UKY DHN101 EXAM 2 CH. 5-7

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Duncan was a subject in a clinical study that was designed to determine the effects of certain diets on health. While participating in the study, he was given a synthetic formula diet that provided vitamins, minerals, animal protein, purified water, and corn starch. Within a few weeks, Duncan developed patches of scaly skin on his arms and legs and bald spots on his head. When _____ was added to his formula, the signs of the nutritional deficiency disappeared.

Polyunsaturated fat

Marcia's fasting blood glucose is 118 mg/dl. She has:


The body uses essential fatty acids to make...


Pancreatic Lipase

The digestive enzyme that removes two fatty acids from each triglyceride molecule

A Saturated Fatty Acid is...

completely filled with hydrogen atoms


complex carbohydrates comprised of monosaccharides connected by bonds that human enzymes cannot digest.

What is the structure of a Phospholipid Molecule?

contains a phosphorus, fatty acid, and nitrogen-containing base

Incomplete Proteins

dietary proteins that are low in, or lack, one or more essential amino acids


is a hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile and the pancreas to release digestive enzymes.

Dana wants to reduce her blood cholesterol level by eating....

less beef.

Christina drinks 1 beer a month. At this level of alcohol consumption, she is....

An Abstainer.


An alternative sweetener made of two amino acids (phenylalanine and aspartic acid) and methanol.

At this point only about 5% of ingested fat remains to be excreted in the feces.


1. Soda Pop 2. Apple Pie 3. Candy 4. Donut


Most cases of heart disease and stroke result from _________.


Trans Fatty Acid

- Contains partially-hydrogenated unsaturated fatty acids - Double bond has its hydrogen atoms on opposite sides of the molecule

Omega-6 Fatty Acid

- Linoleic Acid - Needed to make AA

Is milk a natural source of SUCROSE?


A Positive Protein Balance

Occurs when a person consumes more protein daily than he or she loses

Both starch and glycogen contain hundreds of glucose molecules bound together and are thus types of:


Safflower, corn, soybean, and cottonseed oils are all rich in ____________ fat. Diets high in this type of fat may lead to the reduction of total cholesterol, LDL, and HDL cholesterol.


Lipids or fats include


What is true about sugar and hyperactivity?

Research does NOT indicate that sugar increases a child's risk for hyperactivity (ADHD).

Lipoproteins carry different amounts of:

1. Phospholipids 2. Cholesterol 3. Protein

Short and medium-chain fatty acids ...

travel as a water-soluble molecule through the portal vein to the liver


which is often called "hardening of the arteries," is a condition that reduces the flexibility of arteries.

Basic Steps of Protein Synthesis

1. DNA unwinds exposing a gene 2. The gene undergoes transcription, forming messenger RNA 3. mRNA transfers the information from the nucleus to ribosomes 4. The ribosomes "read" the messenger RNA 5. RNA molecule conveys a particular amino acid to the ribosome 6. At the ribosome, the amino acid attaches to the peptide chain.

List the steps of the development of atherosclerosis in the arteries starting with arterial damage and ending with a heart attack:

1. Damage occurs in blood vessel lining 2. Plaque is deposited at the site of initial damage 3. As plaque accumulates, arteries harden, narrow, and lose elasticity 4. Pressure in artery is increased 5. Clot or spasm in a plaque-clogged artery leads to a heart attack.

Dietary changes that can benefit a patient with METABOLIC SYNDROME include:

1. Decreasing intake of saturated fat. 2. Reducing salt intake

When you are eating and drinking alcohol during a meal, the food in the meal...

1. Delays alcohol absorption from the stomach 2. Slows the rate at which alcohol appears in your blood.

Rank in order the steps involved in the digestion of protein beginning in the stomach:

1. Denaturation by stomach acid and partial digestion by pepsin. 2. The pancreas secretes protein-splitting enzymes 3. Final digestion occurs within absorptive cells. 4. Amino acids enter the portal vein and travel to the liver. 5. Rectum: Very little dietary protein is excreted in feces.

Your body makes proteins by following information coded in your:

1. Deoxyribonucleic Acid 2. DNA

Modifiable Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease Include:

1. Diabetes 2. Excess body fat 3. Tobacco use

Diets high in fiber can lower the risk for developing:

1. Diabetes 2. Heart Disease 3. Obesity

Sugar alcohols are used in....

1. Diabetic Candy 2. Breath Mints 3. Sugar-free Gum

Put the processes of protein digestion in the correct order, from start to finish:

1. Digested proteins move from the stomach into the small intestine 2. Further digestion occurs as the pancreas secretes protein-splitting enzymes, including trypsin 3. Final digestion occurs within absorptive cells 4. amino acids enter the portal vein and travel to the liver.

Rank the order of BLOOD GLUCOSE REGULATION beginning with eating a meal:

1. Eating a meal 2. Elevated blood glucose 3. Insulin released from the pancreas 4. Blood glucose level returns to normal

What are some examples of food sources that contain cholesterol?

1. Eggs 2. Ice Cream 3. Chicken

Excess body fat around the abdomen is associated with:

1. Elevated Triglycerides 2. Elevated LDL Cholesterol

What are the suspected causes of HYPERACTIVITY?

