UAB HY 101 Exam 1

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Fundamental Changes from the Agricultural Revolution

1. Development of an economic system (division of labor and swapping/ exchanging goods) 2. Communities grow into towns that grow into civilizations (earliest= Jericho) 3. Adequacy of Food allows population to be healthier and increase 4. Beginning of World Trade (barter system) 5. Development of writing 6. New thought processes and ideas (property ownership and seasons changing) 7. Domestication of animals 8. New Inventions like the wheel, plow, spinning/weaving, and grinding grain for bread

3 types of Columns

1. Dorric 2. Ionic 3. Corinthian

4 Ancient Civilizations

1. Egypt 2. Mesopotamia 3. China 4. India

Social Classes of Sumer

1. Nobility- Chi/King, gov. officials, and religious officials 2. Free Craftsman- had particular skill 3. Free Individuals- farmers 4. Slaves, Criminals, and Foreigners

Classes of people in Egypt

1. Skilled 2. Unskilled 3. Slaves Pharaoh and family are too divine to be classified

3 Goals of Hammarabi

1. To secure all of Babylon under his rule 2. Unite all of Mesopotamia 3. Make it a world power *Achieved all 3 by his death

Major Cities of Sumer

1. Uruk- largest with population around 50,000 2. Ur 3. Eridu

All types of government

1.Monarchy 2.Oligarchy 3.Aristocraacy 4.Tyranny 5.Democracy * all appear at various times in various city-states


1st civilization to originate scientific and philosophical thought Introduced democracy Humanistic outlook

Plague of Athens

428-429 BC Outbreak that killed 30,000 Athenians in 430 BC. Many generals and soldiers were lost. This is one of the reasons that Athens ultimately lost the war. Pericles dies

Hellenic Age in Greece

800-323 BCE


A Babylonian king who conquered Jerusalem,and built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon Married daughter of king of Medes to seal alliance Made neobabylonians a dominant nation


A Greek Philosopher, taught Alexander the Great, believed everything in moderation, studied with Plato Greatest thinker of his time


A city-state in ancient Greece. Independent that functions like a nation (has own government, money, and laws) Mountains caused them never to unite (except for in war)


A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.) Seized control illegally


A fortified hilltop in an ancient Greek city Center of the government and the religion Social center


A government in which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class or nobility


A large temple dedicated to the goddess Athena on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. Most famous acropolis Where leaders would meet

What allowed Aristotle to expand/develop geology, botany, and biology?

Alex the Great gathered specimens from his conquered nations


Athenian philosopher Believed dialogue/conversation was the best method to teach students Believed everything had a reasonable explanation


Athenian philosopher who also used dialogue Wrote "The Republic" and was his most famous piece of work - book to teach man how to live in society Believed in reasonable explanations

Athens v. Sparta

Athens was in Golden age and was wealthy with a better navy (Pericles is leader) Sparta had the better army

Cyrus the Great

Benevolent King- kind, religious freedom, intelligent, freed people 1st postal system 200 years of peace and prosperity for the Persians

Great Pyramids of Giza

Built by pharaoh Khufu Largest man made structure of ancient world


City-state in Greece Had all 5 forms of government at some point 1st democracy in 500 BC

Which leader divided Athens into 10 demes?

Cleisthenes Each district elected 50 representatives and all together, this created the Counsel of 500

Delian League

Created in 478 BC at the end of the Persian War To unite all the Greek city states against any enemy Primarily aimed at Persia Started by Athens and made them dominant and empiricalistic


Defeats Sparta and becomes the dominant city-state


Dorian settlement, oldest city-state, dominant city state during the Hellenic period, known for fierce people, militaristic government, lived communally(children raised by the community-boys live in dorm and girls train under mothers)

New Kingdom Egypt

Egypt even weaker Divided into 2 governing kingdoms, Memphis in the north and Thebes in the South

King Tutankhamen

Egyptian pharaoh, he died while still a young king. The discovery of his tomb in 1922 has taught archaeologists much about Egyptian culture.

Thutmose I and III

Empire building and the greatest military leaders Expand Egypt geographically

Bay of Salamis

End of Persian War- Persians defeated Athens and Sparta were key players

Greece geography

Entirely surrounded by water Mountainous terrain


Famous playwriter


Go to war with Egypt and both sides claim victory at the end They form a friendship and merge together


God of the underworld Where villains go


Goddess of love and beauty


Goddess of wisdom Parton of Athens and has gold statue bulit of her in the parthenon


Golden Age of Greece/Athens Began direct democracy (majority rule and only male citizens) Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.


Grand temple in Sumer


Grandson of Cyrus the Great reigned 522-486 BC Battle of Marathon (490 BC) and was the athenian victory


Greece is credited with beginning it Had competitions of who could write the best play and the best was performed

Thebes and Athens

Group of Dorians move inland around 1000 BC Established the city state of Sparta


Had Parthenon built around 447 BC - temple to Athena Studied by architects today


Head of the Athenian navy Convinced Athens to build up their navy and was a brilliant naval leader

Slaves of Sparta

Helots- do all other work (farm and manual labor)

Mt. Olympus

Home of the Greek gods

Main element in Greek plays

Human suffering and social justice in society

How did the demes divide the year?

