Tuesday's with Morrie p. 1-68

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How long had Mitch been living in Detroit doing the same thing?

10 years

How long had it been since Mitch saw Morrie?

16 years

How long did the doctor's guess Morrie would live?

2 years

When was Morrie diagnosed with ALS?

August 1994

What did Mitch fail at for the first time in his life?

Being a musician

What university did Mitch attend?

Brandeis University

What is Morrie's wife's name?


What nickname did Mitch give to Morrie?


What were the names of some of Morrie's home care workers?

Connie, Tony, Bertha, and Amy

What newspaper did Mitch get a job as a columnist?

Detroit Free Press

How did Mitch find out about Morrie's illness?

He saw Morrie's interview on Nightline with Ted Koppel on TV

When does Morrie feel sorry for himself?

In the mornings

Who did Mitch get married to?


What is another name for ALS?

Lou Gehrig's disease

What lie did Mitch tell Morrie about why he stayed in his car so long?

Mitch said he was looking for his keys

What is Morrie's full name?

Morrie Schwartz

Where did Morrie live right after college?

New York City

Did Mitch keep in touch with his professor after college?


What does Mitch say people are addicted to?

Other people's drama

What class did Morrie teach during his final semester at Brandeis?

Social Phsycology

What does Mitch promise Morrie when he graduates?

That he will keep in touch

What was the last class Morrie taught?

The Meaning of Life

Where was Mitch's university located?

Waltham, Massachusetts

Where did Morrie live?

West Newton, Massachusetts

What did Mitch trade his dreams for?

a bigger paycheck

Where did Morrie dance on Wednesday night?

a church in Harvard Square for Dance Free

What did Morrie have as a way to celebrate his life before he did?

a living funeral

What did Morrie think Ted Koppel was?

a narcissist

What job did Mitch get after his uncle's funeral?

a sports writer

What does Mitch give Morrie when he graduates?

a tan briefcase with his initials on it

What exercise does Morrie have his students do?

a trust fall

What does Morrie say life is like?

a wrestling match

What does ALS stand for?

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

What did Morrie get in his sixties?


How did Morrie entertain visitors?

by having discussion groups about dying

What was the trick to completing the exercise?

closing your eyes and believing what you feel not what you see

What is the one thing Mitch has never done even when something was truly sad?


What was the first activity that ALS prevented Morrie from doing?


What do Morrie and Mitch talk about during their second Tuesday together?

feeling sorry for yourself

What does Mitch bring Morrie when he comes to visit on Tuesday's?

food from the supermarket (macaroni salad, potato salad, turkey, bagels)

What does Morrie do when Mitch graduates?

he cries

What did Morrie do as a hobby?

he danced

Why did Mitch bury himself in accomplishments?

he felt he could control things with accomplishments

What is the tension of opposites Mitch faces about graduating?

he is scared to leave school yet all he wants to do is leave

What did Mitch think of rich people and wearing a shirt and tie?

he thought rich people were evil and a shirt and tie were prison clothes

Why was Mitch in London?

he was covering the Wimbledon, a premier tennis competition

Why didn't Morrie stop teaching his final semester when he found out he had ALS?

he was not a quitter

How is Morrie going to die?

he will suffocate

Who did Morrie dance with?


Who was Mitch on the phone with when he first went to visit Morrie?

his tv producer

Who was the first person close to Mitch to die how did they die?

his uncle, pancreatic cancer

What did every face in the Logan Airport terminal look like they were ready to do?

kill somebody

When did Mitch graduate?

late spring of 1979

What does Morrie's final course cover?

love,work,community,family,aging,forgiveness, and death

What do Mitch and Morrie talk about on their third Tuesday?


Why did Mitch give Morrie a present on graduation day?

so that Morrie wouldn't forget him

What was Morrie a professor in?


What was the first thing Morrie asked Ted Koppel to tell him?

something close to his heart

What did Morrie decide to do when he found out he was dying?

spend his time living

What did Mitch write his honors thesis on?

sports (football)

How does ALS spread throughout the body

starts at the legs and works its way up

What does Morrie say about today's culture?

that it does not make people feel good about themselves

What does Mitch fear about his death?

that people will care more about his stories on athletes rather than the person he truly was

What part of the body does ALS take over?

the neurological system

What do Mitch and Morrie talk about on their first Tuesday together?

the world

What was Mitch's dream?

to be a musician (a piano player)

What were Mitch's two desires when he knew Morrie in college?

to hug Morrie and give him a napkin

What is the most important thing about life Morrie has learned?

to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in

Why does Mitch start to record his and Morrie's conversations?

to remember what they talk about and so that he has Morrie's voice to listen to

What was Mitch's goal for his first visit with Morrie?

to try and fool Morrie into thinking he was still the same man he was in college

What happened to Mitch's job in Detroit?

workers were on strike

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