by using field description data.

Pearson Correlation

measures the linear relationship between two or more random variables.

Frequency Table

produces a frequency analysis for selected fields. The output includes a summary of the selected fields with frequency counts and percentages for each value in a field.


provides a histogram plot for a numeric field by showing the frequencies of records falling in a set of continuous value ranges. It also provides a smoothed empirical density plot. Frequencies are displayed when a density plot is not selected, and probabilities when this option is selected.

Importance Weights

provides methods for selecting a set of variables to use in a predictive model based on how strongly related each possible predictor is to the target variable.

Dynamic Rename

renames any or all fields within an input stream by employing the use of different methods. Additionally, dynamic or unknown fields can be renamed at runtime.

Dynamic Replace

replaces data values on a series of fields, based on a condition.


reports messages about the process to the Results window.

JSON Parse

separates Java Script Object Notation text into a table schema for the purpose of downstream processing.


slows down the speed of the downstream tool by limiting the number of records that are passed through.


updates specific values in a numeric data field with another selected value. It is useful for replacing NULL values.


uses a data stream to send emails for each record.

Heat Plot

uses a heat plot color map to show the joint distribution of two variables that are either continuous numeric variables or ordered categories.

Write Data In-DB

uses an in-database data stream to create or update a table directly in the database.


verifies data or processes in a workflow. Since the Test tool accepts multiple inputs, with a single Test tool you can create multiple tests and test multiple sets of data and processes.

Numeric Up Down

Allow users to choose a number from a predefined range.

Text Box

Allow users to enter characters in a free form text box in an app.


Allow users to make one or more selections from an organized, hierarchal data structure in an app.

File Browse

Allow users to select a file to use as an input or output via a traditional file browse window.


Group data into sets based on value ranges in a field.

Explorer Box

displays a web page, file directory, or file on the canvas.

Map Legend Builder

Recombine the component parts of a map legend (created using the Map Legend Splitter) into a single legend table, after customization by other tools.


add annotation or images to the workflow canvas to capture notes or explain processes for later reference.

Report Footer

adds a footer to a report.

Report Header

adds a header to a report.


adds graphics to reports.

Report Text

adds text to reports and documents.

Dynamic Select

allows fields to be selected either by field type or via a formula. Additionally dynamic or unknown fields will also be selected by field type or via formula at runtime.

Association Analysis

determines which fields in a database have a bivariate association with one another.


displays a calendar in app, to allow users to select a date.

Check Box

displays a check box option in an app.

Folder Browse

displays a folder browse control in an app. This Interface tool is not supported for running apps in the Alteryx Analytics Gallery

List Box

displays a multi-selection check box list in an app.

Radio Button

displays a mutually exclusive option in an app.

Drop Down

displays a single selection list in an app.


extracts a specified portion of the records in the data stream.

Filter In-DB

filters in-database records with a basic filter or with a custom expression using the database's native language (e.g., SQL).

Distribution Analysis

fits one or more distributions to the input data and compares them based on a number of Goodness-of-Fit* statistics.

Data Cleansing

fixes common data quality issues using a variety of parameters.

Tool Container

organizes tools in a workflow into a box, which can be collapsed or disabled.

Basic Data Profile

outputs basic metadata such as data type, min, max, average, number of missing values, etc.

Dynamic Output In-DB

outputs information about the in-database workflow to a standard workflow for predictive in-database processing.


pivots the orientation of data in a table by moving horizontal data onto a vertical axis.


pivots the orientation of the data table and transforms the data so vertical data fields can be viewed on a horizontal axis, summarizing data where specified.


queries records and splits the data into two outputs, True (where the data meets the specified criteria) and False (where it does not).

Blob Input

reads a Binary Large Object such as an image or media file, by browsing directly to a file or passing a list of files to read.

XDF Input

reads data from an XDF (.xdf) file, which is the format used by Microsoft R ScaleR functions to scale predictive analytics to millions of records for either using the .xdf file as input to a predictive analytics tool or reading the file into an Alteryx data stream for further data cleansing or blending.

Dynamic Input

reads from an input database at runtime and dynamically chooses what records to read in.

Auto Field

reads through an input file and sets the field type to the smallest possible size relative to the data contained within the column.


retrieves data from a specified URL to be used in downstream processing or to be saved to a file.

Count Records

returns a count of how many records are going through the tool.

Date Time Now

returns a single record: the Date and Time at the workflow runtime, and convert the value into the string format of the user's choosing.

Random % Sample

returns an expected number of records resulting in a random sample of the incoming data stream.

Oversample Field

samples incoming data so that there is equal representation of data values so they can be used effectively in a predictive model.

Find Replace

search for data in one field from one data stream and replace it with a specified field from a different stream. Similar to an Excel VLOOKUP.

Select Records

selects specific records and/or ranges of records including discontinuous ranges. It is useful for troubleshooting and sampling

Select In-DB

selects, deselects, reorders, and renames fields in an in-database workflow.

Create Samples

splits the input records into two or three random samples. Specify the percentage of records that are in the estimation and validation samples, and if the total is less than 100%, the remaining records fall in the holdout sample.

Block Until Done

stops downstream processing until all records come through. This tool makes it possible to overwrite an input file.

Data Stream Out

streams data from an in-database workflow to a standard workflow, with an option to sort the records.

Summarize In-DB

summarizes in-database data by grouping, summing, counting, counting distinct fields, and more. The output contains only the result of the calculations.

Dynamic Input In-DB

takes In-DB Connection Name and Query fields from a standard data stream and inputs them into an in-database data stream.

Plot of Means

takes a numeric or binary categorical field (with the binary categorical field converted into a set of zero and one values) as a response field along with a categorical field and plots the mean of the response field for each of the categories (levels) of the categorical field.

Blob Convert

takes different data types and either convert them to a Binary Large Object (Blob) or takes a Blob and converts it to a different data type.


tests for the presence of user selections and returns either a true or false result


transforms report snippets into reports in .pdf, .html, .xslx, .docx, .rtf and .pcxml formats.

Detour End

unifies the data processes from an upstream Detour tool into a single stream for further analysis in analytic apps and macro.


update the configuration of a workflow with values provided by interface questions, when run as an app or macro.

XDF Output

writes an Alteryx data stream to an XDF (.xdf) file, which is the format used by Microsoft R ScaleR functions to scale predictive analytics to millions of records.

Blob Output

writes out each record into its own file.

Output Data

writes the results of a workflow to a file or database.

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