Total Spectrum Relias Videos Exam

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To be considered sexual harassment, behaviors must be considered:

Unwelcome and unwanted

When teaching a new skill you should _____________.

Use multiple stimuli

Which of the following interventions would NOT be appropriate when dealing with a hostile individual?

Use physical contact

Which effective teaching procedures can be used in NaTS to maintain motivation?

Using errorless teaching and varying tasks

Multiple examplar training refers to _______________.

Using many different stimuli to teach a skill to promote generalization.

Characteristics and variables of reinforcement that are components of the matching law can be remembered with the acronym...


When cleaning up a work area you feel a sharp burning sensation in your hand and find that you have been lacerated by contaminated sharp. What should you do?

Wash the laceration with soap and water and report the incident as an exposure immediately.

Which of the following questions should you try to answer when describing what happened during the incident

What actions did you or others take during the incident?

Which of these is NOT a question you should try to answer in your report when describing the incident?

What is your subjective opinion of the incident?

What information can be generated from an FBA?

What variables are likely to be involved in maintaining the behavior

In general it is better to let people know directly that you consider their behavior offensive before you take formal measures. When would it be better to avoid direct confrontation?

When you feel unsafe

Which of these is NOT true of practicing in an ethical manner and maintaining confidentiality?

Write the incident report after 24 hours have passed and fill in details as you see necessary

Outcome recording could be used for which behavior?

Writing an essay

You have been assigned a new client. The parents don't think he has autism because he can read and repeats lines in movies. When observed, the boy is able to read, but only communicates with grunts and yells. Are these characteristics of autism?


Which of the following is true of reporting incidents to law enforcement?

You should discuss with your supervisor which instances you should report to them first, or contact law enforcement first.

Stimulus control is when...

a behavior is emitted more often in the presence of a particular discriminative stimulus than in its absence.

A Behavior Intervention Plan is...

a guide for parents, teachers and other professionals on how to decrease inappropriate behaviors and/or teach replacement behaviors.

A phonemic prompt is...

a small verbal prompt that gets the learner to emit the desired response.

Many individuals with problem behaviors have established learning histories where teachers and learning environments are...

a worsening sets of conditions

ABA would be an effective intervention for which of the following?

all of the above

Teachers can expand the motor skills by chaining them together. An example of this is...

all of the above

The SD for an Imitation skill should be...

all of the above

When a learner is first learning to mand, avoid teaching...

all of the above.

You can verify that there is motivation when...

all of the above.

The main goal of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was to ___________.

allow people to carry insurance from one employer to another and to protect the privacy and security of medical records and information

Our clients have certain rights and prerogatives that need to be maintained. The client must be provided on request

an accurate, current set of the practitioner's credentials

Using _______________________ to prevent problem behaviors is considered the proactive approach.

antecedent interventions

Who can be defined as a client of ABA services?

any of the above

The inter-trial interval should last...

approximately 1/2 second.

If a practitioner finds that, due to unforeseen factors, a potentially harmful multiple relationship has arisen, what is recommended?

attempt to resolve with the best interests of the affected person and maximal compliance with the Guidelines

When children produce sounds that resemble those produced by their parents, these sounds may function as:

automatic reinforcement

Extinction is the most difficult to use with ___________ maintained behaviors.


Which of the following is an example of a person expressing a stereotype?

"People with mental illness are dangerous."

In DTI, the inter-trial-interval (ITI) generally lasts how long?

1-3 seconds

HIV infected individuals may experience flu-like symptoms while some remain asymptomatic. Those who develop symptoms do so:

2 to 4 weeks after exposure

Present difficult (acquisition) tasks approximately _________ percent of the time.


How many functions of behavior are socially mediated?


If reinforcement is delivered after each number of responses listed, which of the following is variable ratio of 7 (VR7)?

3, 11, 7, 7, 4, 10

To treat a minor burn, how long should you immerse the area in cool water?

5-10 minutes

Which is an example of echoic behavior?

A "candy"--> B "candy"--> C non-specific reinforcement

Which statement is true about mental status changes?

A change in mental status could indicate a life-threatening situation.

What is a trend analysis?

A collection and evaluation of information contained in incident reporting records to limit a recurrence.

What can be used to determine existing nonsocial and social reinforcers?

A preference assessment

What does the term anaphylaxis mean?

