Unit 1 AP Psych

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E Industrial-organizational

Martha is an undergraduate student who is interested in pursuing a career in psychology. She wants to use her knowledge of psychology to help employees become more productive in the workplace. Which field of psychology should Martha select in graduate school? A Physiological B Cognitive C Educational D Clinical E Industrial-organizational

E Psychoanalytic

The belief that human behavior is the result of unconscious drives and conflicts represents which of the following theoretical perspectives? A Behavioral B Biological C Cognitive D Humanistic E Psychoanalytic

D maladaptive interpretations of life events

The cognitive theory of depression states that depression results from A anger directed toward the self and significant others B an excess of certain neurotransmitters in the brain C failure in adult love relationships D maladaptive interpretations of life events E oral fixations from disturbed mother-infant relationships

D continuity vs. discontinuity

The debate over whether development occurs gradually, without discernible shifts, or through a series of distinct stages is termed A nature vs. nurture B developmental vs. cognitive C cross-sectional vs. longitudinal D continuity vs. discontinuity E maturation vs. learning

E psychophysics

The first area of psychology to be studied as a science is known as A psychoanalysis B phrenology C classical conditioning D mesmerism E psychophysics

E Psychodynamic

The notion that human behavior is greatly influenced by unconscious thoughts and desires is most consistent with which of the following psychological approaches? A Cognitive B Biological C Behavioral D Sociocultural E Psychodynamic

C appear fertile

A basic assumption underlying the evolutionary approach to sexual attraction is that men seek potential mates who A display financial resources B have high social status C appear fertile D are taller than average E are highly educated

B conscious experience

According to Wilhelm Wundt, the focus of scientific psychology should be the study of A observable behavior B conscious experience C unconscious motivation D physiology and behavior E evolved psychological mechanisms

A Behavioral

According to one theory of psychology, many people have mental illnesses because their maladaptive behaviors have proven rewarding for them in the past and thus have been continued. This belief is consistent with which of the following models? A Behavioral B Biological C Cognitive D Psychodynamic E Sociocultural

C unconscious conflicts that produce anxiety

According to psychoanalytic theory, the bases for the development of mental disorders are A maladaptive, learned patterns of behavior B social, economic, and cultural factors C unconscious conflicts that produce anxiety D physiological events that cause chemical imbalances in the brain E inherent moral weakness and lack of willpower

C Cognitive

Although Paul seems bright and capable to his parents and friends, he has been failing in school. Paul agrees to speak with a psychologist, who suggests that his problems stem from internal processes such as unrealistic expectations and negative thinking. The psychologist's view is typical of which of the following models of behavior? A Psychoanalytic B Humanistic C Cognitive D Sociobiological E Behavioral

D survival

An evolutionary psychologist would explain that humans desire social interaction, social acceptance, and social affiliation due to a need for A achievement B individualism C behavioral change D survival E self-actualization

B free will

An important difference between humanistic and psychoanalytic approaches is that humanistic psychologists believe in the importance of A learning B free will C determinism D biological instincts E unconscious processes

C effectiveness of management training

An industrial-organizational psychologist would be most likely to study the A cognitive development of adults B recreational activities in a community center C effectiveness of management training D industrialization of the United States E career development of high school students

A the acquisition of knowledge, planning, and problem solving

Cognitive psychologists are most likely to study A the acquisition of knowledge, planning, and problem solving B how infants move from basic trust to autonomy C the conflicts of the conscious and the unconscious D the relationship of cephalocaudal and proximodistal development E how attribution processes vary across cultures

B formation and modification of schemas

Cognitive theorists emphasize the A powerful unconscious impulses that motivate behavior B formation and modification of schemas C impact of rewards and punishments D individual's desire to become self-actualized E social norms that determine expected behavior

C documenting the poor conditions of mental asylums, which eventually led to their reform

Dorothea Dix was known for A becoming the first woman to be appointed president of the American Psychological Association (APA) B becoming the first woman to be granted a Ph.D. in psychology C documenting the poor conditions of mental asylums, which eventually led to their reform D being the first person to ever be called a psychologist E conducting the Little Albert study alongside John Watson

E Perception

Gestalt psychology is concerned primarily with understanding which of the following? A Learning B Motivation C Development D Sensation E Perception

C perceptual organization

In psychology, Gestalt principles are used to explain A statistical probabilities B somatic behavioral disorders C perceptual organization D stimulus-detection thresholds E altered states of consciousness

E improving the treatment of patients with mental disorders who were housed in asylums

In the 1800s, the activist Dorothea Dix led a movement in support of A using introspection as a therapeutic procedure B eliminating the policy of deinstitutionalization C adopting the belief that mental disorders occur when people fail to conform to society's expectations D outlawing the practice of surgical lobotomy E improving the treatment of patients with mental disorders who were housed in asylums

B Introspection

In the early years of psychology, a research participant might have been asked to observe carefully and systematically his conscious experiences. What method would the participant be using? A Functionalism B Introspection C Biofeedback D Dream analysis E Behaviorism

C Maturation

In their discussions of the process of development, the advocates of nature in the nature-nurture controversy emphasize which of the following? A Socialization B Cognition C Maturation D Experience E Information processing

