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Two African nations that adopted communism were ____________ and ________.

Angola Mozambique --Angola and Mozambique adopted communist forms of government, aligning themselves with the Soviet Union. Though both nations have since renounced communism.

During the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, communist leaders hoped to silence the _______________ movement in China.

Democratic --Communists allowed Democratic demonstrations to go on for two months then military tanks and soldiers were ordered to attack the non-violent protestors.

The falsification of the election results by the Communist Party in Germany led to _______

the dismantling of the Berlin Wall --In Berlin on November 9, the dissatisfaction with communism manifested in tearing down the Berlin Wall.

Which of the following was NOT a significant event that led to the end of the Cold War?

the implementation of the Five-Year Plan the Brezhnev Doctrine --The Five-Year Plan lacked incentives in the work force and led to the decline of the USSR.

For many years _____________ held the political power in Latin America.

the land-owning elite --The political power of the land-owning elite persisted well into the 1970s in many parts of Central America.

For most of the twentieth century, ______________ controlled the political power of Latin America.

the land-owning elite --The political power of the land-owning elite persisted well into the 1970s in many parts of Latin America.

What underlying social factor caused a great deal of instability in many of the newly-independent African nations?

tribal rivalries --Ancient tribal rivalries caused political instabilities in many African nations.

What posed one of the greatest problems to new African nations following decolonization?

tribal rivalry --Tribal rivalry caused political instability in many African nations.

. During the later part of the twentieth century, Latin America economies stabilized ______

under civilian-run democracies --Democracy has been the dominant political system of Latin America since the 1980s.

Mao initiated ________ in China.

the Great Proletarian Culture Revolution --The Great Proletarian Culture Revolution was intended to bring China into greater conformity with communist ideals.

The Brezhnev Doctrine stated that Soviet satellites may not have independence from ________

the USSR --The Brezhnev Doctrine did not allow Soviet satellites to separate from the USSR.

The Great Leap Forward was intended to transform China from --- to--- society by use of large farms known as communes.

An agrarian --- an industrial ---The Great Leap Forward was intended to transform China from an agrarian to an industrial society by use of large farms known as communes.

Which colony's desire for independence nearly caused civil war to break out in France?

Algeria ---Following WWII, pressure to grant independence to African colonies began to arise. Algeria was one of them because France refused to grant independence to them.

Which of the following are reasons for the Arab attack of Israel in 1948? Select all that apply.

Arab interests in Palestine. Arab leaders claimed Jews had no right to a separate state They were angered by the Jewish leaders disregard for Arab authorities. --The Arabs attacked Israel in the Arab-Israeli War because the Jewish leaders had no regard for Arab authority. Palestine and other Arab leaders claimed that the Jews had no right to a separate state.

In 1991, this person helped stop a pro-communist coup in Russia.

Boris Yeltsin --Boris Yeltsin was the pro-democratic leader who was highly critical of Gorbachev.

______ was the leader of Russia that help stop the pro-Communist coup Russia in 1991.

Boris Yeltsin --Boris Yeltsin was the pro-democratic leader who was highly critical of Gorbachev.

Who was the Major of Berlin who helped increased diplomatic relations between East and West during the Cold War?

Brandt --Brandt was the Chancellor of West Germany; he shifted the nation to socialism and helped improve relations with East Germany

French President that dealt with a rebellion for independence in Algeria

Charles de Gauller

This country is the only pro-Marxist socialist state in Latin America.

Cuba --Fidel Castro aligned Cuba with the Soviet Union by proclaiming that he held Marxist-Leninist ideals which was to transform Cuba to communism.

The only pro-Marxist socialist state in Latin America is ______.

Cuba --Fidel Castro aligned Cuba with the Soviet Union by proclaiming that he held Marxist-Leninist ideals, which was to transform the nation into a communist state.

This leader promoted the spread of communism to other Latin American countries.

Fidel Castro --Fidel Castro transformed Cuba into a one-party communist republic and tried to spread it to other Latin American countries.

The Commonwealth of Independent States replaced __________

the USSR --The purpose of the Commonwealth of Independent States was to replace the USSR.

Strong leadership of General Charles de Gaulle helped _______ reestablish its international political status following WWII.

France --France and the redrafting of a new French constitution.

The spirit of openness in the USSR that helped bring about its collapse was called ________.

Glasnost --Glasnost encouraged a reexamination of the Soviet system.

Which Soviet program brought about a greater openness to capitalism?

Glasnost Perestroika --Perestroika brought more open and accepting attitudes towards democracy and capitalism among the people.

Which country helped bring about the establishment of the nation of Israel by allowing hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees to immigrate to the mandate of Palestine during World War II?

