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the is the longest straight line you can draw inside a circle.


A (n) has three sides and three angles.


A (n) measures between 90 and 180 degrees.

obtuse angle

when you solve the problem 46-9, you must from the tens column.


A (n) is a closed curved line around a central point.


A (n) also called a (n) is an instrument that measures English measurements.

English ruler, stander ruler

equals approximately 3.14 or / 22 over 7.


A (n) is the shape made by two straight


when you an angle, you divide it into equal parts.


A measures between 0 and 90 degrees

acute angle

can be measured in sq ft, sq in, and sq cm.


A (n) is used to translate large measurements of real structures into smaller measurements for drawings.

architect's scale

when you add lager 2-digit number in a column you may need to one amount to the next column.


the formula for finding is pi x diameter.


when multiply 3 inches by 7 feet, you must the measurement to the same units.


volume can be measured in feet or meter.


in the number 3.45, .45 is the part of the umber.


is a unite of measurement for angles.


a line drawn from one corner of a rectangle to the opposite corner is called a (n)


in the problem 17-8=9, the number is the .


the numerical symbol from 0 to 9 are called.


fractions having different numerators and denominators but equal values, such as 1 over 4 and 2 over 8 are called.

equivalent fractions

the for finding the area of a triangle is 1 half b x h


1 over 4 and 1 over 8 are example of


9 over 5 and 5 over 4 example of

improper fractions

to solve the problem 3 over 4 divide 1 half , you must the second fraction and multiply.


A (n) divides each inch into ten equal parts.

machinist's rule

the is the base unit of length in the metric system.


A (n) is an instrument that measures metric lengths.

metric ruler

A (n) is a combination of a whole number with a fraction or decimal.

mixed number

number less than zero are and number greater than zero are .

negative number, positive number

in the fraction 3 over 4 3 is the and 4 is the

numerator , denominator

are formed by two straight lines that cross, while are angles that have the same vertex and one side common.

opposite angles

A (n) is a part of one hundred.


to determine the measure the distance around the outside of any closed shape.


in the number 7,890,342 the of the 3 is three hundred

place value

A (n) is used because it can accommodate very large measurements.


the answer to a multiplication problem is called the . similarly in a division problem the answer is the .


The is equal to half the diameter of a circle.


A (n) and a (n) have two pairs of equal sides that are parallel to each other.

rectangle, square

in the problem 86 divides , the answer is 21 with a (n) of 2


A (n) measures 90 degrees.

right angle

A (n) has side of unequal lengths, a (n) has one 90-degree angle, a (n) has three equal sides and three equal angles, and a (n) has two equal sides and two equal angles.

scalene triangle

A (n) measures 180 degrees.

straight angle

in the problem 25 plus 25 = 50 is the .


two or more lines or curves come together at the.


to calculate the of a cube, multiply the length by the width by the height.


complete units without fractions or decimals are called.

whole numbers

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