Types of Muscles

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What is the benefit of flat muscles?

able to spread their force over a broad area

What are uniarticular muscles?

act directly on the joint they cross

What are strap muscles?

all fibers arranged in a long parallel manner

What is the benefit of PENNATE over PARALLEL muscles?

arrangement increases cross sectional area, increasing power

What are examples of a unipennate muscle?

biceps femoris, extensor digitorum, and tibialis posterior

What are examples of fusiform muscles?

brachialis and biceps brachii

Where do flat muscles tend to originate from?

broad, fibrous, and sheet-like aponeuroses

What are benefits of strap muscles?

can focus power onto small, bony targets

What is the benefit of fusiform muscles?

can focus power onto small, bony targets

What are biarticular muscles?

cross and act on two different joints

What is an example of a multipennate muscle?


What are the 4 skeletal muscle tissue properties?

excitability, contractility, extensibility, and elasticity

What is a unipennate muscle?

fibers run obliquely from a tendon on one side only

What is a bipennate muscle?

fibers run obliquely on both sides from a central tendon

What is a multipennate muscle?

have several tendons with fibers running diagonally between them

What are multiarticular muscles?

muscles that act on three or more joints

What is an example of a sphincter muscle?

orbicularis oris

What are the two types of muscle fiber arrangements?

parallel and pennate

What is the benefit of PARALLEL muscles over PENNATE muscles?

parallel muscles produce a greater range of movement

What are examples of radiate muscles?

pectoralis major and trapezius

What are examples of flat muscles?

rectus abdominus and external oblique

What are examples of a bipennate muscle?

rectus femoris and flexor hallucis longus

What is an example of a strap muscle?


What is a fusiform muscle?

spindle shaped with a central belly

What is a sphincter muscle?

technically endless strap muscles

What are flat muscles?

thin and broad

What is a radiate muscle?

triangular and fan-shaped

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