A severe response to a whole body allergic reaction

The Phase Change line demonstrates a change in conditions on a graph and is represented by:

A solid vertical line

What can be used to predict for behavior in the future?

A trend line in the direction of the behavior change

Pick the best definition for tact:

A type of expressive language used to label or describe objects, actions, and characteristics in a learners environment.

Which is the proper ABC form of imitative (mimetic) behavior?

A-stimulus involving motor movement by a model, B-non-verbal and mimics the movements of the model, C-reinforcement of the imitative behavior

What are the 4 functions of behavior?

Access to tangibles, to gain attention, escape, automatic.

When a person adapts to the traits of a different culture it is called __________.


If a person is choking but still conscious, you should:

Administer back blows and abdominal thrusts.

Which kind of data should be recorded on a graph for visual analysis?

All data

Line Graphs can be used for:

All of the above

Prompts are a critical part of the learning process because they...

All of the above

Which of the following is appropriate to teach in verbal imitation/echoic training?

All of the above

You can measure the _______of behavior.

All of the above

Which of the following sentences does NOT contain jargon?

Amy's staff person, Sarah, helped her complete her stretching exercises.

What is an antecedent?

An event that sets the stage for the behavior and occurs in close proximity to the behavior.

What is another name for a fast trigger?


There are three types of behavior intervention strategies in the behavior plan; they are...

Antecedent Interventions, Replacement Behaviors and Consequence interventions.

Which of the following should be used first when dealing with problem behaviors?

Antecedent interventions

The ABC of Receptive Language is:

Antecedent: another person's verbal behavior Behavior: non-verbal response Consequence

The treatments for autism that have repeatedly demonstrated positive outcomes all fall under the umbrella of what approach?

Applied Behavior Analysis

If others witness the incident, what should you attempt to do?

Ask for their contact information and include this in the incident report.

Kaci is 4 months old, what milestone is likely to start developing at this age?

Attention from caregivers functioning as a reinforcer

Which of the following is not socially mediated?

Automatic reinforcement

Bar Graphs/Histograms represent the ______________of some data under different conditions.


Which of the following is an example of non-specific reinforcement? Behavior: child, "cookie;" Consequence: child is given a cookie

Behavior: teacher, "Go wash your hands;" Consequence: child washes hands and is given a cookie

Which of the following methods are based on the principles of ABA?

Both DTI and NaTS

When practitioners believe there may have been an ethical violation by another practitioner, or non behavioral colleague, they attempt to resolve the issue, first by:

Bringing it to the attention of that individual

Which of the following would be best taught through chaining:

Brushing teeth

What is the first step when a poisoning is suspected?

Call Poison Control

If you suspect a person is in shock the best thing to do is:

Call for emergency medical assistance.

The function of a behavior ______________.

Can change based on setting and people present.

What situation might warrant a functional assessment of problem behavior and a behavior intervention plan?

Candace throws items at her peers during class. This happens several times/hour, and occasionally it causes injury.

Which of the following is an example of Overcorrection?

Claire has to write a sorry letter to the teacher and all of her friends when she yells at her friends in class.

What are the three "Cs" of an incident report?

Clear, Chronological, Complete

If teaching an object, such as car, you should:

Contrive opportunities to teach multiple tacts surrounding each item (label the color, function, size etc.).

The ability to support people from diverse cultural backgrounds by adapting services to their particular customs and cultural preferences as far as possible is called _____________________.

Cultural competence

You are providing first aid for someone with a burn on the leg. What should you do with the clothing around the burn?

Cut away clothing around the burn but do not remove clothing stuck to the burn.

Leila engages in hand mouthing. She is reinforced every time she is engaged in a behavior that is incompatible with hand mouthing (drawing or building with legos). This is an example of which differential reinforcement procedure?


Every ten minutes Johnny is rewarded with a gummy if he did not throw his toys. This is an example of which differential reinforcement procedure?


All of these are a diagnostic criteria for autism EXCEPT:

Deficits in intellectual abilities

What is the first step in creating a behavioral treatment?

Define the behavior and select a measurement technique.

All of the following should be included in a behavior plan EXCEPT...

Diagnosis of child

As the student becomes more proficient with verbal imitation, what procedure should be used to shape articulation?

Differential reinforcement

Stimuli in the environment that signal behavior and that are associated with reinforcement is the definition for __________.

