Unit 1 psych

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What challenges does psychology face as a 'soft' science?

Challenges they face it fight the label for soft or pseudo (false) science often because of its own mistakes in the past.

Who is Charles Whitman?

Charles Whitman is a guy who had a case study done, who shot his mom and killed his wife.

What are the four goals of psychology?

1. Describe information or gather information about behavior 2. Explanation- Why? Forming hypothesis and theories about why people do things. 3. Prediction- what feeling or actions will occur? 4. Influence- How can we use knowledge to benefit people?

Who is Walter Freeman ansd what did he do

A physician who performed the lobotomy which is a way to turn off emotions.

Who is Freud?

Austrian physician who developed the concept of the unconscious as a deterring factor of behavior.

How would different theroists view his psychological condition

Different theorists view his psychological condition by psychological as he was fascinationed with guns, he vist a psychaiatrist for anger/rage.

What are ethical considerations in psychology?

The ethical considerations in psychology are conisderations that psychologists have to take into account into different situtations.

What is cognitive psychology?

scientific study of mental processes

What is the definition of psychology?

the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

What is socio-cultural psychology

the study of how situations and cultures affect our behavior and thinking

What does a forensic psychologist work at

work at government agencies, prisons, police departments, or mental health facilities.

What is the pyramid

Is based on the idea that certain basic needs must be met before individuals can progress up tghe hierarchy can progress up the hierarchy to more of the complex needs.

What is humanism?

Is something that focus on helping individual help themsleves

What is behaviorism?

Is the belief that the proper subject of psychology is objectively observable behavior and nothing else.

What is the zone of proximal development?

Is the things you can do yourself & done with help but not include things can't do even with help.

What is a geropsychologist?

It a person that applies the knowledge and methods of psychology to unerstanding and helping older persons and their familes to maintain well-being, overcome problems, and achieve maximum potential durning later life.

Who was its driving force for socio-cultural psychology

Lev Vygotosky.

What are the lax standards

More commons occurrence that hampered the growth of psychology, as a pure science.

What the two main theorists for behaviorism

Pavolv Walton & Skinner

What is the difference between a Psychiatrist and a psychologist

Psychiatrist can describe medicine, Psychologist can't.

What treatments did freud favor

Psychoanalysis also known ast talk thearpy.

What is psychoanalysis?

Psychoanalysis is a form of thearpy aimed at making patients aware of their unconscious motives so that they can gain control over their behavior and free themselves of self-defeating pattern.

What does a human factors work with

Psychologist look act humans and machines.

what did R.M Yerkes do

R.M Yerkes did was Durning WWI he oversaw testing of 1.7 million of U.S army draftees. Which he test in the same language (English) for those who just come in the country —> not fair.

Who is R.M Yerkes?

R.M Yerkes is a American Psychologist and been known for his work of intellegence testing and in the field of comparative psychology.

What is a biological psychologist

Study's how the brain, the nervous system, hormones, and genetics influence our behavior.

who does forensic psychologists work with

With the criminal justice system, as investigators, exeperts, or administrators.

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