1. Environmental Factors 2. Genetic Factors

List in order from 1 - 3 the steps of lipid digestion in the small intestine:

1. Fatty chyme stimulates the release of cholecystokinin 2. Cholecystokinin signals the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes, including pancreatic lipase, into the duodenum. 3. Pancreatic lipase digests triglycerides and converts them into monoglycerides and 2 fatty acid molecules.

Which of the following are traditional symptoms of diabetes?

1. Frequent Urination 2. Extreme Thirst 3. Blurred Vision

Human breast milk contains which monosaccharides?

1. Glucose 2. Galactose

Which two MONOSACCHARIDES are components of the milk sugar lactose?

1. Glucose 2. Galactose

Sucrose is made up of two monosaccharides:

1. Glucose 2. Fructose

What are the end products of fat digestion?

1. Glycerol 2. Monoglycerides 3. Fatty Acids

Which of the following processed foods or beverages are high in added sugars?

1. Ice Cream 2. Soda 3. Cakes

Which of the following are symptoms of HYPOGLYCEMIA?

1. Irritability 2. Shakiness 3. Restlessness 4. Sweating 5. Confusion

What body parts are most vulnerable to damage by atherosclerosis?

1. Kidneys 2. Legs 3. Eyes

What are other names for SUGAR that may be listed on food products?

1. Lactose 2. Raw Sugar 3. Maltodextrin

Glucose is stored in the form of glycogen in the ____________ and the _____________.

1. Liver 2. Muscles

Which artificial sweeteners are currently available in the food supply in the United States?

1. Neotame 2. Aspartame 3. Acesulfame-K

you just ate a food item containing 5 grams of fat, which means that the food provides _______ kilocalories from fat.


How many Kilocalories are in one gram of fat?



A blood clot or plaque particle that breaks free from where it formed and travels through the bloodstream.


A fixed bunch of clots that remains in place and disrupts blood flow.


A highly branched chain of glucose units


A long, straight chain of glucose units


Cartilage, ligament, and bone tissue

Cis Fatty Acid

Causes the carbon chain to bend

Abdominal bloating, chronic diarrhea, and weight loss are all symptoms of:

Celiac Disease

Peptide Bond

Chemical attraction that connects two amino acids together

A lipid found only in foods that contain animal products is:


When sugars and other carbohydrates are metabolized by bacteria into acids that dissolve the tooth enamel this results in tooth _______________...



Decreases blood clotting and inflammation


Decreases blood glucose

When consuming a 2000 kcal diet, the Daily Value (DV) for CARBOHYDRATES is:

300 grams

While at a party, Jenna drank 24 oz of beer and 10 oz of wine. Based on this information, her alcohol consumption was equivalent to _________ standard alcoholic drinks.


What is another term for glucose?


Gestational Diabetes

Disease characterized by elevated blood glucose levels during pregnancy.

When an individual's blood sugar level falls below 70 mg/dl they are diagnosed with ____________.


Long-chain fatty acids...

reformed into a triglyceride in the intestinal absorptive cell and travels through the lymphatic system.

Both sugars and sugar alcohols provide:


Nutritional Genomics

The branch of science that studies the interactions between gene functioning, dietary choices and the environment

Glycemic Load

(Glycemic Index x Grams of Carbohydrate) / 100

The body uses cholesterol to make....

Vitamin D.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

- Alpha-linolenic Acid - Needed to make DHA and EPA

Saturated Fatty Acid

- Each carbon atom in this fatty acid's carbon chain has two hydrogens - Primary type of fatty acid in beef and butter fat


- Used to make bile and certain hormones - Multi-ringed lipid that is a major component of cell membranes


- made of a glycerol backbone and three fatty acids. - has 3 carbons on its chain - A Triglyceride is formed when each -OH group on the glycerol backbone bonds with the hydrogen atom on the fatty acid.

What is true about fiber?

1. Adds bulk to feces 2. Is a complex carbohydrate 3. A substance found in plants

Rank the following to describe the fate of triglycerides stored in adipose tissue if your body needs energy:

1. Adipose cells break down triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol molecules 2. Fatty acids and glycerol are released into the bloodstream 3. Cells remove fatty acids from the blood and the liver removes glycerol from the blood 4. Cells metabolize fatty acids for energy and the liver converts glycerol into glucose for energy

Soluble Fibers

1. Are metabolized by Intestinal Bacteria 2. Dissolve or Swell in water

Alcohol poisoning can result in death due to:

1. Aspirating vomit and choking 2. Slowing of the heart rhythm

Outline the process of enterohepatic circulation beginning with bile salts absorbed in the small intestine:

1. Bile salts are absorbed in the ileum of the small intestine 2. Bile salt travels through the blood to the liver 3. The liver recycles used bile salts to make new bile

List in order the body's preference for using nutrients for energy:

1. Carbohydrate 2. Protein

What are the two potential fates of FRUCTOSE after it is consumed?

1. Converted to Glucose 2. Converted to Fat.


Eats eggs but no other animal foods


Small chains of amino acids

What is true about protein?

