UD Geol105 Exam #2

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___ states that the velocity of ground water equals permeability multiplied by hydraulic gradient.

Darcys law

A worldwide decrease of at least _____°C in temperature would bring about a new glacial age.


What is the gradient of a stream that drops 10 vertical feet over a 2-mile horizontal distance?

5 ft per mile

What is a sea stack?

A sea stack is a pillar of rock that is cut off from the headland or cliff.

The ______ load is sediment light enough to remain lifted indefinitely above the bottom by water turbulence.


How fast groundwater flows depends, in part, on the permeability of the sediment through which it passes.


Longshore currents transport most of the beach sand parallel to the shoreline.


Point bars are sandbars deposited in the middle of river channels.


Rapid down cutting of desert stream channels produces narrow canyons with vertical walls and flat gravel-strewn floors.


Sheetwash is a thin layer of unchanneled water flowing downhill.


Springs may form where a perched water table intersects the surface.


Striations and grooves in bedrock indicate the direction of ice movement.


Support is growing for the idea that a late Precambrian ice sheet was so extensive that the surface of the world ocean was frozen.


The Basin and Range province is characterized by rugged mountain ranges bounded by faults.


The capillary fringe is thicker in fine-grained sediments and thinner in coarse-grained sediments.


The process of deepening a valley by erosion of the streambed is called downcutting.


The rate of ground water flow tends to decrease with depth because sedimentary rock pores tend to be closed by increasing amounts of cement and the weight of the overlying rock.


The saturated zone overlies the water table.The capillary fringe is thicker in fine-grained sediments and thinner in coarse-grained sediments.


The site selected for the disposal of high level radioactive waste is the ocean.


The world's best-known deserts lie in a belt 10-15 degrees centered at latitude of 30 degree (North and South).


Thin rocky soil and slow rates of creep make desert topography steep and angular.


Tillite is lithified till.


Unsorted and unlayered rock debris carried or deposited by glaciers is called till.


Water in the upper part of the saturated zone tends to move downward following the slope of the water table.


When water is pumped from a well the water table is typically drawn down into a zone of depression.


Where glaciers exist they are far more effective agents of erosion, transportation, and deposition than running water.


Where sand supply is limited a barchan dune generally develops.


Two layers of sediment resulting from one year's deposition in a glacial lake are called ___.


Stream erosion and deposition are controlled primarily by a river's


Rocks with flat, wind-abraded surfaces are called


Deltas may be river dominated, tide dominated or _____.

wave dominated

Coastal straightening occurs because of ____.

wave erosion of headlands and deposition in bays

The diameter of the orbital path of a water particle near the surface is equal to _____.

wave height

The vertical distance between the crest and the trough of a wave is called the ____.

wave length

The bending of waves as they enter shallow water is called _____.

wave refraction

A _____ is a deep, cylindrical hole that is dug or drilled into the ground to penetrate an aquifer within the saturated zone.


In unconfined aquifers water in shallow wells __.

will rise to the level of the water table

The upper part of a glacier, the part with perennial snow and ice, is called the __.

zone of accumulation

Glacially carved valleys are usually _____ shaped.


Precipitation that does not infiltrate the ground is runoff that may move unchanneled as ______

a rill

Rock debris picked up in flash floods is deposited at the base of mountains in ____.

alluvial fan

A river's velocity is faster ____.

along the outside of a meander loop near the cut bank

A(n) _______ is a body of saturated rock or sediment through which water can move easily.


Which of the following would not be a control on desert development?

areas beneath rising air masses

Sharp ridges called ___ separate adjacent glacially carved valleys.


Desert stream channels called ____ are characterized by narrow canyons with vertical walls and flat, gravel-strewn floors.


In a(n) _____ aquifer water rises above the top of the aquifer when a drill penetrates it.


Flood control structures along the Mississippi River surrounding New Orleans are predominantly _____.

artificial levees

A _____ is a ridge of sediment built by sedimentation on the middle or banks of a stream channel.


types of dunes?

barchan transverse parabolic longitudinal

Which would characterize a depositional coast?

barrier islands

The steepest part of a beach is the ____.

beach face

Most caves are probably formed by ground water circulating ___ the water table.


A ______ is a narrow hill of resistant rock with a flat top and very steep sides found in some deserts.


