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Standard directories and their contents
(Page 127)
File-type encoding used by ls
(Page 128)
Examples of chmod's mnemonic syntax
(Page 137)
Linux file attribute flags
(Page 139)
ls -ld -b -I -a -t -F -R -h
-l shows detailed information, including number of links to file -d forces ls to show information for a directory rather than its contents -b shows control characters as octal numbers -i shows each file's inode number, int associated with file contents -a includes hidden files -t sort files by modification time (-tr is reverse) -F distinguish executables and directories -R lists recursively -h is human readable first character of output encodes the type
Root directory
/ = /. = /..
Absolute vs. Relative Pathname
/tmp/foo vs. book4/filesystem
Sticky bit
1000 Used to be modifier for executable files on UNIX Now obsolete for files On directory: requires owner of directory to delete/rename file
setuid and setgid bits
4000 and 2000 Allow programs to access off-limits files to running user For directory, sets group id as opposed to user's gid
Permission bits
9 bits RWE for user, group, and then others Denoted in octal: 400, 200, 100
File attributes
9 permission bits that control read, write, execute 3 more bits control operation of executables Together they make up file's "mode" 4 more bits of file-type information
Four main components of filesystem
A namespace - a way to name things and organize them in a hierarchy An API - a set of system calls for navigating and manipulating objects Security models - schemes for protecting, hiding, and sharing things An implementation - software to tie the logical model to the hardware
Named pipes (FIFO files)
Allow communication between two processes running on the same host Created with mknod and removed with rm
Device files
Allow programs to communicate with system's hardware and peripherals Rendezvous points that communicate with device drivers Characterized by two numbers: Major and Minor device numbers
Directory Execute Bit
Allows entering or passing through but not listing contents Must also have read to list contents Must also have write to create, delete, or rename files
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
Attempts to codify, rationalIze, and explain the standard directories for Linux systems
Binaries vs. Scripts
Binary - run directly by CPU Script - must be interpreted by shell
lsattr and chatter
Change file attributes
Change mode command
chown and chgrp
Changes file's ownership and group Must belong to group if changing group Can change both at once with chown user:group file
Local domain sockets (Unix domain sockets)
Connections between processes that allow them to communicate hygienically Accessible only from local host Created with socket system call and removed with rm command or unlink system call
Regular files
Consist of a series of bytes No structure imposed on their contents by filesystem Text files, data files, executable programs, and shared libraries Sequential access and random access allowed
Contains named references to files
ln and rm
Create and delete hard links
cp oldfile newfile
Creates a copy of oldfile called Newfie
Critical system and configuration files
. and ..
Current directory and parent directory
Detach filesystems. Complains if filesystem is in use. -l is lazy unmount and waits for file references to stop -f is force unmount and is bad idea on non-NFS systems
file command
Determine the type of a file
fuser -c mountpoint
Determines processes holding references to specific filesystem -v produces more readable output which includes commands
Pathname limits
Directories limited to 255 characters Full pathname limited to 4095 bytes on Linux and 1024 bytes on BSD
Windows filesystems
Hard links
File's name is stored in parent directory; not within file itself All links to file are equivalent Count of links maintained by filesystem All links must be deleted to delete file
Hard links vs. soft links
Hard link is a direct reference Symbolic link is a reference by name; distinct from file
Holds the file containing the OS kernel
Houses spool directories, log files, accounting information, and various other items that grow or change rapidly and that vary on each host
/sbin and /bin
Important utilities
sudo mount /dev/sda4 /users
Installs the filesystem stored on the disk partition represented by /dev/sda4 under the path /users
ctime (Change time)
Last time file attribute was changed
sudo ln -s archived/secure /var/data/secure
Links /var/data/secure to /var/data/archived/secure
Lists filesystems that are normally mounted on the system. It also serves as documentation for the layout of the filesystem on disk
Major vs. Minor device numbers
Major - tells kernel which driver file refers to Minor - Tells the driver which physical unit to address /dev/tty0 - Major 4 and minor 0
mkdir vs rmdir
Make and delete directories if empty
Maps a directory within the existing file tree, called the mount point, to the root of the newly attached filesystem
ls -l and ls -ld
Mostly concerned with link count, owner, group, mode, size, last access time, last modification time, and type
/usr and /var
Needed for multiuser mode
Link count
Number of names (Hard links) for file Symbolic links don't count Always >= 2 for directories: parent directory and .
Filename vs. Pathname vs. Path
Pathname is absolute Others are absolute or relative
Symbolic Links
Points to a file by name; Stores pathname as file contents Created with ln -s and removed with rm File permissions are dummy values Create, remove, and follow controlled by directory Read, write, execute controlled by target
Directory hard links
Possible but can lead to degenerate conditions such as filesystem loops and directories that don't have a single unambiguous parent
Read, write, and execute bit
Read - file can be opened and read Write - file can be modified or truncated (not delete or rename - done by parent directory) Execute - file can be executed
rm -r
Recursively delete directories and contents
Seven types of files
Regular files Directories Character device files Block device files Local domain sockets Named pipes (FIFOs) Symbolic links
Root directory
Folder vs. Directory
Same thing, but use directory in technical contexts
mount (by itself)
See all the filesystems that are currently mounted
Set default file permissions by specifying permissions to remove
Shell pattern-matching character
Difference for ls of device
Shows major and minor device numbers instead of size . at end of mode indicates no ACL list
Standard-but-not-system-critical programs along with various other booty such as on-line manuals and most libraries
Temporary files
chmod -R a-x
Unforeseen changes due to different interpretation of execute bit for directory and flat file
Universal tool for deleting files -i confirmation option
File Tree vs. Filesystem
Whole thing vs. just branches Both technically filesystems
Linux Bonus Flags
a means append only i means immutable and undeletable
FreeBSD fuser letter codes
c indicates process has current working directory on filesystem x indicates a program being executed
chmod options
chmod --reference=filea fileb chmod -R
Predominant filesystem standards
ext4, XFS, UFS and Oracle's ZFS and Btrfs
Shell lobbing (pattern matching)
rm -i foo*
Removing -f
rm ./-f or rm -- -f
Special bits
x for owner is s for setuid x for group is s for setgid x for others is t for sticky bit S or T if special is set but x isn't