Unit 1

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What type of line is created by strategic placement of objects and elements to guide the viewer's attention?


What does Gijsbrechts use to create the trompe l'oeil effect in his painting Trompe l'oeil with Studio Wall and Vanitas Still-Life?

Implied light

What happens when gray is added to a hue?

Intensity lowers

How does the knowledge of the elements and principles of design inform the viewer?

It allows the viewer to appreciate the act of seeing a work of art.

What makes art made from surrounding natural materials unique?

It almost always leaves behind evidence of its existence. It's created with the understanding it will change appearance.

What approaches does Georges de la Tour use to create emphasis in The Magdalen with Smoking Flame?

Light Line

Value is related to what color property?

Lightness and darkness

Friar Bernadino de Sahagun used what to document the daily lives of native peoples in Central America?

Local artists to create the images for his book

The disjointed images in Robert Rauschenberg's Windward is reminiscent of what?

The energy associated with New York

How did Spiral Jetty creator Robert Smithson think artists could impact the natural world?

Artists could shape the landscape like a geological force.

Which aspects best describes the additive color mixing process?

Associated with film and video Can create lighter hues

Aerial perspective is also known as what kind of perspective?


How does the artist create contrasting texture in this work?

By leaving some rough areas

Which aspects best describes the subtractive color mixing process?

Can create dull hues Associated with pigment mixing

Linear perspective was often used with what technique to create depth on a picture plane?


What value technique is known for creating the illusion of three-dimensional forms on a two-dimensional plane?


What makes the Transcendent Buddhas recognizable from other buddhas?

Clothing worn

What do trained artists generally do to create a composition?

Combine experience with an understanding of the elements and principles of design

The lines that establish the outside borders of a three-dimensional form are what kind of lines?


How does Thomas Cole portray man's relationship with nature in The Oxbow?

The human activities near the river revel the coexistence of man and nature.

Complementary harmonies using a basic color wheel will consist of one primary color and what other kind of color?


A line that occupies a surface area with identifiable boundaries is called ______.


Shades of light and dark are also known as ______.


Colors on the red-orange side of the color wheel are described as what kind of colors?


Which are color properties?

Intensity Hue Value

Colors that are the product of a primary color and a secondary color are labeled as ______ colors.

tertiary intermediate

When analyzing how an object's surface may feel, with what do viewers identify?


When an artists adds a hue to white to get a lighter color, the value created is known as ______.


What is significant about the raised hoof of the horse Marcus Aurelius rides?

A fallen enemy was originally located beneath.

Which work is described as having a monochromatic color scheme?


The Egyptian pyramids guaranteed which of the following? Continued cycle of a prosperous society Safe passage to the afterlife for the pharaoh Protection from the yearly floods Prosperity for the land and its people

Continued cycle of a prosperous society Safe passage to the afterlife for the pharaoh Prosperity for the land and its people

True or false: Using the central axis determines if a piece is asymmetrically balanced.


Which of the following was created for a large group to worship in? Versailles Great Mosque Sainte-Chapelle Guggenheim

Great Mosque

What piece depicts the history of populations often left out of major history books?

Great Wall of Los Angeles

Which are secondary colors?

Green Orange Purple

Which figures are foreshortened in Hans Baldung Grien's The Groom and the Witch?

Groom Horse

Despite not knowing who are in the portraits, Boltanski's Altar to the Chases High School evokes what event?


What are the three properties of color?

Intensity Value Hue

What Christian idea does Johannes Vermeer's painting Woman Holding a Balance represent?

Last Judgment

To create visual mass in a two-dimensional image, artist will use what kind of light?


What did travels to Italy inspire Albrecht Dürer to do?

Seek the perfect human form

When an artists adds black to a hue to get a darker color, the value created is known as ______.


In what ways does Thomas Cole's The Oxbow indicate human presence in the landscape?

Shapes of the crop fields An artist at work in the landscape

As demonstrated in John Frederick Kensett's Lake George, what does atmospheric perspective do?

Simulates the recession of space by using bluish or hazy effects in the background

Current color theory bases most of its research off of whose experiments?

Sir Issac Newton

What are ways to create an asymmetrical composition?

Smaller elements balanced with a large form. Contrasting color values on the same size forms. A simple form balanced with a complex form.

What implies to the viewer that Robert Rauschenberg is using New York as his subject in the work Windward?

Statue of Liberty

If a line is drawn down the center of a composition, and each side corresponds to the other, what does this composition have?