Discriminative Stimuli (SDs)

Which of the following is the instruction?

Discriminative Stimulus

_____ means having variety. It is all the human qualities that are different from your own and the groups to which you belong and includes your qualities too.


Which of the following is NOT an example of receptive identification?

Do you have a cat?

What would be a useful recommendation to give to someone experiencing ongoing difficulty with harassment at work?

Document the behaviors in detail.

If another person you support is also involved in an incident, what should you do?

Don't include their full name or any other identifying information about them.

Most agree that individuals need to have which kind of repertoire before tact training should start.

Echoic / Verbal Imitation

Class C fire extinguishers are used for _________________.

Energized electrical equipment

Kyle walked into his classroom. The teacher told him to get his math book. Kyle fell to the floor. The teacher went to tell the principal about Kyle's behavior instead of doing the math lesson. What could be the REINFORCER?

Escape from math

All of the following are some appropriate ways to respond to feedback, EXCEPT:

Explain to your supervisor why you did what you did. They may be wrong in their feed

A,B,C,D, and K are classifications for _____________.


All activities of a practitioner falls under these Guidelines at all times regardless of if the activity is part of his or her work-related functions or the activity is behavior analytic in nature.


BBPs include any fluid secreted by humans, including sweat.


Class A fire extinguishers are used on flammable liquid fires such as oil and gas.


For workplace violence to occur, it must be an employee or ex-employee of the organization.


If you have commitments that get in the way of service delivery, it is okay as long as services are not disrupted for over 2 weeks, as that is when regression occurs.


Practitioners can solicit testimonials from current clients as long as they report on the positive aspects of behavior


Probe data is very time consuming, but also the most accurate.


There must be a Motivating Operation (MO) to evoke a tact.


True or False: As a DSP, your work is not very strongly affected by the racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds of the people you serve.


True or False: Video modeling is a new area of research in the field of education and behavior analysis.


True or False: What someone says they want is the best predictor of reinforcer effectiveness.


When encountering a person with a weapon, your first action should be to try to disarm or overpower them.


In the event of a toxic eye injury, you should:

Flush the eye immediately with lots of clean water

If shown an array of photos and asked, "Give me the one that you jump on," this is an example of...


Levi screams whenever he wants his helicopter toy. What would be a good antecedent intervention?

Functional communication training (teach manding/requesting)

The following is a definition of what: The transfer of skills over time, to untrained responses, and across different environments.


In the Receptive Instructions Program, generally the first step should be:

Give instructions to perform preferred tasks in context

Visual Inspection is the process whereby data is:

Graphed and analyzed

People with Asperger's syndrome usually have the following characteristics EXCEPT:

Have good "social smarts"

Which statement is true about heat exhaustion and heat stroke?

Heat exhaustion may improve with first aid, but heat stroke is a medical emergency.

Sara is working on social referencing, her teacher says "Sara" while shaking a bottle of bubbles (which she loves!). In response, Sara looks at her teacher. What should happen next in the sequence?

Her teacher should reinforce immediately with bubbles, and say "nice looking."

Which of the following behaviors is observable and allows for data collection?

Hitting with open hand

Which of the following is not a part of a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)?

How the child feels when the behavior is occurring

An important ethical question to ask yourself when setting up a behavior change program is _____________.

How will this benefit the Individual?

Which of the following is an objective and factual statement?

I heard Karen screaming.

What might be an appropriate consequence intervention for screaming for attention?

Ignoring the scream and later prompting them to call your name

What is the most important thing you can do to prevent workplace violence?

Immediately report any concerns you have.

The following is an example of what concept? The teacher glances at the cow toy as she presents the instruction, "Give me the cow."

Inadvertent prompting

In receptive identification it is recommended that the array of items should:

Increase in size and become messier

What is a later step to be targeted within tacting?

Increase the length of utterances using carrier phrases.

_________________the pace of instruction can decrease the likelihood of escape behaviors.


Which of the following statements is NOT an example of how routine behaviors can be influenced by a person's cultural background?

Individuals with blue eyes are more trustworthy than others.

What is the power of suggestion?

Information that can be incorporated into your own memories that makes it hard to distinguish comments from your actual experience.

What should you do if you think a person has a spinal injury?

Instruct the person not to move and stabilize their head if possible.

Indirect assessment consists of:

Interviews, rating scales, questions, surveys, etc.

