Unit 2: 600 BCE - 600 CE, Second-Wave Civilizations.

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The primary purpose of the Senate was to...?

offer advice to consuls

Wealthy Romans with noble family backgrounds were called...?


The caste system was, at least in part, justified through...?

principals of karma and reincarnation, as well as the mythical involvement of a deity

What might be one disadvantage of an emperor letting regions make their own decisions about how they govern themselves?

Individual regions could grow in strength and eventually oppose the empire.

Knowledge of the monsoon wind patterns shown in this image contributed most directly to what?

Innovations in marine tech to adapt to monsoon conditions.

Ideas expressed in this passage: "Humane-ness may make one shed tears and be reluctant to apply penalties, but law makes it clear that such penalties must be applied. The ancient kings allowed law to be supreme and did not give in to their tearful longings. Hence it is obvious that humane-ness cannot be used to achieve order in the state." ...directly contributed to which developments in Chinese history?

Centralization of authority during the Qin dynasty (h)

What is a claim about Christianity in the fourth century CE Roman Empire that the information in this passage: "In 386 CE the emperor gave the Arians [a Christian sect the Church considered heretical] the right of assembly and declared that violators would be...liable to the death penalty. When Ambrose [the bishop of Milan - at this time the Western Roman capital] again refused to allow the Arians the use of church property, the emperor issued a decree exiling him. Ambrose replied that the emperor was within the church, not over it, and that in matters of faith the layman has no jurisdiction over the priest. The sympathies of the people were again with him, and the emperor did not attempt to enforce the decree of exile." ...could provide evidence for?

Christian leaders took over some of the authority that had traditionally belonged to Roman Emperors.

What does Ambrose's reply that "the emperor is within the church, not over it" tell us about the importance Christianity had achieved in the Roman Empire at this time?

Christianity had become so integrated into the empire that its authority outranked the emperor.

What best describes the result of the transition from early roman beliefs into Christianity?

Christianity slowly replaced it and took over and expanded on its previous roles.

How was Judaism connected to the development of Christianity?

Christianity started as a jewish sect, and its central figure, Jesus, was born jewish.

What claims could a map of Christianity's spread throughout the Mediterranean support?

Christianity's spread prior to the ninth century was aided by its status as the official religion of the Roman empire.

The ideas about the separate self best represent a continuity with which religious traditions?


Which Indian religion asserted that your deeds in this life would determine the caste you were born into in a later life?


What was the benefit to sailors who understood the patterns of monsoon winds in the Indian Ocean?

It allowed them to time their travel between the ports in the red sea and the indian ocean.

The royal palace complex could best be used as evidence for which claims about Persepolis' role in the Persian Empire?

It served primarily as an administrative center.

How are persian hierarchies maintained?


What best matches the Daoist notion of wu wei?

Natural, effortless behavior

The changes to the Persian empire shown between 553 and 518 BCE were largely the result of...?

Persian conquests that client states and satrapies.

What statement provides the best evidence for the argument that similarities in religious belief united Greece?

"...certain fundamentals must have been sufficiently widespread in order for greek government and society to function..."

What is an empire

A centralized state with political control over other territories

What is an example of syncretism?

A christian grave with a chinese zodiac on it.

The polis is another word for...?

A city-state

What was the Silk Road?

A name for a collection of trade routes spreading across Eurasia.

What best describes Ancient Greece?

A network of similar city-states often separated by geographic barriers

The sites of the pyramid of the moon and the monks mound most directly contributed to what in the Americas?

A sense of shared culture due to common religious ritual

What is a province

A smaller political unit in an empire

Greek city-states differed most from who?

Achaemenid Persia

The description of city-states that Aristotle gives differs most strongly from the political structure of who?

Achaemenid Persia

Who rose to power due to things related to political and military leadership?

Achaemenid Persia and Maurya

The major cause of the fall of the Achaemenid empire was...?

Alexander of Macedon's invasion & Internal revolts

Cyrus the Great's policy for incorporating new regions into his empire was...?

Allow local traditions and rulers to remain.

What might a historian argue about the relationship between imperial stability and the rise of scholarship?

An empire at peace, with many tributaries and colonies, has enough to support a wealthy, educated population.

What is a defensible historical claim that would connect the construction of Persepolis, which began around 519 BCE, to imperial expansion?

As Persian control expanded, the empire had access to more resources, which Darius was then able to use to construct his new capital.

What best explains Emperor Ashoka's characterization of the Dhamma as a "gift"?

Ashoka supported the spread of buddhism by praising its teachings.

Aristotle advocated an approach to governance most similar to whose government?


Aristotle advocated an approach to government most similar to who?


Who was the most powerful of the Greek city states?


Which two Greek city states hated each other most?

Athens and Sparta

Based on Ban Zhao's writings, what is one possible difference between her words and the way women were actually treated?

Ban Zhao says women should be submissive, yet was able to publish a book.

How does Beard use women in Athens as evidence for her claim?

Beard offers a clear comparison between restrictions in Rome and Athens.

Based on the the pyramid of the moon and the monks mound, what was most likely a similarity between Teotihuacan and Cahokia?

Both relied on agricultural support

What similarity between the Roman Empire and Han China made them most vulnerable to outbreaks of contagious disease?

Both were urbanized and engaged in extensive trade

The monastic practice described in this passage: "The Abbot who is worthy to be over a monastery, ought always to be mindful of what he is called, and make his works square with his name of Superior [...] Therefore, the Abbot should never teach, prescribe, or command (which God forbid) anything contrary to the laws of the Lord; but his commands and teaching should be instilled like a leaven of divine justice into the minds of his disciples." ...was most similar to that of which of the following religions?


