Topic 10 Test

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Las Gorras Blancas

(the White Caps) group of Mexican Americans living in New Mexico who attempted to protect their land and way of life from encroachment by white landowners

Homestead Act

1862 law that gave 160 acres of land to persons willing to live on and cultivate it for five years

Sand Creek Massacre

1864 incident in which Colorado militia attacked a camp of Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians, some of who were under U.S. Army protection

Battle of the Little Bighorn

1876 battle in which the Sioux defeated U.S. Army troops

Pendleton Civil Service Act

1883 law that created a civil service system for the federal government in an attempt to hire employees on a merit system rather than on a spoils system

Dawes General Allotment

1887 law that divided reservation land into private family plots of 160 acres per family

Wounded Knee

1890 confrontation between U.S. cavalry and Sioux that marked the end of Indian resistance

Yick Wo v. Hopkins

1898 Supreme Court ruled that individuals of Chinese descent, born in the United States, could not be stripped of their citizenship

Long Walk

300 mile forced march of about 8,000 Navajos to a reservation in eastern New Mexico

Which of the following Native American leaders attempted to avoid forced relocation by leading many of his tribe to Canada? A. Chief Joseph B. Crazy Horse C. Red Cloud D. Sitting Bull

A. Chief Joseph

The Dawes General Allotment Act is an example of the Americanization movement because it A. encouraged Indians to own private property. B. required the payment of property taxes for schools. C. asked Indians to form representative governments. D. required farmers to meet production quotas.

A. Encouraged Indians to own private property.

Why was William Jennings Bryan's campaign unlike any campaign before it? A. He campaigned directly to the people. B. His speeches were persuasive and captivating. C. He defended the gold standard and opposed silver coinage. D. He raised an unprecedented amount of money.

A. He campaigned directly to the people.

What implication is Nast trying to make with the text above the African American couple that reads "Worse Than Slavery"? A. Nast is suggesting that African Americans are suffering more after the Civil War than they did when they were slaves. B. Nast is suggesting that the U.S. government is complicit in allowing racist groups to persecute African Americans after the Civil War. C. Nast is suggesting that African Americans are unable to find sufficient ways to support themselves after achieving freedom during the Civil War. D. Nast is suggesting that racist political groups are preventing African Americans from escaping slavery.

A. Nast is suggesting that African Americans are suffering more after the Civil War than they did when they were slaves.

What was a central cause of the Panic of 1873? A. One of the nation's most influential banks failed. B. The use of silver as money undermined the economy. C. Greenbacks caused inflation during the Civil War. D. High tariffs increased the costs of goods for consumers.

A. One of the nation's most influential banks failed.

What happened to the issue of railroad regulation after the decline of the Populist Party? A. The Democratic Party gained power and ruled against railroad regulation. B. Railroad regulation became irrelevant and disappeared from political campaigns. C. Railroad regulation was endorsed by big businesses that demanded lower transportation costs. D. The Progressives promoted railroad regulation, bringing the issue into the twentieth century.

A. The Democratic Party gained power and ruled against railroad regulation.

What factor negatively affected open range cattle ranching? A. The price of beef dropped due to oversupply. B. The number of cowboys dropped due to low pay. C. Heavy rains and flooding wiped out many major ranches. D. Attacks by Native Americans made open range ranching too risky.

A. The price of beef dropped due to oversupply.

Which invention was used primarily in the cattle industry? A. barbed wire B. grain drill C. plow D. windmill

A. barbed wire

What caused the building of the Transcontinental Railroad to be delayed? A. debates over routes B. the Civil War C. need for private investors D. lack of government finance

A. debates over routes

What was the purpose of the Fort Laramie Treaty with the Sioux? A. prevent further battles with the Sioux B. collect taxes from the Sioux C. build a road in Sioux land to gold-mining areas D. obtain complete government control over the Sioux

A. prevent further battles with the Sioux

One of the main goals of the Grange was to A. regulate railroad and grain elevator rates. B. protest the establishment of "sub-treasuries." C. establish a "short haul and long haul" practice. D. form alliances between black and white farmers.

A. regulate railroad and grain elevator rates.

What main problem did civil service reform address? A. the problem of giving government jobs based on political connections B. the problem of the increasing power of political bosses in cities C. the lack of qualified applicants for government jobs D. the economic mismanagement of the Panic of 1873

A. the problem of giving government jobs based on political connections

Which use of western land negatively affected everyone? A. unwise usage of water B. building of railroads C. competition for grazing land D. destruction of crops by cattle

A. unwise usage of water


African Americans who migrated from the South to the West after the Civil War

What did the Apache War and the Red River War have in common? A. The same Native American peoples were involved in both wars. B. Both wars resulted from Native Americans attacking white settlers. C. Both wars were fought while the Civil War was taking place. D. The shrinking buffalo population was a factor in both wars.