Why is the use of jargon not a good idea in an incident report?

Jargon may not be understood by everyone who reads the report.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate report about behaviors observed

Johny engaged in 4 episodes of hand biting today

Frequency recording would be appropriate to use for which behavior?

Key strokes

Who conducted the pivotal studies on discrete trial that are still referenced for using DTI today?


In the most common terms, a tact is a __________.


In the 1950s and 1960s, what was the common belief for the cause of autism?

Lack of maternal warmth

Anne was up late watching TV. When her alarm went off in the morning she threw it across the room. Her roommate came in and Anne yelled for her to leave her alone. What is the most likely distant setting or motivating variable affecting Anne's behavior?

Lack of sleep

If a Behavior Analyst measured the length of time that it took Andrew to respond to someone calling him, she would be measuring the


In which kind of graph would you demonstrate a change in mean by drawing a horizontal line through the data set?

Line graph

The graph most commonly used in ABA is:

Line graph

Hepatitis refers to disease involving what organ?


One reason we call prejudices unfair is that they are not based on _______.


Mands can result in getting all of the following EXCEPT?


One way to provide culturally competent services is to:

Make use of natural networks of support that represent the persons culture, such as the extended family and community groups.

A man approaches a pizza counter and says, "May I have a slice of cheese?" This is an example of which verbal operant?


Which of the following could be included in the incident report as an attachment?

Medical documents created by the doctor who treated the person in the incident report.

James is reaching for a gummy worm you have in your hand, and he isn't saying, "Gummy." What is the most intrusive prompt you can give?

Model the word "gummy" (echoic prompt).

Which of the following is true about mand training?

Motivation is needed to appropriately teach manding.

Warning signs that indicate a potentially violent person include:

Multiple violations of company policy

Teaching Johnny to label his clothing items as he dressed would be an example of what?

Natural environment teaching (NET)

Joseph engages in shouting out behaviors for the function of gaining attention. What antecedent interventions would be best to use in the BIP?

Non-contingent attention

Which of the following is deemed acceptable when it comes to avoiding dual relationships?

None of the above are acceptable

The administration that establishes rules and regulations for all workplace facilities is _______________.


The fire tetrahedron includes fuel, heat, combustion (chemical reaction), and _______________.


Sue's teachers say she isn't motivated by anything. She shows little interest in toys, activities or food. An exception appears to be one CD that she listens to exclusively. What can Sue's teachers do to broaden her reinforcement repertoire?

Pair toys, food, and activities with the music she loves and then start to fade the music volume down.

Stimulus-Stimulus Pairing is a fancy name for the procedure of:

Pairing reinforcement with vocalizations so talking alone provides reinforcement

Ricky is sitting on the floor playing with blocks. Within a few feet are other children engaging with other toys, such as books and cars. What kind of play is this?

Parallel play

Who on the child's team is the most affected by treatment decisions that will impact the child's whole life?

Parents or Legal Guardians

If a Behavior Analyst watched Jimmy for 5 minute periods and recorded if he were humming for ANY part of that 5 minutes period, she would be using:

Partial Interval Recording

What functions as a natural consequence of most social behaviors?

Peer attention

To help establish Functional Relationships, you should do which things?

Perform preference assessments and allow the child to choose the task/activity.

When encountering a new client you should identify their skill level by __________.

Performing an assessment, such as the VB-MAPP.

What is the best prompt to use when first teaching imitation?

Physical prompts

Which of the following would be transfer trial: The teacher presents the SD with an echoic prompt, the student responds correctly so next the teacher will _________.

Present the SD but this time fade or omit the echoic prompt

What does it mean to "sanitize the environment"?

Prevent free access to items the students wants so they can mand for it.

Why should you try to be as complete and descriptive as you can be in describing what led up to the incident?

Prior events may or may not have caused the incident but may turn out to be important information.

What kind of data is discussed as easier to use with social skills?

Probe data

Which of the following is backwards chaining?

Prompting a learner through all steps of washing hands, but allowing them to throw away the towel independently.

Backwards chaining is ________________.

Prompting the learner through the initial steps and allowing them to complete the final step, then they complete the final two steps, then three steps and so on.

The role of the RBT is to

Provide direct support and education with individuals receiving ABA services

The standard used by the courts to determine whether sexual harassment has occurred is called the ____________________ standard.