Symmetrical balance

Which statement best describes the performance of Joseph Beuys' How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare?

The artist has a spiritual role that required participation in social and political change.

How did linear perspective change the artist's view on a picture plane?

The picture plane was seen as a window for the viewer.

In what ways are the palette for an artist considered?

The surface used to mix colors A select set of colors an artist is using

How can an asymmetrical composition look balanced?

The visual weight on each side is similar.

To understand Jeff Wall's A Sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai), the viewer must be familiar with what?

The work of art that inspired it

Why do artists rely on stories for subject matter?

They offer a culture's collective memory that is relatable.

How does the work Dormiente create visual texture?

Through the viewer's experience with similar textures

For what reasons was the Sainte-Chapelle was commissioned in 1239 by the French king Louis IX?

To be a private chapel for the king and his court To house his important collection of religious relics

For what reasons does Leonardo da Vinci uses linear perspective in The Last Supper?

To imply radiating lines coming from Jesus To guide the viewer to the center of the composition

Henry Ossawa Tanner's The Banjo Lesson uses emphasis and subordination for what purpose?

To place emphasis on the banjo and the boy To emphasize figures against the background

Why is the principle of variety used?

To provide interest in the image

What does Mona Hatoum consider when viewers encounter the work Dormiente?

Viewers will project their own encounters of similar texture.

What is used to make a symmetrical composition if it does not possess absolute symmetry?

Visual weight

How is texture experienced when it is first encountered?


In an architectural interiors, what provides the boundaries for space?


What kind of balance is used in Edgar Degas's Before the Ballet?


The gradual blurring and bluish tinting of elements as they recede into the background characterizes what kind of perspective?


The perpendicular layering of closely spaced lines over one another to simulate areas of dark or shadow is defined as ______.


Albrecht Dürer's Draftsman Drawing a Reclining Nude specifically illustrates the artist practicing ______.


What shape works to unify a work using incomplete information of shapes?


Of what does a monochromatic color scheme consist?

A single hue

Which are types of space?

Actual Implied

Which are types of texture?

Actual Pattern Visual

Jenifer Steinkamp uses time and motion in what ways in her piece Dervish?

Allowed the actions of the viewer to effect the sequence of the video Created a digital animation of trees that change on cue

What is significant about Judith Baca's use of a drainage canal for Great Wall of Los Angeles?

Although public, it received little attention just as the history of certain populations in the area.

What kind of art was created to provide space for people to worship?


How do most artists use color theories to their advantage?

Control how colors interact

Colors on the the blue-green side is described as what kind of colors?


By using vertical and diagonal lines, what can an artist accomplish?

Create movement Direct the viewer's attention

Which are types of line?

Directional Implied Contour

Which characteristics are needed to create unity and variety?

Diversity Wholeness Interest

On the primal level, how can color effect a person?


When an artist chooses an area of a composition to highlight or draw attention to, this is called ______.


For what was Albrecht Dürer best known?


The bodhisattvas in the Transcendent Buddhas gives tangible form to what?

Enlightened beings assisting others in reaching nirvana

True or false: Colors have the same general meaning and emotional associations across cultures.


What does the patterns used in Samuel Fosso's self-portrait do to the image?


A cube, a pyramid, and a circle are examples of what kind of shapes and masses?


When designing Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier used what to base the proportions?

Golden section

How did Frank Gehry encourage exploration in the Guggenheim Museum?

He eliminated walls.

How does Jean-Antoine Watteau use implied line in the work The Embarkation for Cythera?

He guides the viewer from one side of the canvas to the other.

Wang Jian gives the viewer an aerial view in White Clouds over Xiao and Xiang for what purpose?

He wants the viewer to travel through the landscape mentally.

What did Albrecht Dürer seek to create in his works of art?

Idealized human figures

How did Frank Henderson prevent the loss of Arapaho nomadic culture when they are forced onto reservations?

Images normally recorded on animal skins were recorded in ledgers.

In what ways does The Garden of Earthly Delights demonstrate Bosch's unique innovation?

Imaginative interpretations of textual sources Landscapes filled with unknown plants Depictions of otherworldly plants and animals

What kind of line, though perceived by the viewer, is not explicitly depicted?


Why does William Hogarth use iconography in The Harlot's Progress?

It assists viewers in understanding the narrative.

How does Johannes Vermeer's painting Woman Holding a Balance depict the theme of the human experience?

