Traditional Hawaiian Metaphors
What did the newspaper Maka'āinana say about the importance of genealogies?
(1) If you dont know your genealogy, then you are a rustic, back-country fool. (2) Those who know their genealogy are considered to be intelligent like a chief or court-person
Describe the 'aikapu / Describe the religious portion of the 'aikapu.
(1) It is a religious practice separating the eating and working of males and females a) Women could not eat the essense of male gods (pig, banana, coconut, etc) e) Women would spend 4 nights a month at the Heiau when their blood was haumia i)Women were never sacrificed o)Men do all the cooking
Describe the Hawaiian Mālama 'āina
Everyone was expected to care for the land
What dos the author say about names and mana in regards to Kahekili'ahumanu and Queen Ka'ahumanu?
Her name carried the recollection of her uncle's mana, so she inherited his privilege. She also needed to uphold and add to the mana of the name
How was the first Hawaiian born and what was his name?
Hāloa-naka was born and died after taking a single breath. His name, Haloa-naka-lau-kapa-lili, means "quivering long stalk." He was born out of incest between Wakea and Hoohokukalani.
How did genealogies play a role in the election between King Kalākaua and Queen Emma?
In western culture, political views determined who would be a better sovreign. In Hawaiian culture, the purity of their lineages was thought to predict their skill of ruling
What do the Hawaiian scholars, David Malo and Samuel Kamakau, say about genealogies?
a) Chiefs and commoners are descended from the same ancestors, Papa and Wakea e) In this chiefly genealogy are the ancestors of the chiefs and the general populace of Hawaii nei
Describe the kaikua'ana and kaikaina relationships.
a) Kaikua'ana was an older sibling of the same gender. They were expected to feed, raise, love, protect, and teach young ones. e) Kaikaina was a younger sibling of the same gender. They were to love, honor, serve, and obey their elders.
Who are the main figures in the epic in this reading? a)Male name, translation e) Female name, translation i ) Daughter name, translation
a)Wākea, sky-father e)Papa, earth-mother i ) Ho'ohōkūkalani, to generate stars in the sky