Reasonable person

Which of the following is a good receptive skills program for early learners?

Receptive Identification of Body Parts

In a real observation, it is important to do which of the following?

Record several instances of the behavior in several settings

Placing the proper chemicals/liquids in proper containers is one way to _______________.

Reduce a potential fire

RBT stands for

Registered Behavior Technician

With regards to reinforcement all of the following rules should be followed EXCEPT:

Reinforcers should always be delivered non-contingently

Once the health and safety needs of the person have been addressed after an incident, what are the next concerns to be addressed?

Reporting and carefully documenting the incident.

Which of the following is the correct diagram for tact?

Sd is a non-verbal stimulus - individual says label - individual receives non-specific reinforcement

What is recommended if you find that you do not have the training needed to provide services in a particular area

Seek additional training and supervision from person's competent in those areas

In the Discrete Trial cycle, the prompt should occur when?

Simultaneously with the instruction, or just after it

Who wrote Verbal Behavior and broke down language into verbal operants?


An interaction between two individuals is the definition of __________.

Social Behavior

Read the following scenario: Carly answers a question correctly. Carly's teacher gives her a high five. In the future Carly answers more questions correctly. The high five is an example of what?

Social Reinforcement

Measuring the rate of initiations and number of teacher prompts would give good data about the student's___________?

Social motivation

All of the following should be taken into consideration when choosing targets, EXCEPT:

Sounds/words that have multiple syllables.

When certain parts of the environment impact our response, this is said to have _____________over our responses.

Stimulus control

Cameron has tantrums and noncompliance for the function of escaping a task. What antecedent interventions would be best to use in the BIP?

Stimulus demand fading

All of the following fluids from HIV-infected person can transmit HIV except:


As a dog walks in front of a boy, he says, "Look, a dog." This is an example of which verbal operant?"


The description of a larger skill broken down into a sequence of steps is called _______________.

Task analysis

Task variation involves the random interspersing of:

Tasks during a therapy session

What can you do to teach a concept in a way that will more easily generalize to other person, settings and related behaviors?

Teach with many different examples of the same item or activity.

The first step in Joint Attention is ___________.

Teaching the student to respond to bids of another

All of the following are areas covered by the BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance code EXCEPT:

The Behavior Analyst's Ethical Responsibility to Occupational Therapy

Why is using the active voice a good choice when writing incident reports?

The active voice is generally clear, powerful, and concise.

Bar graphs can omit information, such as:

The duration of the conditions

Errorless learning is when:

The instructor provides prompting when the target is presented so that student response is correct

What is the best definition of an incident report?

The process of documenting events that have caused or have the potential to cause a negative impact on the health, safety, or wellbeing of the person you serve.

Which of the following is an example of writing a clear incident report?

The report is written in a way that can be understood by a wide audience.

Why is it a good idea to consider who may need to read the report when you are writing incident reports?

To be sure your report covers all details that might be useful to those entities.

Which of the following could be a Motivating Operation?

Tommy hasn't eaten today and is very hungry

The four areas of Motor Imitation are...

Toy/Object Imitation, Gross Motor Imitation, Fine Motor Imitation, and Oral Motor Imitation.

In line graphs the data points are generally connected with a solid line.


Lack of big smiles or joyful expressions by six months of age can be a sign of autism.


The x-axis represents some unit of time during which data is obtained.


True or False: An individual's cultural background can have a strong influence on many aspects of their care.


True or False: Both Discrete Trial Instruction and Naturalistic Teaching Strategies are ESTABLISHED treatments for developmental disorders.


True or False: Finding out about the racial, ethnic, and cultural background of the person you are supporting is an important part of cultural competence.


True or False: If there is no MO or motivation, there is no mand.


True or False: The informational "no" is not necessary in DTI.


True or False: With expressive targets you can use expanded trials.


When labeling the vertical or y-axis you should indicate the specific measurement of behavior.


Why do most professionals in the field of ABA recommend to start teaching language by teaching an individual to mand?

because mands benefit the speaker; they say it, they get it

Antecedent Interventions will be implemented...

before a behavior

The basic assumptions of Naturalistic Teaching Strategies are all of the following EXCEPT...

behavior should always be taught in a contrived environment, such as a classroom before it is taken into the environment where it naturally occurs.