_____ form when slightly acidic ground water dissolves limestone along joints and bedding planes.


___ influences the velocity of a river along with gradient.

channel shape and roughness

_______ has extensive loess deposits up to 100 meters thick.


A(n) ______ is a steep-sided half-bowl shaped recess carved at the head of a mountain glacial valley.


Hurricanes are associated with all the following except ______.

clockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere?

A ___ encompasses all land near the sea, including the beach and a strip of land inland from it.


This area of the desert southwest is characterized by mostly flat-lying beds of sedimentary rock over 1,500 meters above sea level.

colorado plateau

A(n) _________ aquifer is completely filled with water under pressure and is separated from the surface by an aquitard.


Streams in rainy regions tend to be ______ the saturated zone; as such, we call them ______ streams.

connected to; gaining

In North America, the ___ separates streams that flow into the Pacific Ocean from those that flow into the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.

continental divide

The removal of clay, silt, and sand particles from the land surface by wind is called


A(n) ___ drainage pattern of a river resembles a tree.


U.S. coasts with gently sloping plains, such as those along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, are ____.


When water is pumped out of an unconfined aquifer through a well, a ___ often develops in the water table.


The Atacama Desert in western South America is created by ______.

descending dry air

_______ is a thin surface layer of closely packed pebbles found in deserts.

desert pavement

The expansion of deserts into once populated areas is known as ___.


A ridge or strip of ground separating one drainage basin from another is termed a ____.


The process of deepening of a valley by erosion of a streambed is called __.

down cutting

The ______ is the total area drained by a river and its tributaries.

drainage basin

The total area drained by a stream and its tributaries is called the

drainage basin

Heavy use of ground water can cause a region's water table to ____.

drop to deeper depths

Bodies of till shaped into streamlined hills are called ___.


The hydraulic head is defined as __.

elevation plus pore fluid pressure at a given point

The boundary between the zone of accumulation and the zone of ablation is an irregular line called the _____.


The boundary between the zone of accumulation and the zone of ablation of a glacier is called the

equilibrium line

Hydraulic action, solution, and abrasion are all examples of stream


Look at the "S" shapes in the middle-lower half of the photo below. Which of the following is a true statement based on what we know about streams? (Select all that apply.)

erosion is higher outside of bends sediment is probably fine salt and silt stream flowing top to bottom

A(n) ___________ is an ice-transported boulder that was not derived from the underlying bedrock.


Which is not a type of moraine?


Water in the atmosphere turns from a gas into a liquid by the process of ______.


Water moves from surface water into the atmosphere through ______.


A playa lake is a deep long-lasting desert lake.


An end moraine marks the final edge of a receding glacier just before the glacier melts away entirely.


An irregular coast with bays separated by headlands can be straightened by plate tectonic forces.


Drainage basins are bowl-shaped depressions with a lake in the middle, and all streams in the basin discharge their water and sediment into that lake.


Estuaries, such as Chesapeake Bay, are drowned glacial-cut valleys.


Glaciers in temperate climates may have crevasses that extend to their base.


Low stream velocity generally results in erosion and transportation of sediment.


More sand is moved along the beach face than in the surf zone.


Paved areas and storm sewers decrease the rate of surface runoff of water.


Petrified wood develops when buried wood is saturated or replaced with calcite.


Sandstones and gravels make the only aquifers; no other rocks are useful.


Since many desert regions have internal drainage, runoff collects on the valley floors as bajadas.


Stream discharge is one of the most important factors that controls stream velocity.


Stream-dominated river deltas, like the Mississippi, display the characteristic triangular shape of a delta.


The interrelationship of the hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere is visualized through the hydrogeologic cycle.


The saturated zone overlies the water table.


The thicker part of a glacier will flow slower than where it is thinner.


Ventifacts are rocks with rounded water-abraded surfaces.


Wave orbits decrease in size until motion is gone at a depth equal to twice wavelength.


Waves usually come straight into shore.


How fast does the central part of a valley glacier move compared to the sides of the glacier?


A large trunk glacier carves a deeper valley than smaller tributaries. After the glacier disappears the tributary valley remains as _____ high above the main valley.

hanging valley

A valley glacier that ______ will tend to move faster than one that does not.

has a thin film of water at its base

Some _____ beaches are made up of sand-sized particles of basalt.


