Transforming our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

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How much of all food produced rots annually?

1/3 of all food

How many hectares of forest are lost yearly?

13 m hectares

What percent of the global population has no access to mobile broadband networks?

16% of the population

How many targets are there for the SDGs?


How many SDGs are there?


How many parties have ratified the Paris agreement as of April 2018?

175 countries (and 10 developing countries have submitted first iterations of their plans)

How much did the avg sea level rise between 1901 and 2010?

19 cm rise

How many people are overweight or obese?

2 bn people

When was the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs established? What was the deadline for the MDGs?


When did the 2030 Agenda's goals and targets go into effect?


How many indicators are there for the SDGs?


Without action, what will avg surface temperature pass this century?

3 Degrees Centigrade

How many people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods?

3 bn people

Cities' land use, energy consumption, and carbon emissions

3% of Earth's land, 60-80% of energy consumption, 75% of carbon emissions

How many people live in cities today?

3.5 bn people, approx. 1/2 of humanity

How many hectares of land have undergone desertification?

3.6 bn hectares

How much of the Earth's surface do ocean's cover?

3/4 the Earth's surface

How much of Earth's surface to forests cover?

30.7% of Earth's surface

By how much has maternal mortality declined since 2000?


How many people lack access to safely managed drinking water sources and sanitation facilities?

3:10 and 6:10 people respectively

How many people are expected to live in cities by 2030?

5 bn people

How much do grain yields fall for every 1 Degree increase in temperature?

5% decrease in yields

What is the global unemployment rate?

5.6% in 2017 (down from 6.4% in 2000)

What percent of workers work in the Ag sector?

51% of workers

How much Agricultural land is moderately or severely affected by soil degradation?

52% of Ag land

What percent of all workers worked in informal employment in 2016?

61% of workers excluding the Ag sector

How many youth lack basic math and literacy skills globally?

617 m youth

How many people were living with HIV as of 2016?

7 m people, of which 2.1 m were kids under 15

How many MDGs are there?



Decent Work and Economic Growth - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

What are the MDGs?

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7. Ensure environmental sustainability 8. Develop a global partnership for development

How were MDGs accomplished or not?

1. Poverty target was met, but hunger target was missed barely 2. Targets missed 3. About 2/3 of developing countries achieved gender parity 4. Targets missed (Decreased by 1/2 when we wanted 2/3) 5. Targets missed (Decreased by almost 1/2 when we wanted 2/3) 6. Mixed results 7. Achieved: the target was to halve the proportion of people without safe water access 8. Unclear from what I read, but I think it was achieved

What are some of the main targets of SDG 9?

Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization, increase access of small-scale businesses to financial services, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable

What is the motto for SDG 12: responsible consumption and production?

Doing more and better with less

What are the 3 dimensions of sustainable development needed to decrease poverty?

Economic, Social, and Environmental

What are some of the targets of SDG 5?

End discrimination against women everywhere, end all violence against women both public and private, end all harmful practices (FGM, child, early, and forced marriage), universal access to sexual and reproductive health care and reproductive rights

What are the main targets of SDG 2?

End hunger and ensure access of food to all and to end all malnutrition; also increase Ag productivity and ensure sustainable food systems

What is the biggest challenge facing the world according to the 2030 Agenda?

Ending poverty

What are some of the main targets of SDG 15?

Ensure conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial and in-land freshwater ecosystems Promote use of sus. management of all forests Stop deforestation and rebuild forests Combat desertification and restore degraded land Conserve mountain ecosystems Protect and prevent extinction of threatened species End poaching of trafficking of protected species

What is industrialization's job multiplication effect?

Every job in manufacturing creates 2.2 jobs in other sectors

What does FGM stand for?

Female Genital Mutilation


Millennium Development Goals

How many people lack access to clean-cooking solutions and are therefore exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution?

More than 3 bn people

How many children under the age of 5 die each year?

More than 5 m kids

How many people continue to practice open defecation?

More than 892 m people


No poverty: end poverty in all its forms everywhere

How many children are out of school?

Over 265 m children (22% primary age)

How many malaria deaths were stopped between 2000 and 2015?

Over 6.2 m deaths

How much of the world's population now has access to improved drinking water sources?

Over 90% of the population

When and Where was COP21?

Paris Agreement, Nov. 2016

SDG 17

Partnerships for the goals

SDG 16

Peace, justice and strong institutions

What are the 5 P's of the 2030 Agenda?

People Planet Prosperity Peace Partnership

What is this agenda? What's its purpose?

Plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity that seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom; build on the MDGs and complete what they didn't achieve

What are some of the main targets of SDG 14?

Prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution Sus. manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems Minimize and address impacts on ocean acidification End overfishing and regulate harvests Conserve more than 10% of coastal and marine areas


Quality education: ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

SDG 10

Reduced inequalities

SDG 12

Responsible consumption and production

What 3 crops provide 60% of our energy intake and make up 80% of the human diet?

Rice, maize, and wheat

How many people go hungry in the world today?

815 m people (1:9 people)

How many people live in extreme poverty?

836 m people (most recent estimate on UNDP SDG site)

How many people live in slums now?

883 m people

How much of urban expansion will happen in the developing world among all urban expansion in the next decades?


How much of the water on Eath is in the oceans?

97% of water

How much living space by volume do the oceans represent?

99% volume of living space

What are the main issues of SDG 4?

A lack of well-trained or motivated teachers, poor school conditions, equity issues

How many people live without electricity in the world?

A little less than 1 bn people

How many people depend on forests for their livelihoods?

About 1.6 bn people including 70 m indigenous peoples

How much of the CO2 produced by humans do the oceans absorb?

About 30% of CO2 emmissions

What percentage of the total greenhouse gas emissions are caused by human energy consumption?

About 60% of total greenhouse gas emissions

What are some of the main targets of SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities?

Access for all to adequate, safe, and affordable housing basic services, Access to safe, affordable, accessible, and sus. transport systems for all, Upgrade slums, Improve inclusive sus. urbaniztaion and capacity

What are some of the main targets of SDG 10?

Achieve & sustain income growth of the bottom 40% of the pop. at a higher rate than the nat'l avg, Empower and promote social, econ, and political inclusion of all, Ensure equal opportunities and decrease inequalities of outcome, End discriminatory laws


Affordable and clean energy

What are the main focus areas of SDG 3: health and well-being?

Child mortality, maternal mortality, HIV/AIDS


Clean water and sanitation

SDG 13

Climate Action

What is the main target of SDG 1?

Cut the number of people living in poverty by at least 1/2


Gender equality: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls


Good health and well-being


Industry, innovation and infrastructure

How much of the world's water is fresh and how much is available to us?

Less than 3% fresh, 0.5% available to us

SDG 14

Life below water

SDG 15

Life on Land

What is the goal of the Paris Agreement?

Limit global temperature rise to below 2 degrees centigrade

In what regions do most people living below the international poverty line live?

South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa

What are some of the main targets of SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth?

Sustain per capita economic growth of more than 7% GDP per annum, Higher levels of economic productivity, Achieve full, productive employment and decent work for all, Equal pay for work of equal value, End forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking, child labor and child soldiers


Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 11

Sustainable cities and communities

What are some of the main targets for SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production?

Sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources, Per capita food waste decreases by 1/2, Decrease of waste generation, Environmentally, sound management of chemicals and waste, Encourage businesses to adopt sus. practices

What is the main cause of death for those with HIV?

Tuberculosis (1:3 AIDS-related deaths)

When and who announced the Lion's Share Fund/Initiative?

UNDP, FINCH, and Mars, Inc. announced it in June 2018

What is the international poverty line?

US$1.90 per day

What are some of the main targets of SDG 7: clean energy?

Universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services, Increase share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, Double the global rate of improvement of energy efficiency

What are some of the main targets of SDG 6?

Universal, equitable access to safe, affordable drinking water for all, Access, to adequate, equitable sanitation and hygiene for all, End open defecation, Improve water quality by decreasing pollution


Zero Hunger - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

What is the Lion's Share Fund/Initiative?

a joint initiative by UNDP, FINCH, and Mars, Inc to ask advertisers to contribute a % of media spending to conservation and animal welfare projects (0.5%); Seeks to raise $100 m/yr w/n 3 years for wildlife conservation and animal welfare programs

How many deaths has the measles vaccine stopped since 2000?

almost 15.6 m deaths

What are some of the main targets of SDG 3?

decrease maternal mortality to less than 70:100,000 live births, universal health coverage, end AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and neglected tropical diseases, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5

What are some of the main targets of SDG 4: Universal Education?

ensure all children have free, equitable, and quality primary and secondary education, eliminate gender disparities in education, = access for boys and girls, increase supply of qualified teachers, build and upgrade educational facilities

What are the main targets of SDG 13?

strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate hazards and natural disasters, Integrate climate change measures into nat'l policies, stategies, and planning Improve edu on climate change Implement commitment to jointly mobilize $100 bn/yr by 2020 promote mechanisms to increase capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management

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