B. Both wars resulted from Native Americans attacking white settlers.

How did the election of 1896 affect the Populist Party? A. The Populist Party gained support from urban workers. B. Bryan's defeat permanently weakened the Populist Party. C. McKinley's victory destroyed the objectives of the Populist Party. D. The Populist Party accumulated millions of dollars during the campaign.

B. Bryan's defeat permanently weakened the Populist Party.

What is the most likely reason Chief Joseph said, "I will fight no more forever"? A. Fighting went against his religious beliefs. B. He wanted to prevent further death and destruction. C. His will and means to fight had diminished. D. He had permission to return to his homeland.

B. He wanted to prevent further death and destruction.

What was the result of the Supreme Court ruling that Native American groups were not independent nations? A. The government had to return to the difficult process of negotiating treaties with the many Native American groups. B. It upheld the federal government's decision to stop making treaties and allowed it to continue passing laws to carry out its Native American policies. C. It prevented government officials from breaking up reservations into individual land holdings. D. The government's programs to assimilate Native Americans into white society failed.

B. It upheld the federal government's decision to stop making treaties and allowed it to continue passing laws to carry out its Native American policies.

How did reformers hope the Dawes Act would encourage assimilation of Native Americans? A. The Dawes Act forbade Native Americans from speaking their tribal languages and created schools to teach English to Native American children. B. The Dawes Act ended tribal landholding and encouraged economic assimilation by making Native Americans private land owners. C. The Dawes Act gave each Native American family a land grant that allowed them to leave the economic isolation of the reservation. D. The Dawes Act established programs to help Native Americans learn about the dress and customs of white American society.

B. The Dawes Act ended tribal landholding and encouraged economic assimilation by making Native Americans private land owners.

Which factor contributed to the accumulation of debt among farmers? A. Banks set low interest rates. B. The prices of crops declined. C. Farmers took ownership of their farms. D. Farmers were elected to be national leaders.

B. The prices of crops declined.

How would Native Americans have likely viewed the 1887 Dawes Act? A. as an attempt to steal their land B. as an attack on their culture and traditions C. as a violation of their treaty rights D. as an effort to strengthen their tribal governments

B. as an attack on their culture and traditions.

How did the Homestead Act contribute to the expansion of western settlement? A. by establishing agricultural colleges to develop better ways to farm B. by granting farm plots to people willing to live on the land for five years C. by granting white settlers ownership of Mexican American land D. by encouraging more white migration by prohibiting Chinese immigrants

B. by granting farm plots to people willing to live on the land for five years

How did Chinese immigrants contribute to the opening of the West? A. by working mostly as cowboys on the open range B. by helping to build the transcontinental railroads C. by lobbying for passage of the Homestead Act D. by introducing improved agricultural technology

B. by helping to build the transcontinental railroads

What effect did the growth of the Populist Party have on the two major political parties of the time? A. It helped them to strengthen and fund their campaigns. B. It drew support away from the Republican Party, allowing the Democratic Party become dominant. C. It pressured them to consider endorsing some new demands. D. It threatened to replace them as the most prominent political party.

C. It pressured them to consider endorsing some new demands.

What contribution did Mexicans make to cattle ranching? A. Mexicans established many western "cow towns." B. Mexican railroads moved cattle from west to east. C. Mexican vaqueros were experts in working with cattle. D. Mexicans taught cattle ranchers how to round up cattle.

C. Mexican vaqueros were experts in working with cattle

Why was the popularity of buffalo hunting among white tourists so threatening to Native American civilizations in the West? A. The sport brought great numbers of white settlers to the area for the first time. B. Arriving white tourists damaged lands on which Native Americans mined gold and silver. C. Native Americans experienced challenges finding enough resources to meet their basic needs.

C. Native Americans experienced challenges finding enough resources to meet their basic needs.

The Great Northern Railway was more successful than the Northern Pacific Railroad due to A. government funding B. immigrant labor C. low fares D. transportation of goods

C. low fares

The American public grew increasingly aware of the political influence of corporations as A. journalists wrote investigative articles B. Congress held hearings on the matter C. political cartoonists portrayed the issue D. public protests continued in front of the Capital

C. political cartoonists portrayed the issue

One effect of the pressure on Native Americans to assimilate into white culture was A. that Native Americans bought up arable land in the West, causing a shortage of land. B. that most Native Americans left reservations to find work in factories in cities. C. that Native Americans lost many traditional practices. D. that Native Americans were not allowed to return to their ancestral lands.

C. that Native Americans lost many traditional practices.

What caused changes in the demographic patterns of Native Americans? A. the transcontinental railroad B. the destruction of buffalo herds C. the forced migration to reservations D. the promises in treaties that were not kept

C. the forced migration to reservations

How did white settlers' belief in manifest destiny affect Native Americans? A. Native Americans engaged in multiple battles with white settlers. B. Native Americans settled and adapted to the ways of white settlers. C. Native Americans were given tools and resources to farm new land. D. Native Americans lost more territory due to white settler expansion.