Great Britain --Great Britain helped bring about the establishment of the nation of Israel by allowing the Jewish refugees to immigrate to the mandate of Palestine.

Why was it important that the emperor of Japan deny his claims to deity?

He was human and had no better claims to govern Japan than any other authority figure. --The emperor of Japan denied his claims to deity to show he was human and had no better claims to govern than others. This would prepare the people for the establishment of democracy in Japan

Democracy was established in the former communist Eastern Bloc of ________________. Select all that apply.

Hungary Poland Czechoslovakia --In Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland resistance movements toppled communist control and established new democracies.

In the 1970's, ________ established a cruel military dictatorship in the country of Uganda.

Idi Amin Dada --Idi Amin Dada promised to care for the unstable nation until an able civilian ruler could take control. Instead he established a cruel military dictatorship.

Which Middle Eastern country is controlled by radical Islamic ideology?

Iran --Beginning in 1978, radical Islamic beliefs manifested in major demonstrations against the Iranian Shah. After the Shah fled, an Islamic revolution ushered in radical ideology.

One purpose behind Nasser's desire to bring about a greater unity among the Arabs nations was to bring about the downfall of _________.

Israel --The greater unity among the Arabs nations was meant to bring about the destruction of Israel.

Why was OPEC's oil embargo on the U.S. during the Yom Kippur War significant? Select all that apply.

It forced the president to encourage a cease-fire and treaty It crippled the U.S. economy. --OPEC placed an embargo on the U.S. forcing the President to find a resolution between Israel and Arab nations. This led to a cease-fire.

Which Asian country was occupied by Allied forces following World War II?

Japan --Following Japan's unconditional surrender in 1945, Allied forces placed the country under the command of the Allied powers

U.S. General Douglas MacArthur led the effort to transform the society of ___________

Japan --U.S. General Douglas MacArthur led the effort to transform the society of Japan.

Which U.S. President boycotted the 1980 Olympics to protest Soviet aggression?

Jimmy Carter --Furthermore, he refused to send American athletes to participate in the 1980 Summer Olympic games, which were to beheld in Moscow, USSR.

______ was a well-loved military leader and president from Argentina.

Juan Péron --Juan Péron was elected president three times in Argentina. He also made efforts to eliminate poverty and to dignify labor.

German leader that helped West Germany transform into an economic power immediately following WWII

Konrad Adenauer

This person led the Solidarity party in Poland.

Lech Wałęsa --The Solidarity Party was formed in 1980 by Lech Wałęsa who provoked opposition to communist control.

______________ led the Solidarity Party in Poland.

Lech Wałęsa --The Solidarity party was formed in 1980 by Lech Wałęsa. He provoked opposition to communist control.

After the collapse of the USSR, why was the transition to a free-market economy difficult for Russia? Select all that apply.

Technological gap between Russia and the free world Rapid growth of organized crime Lasting damage of the old communist system on the economy ---The economic problems caused by communists still existed, the large technology gap between Russia and the free world, and organized crime grew at a fast rate in the 1990s.

Who ruled the People's Republic of China as a Communist Party chairman for nearly thirty years.

Mao Zedong --Mao Zedong was the communist party chairman of the Republic of China from 1949-1976

The first female prime minister of the United Kingdom was ___________.

Margaret Thatcher --In 1979 Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher was elected prime minister. She set many precedents not only for being the first female prime minister of England, but she also forged a system of political thinking known as "Thatcherism."

Which financial recovery plan gave 13 billion dollars of materials to European countries to stabilize their economies after World War II?

Marshall Plan --The Marshall Plan allotted nearly 13 billion dollars of fuel, food, fertilizer, etc., necessary to stimulate the economic growth.

This financial recovery plan gave 13 billion dollars worth of materials to European countries to stabilize their economies after WWII.

Marshall Plan --The Marshall Plan gave 13 billion dollars worth of fuel, food, fertilizer, manufacturing equipment, vehicles and other materials to stimulate economic growth.

The Soviet leader that was responsible for perestroika was ________

Mikhail Gorbachev --Mikhail Gorbachev implemented perestroika, which is Russian for restructuring.

____ kept the United States and the Soviet Union from using their nuclear arsenal.

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) ---MAD was a doctrine of military strategy between countries to avoid a large scale nuclear devastation.

Who played a large role in bringing apartheid to an end?

Nelson Mandela --Nelson Mandela negotiated with President Klerk to bring about a peaceful end to apartheid. After three years and many struggles, apartheid was abolished

Guerrilla warfare was used by this country to bring about social changes.