Errorless teaching would be most appropriate to prevent...

behaviors to escape/avoid something.

The Wait and Transitions program are both used as antecedent interventions for...

behaviors to gain item/activity.

All of the following are MOs EXCEPT...

being angry.

The definition of discrete trial is...

breaking skills down into small steps and teaching one sub-skill at a time until mastery.

For ASD children that do not easily acquire imitation, skills may need to be...

broken down into basic components, directly taught, and reinforced.

Task Analysis is the first step in...


Something you can do to prevent the student from losing motivation in Naturalistic Teaching is...

change activities at a pace that is just slightly faster than the learner is losing interest in them in following teaching sessions.

Motivating operations are...

changes in the environment that temporarily increases the value of a particular object or event.

If the demands of an organization conflict with these Guidelines, practitioners

clarify the nature of the conflict with their supervisor, make known their commitment to these Guidelines and try to resolve the conflict

Once pairing has taken place, the teacher can become a ___________reinforcer.


There is a Functional Relationship between a behavior and a consequence when that behavior naturally produces that______________


When you alter the environment to create motivation for something, you are...

contriving and capturing motivating operations.

Punishment is used to _______________.

decrease behaviors

A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is developed to...

decrease problem behaviors and teach or increase replacement behaviors in all settings.

Which of the following is NOT a Naturalistic Teaching Strategy?

discrete trial instruction

When deciding what mands to teach you should...

do a preference assessment to determine what motivates your learner.

Some people with autism are known to repeat words, or phrases rather than engaging in typical language or conversation when spoken to. This is also known as _______________.


This term refers to how hard or how much the learner needs to work in order to obtain the reinforcer.


All of the following are rules of thumb with time out EXCEPT...

evaluate the effectiveness of time out by identifying if the child is sad when they are in time out.

It is ethical to discuss clients publicly using their first name as long as you never say last names.


Practitioners can solicit testimonials from current clients as long as they report on


Find the best definition for hitting

forceful contact between the learner's hand and another person

Topography is the same as...

form; what the behavior looks like.

Respect autonomy, benefit others, and be just are all ________.

from Ethics for Behavior Analysts by Bailey and Burch

Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior emphasizes __________ in addition to the form of language.


Behavior Analysts adhere to code of ethics that suggests guidelines for conduct including teaching what kind of skills


Whenever punishment is going to be used, the client or the person whom makes decisions for the client, such as a parent or guardian, must ___________.

give informed consent

It is important to remember throughout imitative skills training that the end goal is to have the student...

imitate others in his natural environment.

Clapping upon seeing another individual clapping is an example of what behavior?

imitation (mimetic behavior)

The I in DRI stands for...


The prevalence of autism is ___________.


Non contingent reinforcement is delivered:

independent of the child's behavior

A woman saying, "Cynthia" after being asked, "What's your name?" is an example of which verbal operant?


A learner will be more likely to perform behaviors that earn him more reinforcement than he would a behavior that produces less reinforcement. This refers to which characteristic of reinforcement?


If practitioners' ethical responsibilities conflict with law, ABA practitioners should

make known their commitment to these Guidelines and steps

If practitioners' ethical responsibilities conflict with law, ABA practitioners should:

make known their commitment to these Guidelines and take steps to resolve the conflict

In the book, Ethics for Behavior Analysts, Bailey and Burch outlined 9 guidelines that can and should be followed when _______.

making decisions about our clients

All of the following are important benefits of mand training EXCEPT...

mand training will increase receptive language skills

Skinner believed that learning a word in one operant...

may not transfer to other operants.

Imitation training can be used to teach students to take cues from...

model prompts

All of the following are examples of setting events, except...


Verbal prompts are some of the __________ prompts to fade.

most difficult

When teaching new behavior, you should use which type of prompt hierarchy?

most to least

When people say, "MO," this are referring to which of the following:

motivating operation

It's important to remember that _______ action(s) should be taught for the same toy in imitation.


Similar to classical conditioning, when a _____________such as parent vocalizations are paired with a ____________ such as food, the vocalizations may become reinforcing themselves.

neutral stimuli/reinforcer

Listener responding involves responding ____________ to the verbal behavior of another.


Behavioral definitions must be both...

observable and measurable

Having a child copy an instructor as she opens and closes her mouth is an example of...

oral motor imitation.

