Unit 1 Psychology

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How has Sigmund Freud influenced popular culture's portrayal of psychology?

Most people expect a psychologist's office to feature a couch

The primary difference between psychologists and psychiatrists is that-

Psychologists are PhD's and use therapy; psychiatrists are MD's and can prescribe

Abraham Maslow argued that a person's psychological well-being depended on-

Satisfaction of needs

In order to treat clients independently or teach psychology at the college level, it is necessary to-

Earn a doctoral degree in psychology

The Humanistic Perspective in psychology is an extension of Humanist philosophy, which was influenced by figures from the Renaissance such as


A counselor is someone who

Has a master's degree and a state license; they can provide therapy but must be supervised

Sigmund Freud was of Jewish ancestry, a fact that became important to his life story when

He was forced to flee the advance of the Nazis into Austria and was exiled to London

Stanley Hall was one of the most significant early psychologists. Among his achievements-

He was one of the first people to obtain a PhD in psychology

Conditioned dogs to drool at the sound of a bell

Ivan Pavlov

The founder of psychology 140 years ago was-

Wilhelm Wundt

The branch of psychology that deals with criminal behavior

forensic psychology

The study of psychology should focus on understanding mental processes, especially ideas, feelings, and urges centered in the unconscious mind.

freudian approach

Conditioned Little Albert to be afraid of rabbits, dogs, and even fur coats

john watson

European culture had changed in many ways by the time of the Middle Ages (500-1500 AD). One of the most notable changes was the rise of ____________ as the dominant force in European society.


Conditioning is accomplished through repetition of a desired stimulus-response behavior

classical conditioning

Carl Rogers developed the humanistic approach to treatment emphasizing the individuality of each individual-

client-centered approach

The study of psychology should focus on understanding how people learn and think differently.

cognitive approach

Wilhelm Wundt should most be associated with the theory / perspective of-


Which of these theories is based on the idea that complex thoughts or behaviors can be understood through the process of introspection and breaking the thoughts / behaviors into their component parts?

structuralist approach

Because of the religious changes that had occurred, during the medieval era, philosophy was largely replaced by-


Which of these theories is associated with the idea that learning depends on a person's progression through stages of mental development?

piaget / cognitive

Freud argued that the dominant desires in the mind were those relating to

sex and aggression

A school psychologist

Addresses psychological issues -- emotional problems, at-risk behaviors, learning disabilities -- in a school setting

The APA is the leading professional organization of psychologists. These initials stand for-

American Psychological Association

A Freudian psychologist is most likely to

Ask patients to describe their dreams and private thoughts

Conditioned pigeons to read and play ping-pong

B.F. Skinner

Conditioning is accomplished through the use of reinforcements (rewards)

B.F. Skinner

The largest single subfield of psychology is made up of those who specialize in therapy-

Clinical Psychology

According to the beliefs of the Middle Ages, human destiny was determined by-

Faith and the person's relationship with God

The Behaviorist Perspective on Psychology is best summarized as-

Human behavior is the result of stimuli present in the environment

The study of psychology should treat people as individuals and should emphasize opportunities for happiness, well-being, and individual fulfillment.

Humanistic approach

Radical behaviorism, as demonstrated by B.F. Skinner, was the belief that-

Humans do not have free will, but rather are completely subject to their environment

In Vygotsky's Socio-Cultural theory of learning, "scaffolding" is the idea that:

New learning is only possible when built upon established prior knowledge

How did society change during the Enlightenment?

People relied more on science and logic to find answers to their problems

Carl Rogers believed that the most important need that an individual has is the need for

Positive Acceptance - being treated with dignity and concern regardless of who you are or what you do

Psychology is best described as-

The scientific study of thought and behavior

Freud used the metaphor of an iceberg to describe the mind because

Thoughts and feelings are far more complex than what we are aware of

Because psychology is to be a science, it is important that psychologists-

Use precise step-by-step methods to conduct reasearch

Which of these theories is associated with the idea that Psychology is a pure science that can be studied experimentally and that there is no meaningful difference between human and animal behavior?

behaviorist approach

Stanley Hall is largely ignored by modern psychology because of his outspoken support for-


Rene Descartes is a notable example of the historical period known as the-


Which of these theories is based on the idea that thoughts and behaviors are influenced by genetic factors and have changed over time to increase survivability of the human species?

evolutionary approach

According to the mythology of the Ancient Greeks, human destiny was determined by-

fate and the enjoyment of the gods

Which of these theories is most applied to the study of perception and optical illusions?

gestalt theory

Which of these theories is associated with the idea that thoughts and behaviors can be understood by determining the purpose that they serve in the mind of the person?


William James should most be associated with the theory / perspective of-


The study of psychology should focus on understanding how people perceive situations and events differently.

gestalt approach

Sigmund Freud was the first psychologist to

practice therapy

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