Nicaragua --Nicaragua used guerrilla warfare which involves a surprise attack in enemy territory to overthrow a military dictatorship.

Which Latin American country successfully used guerrilla warfare to overthrow a military dictatorship?

Nicaragua --Nicaragua used guerrilla warfare, which involves a surprise attack in enemy territory, to overthrow a military dictatorship.

What was the purpose of the African National Congress?

Oppose white domination by increasing the rights and freedoms of all South Africans. --The National Congress was formed in 1912 to oppose white domination by increasing the rights and freedoms of all South Africans.

Which Pro-Arab group has been responsible for terrorist attacks on Israelis in Palestine?

Palestinian Liberation Organization --Palestinian Liberation Organization--in 1964 the PLO set out to destroy the state of Israel and bring about the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Mikhail Gorbachev introduced a program known as ______________ that was meant to improve the USSR's economic state.

Perestroika ---Perestroika brought an end to the Soviet Union, and brought a greater openness to capitalism.

The former communist Eastern Bloc countries that peacefully converted to democracy were ___________.

Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary --In Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland resistance movements toppled communist control and established new democracies.

_______ and ___________ were two types of organizations formed by Africans to help bring independence for many colonies.

Political parties Trade unions --The political parties gave voice to Africans' desire for freedom and the trade unions put pressure on European-controlled governments to hurt their colonial economies.

Who referred to the Soviet Union as the "evil empire?"

Ronald Reagan --Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union the "evil empire" soon after becoming President.

_____ limited the number of nuclear weapons the Soviet Union and the United States could own.

SALT and SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)

Which Middle Eastern leader led attacks against Iran, Kuwait, and Israel?

Saddam Hussein --Saddam Hussein led attacks against Iran, Kuwait, and Israel to gain more riches and resources.

The labor, or trade, union that led to the opposition to Soviet control of Poland was ________

Solidarity --Solidarity was organized by Lech Wałęsa in 1980, who felt keenly the frustrations of the common worker living in the communist system.

Which two world powers immediately recognized the establishment of the nation of Israel in Palestine?

Soviet Union United States --Showing their support for the action, leaders in the United States and Soviet Union made official statements recognizing Israel as a nation.

Why did Russia have difficulty transitioning to a free-market state?

Technological gaps Economic problems Organized crime grew at a vast rate Absence of price controls and government regulations ---Russia had a difficult transition period to a free-market state due to economic problems, technological gaps, the absence of price controls and government regulations, and the exponential growth of organized crime.

. What conservative form of politics has been credited with the United Kingdom's economic growth and re-establishment as an international power?

Thatcherism --Thatcherism is believed to have transformed Britain's economy and re-established the country as a leading voice in international politics.

This political ideology is thought to be credited with reestablishing the UK as a world power following its economic devastation after WWII.

Thatcherism --Thatcherism transformed Britain's economy and reestablished the country as a leading voice in international politics.

The Algerian independence movement nearly brought France to a civil war.

True --Algerian nationals attempted to overthrow French control. Algeria was not self-governing.

The Euro is the name of the common currency of the European Union.

True --The Euro is used as currency in the European Union.

The countries that benefited from the Marshall Plan included _________________. Select all that apply.

United Kingdom West Germany France --The three countries that benefited from the Marshall Plan were United Kingdom, France, and West Germany. In 1951 the industry in France and West Germany rose above prewar levels while the United Kingdom still struggled.

What world-wide event helped struggling Latin American economies recover from the effects of the Great Depression?

WWII --After the Great Depression, WWII demanded many raw materials and metal for war.

What led to the formation of the European Union?

economic, political and legal relations --The European Union formed because the Council of Europe did not provide economic unity. Therefore the European Union was formed to address the economic, political and legal relations.

The three countries that received benefits from the Marshall Plan included __________

the United Kingdom, France, and West Germany --The three countries that benefited from the Marshall Plan were United Kingdom, France, and West Germany. In 1951 the industry in France and West Germany rose above prewar levels while the United Kingdom continued to struggle.

German leader that helped bring about increased relations between East and West Germany

Willy Brandt

Who was the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization?

Yasir Arafat --Yasir Arafat was the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, which set out to destroy the state of Israel and bring about the establishment of a Palestinian state.

In South Africa the policy of ___________ demanded the segregation of whites and non-whites.

apartheid --Apartheid means to keep apart or separated; segregation of white and non-whites.


apartheid - apartness or separateness; segregation of white and non-whites indigenous people - people native to a specific region


arsenal - supply of weapons détente - French term for lessening of tensions incentive - something that motivates military rearmament - to reestablish military strength mutually assured destruction (MAD) - doctrine of military strategy between countries to avoid a large scale nuclear devastation

A __________ economy is one in which a state's economy is controlled by the government.

centralized --A centralized economy is when the state economy is controlled by the government.