The first step of establishing instructional control is...

pairing yourself, the teaching environment and the setting with reinforcement.

Systematic Desensitization/Exposure Therapy is most often used to treat...


During episodes of non-compliance, it may be necessary to use which type of prompt?


To help prevent slips, trips, and falls:

pick up or clean up things you have dropped or spilled

The Discrete Trial Instruction strategy involves all of the following except...

presenting each target only once.

The following sequence should be followed in teaching imitation:

probe ->, present model-> prompt ->gradually fade-> reinforce all approximations ->mix up the actions with other mastered actions.

Data collection is important primarily because it:

provides concrete evidence of progress and guides the decision making process for the program

Extinction functions the same as __________ because both __________ the rate of a behavior.

punishment, decrease

Behaviors that are reinforced more often than others will be more likely to occur again in the future. This corresponds with which variable of reinforcement?


Another term for listener responding is...

receptive language

A motor activity schedule could...

reduce the motivation for self stimulatory behavior.

Shaping is _________.

reinforcing successive approximations of a target behavior

The matching law states that...

relative rates of responding tend to equal the relative rates of reinforcement they produce.

Behavior Analysts adhere to Code of ethics that seeks to protect the _____________.

rights of its consumers

Johnny is reinforced first for saying ba, then baba, then bottle. This is an example of what procedure?


When Keenan and his mother go to the zoo, Keenan always whines to ride the train. Most of the time his mother says "no," but when she is really tired she might say "yes." Why is this behavior not likely to be easily extinguished?

she has reinforced his whining on a very thin variable ratio schedule

Surfaces that are wet, icy, or highly polished can cause a person to:


Video modeling is beneficial because_________________

some children with autism already imitate videos and watching videos is often reinforcing.

In the beginning level learner you may first want to target:

sounds or parts of words

All of the below are examples of sanitizing the environment EXCEPT...

spraying the materials with anti-bacterial soap everyday.

For a student to be able to begin imitation training, they need to engage in some pre-requisite behaviors, including...

staying seated and attending to the teacher.

You can transfer the control of the mand to the motivation operation alone by...

systematically fading your prompts

Responses from this operant occur when someone names an item that is contacted through one of their five senses. These responses are maintained by non-specific reinforcement:


You have to carry a box of supplies to the car on a snowy afternoon. The sun is out and it reflects off the snow, creating a strong glare. What strategy can help keep your balance on the slick surface?

take small steps

You can track your learners progress in mands by...

taking frequency data and graphing the results to be analyzed over time.

Breaking a complex skill into smaller, teachable units is the definition of...

task analysis

Before you can make a hypothesis about the function(s) of the target behavior, you must do all of the following EXCEPT...

tell the parents to skip medication for a day so you can rule out medication effects.

Punishment can cause all of the following unwanted side effects, EXCEPT...

the behavior may increase in frequency indefinitely

You will know pairing has taken place when...

the child approaches you instead of avoids you

If escape behaviors are occurring frequently, it is often due to...

the reinforcement schedule being too thin

Rob is learning body parts, and loves frogs. His teacher draws a frog, but leaves out parts of its body. When he points at the missing part, she prompts him to say the body part, then draws it. This is an example of NaTS because...

the reinforcer was directly related to the material being taught.

Pairing has occurred when...

the teacher is paired with reinforcement

When a learner begins to become noncompliant, it most likely due to...

they are not getting enough reinforcement and the schedule of reinforcement is too thin.

Teaching your student to mand can decrease problem behaviors because...

they can now use functional communication to get their needs met instead of problem behaviors.

Which of the following are negative punishment procedures?

time out and response cost

Generalization means demonstration of mastery across ____________.

time, people, and materials

The purpose of using time delay when prompting is...

to fade prompts and transfer the response to the SD

There is no known cause for autism.


An operational definition is used for a behavior so that

two independent observers will agree on occurrences and non-occurrences of the behavior

When creating video-self modeling videos, you______________________.

videotape the student engaging in the desired behavior and edit out any other behaviors

What kind of prompt is being used when the teacher flashes the light off then on to get students' attention?

visual prompt

Free Operant preference assessments involve...

watching what your learner chooses to do when they can play with anything available.

The one time you should violate confidentiality is _______________.

when there is suspected abuse or neglect

Can behavior be considered sexual harassment if someone doesn't intend to be offensive, but another person takes offense?


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