D. Native Americans lost more territory due to white settler expansion

What was the importance of the Coinage Act of 1873? A. The act caused inflation to increase farmers' incomes. B. The act increased tariffs to promote jobs in manufacturing. C. The act retired greenbacks after they caused wartime inflation. D. The act reversed the policy of backing money with both gold and silver.

D. The act reversed the policy of backing money with both gold and silver.

Why would the Sioux have opposed the Bozeman Trail crossing their land? A. They did not want to give up their land, B. They wanted a railroad line across their land instead, C. White travelers would hunt game that the Sioux depended on. D. The region the trail crossed was sacred to the Sioux.

D. The region the trail crossed was sacred to the Sioux.

Why did many farmers go into debt in the late 1800s? A. They took out loans to invest in new industries because agriculture was declining. B. They took loans out to diversify their crops because consumers demanded new varieties of produce. C. They took out loans to build roads to bring their produce to distant cities.. D. The took out loans on the value of their farms to pay the increased costs for new machines and other supplies.

D. The took out loans on the value of their farms to pay the increased costs for new machines and other supplies.

Why did many Mexican Americans in the southwest lose their land in the late 1800s? A. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo did not protect their property rights. B. Americans of Mexican descent were not allowed to own land after 1882. C. Mexican Americans gained land rights in Mexico in exchange for U.S. claims. D. They were not able to prove legally in the courts that they owned the land.

D. They were not able to prove legally in the courts that they owned the land.

How did Grant contribute to the loss of confidence in American politicians? A. by removing the army from the South B. by stealing millions of dollars from the treasury C. by stealing profits from the Union Pacific Railroad D. by not rooting out corruption in his administration

D. by not rooting out corruption in his administration

Among the reasons for the collapse of the Populist Party was the fact that A. it proposed ideas that were unpopular with rural Americans. B. it could not capture support in southern and western states. C. its top candidates did not appeal to "average" Americans. D. its position on monetary reform did not appeal to urban workers.

D. its position on monetary reform did not appeal to urban workers.

The strength of political machines was typically built on A. laws for civil service reform B. high levels of political participation C. resistance to federal corruption D. support from large immigrant groups

D. support from large immigrant groups

What was the purpose of the Morrill Act of 1862? A. to encourage people to move westward B. to set aside land for future homesteading C. to resettle former slaves on agricultural lands D. to encourage the development of better farming methods

D. to encourage the development of better farming methods

Chief Joseph

Nez Perce chief who led his followers on an unsuccessful flight over more than 1300 miles to escape confinement on a reservation

Coinage Act of 1873

abolished the right of holders of silver bullion to have their metal struck into fully legal tender dollar coins and ended bimetallism in the United States, placing the nation firmly on the gold standard


absorbed into the main culture of a society

Dormant Commerce Clause

decision upheld the right of states to regulate private industries in some circumstances

Oliver H. Kelley

employee in the U.S. Department of Agriculture who worked to improve the lives of farmers and the agricultural industry by bringing farmers together to protect their livelihoods; served as the first secretary of the Grange from 1867 until 1878.


farmers' organization formed after the Civil War and sponsored social activities, community service, and political lobbying

Populist Party

formed in 1891 to advocate a larger money supply and other economic reforms

Civil service

government departments and their non-elected employees

Land Grants

land designated by the federal government for building schools

Benjamin Singleton

leader in the "Great Exodus" that brought thousands of African Americans west from the post-reconstruction South

William McKinley

led the United States during the Spanish-American War in 1898 and urged Congress to annex Hawaii

Open-range system

method of ranching in which the rancher allowed his or her livestock to roam and graze over a vast area of grassland

Farmers' Alliance

network of farmers' organizations that worked for political and economic reforms in the late 1800s

Local Government

ordinary people regarded as the main body of an organization's membership; bottom level of government—town, city, or other local governments—as opposed to the federal government

Gold standard

policy of designating monetary units in terms of their value in gold

Spoils system

practice of the political party in power giving jobs and appointments to its supporters, rather than to people based on the qualifications


public lands where Native Americans were required to live by the federal government

Transcontinental railroad

rail link between the eastern and the western United States


self-appointed law enforcers

Grange Laws

series of acts in several states which set maximum rates for shipping freight and for grain storage.

Charles J. Guiteau

shot Garfield because he believed that the Republican Party had not fulfilled its promise to give him a government job

Commerce Clause

states did not have the power to regulate interstate commerce

Sitting Bull

war chief and important spiritual leader who became the first-ever chief of all the Lakota Sioux bands in the 1860s

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