Waves break because:

height increases while length decreases

Streams erode rock and sediment by ___.

hydraulic action, solution, abrasion

Ordinary ocean waves are created by the interaction of the ____ and ____.

hydrosphere, atmosphere

During the Ice Ages, much of Nevada, Utah, and eastern California was covered by


A(n) _______ is a mass of ice that is not restricted to a valley but covers large areas of land.

ice sheet

If a moving glacier reaches a body of water ______ float free.


An _____ rock is one that does not allow water to flow through it easily.


_____ meanders are meanders that retain their sinuous pattern as they cut vertically downward below the level at which they originally formed.


When we refer to water as being "hard", we really mean that ______.

it has a lot of dissolved calcium and magnesium in it

Given all other conditions are the same, ground water flows faster if __.

it is flowing in response to a greater hydraulic gradient

Much of the southwestern United States is desert because (choose as many as apply)

it is near 30° North the western mountains create a rain shadow cold ocean currents in the Pacific cause high evaporation rates in the land

____ are rock walls designed to protect the entrance of a harbor from sediment deposition and storm waves.


When an ice block that was buried in sediment finally melts, a depression called a ___ forms.


A barrier island is typically separated from the mainland by a ______.


A graded stream can be deepening its channel by down cutting while part of its energy is also widening its valley by ______ erosion.


_______ dunes in the Sahara are as high as 200 m and as long as 120 km.


_____ is the movement of sand parallel to the shore.

longshore drift

In very dry climates such as deserts, rivers tend to be __.

losing streams

The amount of ground water is ____ that of all rivers and lakes combined.

many times

Rivers may develop pronounced sinuous (wiggly) curves called a ___ pattern.


Where tributary glaciers come together the adjacent lateral moraines join to form a ______ moraine.


The sea level rise in the past 15,000 years is due to ____.

melting glaciers

In the United States, large areas of _____ are blanketed with a cover of loess.


_____ are low ridges of flood deposited sediment that form on either side of a stream channel and thin away from the channel.

natural levees

________ are low ridges of flood-deposited sediment that form on both sides of a stream channel and thin away from the channel.

natural levees

The Geysers is a power plant in California that generates electricity ______.

naturally hot water? flowing groundwater?

The Basin and Range province covers almost all of


The sediment deposited by debris-laden melt water is called _______.


A cutoff meander may become a crescent-shaped __.

oxbow lake

A ____ dune is deeply convex and its horns point upwind.


You can get out of a rip current easily by swimming ____ to the beach instead of struggling against the current.


Recently, geologists have been drilling through ice sheets for clues about

past climates on earth

Shales can have substantial porosity but have low _____.


________ refers to the ability of a rock to transmit fluids.


A very flat surface underlain by a dry lake bed of hard, mud-cracked clay is called a


Sandbars deposited on the inside of meander curves are called

point bars

___ is the percentage of a rock or sediment that consists of void space.


Choose the Moon position that would cause a spring tide (higher than normal high tides and lower than normal low tides) in North America (North America is on the sunlit side of the globe).

position one

A ____ drainage pattern is one in which streams diverge outward likes spokes on a wheel.


If the terminus of a glacier remains stationary for a few years a distinct _______ may form.

recessional moraine

Which is not a drainage pattern?


The average time between floods of a given size is

recurrence interval

______ are narrow currents that flow straight out to sea in the surf zone.

rip currents

If all ice sheets were to melt, sea level would _____.

rise over 60

The greater part of the sand from most beaches comes from ____.


The grinding of rock against rock by a glacier produces a very fine sediment called ____.

rock flour

_____ refers to sand grain movement in a series of short leaps or bounces off the bottom.


Heavily pumped wells near a coast can be contaminated by ____.

saltwater intrusion

Which of the following earth materials would you expect to have the lowest permeability?


Which rock type would make the best aquifer?


____ are closed depressions found where land surfaces are underlain by limestone bedrock.


The major difference between a mesa and a butte is one of


The steep downwind face of a sand dune is called the ______.

slip face

Sediment may build up off a point of land to form a ____.


A ________ is a place where water flows naturally from rocks onto the ground surface.


A "100-year flood" has a _______ percent chance of occurring in any given year.


The last episode of extensive glaciation in North America was at its peak about _____ years ago.


A deposit of loose sand may have a porosity of _____ percent.


In parts of Texas and New Mexico the pumping of ground water has caused the water table of the Ogallala Reservoir to drop ____.


Select the possible effects urbanization can have on stream aside from "flashy" behavior. (Select all that apply.)