Fidel Castro favored what form of government for Latin America?

communism --Fidel Castro aligned Cuba with the Soviet Union by proclaiming that he held Marxist-Leninist ideals which was to transform the country into a communist state.

The falsification of voting results in East Germany led many East Germans to flee the country and call for an end to _________

communism --In Berlin on November 9, the dissatisfaction with communism manifested in tearing down the Berlin Wall. This stemmed from the falsification of the voting results.-


decolonization - process of setting colonies free from the control of an imperial nation

What led French and British governments to nationalize parts of their economies?

economic difficulties --Economic difficulties led them to nationalize parts of their economies such as coal mining and railroads.

What were the founding reasons for the formation of the European Union. Select all that apply.

economic integration of European nations political integration of European nations legal integration of European nations --Economic integration, political integration, and legal integration of European nations.

This encouraged French leaders to move towards socialism in the 1980's.

economic problems --economic problems pushed leaders toward socialism in the 1980's.

A ____________ economy allows individuals to make decisions that govern a nation's economy.

free-market --A free-market economy allows individuals to make decisions that govern a nation's economy, but it did not come to Russia without difficulty.


guerrilla warfare - warfare that is characterized by surprise attacks upon the enemy within its territory

Which of the following events led to the establishment of the state of Israel? Select all that apply.

immigration of the Jews to Palestine Balfour Declaration ---Immigration of the Jews to Palestine and the Balfour Declaration led to the establishment of the state of Israel

What was the tragic result of the Great Leap Forward?

millions of Chinese died of starvation --Crops were left to die, creating a food shortage. Mao continued to export goods, leaving millions of Chinese to starve to death.

Financial aid from the U.S. and other powers in addition to legislation in support of private trade and industry led to an economic ___________ in Japan.

miracle --Economic miracle' this happened because of the financial aid from the U.S. and other Allied powers. Also, legislation was passed to support private trade and industry in Japan.

A centralized economy is one in which a nation's economy is controlled by the _____________

national government --A centralized economy is when the economy is controlled by the national government.

How did the government of the United Kingdom seek to reduce its postwar economic problems? Select all that apply.

nationalize sectors of the economy decolonization --Nationalized sectors of the economy such as coal mining, railroads, etc. were placed under government control. Also to cope with the increased drain on the government funds, the UK began the process of decolonization.

What Middle Eastern resource is very important to Western industry?

oil --Oil, because industrialized nations of the West are heavily dependent upon oil resources.

What were the four "old things" that Mao intended to rid China of during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution?

old customs old culture old habits old idea ---Mao Zedong called for the removal of old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas.

Many military regimes in Latin America have claimed to support _________ ideals.

populist --Military regimes in Latin America have claimed to support populist ideals, which focus on the needs of the middle and lower classes rather than those of the elite.

Many military regimes in Latin America maintained the support of the lower classes by claiming to represent the __________.

populists --The populist interests focused on the needs of the middle and lower classes rather than on those of the elite.


preemptive - a military strike taken against an enemy in anticipation of an attack

Factors that led to the Soviet Union's radical social and political changes included __________. Select all that apply.

pressure from the United States death of the old hard-liner communists economic problems --Economic problems, pressure from the United States, and the death of the old hard-liner communists.

What were the results of the significant territorial gains Israel made during and after the Six Day War?

provoked the Arabs to initiate the bloody Yom Kippur War --The territorial gains made by Israel were in heavily Arab populated areas. In 1973, Anwar el-Sadat an Arab, initiated a military campaign against Israel. The Yom Kippur War resulted in heavy casualties.

During WWII, the demand for ___________ helped strengthen Latin American economies.

raw materials --During WWII, the demand for raw materials and metals helped strengthen Latin American economies.


secede - to withdraw from solidarity - a Polish labor or trade union federation founded by Lech Wałęsa in opposition to the Soviet control

The confederation that replaced the USSR was called __________

the Commonwealth of Independent States --The purpose of the Commonwealth of Independent States was to take place of the USSR.

What were the territorial gains that Israel made during the Six Day War? Select all that apply.

the Gaza Strip the West Bank Jerusalem Sinai Peninsula the Golan Heights --in 1973, Anwar el-Sadat an Arab initiated a military campaign against Israel. The Yom Kippur War resulted in heavy casualties. @Israel captured the Sinai Peninsula, Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and the West Bank. The Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and the West Bank were sections of Palestine that were heavily populated by Arabs.

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