TUN Chapter 24

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The New Deal program that created utility cooperatives for rural Americans was the A) Rural Electrification Administration. B) Civilian Conservation Corps. C) Resettlement Administration. D) Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. E) Farm Security Administration.

A) Rural Electrification Administration.

One long-term consequence of the New Deal was that A) it brought about a massive, long-term increase in federal power. B) the government substantially transformed the distribution of power within American capitalism. C) the government effectively redistributed the wealth among the American people. D) the influence of the government on the economy became greater than that of private businesses. E) the national government assumed responsibility for the basic welfare of the people.

A) it brought about a massive, long-term increase in federal power.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 A) sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant. B) offered financial incentives to farmers who improved their production yields. C) created government warehouses where farmers could store their crops and use them as collateral. D) set minimum prices for retailers purchasing farm products. E) provided farmers with free seed and fertilizer.

A) sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant.

In 1933, two days after he took office, President Franklin Roosevelt A) ended prohibition. B) closed all banks for a short period. C) presented to Congress a relief plan for the unemployed. D) took the country off the gold standard. E) sent the National Industrial Recovery Act to Congress.

B) closed all banks for a short period.

During President Franklin Roosevelt's early days in office, A) he attempted to hold the Hoover administration accountable for the economic crisis. B) he rapidly constructed an ambitious and diverse program of legislation to address the economic crisis. C) he showed a relative lack of interest in taking on the economic crisis directly. D) he believed the Depression was largely over. E) the American people concluded the economy was not as bad off as they once had believed.

B) he rapidly constructed an ambitious and diverse program of legislation to address the economic crisis.

Beginning in 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation A) gave the government authority to transfer the funds of failing banks to strong banks. B) protected the assets of bank depositors up to $2,500. C) prevented banks from speculating irresponsibly. D) offered financial protection for stock investors. E) protected banks from failing.

B) protected the assets of bank depositors up to $2,500.

President Franklin Roosevelt's proposal to expand the Supreme Court A) did little political damage to his administration. B) was eventually defeated in Congress. C) had little effect on future rulings by the Court. D) drew significant support from conservatives. E) gained Roosevelt the support of southern Democrats.

B) was eventually defeated in Congress.

Under the New Deal, African Americans A) were able to challenge many patterns of race discrimination effectively. B) found the government hostile to black aspirations. C) received more sympathy than under most previous administrations. D) received no significant appointments in the Roosevelt White House. E) were generally treated equally with other races.

C) received more sympathy than under most previous administrations.

The Tennessee Valley Authority of 1933 A) was one of the costliest failures of the Roosevelt administration. B) was the most controversial program of the early New Deal. C) was an experiment in regional planning by the federal government. D) saw private farmers and business leaders dominate its planning process. E) was headed by former electricity magnate Samuel Insull.

C) was an experiment in regional planning by the federal government.

The Works Progress Administration of 1935 A) provided mostly "make-work" jobs to the unemployed. B) gave federal relief money to those deemed "unemployable." C) was much larger than previous programs of its kind. D) was under the direction of Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins. E) displayed very little flexibility or imagination.

C) was much larger than previous programs of its kind.

The Works Progress Administration provided federal assistance to A) artists and sculptors. B) animal trainers and veterinarians. C) grooms and jockeys. D) artists, sculptors, writers, and musicians. E) writers and musicians.

D) artists, sculptors, writers, and musicians.

The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 A) resulted in the Supreme Court's striking down of the Wagner Act. B) enforced the labor practice of an "open shop." C) invalidated Section 7(a) of the National Industrial Recovery Act. D) gave government the authority to force employers to recognize and bargain with legitimate unions. E) ended the labor practice of a "closed shop."

D) gave government the authority to force employers to recognize and bargain with legitimate unions.