More pavement which can prevent rainwater from soaking into the ground More rain falls in rural areas

Which of the following does not describe the process of plucking?

Pieces of rock fall onto the top of the glacier.

What is firn?

The transitional phase between snow and glacial ice

What would happen to the velocity of a river if an avalanche dumped rocky debris on its stream bed?

The velocity would decrease because the channel roughness had increased.?

_____ are wave cut platforms formed by erosion of rock associated with cliff retreat.

Uplifted marine terraces

Under the influence of gravity a glacier moves down valley and eventually __.


A(n) ___ stream flows in a network of rivulets (subchannels) around numerous sandbars.


A stream can increase its length by _____.

building a delta, meandering, and headward erosion

On large alluvial fans, the _____ sediment is deposited near the mountains.


Open fissures called ___ develop in the brittle surface ice of glaciers.


What typically happens to the gradient of a river from its headwaters to its base?


Gasoline leaking from an underground storage tank will __.

infiltrate to the top of the water table, on which it will float

A large dune type is the _______ (or seif) dune, which forms a ridge parallel to prevailing wind direction.


Vast amounts of sand are moved by ____.

longshore currents

The water table ______ in humid regions.

roughly parallels the land surface

Because sand grains are heavier than clay and silt particles, sand grains move close to the ground in a leaping pattern called ______.


Discharge is the product of average stream width times average stream depth times ___.

stream velocity

____ coasts are common because sea level has been rising for the past 15,000 years.


A stream can lengthen its valley by headward erosion.


Permeability is

Ability of rock or soil to allow water to flow through it

Why is Antarctica considered a desert?

Because it receives very little precipitation

______ streams receive water from the saturated zone.

Gaining or effluent

What happened to sea level during the ice ages of the Pleistocene?

Sea level went down more than 10 meters.

What is the reason that coasts such as those in Canada, north Britain, and Scandinavia have been uplifted?

The crust has uplifted due to plate tectonics.

How is a pothole formed?

Through the swirling, scouring action of pebbles on a hard stream bed

A(n) _____ is a coastal inlet that is formed by a drowned glacial carved valley.


A glacial valley drowned by rising sea level is


The high runoff following sporadic desert downpours can create sudden local floods called ______.

flash floods

The broad strip of land built up by sedimentation on either side of a stream channel is

flood plain

___ beds form the main body of a delta with angles of inclination up to 20 to 35 degrees in small sandy deltas.


_______ are sometimes built perpendicular to shore in an attempt to protect beaches that are losing sand from longshore drift.


Which of the following water reservoirs in the hydrologic cycle contains the least amount of fresh water?

the atmosphere

The energy that moves sand along a beach ultimately comes from ____.

the wind

The unsaturated zone is __.

the zone above the water table

A glacier will flow faster where it is steeper and _____.


Because of their low rainfall, intermittent stream flow, and dry stream beds, deserts lack ____.

through flowing streams

A _____ is a bar of sediment that connects a former island to the mainland.


Movement of cobbles and boulders by rolling, sliding, or dragging in a streambed is called ____ load.


A U-shaped valley (in cross section) is characteristic of glacial erosion.


A baymouth bar is a ridge of sediment that cuts a bay off from the open ocean.


A desert is any region which has a dry or arid climate with a low rainfall of less than 25 cm per year.


A fiord is a glacially-cut valley flooded by rising sea level.


A large trunk glacier erodes downward more rapidly and carves a deeper valley than do smaller tributary glaciers.


A particle of water in a wave moves in a circular orbit as the wave passes; the particle returns to its original position after the wave has passed.


A pediment is an erosional surface underlain by solid rock, while a bajada is depositional and is underlain by sediment.


A trellis stream pattern consists of parallel main streams with short tributaries meeting them at right angles.


An alluvial fan is a fan- or cone-shaped pile of sediment that forms where a stream emerges from a narrow mountain canyon.


An esker is a long sinuous ridge of ice.


Artesian wells are associated with confined aquifers.


Compared to the flow of water in streams, most ground water moves relatively slowly.


Deposits of calcite built up in caves by dripping water are called dripstone or speleothems.


During the most recent ice age, sea level was at least 100 meters lower than at present.


Glaciers with a positive budget are advancing glaciers.


Gravel beaches are found on coasts with low wave energy.


Gravel beaches have a steeper face slope than sand beaches.


Gravel has both high porosity and excellent permeability.


Groundwater is a major economic resource.


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