TSO Interview Questions

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How do you handle pressure?

I would say that I handle pressure very well. You know, I am not a person who gets flustered very easily and I find that pressure makes me hyper focused and more alert than if I were not under pressure.

Questions to ask

1. Whats your favorite part about working at the company? 2. Can you tell me more about the day to day responsibilities of the job? 3. What do you think Is the most challenging part of the job?

How do you get along with coworkers, supervisors, and subordinates?

I have always gotten along well with my coworkers and supervisors. I rarely had any problems with the people I work with and if I did, I made sure to quickly resolve the issue.

What do you do at CVS?

I mainly work on the register but when I'm not ringing up customers I am usually helping customers, restocking the shelves, or making sure the aisles are clean and organized.

What do you think is the most important component in helping a team succeed?

I think the most important component in helping a team succeed is communication. Everyone has to be comfortable sharing their opinion and not feel as though they will be punished if they are honest. I think having that open and honest communication is what helps a team succeed because everyone is on the same page, understands one other, and can put forth their best effort.

What are your weaknesses?

I would say that my biggest weakness would be my inability to say no to people. It's difficult for me to not want to help people out but because of this I tend to have too much on my plate. However I am working on prioritizing and allowing others to seek my help and support instead of me doing the task for them.

What are your strengths?

I would say that my strengths are my ability to learn. You know I really have to emphasize that I am a fast learner and have very strong analytical skills and customer service skills that will, you know, allow me to succeed in any environment such as working as a TSO.

Why are you interested in this position?/ Why do you want to work here?

I'm also interested in this position because I like working in customer service and being challenged so I know that working as a TSO and working in a stressful environment and, you know, constantly interacting with the public is definitely going to keep me challenged.

Why did you major in English?

I've always enjoyed English and wanted to make it my major. I find it interesting and wanted to be an English teacher. The more I learned about English the more I became interested in law enforcement."

Give us an example of a goal you couldn't meet and how you handled it/ tell me about a time you failed

So at CVS we have to work towards signing customers up for a loyalty program. One day during my shift we didn't meet our loyalty program goal. So what i did was the next shift I had I made up for not reaching the goal by changing my approach of asking customers. In the end, I was able to exceed the goal and makeup for the day when I didn't reach the goal.

How do you deal with stressful situations?

Well, I try to react to situations rather than to stress. That way, I can handle the situation without becoming overly stressed. For instance, when I deal with an unsatisfied customer, rather than focusing on feeling stressed, I focus on the task at hand. I believe my ability to communicate effectively with customers during these moments helps not only reduce my own stress but any stress the customer may feel.

What experience do you have for this position?/ What makes you qualified for this position?

Well, as you know, I have worked at this airport for spirit so I am familiar with the airport but also I have a lot of customer service experience which will help me when I interact with the public.

What are your career goals?

Well I know that I want to work for the government in some type of position and eventually get a masters degree.

What do you know about the company?

Well I know that VMD Corp works with the Transportation Security Administration and that your main focus is ensuring that passengers are safe and secure while traveling.

Why did you leave Spirit?

Well I left spirit mainly because my work schedule conflicted with my school schedule at the time but next semester I will be taking only online classes so I will have open availiability to work here.

Give us an example of what constitutes as excellent customer service.

Well I think excellent customer service is going above and beyond for customers and making sure that their needs are met. For instance, whenever a customer at CVS cant find what they want in store on the shelf I always either check in the back or call another nearby CVS store to see if they have it in stock no matter what. Even if I can't locate a nearby store that has the item, the customer is always pleased that I made an effort and went above and beyond to help them.

Why do you want to leave your current job?

Well I want to leave my current job because I have been working at CVS for almost two years and want to experience something new but also because since I am going to graduate in the next year or so, I want find a position that is a better fit for where I want to take my career after I graduate.

How would you deal with an angry or irate customer?

Well I would first remain calm while dealing with the customer. I would acknowledge their feelings and concerns, and inform them that I would be more than happy to assist them with resolving the problem. After exhausting all available resources, if I could not rectify the situation, I would let the customer know that I can put them in touch with a supervisor who can help them if necessary.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Well Im not quite sure what the future holds but five years from now I see myself working for the government in some type of position and maybe even pursuing a masters degree.

What do you expect for this job?

Well from what I've seen from when I used to go through TSA when I worked for spirit, I expect to be doing various tasks during my shift, you know, from scanning boarding passes and ids to patting down passengers.

