unit 1 quiz

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in developing his concept of the sick role, Parsons linked his ideas to which two classical theorists?

Durkheim and Weber

which is NOT a major area of investigation in medical sociology?

All are major areas of investigation: - social behavior of health care personnel and their patients - the relationship of health care delivery systems to other systems - social facets of health and disease - social functions of health organizations and institutions

the scholar who first provided a major theoretical approach for medical sociology was:


the hippocratic oath requires the physician to swear that he or she will

all: - help the sick - keep confidential all matters pertaining to the doctor-patient relationship - refrain from intentional wrongdoing or harm

one of the earliest attempts in the western world to formulate principles of health care, based upon rational thought and the rejection of supernatural phenomena, is found in the work of the Greek physician:


which of the following statements about health best represents the social constructionist model of health

illness can exist without the presence of underlying disease

medical sociology is an important area of study because

it recognizes the role that social factors play in determining or influencing health

Unlike infectious diseases, chronic diseases typically are _____________ and ______________.

long term; incurable

most sociologists of medicine are employed as

professors at universities

one of the greatest threats from infectious diseases worldwide comes from:

sexually transmitted diseases

Talcott Parsons's book <ITAL>The Social Systems</IT contained which concept important for medical sociology?

sick role

according to the mini-lecture, when sociologists study health and illness, they view one's social status (e.g. race, class, and gender) as

social determinants of health

in the mini-lecture 'what is health?' the satirical representation of medicalization of childbirth in the clip from monty python (e.g. 'the machine that goes PING!') reflects a critique of

the biomedical model of health

what important event occurred in 1951 that began to reorient american medical sociology toward the use of theory

the publication of Parsons's 'The Social System'

the appearance of the West Nile virus in New York city reflects:

the role of globalization in the spread of infectious diseases

which is NOT a major bioethical issue?

use of adult stem cells

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