Into 10 sections that way each district would have their own When it was their time, that district runs the Counsel of 500 Worked very well for Athens

Ionian Revolt

Ionia had been filling up with immigrants from the mainland of Greece Ionia was part of the Persian empire Rebel against Persia Athenians send military help and lead to the Persian war between the two

What standard of morality do the Greek gods hold?

Just being good


King of the gods


Know for spreading citizenship Began ostracism (can kick out someone out of the polis because they were trouble)-take vote, common, usually for 10 years and then could ask to come back, lost some of Athen's greatest thinkers


Medes, Persians, and Babylonians that create the neobabylonians Defeated Assyria in 612

Middle Kingdom Egypt

Menhotup II and Egypt weakens as a world power


Military monarchy and warlike people Known for cruelty Relocate people from conquered nations 1st society to apply technology to war

Ramesses II

Most prolific builder Paranoid that his family's dynasty would end so he fathered 160 children


New Stone Age Agricultural Revolution occurred and settled communities became agrarian based


New people group that move to Egypt Was thought to be an invasion but were actually just looking for a place to settle Eventually absorbed into Egyptian society and lost their identity During the 2nd Intermediate Period

Water Source for Egypt

Nile River Flows north and empties into the Mediterranean Sea


Old Stone Age Know very little People were nomadic (no settled communities)

Law Code of Hammarbi

Oldest law code 282 laws Purpose, "cause justice to prevail in the land, destroy wicked and evil, prevent the strong from oppressing the weak, and further the welfare of people "eye for an eye"

What type of government did Plato approve of?

Oligarchy Did NOT like democracy


On Peloponnesus island Stories by Homer- Iliad and Odyssey Legends based in some truth


Only female pharaoh Wore ceremonial beard Successful reign for 30 years

Legend of Orris, Seth, and Horus

Orris was the pharaoh but his brother, Seth wanted the throne. Seth killed Orris, butchered him, and scattered him around the world. Horus avenged his father by killing Seth and becoming pharaoh. Hours restores Ma'at by becoming the rightful ruler.

Sea People

People that came from the Mediterranean Sea that conquered Egypt

1st Intermediate Period

Period of time in between the end of Old Kingdom and beginning of Middle Kingdom. Began when weak leaders led Egypt into civil wars, nomarchs held power not Pharaohs. Pharaoh Mentuhotep II ends it

Ahmose I

Pharaoh that restored Ma'at after the second intermediate period and marked the beginning of the new kingdom


Public market place At the foot of the acropolis in Athens but in ancient times it would be up at the top


Religious celebration to honor the Gods Performed in only times of peace Only males competed All were in the nude to admire the male body Running and boxing


Repealed Draco law in 594 BC Made equitable and fair laws

Who won the Peloponnesian War?

Sparta Athens surrendered in 404 BC Both really lost due to both being extremely weak

Battle of Thermopylae

Stand of 300- Greeks attempt to block Persians by forcing them through pass Persian victory due to them greatly outnumbering the Spartans

Peloponnesian War

Started because of Athens dominance in the Delian League (431-404 BCE) The war between Athens and Sparta that in which Sparta won, but left Greece as a whole weak and ready to fall to its neighbors to the north. Intermittent times of war


The Mediterranean society that formed on the island of Crete and who were a big maritime society. 1st


The capital of Old Kingdom Egypt, near the head of the Nile Delta. Early rulers were interred in the nearby pyramids.


The last king of Babylon. He lost the kingdom to Cyrus the Great when Cyrus invaded Babylon during one of Belshazzar's parties


The people who dominated southern Mesopotamia through the end of the third millennium B.C.E. They were responsible for the creation of many fundamental elements of Mesopotamian culture-such as irrigation technology, cuneiform, religious conceptions, school systems, domestication of animals, and inventions like the wheel, plow, canals/water control.


Tyrant in 560 BC (overthrew government because he thought it was unjust) "Benevolent Dictator"- rule in interest of people

Do all Spartan males enter the military?

Yes, men live in dorms until retirement


a government that is run and controlled by a SMALL ELITE GROUP of people


base at the bottom and swirls at the top


base at the bottom and very detailed and decorative top


entrance/ceremonial gateway the monumental approach to the acropolis


extremely harsh and severe person that is manipulative


first Greek-speaking people; invaded Minoans; dominated Greek world 1400 B.C. to 1200 B.C.; sea traders; lived in separate city-states; invovled in Trojan War against Troy 2nd


had the first step pyramid built at his tomb in Saqqara

Intermediate Periods

in Egyptian history, times in between the periods of stability marked by political chaos & invasion Ma'at is disturbed

Elysian Fields

in Greek mythology, the Greek version of heaven. Where heroes go


leader in Athens elected in 621 BC Created 1st Athenian Law Code (punishment for any crime was death)


most famous and capable king of the Babylonian empire; creator of the code of Hammarabi; one of the worlds oldest codes of law


no base

Religion of Sumer

polytheistic of multiple nature gods grand shrines and temples

The Academy

school of philosophy founded by Plato


son of Darius; became Persian king. He vowed revenge on the Athenians. He invaded Greece with 180,000 troops in 480 B.C. Married Esther Reigned during the battle of Thermopylae


temple shrines temple on the Acropolis (caryatids porch)


the annual flooding of the Nile River, which produced a regular renewal of agricultural land


wrote over 100 plays

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