What have you held so many jobs in the past few years?

Well like I said I am a fast learner and like to be challenged so I usually get used to a job fairly quickly. But most of the jobs I've held do not have any opportunity for growth so once I've realized I'm basically stuck in a position I usually look for something else than can challenge me.

Describe a time there was an upset customer and how did you handle it?

Well there was one time at CVS when a customer came in angry that a product she had bought in store was expired. I, of course, apologized to her and offered to refund her what she paid for the product. She then explained to me that she had lost the receipt but I told her that as long as she had a form of id I could give her her money back. In the end, she got a full refund on the product and I also got permission from my supervisor to give her a five dollar off coupon.

Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping skills.

Well there was one time when working for spirit when I was left in charge of the kiosks and the front so I had to simultaneously help customers at the kiosk while making sure to direct other customers where they needed to be. At first it was stressful trying to take care of so many customers at once but because I am a fast learner I got used to going back and forth between the front and the kiosks quickly. In the end, I was able to help all the customers at the kiosk and make sure that everyone who was waiting in line was where they were supposed to be.

Tell me about a conflict you had with a coworker

Well when I worked at Kohl's there was one time when me and my coworker disagreed on how to keep the fitting rooms organized. We decided to work together and rotate the fitting rooms we worked on so one person would rotate between 3 fitting rooms and the other would do the same with the other 3. The outcome was that for the rest of the day we were able to keep the fitting rooms under control and neat.

Tell me about a time when you performed well under enormous pressure/ Can you describe a stressful situation and how you handled it?

Well when I worked for spirit there were multiple occasions when I would have to multitask when we short staffed and busy. You know, I would have to simultaneously be check in baggage, be in charge of wheelchairs and take things to the back. But I was able to remain calm and prioritize and was able to efficiently get each task done and ensure that passengers needs were met regardless having multiple tasks to accomplish at the same time

What steps have you taken to resolve conflicts with coworkers, supervisors, and subordinates?

Well, I rarely never have any conflicts with my coworkers or supervisors. The only time I have had a conflict with someone I work with we were able to resolve the conflict between the two us and did not have to get any of our superiors involve. I think that conflicts between coworkers should always get resolved between those two workers themselves and if it is necessary involve someone else like a supervisor or manager.

Tell me about yourself

Well, currently I'm a student at Stockton University majoring in English Literature and minoring in Spanish. I currently work at CVS as a sales associate. All of the jobs I've had have been customer service based and so that's one of the reasons why I chose to apply here because I know that interacting with the public is one of the main responsibilities of this job.

Describe a time you went above and beyond for a customer or client.

Well, there was one time at CVS when a customer wanted an item that we didn't have on the shelf or in the back so what i did was call all the nearby CVS stores and ask them if they had the item she was looking for. After I made a couple of calls, I found a store that had the item she was looking for and it turns out that the CVS that had her item was close to her house. I provided the customer with the information and she was very pleased with my effort she would be going to the store near here to acquire that item.

What does customer service mean to you?

Well, to me customer service means making a good impression of myself and the company so that means listening properly to the customer and having a positive attitude while addressing their needs so that you know the proper solution can be found to satisfy the customer.

What did you like most about your last or present employer?

Well, what I like the most about working for CVS is the ability to contribute to a team. My manager at CVS really emphasized team work and collaboration which I liked because she understood how effective it was to have everyone get along and be on the same page.

Describe a situation in which you made a mistake on the job and explain how you handled it.

Well,when I was working at Spirit, one time, I had accidentally put a suitcase without the correct tags on the belt. Once I realized my mistake I immediately ran all the way to the back to grab the suitcase before it was taken by a ramp agent. In the end, I managed to put the correct tags on the suitcase so it would be loaded onto the correct plane and not have to be returned to the front.

What did you like least about your last or present job?

While I enjoyed my time learning and growing at CVS, there was a lack of opportunity in the way I wanted to progress in my career. I deeply enjoy being challenged and after working there for almost two years I feel like I reached the point where I wasn't being challenged anymore so that's why I decided to apply here because I know I'll be challenged everyday.

Why should we hire you?

You should hire me because I am a hard worker, fast learner and have strong customer service skills. I may not have a lot of experience in security but I have a desire to do my best and I am not afraid of any new situations which I am sure are qualities you look for in transportation officers especially in an stressful environment where you have to make decisions quickly and maintain your focus.

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