Unit 1 Ch. 3 Bible as Lit

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What did the serpent tell the woman about eating the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden in genesis 3 1-5?

"You will not die; for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened & you will be like God. Knowing good and evil."

What is the "Mark of Cain?"

A sign of God's protection

According to Genesis 4:10, how do we know God was not deceived by Cain?

Abel's blood cries from the ground

According to Genesis, what were the consequences of Adam and Eve's disobedience?

All the ills from which the earthly paradise had been exempt

According to Genesis 4:9 what question did Cain ask the lord when he asked where Abel was?

Am I my brothers keeper?

Western culture portrays the forbidden fruit as an ____


What did God tell noah and his sons to do?

Be fruitful and multiply

What did the ark that Noah built look like?

Big box/ Chest

How are the plots similar in genesis 3 & 4?

Both include birth, work, a challenge from God, failure to meet the challenge, God questions consequences, exiled.

What did God call Noah to do?

Build an ark

In the story of Cain and Able, who killed whom?

Cain killed Abel

The forbidden fruit in Jewish tradition is often pictured as a ____ or a spray of ____

Date; wheat

What entered the world as a result of this disobedience?

Death, toil, pain, aging, conflict, corruption, and loss were now realities

Once Adam and Eve had done this act they tried to ____ themselves and God, make _____, and ____ each other.

Deceive; excuses; blame

The great flood is sometimes called the ____. What does the latin adjective antediluvian mean? _____

Deluge; Before the flood

Which of the birds returned and why?

Dove bc no dry land

The image of a ____ bearing a ___ ____ remains a symbol of ____

Dove; olive branch; peach and hope

Cain had a son named ___


Cain response is an effort to ____ or _____ God.

Evade; Deceive

Who ate the fruit first?


What was killed during this flood?

Everything on dry land whose nostrils was the breath of life

The serpent in the Garden of Eden has become the personification of ____ known as the _____ or _____

Evil; devil; satan

According to Genesis how long did the rain last?

Forty days

Jewish interpretation also sees Genesis 3 as an affirmation of ___ ___

Free Will

How did God punish these people for their prideful behavior?

He confuses the languages

Define the literary device chiasm

Inverted symmetry

What happened the second time noah sent out this same bird and what did it signify to Noah?

It returned with an olive branch;

Although Cain is exiled, God grants Cain ____


Jewish interpretation of genesis 3 questions _____ _____ versus the state of ______

Moral; choice; innocence

Why did Noah curse one of his son's offspring? What was their punishment

Noah was drunk and Ham's son didn't cover him when he discovered him and he went out and told everyone about it; Perpetual Servitude (becomes a servant)

Growing frustrated, God decided to wipe out civilization and start over. He decided to preserve humanity by saving the one and only righteous family he could find. Whose family was this?

Noahs Fam

Cain settled in the land of ____ (which means ___)

Nod; Wondering

What does Emily Dickinson compare Eden to in her poem "The single hound?"

Old fashioned house

How long did the water "swell" on the earth?

One hundred fifty days

Adam and Eve's disobedience is often called ________

Original Sin

What other literary device is used in the story of the Tower of Babel?


Adam and Eve's disobedience brought ____ and _____ suffering, moral ___ and _____ into the world

Physical; Emotional; evil; death

After God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, what did God do to guard the garden according to Genesis 3:24

Place chérubins and a flaming sword

What was the sign of the covenant


Noah sent out two birds. What were they?

Raven & Dove

What did Adam and Eve do to cover their nakedness?

Sewed fig leaves together & made loincloths

Name Noah's sons.

Shem, Ham, Japheth

According to Genesis 4:6-7 what did the Lord tell Cain about sin and what Cain must do about it?

Sin is lurking at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it.

Define archetype

Symbol, character type, plot pattern that occurs throughout literature

What was the name of the structure the people built to make a name for themselves?

The Tower of Babel

Christian tradition reads Genesis 3 as the story of " _______"

The fall

What is interesting about the lion in Lucas Cranach the Elder's painting of Adam and Eve?

The lion begins to eye the deer hungrily.

What is fratricide?

The murder of a brother by a brother

According to Genesis 3:6-7, why did the woman decide to eat the forbidden fruit?

The woman saw that the tree was good for food and delightful to look at and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom.

When the dove didn't return the third time it was sent out, what did it signify to Noah?

There was land/they can get off the ark

In Dante's The Divine Comedy, what is the punishment for people who kill their own family members?

They are placed in ice up to their necks with their heads bent forward

According to Genesis, the original harmony of creation was disturbed by the humans God created when they did the one thing He asked them not to do. What did the first man and woman do?

They ate from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil

Why did they know what they had done was a sin?

They were suddenly painfully conscious of their nakedness, filled w/ shame

Why was this a great act of faith on Noah's part?

To surrender his life

Genesis shows a growing civilization that is lacking in ____


Explain the legend of the Adam's apple.

a piece of forbidden fruit lodged in Adams throat

Name 4 archetypal plot motifs that appear in Genesis 3-4: a. b. c. d.

a. sibiling rivalry b. Murder c.crime & punishment d.the rejected one

What was the covenant God made with Noah and all living things?

he will never again curse the ground with a flood

The themes in the account Noah change to _____ and ____

redemption; rebuilding

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