In 1935, Senator Huey Long A) had as much popular support as Franklin Roosevelt, according to opinion polls. B) advocated a "flat tax" plan. C) advocated a $200 monthly pension for all Americans over the age of 60. D) had proposed a national wealth-sharing plan that involved heavily taxing the wealthiest Americans. E) declared he would seek the Democratic nomination for president in 1936.

D) had proposed a national wealth-sharing plan that involved heavily taxing the wealthiest Americans. A) had as much popular support as Franklin Roosevelt, according to opinion polls.

Frances Perkins, the first female cabinet member in American history, was secretary of A) commerce. B) agriculture. C) education. D) labor. E) health and human services.

D) labor.

The Civilian Conservation Corps —————. A) was created during the "Second New Deal" B) put young women to work in schools C) put older workers back to work D) put young men to work in national parks

D) put young men to work in national parks

All of the following groups were part of the New Deal political coalition EXCEPT A) the working class. B) big-business owners. C) western and southern farmers. D) urban blacks. E) liberals and progressives.

D) urban blacks. B) big-business owners.

In 1934, strong criticism of the New Deal came from A) the political far left. B) the political far right. C) dissident populists such as Huey Long. D) broadcasters on the radio. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct. D) broadcasters on the radio.

The National Industrial Recovery Act —————. a. established codes that set standards for production, prices, and wages in several industries b. established codes that continued the open-shop policies of the 1920s c. encouraged "cutthroat" competition between businesses d. was modeled on Stalin's economic policies

a. established codes that set standards for production, prices, and wages in several industries

The Second New Deal —————. a. focused on economic security b. focused on economic relief c. focused on business recovery d. included no new taxes

a. focused on economic security

The Agricultural Adjustment Act —————. a. raised farm prices by establishing quotas and paying farmers not to plant more b. was beneficial to sharecroppers and tenant farmers c. established a government program of distributing food to the hungry d. was limited to the West Coast

a. raised farm prices by establishing quotas and paying farmers not to plant more

The First New Deal —————. a. was a series of experiments, some of which succeeded and some of which failed b. led to the construction of few public facilities c. ended unemployment d. ended the Great Depression

a. was a series of experiments, some of which succeeded and some of which failed

In his 1932 campaign for the presidency, Franklin D. Roosevelt promised Americans a policy change he called the —————. a. New Freedom b. New Deal c. Fair Deal d. Great Society

b. New Deal

The Works Progress Administration —————. a. employed only industrial workers b. included projects in the arts c. focused primarily on urban renewal d. was limited in scope

b. included projects in the arts

selling electricity in competition with private companies? a. the Tennessee Valley Authority b. the Rural Electrification Administration c. the National Recovery Act d. the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

b. the Rural Electrification Administration

The Tennessee Valley Authority —————. a. applied only to the American West b. put young men to work in national parks c. combined economic regional planning with relief d. was created during the "Second New Deal"

c. combined economic regional planning with relief

The Social Security Act of 1935 —————. a. was vetoed by President Roosevelt b. designed a program of relief funded only by federal money c. included old-age pensions, unemployment relief, and aid to families with dependent children d. covered all workers, regardless of race or gender

c. included old-age pensions, unemployment relief, and aid to families with dependent children

The Share Our Wealth movement was —————. a. led by Dr. Francis Townsend and directed at Americans over the age of sixty b. led by Father Charles E. Coughlin and directed at Catholics c. led by Louisiana senator Huey Long and gained a national following d. introduced by Franklin Roosevelt as part of the New Deal

c. led by Louisiana senator Huey Long and gained a national following

Which phrase best describes Eleanor Roosevelt's tenure as First Lady? a. modest goals, spoke softly about one or two appropriately feminine issues b. championed the cause of children's health care, but stuck only to that issue c. worked hard for her husband, as he was confined to the wheelchair, but did not take up any causes of her own d. redefined the role of First Lady, championing women's rights, civil rights, and human rights

d. redefined the role of First Lady, championing women's rights, civil rights, and human rights

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