It deals with issues of temptation and self-knowledge.

What does space do?

It defines other visual elements.

Why is the statue of Marcus Aurelius a political piece of art?

It depicts the emperor as he wanted to be portrayed.

Which characteristics best describe an implied line?

It directs the viewer's eye without explicitly depicting a line. It's an imaginary line that a viewer uses to follow the gaze of a figure.

How does pattern affect some of the visual elements present in Samuel Fosso's self-portrait?

It distorts or obliterates the mass of the objects.

What is a kinetic work of art?

It features one or more moving parts.

What is one reason art can be its own theme?

It is created for visual pleasure.

How is a contour line different from an outline?

It traces the boundaries of an object.

Why is Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty considered part of the Great Salt Lake landscape?

It used the surrounding materials to create a permanent presence.

What made Piranesi's Il Carceri (The Prison) unique during its time?

It was created during a time when rationale and science influenced art.

Why would Self-Portrait with Monkeys give Frida Kahlo a sense of existence?

It was her way of validating her existence despite her crippling pain.

According to Egyptian belief systems, what happens in the afterlife?

Life continues as usual.

What does Gijsbrechts do in Trompe l'oeil with Studio Wall and Vanitas Still-Life to create visual texture?

Mimic wood texture using paint Use implied light

Exemplified in Leonardo da Vinci's drawing The Virgin and Saint Anne with the Christ Child and John the Baptist, chiaroscuro is what type of value technique?


Compositions composed of a single hue in different values and intensity are classified as ______.


Hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling are methods that use lines or dots to create value through what means?

Optical Mixing

What does symmetry in art often represent?

Order, harmony, and authority

What term categorizes masses and shapes that are irregular and evoke the living forms of nature?


What type of line defines a two-dimensional shape?


Which line type indicates the outer edge of a shape?


How can linear perspective be easily recognized in an image?

Parallel lines converge at a central point.

What can an artist use to create an afterimage?

Place complementary colors of the same value in a composition

Where did Henri Rousseau draw inspiration for his vibrant jungle scenes?

Reading materials, local museums, and zoos

The light that objects interact with in the environment is known as what kind of light?


Meta Warrick Fuller's pieces were often about what subject?

Reconnecting African-Americans to their lost ancestors

What Gestalt theory explains why the viewer sees a triangle?


Who used the golden section?

Renaissance architects and artists

How can the principle of rhythm be identified?

Repetition of elements in a composition

Which principle applies when elements create a pattern in a work of art?


Piranesi used his imagination and what other source to create his print series Il Carceri (The Prison)?

Roman justice systems

Which principle of design is related primarily to size?

Scale and proportion

Which are examples of using real light?

Sculpture light by artificial light Candle illuminating a sculpture

Meta Warrick Fuller tries to depict what in Talking Skull?

The desire to reclaim and communicate with ancestors

What important characteristic is missing from Jeff Wall's A sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai)?

The mountain that is central to Hokusai's Ejiri in Suruga Province.

Jacques Callot's gestural drawing of a horse uses contour lines to do what?

To capture the form of the horse

The stone and gravel garden in Kyoto, Japan uses natural materials for what purpose?

To create a tranquil setting for the viewer to appreciate

In what ways does Edouard Manet use balance in his piece A Bar at the Folies-Bergère?

To direct the viewer with a visual guide To make the viewer an active participant

Why would an artist subordinate some parts of a composition?

To draw attention to the areas of emphasis

Actual texture in a work of art is experienced through what sense?


True or false: Haruko Kojin's Reflectwo creates symmetrical balance through the use of floating fabric flower petals.


Which descriptions are examples of rhythm?

Two shapes painted the same color in an organized way. The same shape painted alternating colors across a line.

What are the principles of design?

Unity and variety Proportion and scale balance

Theater combines red, blue, and green lights to create what color?


How does Nick Cave create motion with Soundsuits?

With sculptural pieces to be worn and performed in

How does Devorah Sperber use optical color mixture in her work Hendrix?

With spools of thread to create an image

What color harmony is more likely to "react" with a color in a palette?


Linear perspective applies to any form that recedes into the distance, which is an effect known as ______.


What form exists in three-dimensional space?


Variety adds what aspects to an image?

nterest Difference

The decorative, designs in Samuel Fosso's self-portrait is an example of ______.


Size relationships between parts of a whole, or between two or more items perceived as a unit, is known as ______.


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