A Describing one's immediate sensations while looking at a rose

Introspection as practiced by early structuralists is best illustrated by which of the following behaviors? A Describing one's immediate sensations while looking at a rose B Determining the best way for children to learn in school C Conditioning an infant to fear rabbits D Recalling one's unconscious desires E Creating intelligence tests for use in the military

D self-examination of mental processes

Introspection, a research tool used by early psychologists, is a technique which involves A correlational analyses B machines designed for cognitive analysis C survey methodology D self-examination of mental processes E teaching participants to multitask

B Industrial-organizational psychology

Leadership, job satisfaction, and employee motivation are all studied in which of the following psychological disciplines? A Human factors psychology B Industrial-organizational psychology C Community psychology D Counseling psychology E Experimental psychology

C Problem-solving strategies in chess

Of the following topics, which would a cognitive psychologist be most likely to study? A Conformity behavior of college students B Genetic determinants of behavior C Problem-solving strategies in chess D Personnel selection problems E Maturational processes in adolescent development

E effects of token economies on establishing social skills among children with emotional disturbances

Of the following, a behavioral psychologist is most likely to study the A perceived locus of control of adults who experience panic attacks B formation of emotional attachments to significant others C defense mechanisms used by depressed adults and children in stressful situations D genetic basis for schizophrenic disorders E effects of token economies on establishing social skills among children with emotional disturbances

C reason why many people have an innate fear of the dark

Of the following, an evolutionary psychologist will most likely investigate the A age of children when they speak their first words B speed of an action potential C reason why many people have an innate fear of the dark D factors that make a person feel accepted by others E features of a car that make it easier for a person to operate

A Sigmund Freud

Psychodynamic therapy has its roots in the theories of A Sigmund Freud B B. F. Skinner C Abraham Maslow D Carl Rogers E John B. Watson

E Perception of control is related to a sense of well-being.

Research in the field of positive psychology is most supportive of which of the following conclusions? A An external locus of control results in higher levels of optimism. B An internal locus of control lowers immune system functioning. C Locus of control is not an important factor in health and well-being. D Perception of control is determined by situational factors. E Perception of control is related to a sense of well-being.

D Evolutionary

Research on human mating preferences suggests that men place greater value on physical attractiveness and youthfulness, whereas women place greater value on social status and financial resources. Which of the following psychological points of view best explains this behavior? A Collectivistic B Individualistic C Psychoanalytic D Evolutionary E Humanistic

C Industrial/organizational

What field of psychology is most appropriate to analyze the efficiency of businesses in their hiring, basic training, and management leadership skills training? A Clinical B Quantitative C Industrial/organizational D Educational E Comparative


What is the correct chronological order of the following perspectives of psychology, from past to present? Behaviorism Psychoanalysis Structuralism Humanism A I, II, III, IV B II, III, IV, I C I, IV, III, II D III, II, I, IV E III, II, IV, I

A Behaviorist

Which of the following approaches to psychology emphasizes observable responses over inner experiences when accounting for behavior? A Behaviorist B Cognitive C Existentialist D Psychodynamic E Structuralist

E A study of how reinforcement affects learning

Which of the following characterizes a behavioral approach to psychology? A A study of the unconscious motives involved in behavior B An introspective study of the mental imagery used in problem solving C An analysis of the neurons involved in memory storage D The use of a projective test to assess personality E A study of how reinforcement affects learning

A Humanistic

Which of the following perspectives argues that every person has the potential to become self-actualized? A Humanistic B Behavioral C Gestalt D Cognitive E Psychodynamic

C Psychoanalytic

Which of the following perspectives suggests that depression is due to the unconscious conflicts and hostile feelings that originate in early childhood? A Biological B Behavioral C Psychoanalytic D Cognitive E Sociocultural

D Evolutionary

Which of the following psychological approaches suggests that jealousy might serve an adaptive function in protecting a sexual relationship from threats? A Cognitive B Behavioral C Psychodynamic D Evolutionary E Humanistic

E John Watson

Which of the following psychologists would have been likely to say, "I do not care about the unconscious or hidden motives—I want to study behavior directly"? A Carl Rogers B Sigmund Freud C Wilhelm Wundt D William James E John Watson

D It holds that development is largely a product of learning.

Which of the following statements is true of behaviorism? A It was formulated to account for cognitive development. B It is rooted in Sigmund Freud's view of the importance of early experiences. C It focuses on the development of thought processes and knowledge. D It holds that development is largely a product of learning. E It emphasizes the dominance of heredity over environment.

B A study to see if women were more attracted to men who liked children than men who did not like children

Which of the following studies is from an evolutionary perspective? A A study to see if people who had a more congruent view of their real self and their ideal self were happier B A study to see if women were more attracted to men who liked children than men who did not like children C A study examining whether children wanted to marry their opposite-sex parent when they grew up D A study looking at how biological, psychological, and social factors affect development E A study looking at how quickly a variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement leads to extinction resistant behaviors

D Corporate profitability

Which of the following would an industrial-organizational psychologist be LEAST likely to study? A Managerial skills B Employee motivation C Job satisfaction D Corporate profitability E Pay incentive programs

D Cognitive

Which theoretical perspective in psychology attempts to characterize the way in which humans store and process sensory information? A Behavioral B Psychodynamic C Evolutionary D Cognitive E Sociocultural

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