1. Organic molecules 2. Contains Nitrogen

How does an emulsifier work?

1. Prevents fat from coalescing by using a shell of water molecules 2. Isolates individual fat droplets

Glucose is the primary fuel for most of the body's cells, however, some cells can ONLY use glucose. These include....

1. Red blood cells 2. Central Nervous System

What are the SUGAR ALCOHOLS?

1. Sorbitol 2. Mannitol 3. Xylitol

The most common forms of cardiovascular disease in the US include:

1. Stroke 2. Coronary Artery Disease

Identify names of sugars that may be found in foods:

1. Sugar 2. Molasses 3. Honey

Women are more likely to experience GESTATIONAL DIABETES during their pregnancy if....

1. They are chronically overweight 2. They have a family history of type 2 diabetes 3. They have elevated blood pressure

What is true about POLYSACCHARIDES?

1. They are made of 10 or more monosaccharides bonded together. 2. They are sometimes called Complex Carbohydrates. 3. They are found chiefly in grains, vegetables, and fruits.

Which of the following are true of polysaccharides?

1. They are sometimes called complex carbohydrates 2. They are found chiefly in grains, vegetables, and fruits. 3. They are made of 10 or more monosaccharides bonded together.

Functions of Lipids

1. To provide energy 2. To store energy for later use 3. To insulate and protect the body 4. To transport fat-soluble vitamins 5. To become a part of the cell membrane

What are the major functions of fatty acids and triglycerides in the body?

1. To provide energy 2. To aid in transport of fat-soluble vitamins 3. To insulate and protect the body.

What are the important nutrients that milk and milk products provide?

1. Vitamins 2. Calcium

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range - AMDR), adults should keep their daily distribution of fat calories between ____________ of their total calories.


What food is a naturally rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids?

Canola Oil

Trans Fatty Acid

Allows the carbon chain to remain straighter

Don recorded his food intake for a week and then used a computerized dietary analysis program to analyze his diet record. According to the results of the analysis, his average daily saturated fat intake was 5% of total calories; his average daily unsaturated fat intake was 12% of total calories; and his average daily cholesterol intake was 350 mg. Based on this information, his total fat intake is _____ the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range.



Eats milk and milk products and eggs but no other animal foods


Eats milk and milk products but no animal flesh or eggs

Non-Modifiable Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease Include:

Family history of cardiovascular disease.

Dietary fats in foods are often composed of...

Fatty Acids

Which monosaccharide is commonly found as a component in fruit?


Name the major MONOSACCHARIDE found in the body



Hair, nails, skin

Phospholipids contain a __________ portion, which attracts water, and a _________ portion, which repels water.

Hydrophilic; Hydrophobic

Saturated fatty acids _________ HDL and LDL, so the overall effect is not heart healthy.


The diuretic effect of alcohol is to _______ the excretion of body water.



Increase blood clotting and inflammation


Increases blood glucose

Which of the following lipoproteins contains the highest percentage of cholesterol?


An optimal lipid profile has high levels of HDL cholesterol and low levels of _____________

LDL Cholesterol

Milk and other dairy products are major food sources of ______________ (a disaccharide).


What DISACCHARIDE can be found in certain animals products?


This organ is not a major site of fat absorption

Large Intestine

FRUCTOSE is known as fruit sugar or ____________.....


An enzyme called a _________ plays an important role in fat digestion by breaking down lipids.


Name the class of nutrients that consists of triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols:


This organ produces bile


When there is a lack of recycled bile salts, the __________ uses cholesterol from the bloodstream to make new bile.


After being absorbed, the used bile salts enter the ________.

Liver - this organ recycles the bile salts to make new bile.

The primary function of GLYCOGEN is to store glucose for later use. Glycogen is stored in the liver and ________________...



Proteins comprised of 2 or more amino acids

Exercising regularly and moderate alcohol consumption both _________ HDL.


Trans fat consumption _________ LDL but not HDL levels.


The common name for the chemical in Stevia leaves that makes Stevia sweet is called:


Structurally, a trans fat resembles a _____________.

Saturated fatty acid

This is the primary site of fat digestion and absorption

Small Intestine

Used bile salts are absorbed in the _____________.

Small Intestine

Food labels are not required to provide information about which of the following?

Soluble Fiber

If _______________ is present in chyme, it can interfere with the recycling of used bile salts. - As a result, the used bile salts are eliminated in feces.

Soluble Fiber

Examples of complex carbohydrates include:


Which drub is commonly prescribed to help people reduce elevated blood lipid levels?


In this organ, the salivary lipase digests a small amount of fat.


The primary function of an adipose cell is.....

Storing fat.


The process of transferring a nitrogen-containing group to another substance to make an amino acid

What does the term STARCH mean?

The storage form of carbohydrates in blants


The study of how a person's genetic makeup influences the way their body reacts to food

Which type of diabetes CANNOT be prevented?

Type 1 Diabetes


swollen rectal veins that cause itching, discomfort, and/or bleeding.


the process of adding hydrogens to unsaturated fats, which makes a liquid fat more solid at room temperature

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