The data presented in a map about the spread of buddhism best support which comparative statements about the spread of Buddhism and Hinduism?

Buddhism extended further than the Indian subcontinent due to trade and missionary activity.

The ideas about worldly possessions expressed in this excerpt: "People cleave to their worldly possessions and selfish passions so blindly as to sacrifice their own lives for them. They are like a child who tries to eat a little honey smeared on the edge of a knife. The amount is by no means sufficient to appease his appetite, but he runs the risk of wounding his tongue." ...are most consistent with which of the following?

Buddhist beliefs.

Although we don't know the exact political structure of Cahokia, which facts could best serve as evidence for the argument that Cahokia was not a centralized state?

Cahokia's economy had little complexity.

According to the available evidence, Ashoka's conversion to Buddhism...?

Can't be historically verified

A historian would most likely use this passage: "By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. There on the poplars we hung our harps, for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!" How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land? If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy." ...as evidence for which of the following?

Codification of a monotheistic religion

What is Beard's main claim about the independence of Roman women in the classical period?

Compared to Greek and Near-Eastern women, Roman women had more independence.

Darius I...?

Completed the royal road, built a new capital in Persepolis, & instituted the use of satrapies to govern

The religion represented in this excerpt: "Practice no-action; attend to doing nothing; taste the flavorless, examine the small, multiply the few, return love for hate." ...most directly challenged which ideologies?


The ideas expressed in this excerpt: "Humane-ness may make one shed tears and be reluctant to apply penalties, but law makes it clear that such penalties must be applied. The ancient kings allowed law to be supreme and did not give in to their tearful longings. Hence it is obvious that humane-ness cannot be used to achieve order in the state." ...most directly challenged which prevailing ideology in imperial China?

Confucianism (h)

The ideas about economic policy expressed in this excerpt: "In the provinces the salt, iron, and liquor monopolies, and the system of equitable marketing, have been established to compete with the people for profit, dispelling rustic generosity and teaching the people greed. Therefore those who pursue primary occupations [like farming] have grown few, and those following secondary occupations [like trading] have grown numerous. As strategy increases, basic simplicity declines; and as the secondary occupations flourish, those in primary occupations suffer . . . When the people are sincere then there will be sufficient wealth and goods, but when they become extravagant then famine and cold will follow." ...could best be used as evidence for the influence of which of the following belief systems?

Confucianism (i)

What would burning philosophy and history texts help Qin Shi Huang achieve?

Control over information his citizens had access to.

How might the chaos of the Warring States Period explain the emergence of Daoism?

Daoism's principles of inaction and simple living may have simply been a reaction to the fighting and strict punishments of the Warring States period

In which religious tradition did women have the opportunity to be members of religious orders?


The kind of political and social hierarchy shown by the image of nobles presenting captives to the Mayan Lord CHAN MUWAN as tribute differed most strongly from which of the following?

Democratic structures in classical athens

Edicts like the ones King Ashoka made with both Greek and Persian writing contributed most directly to which of the following?

Development of Greco-Buddhism in Bactria

What was a result of the introduction of standardized currencies?

Increased trade due to standardized currency making transactions easier

What characteristics were valued in Spartan society?

Discipline and Strength

King Ashoka used rock and pillar edicts in order to accomplish what?

Display laws across his country so people could understand and follow them.

Consuls were...?

Elected to one-year terms and given millitary commands

Which changes best explains the increased spread of Christianity after c. 300 CE?

Emperor Constantine made it legal to practice Christianity with the Edict of Milan.

What were some ways religion was expressed in Greece?

Festivals and Sporting events

The ideas about a young man's role expressed in this excerpt: "A young man should serve his parents at home and be respectful to elders outside his home. He should be earnest and truthful, loving all, but become intimate with humaneness. After doing this, if he has energy to spare, he can study literature and the arts." ...could best be used as evidence for the practice of what during the Han Dynasty?

Filial Piety

What does this quote from Pliny: "It is worthy to be observed, that there is not a year but it costs our state [Rome] to furnish into India, 500,000 sesterces [Roman unit of currency]. For which the Indians send back merchandise, which at Rome is sold for a hundred times as much as it cost." ...imply about the reasons that Romans traded with India?

Goods that were cheap in India were worth a lot in Rome.

What was exchanged along the Silk Road?

Goods, Ideas, and diseases.

Why did Shang Yang encourage harsh punishments for light crimes?

He believed that heavy punishments would scare away more serious crimes.

Why might Qin Shi Huang have wanted to suppress historians?

He feared that scholars could compare him to past rulers and de-legitimatize him.

What best explains the decision to place an inscription of the king's deeds along a major roadway?

Heavy use of transportation and communication networks provided a way for rulers to reach large audiences with their messages

What was an important development that contributed to the trade route patterns across Eurasia?

Improvements in travel tech.

When did the Roman Republic end and the Roman Empire begin, according to most historians?

In 27 BCE, when Augustus became the sole ruler of Rome.

Ideas similar to those expressed in this passage: "The Abbot who is worthy to be over a monastery, ought always to be mindful of what he is called, and make his works square with his name of Superior. For he is believed to hold the place of Christ in the monastery, when he is called by his name, according to the saying of the Apostle 'You have received the spirit of adoption of sons, whereby we cry Abba (Father)'. Therefore, the Abbot should never teach, prescribe, or command (which God forbid) anything contrary to the laws of the Lord; but his commands and teaching should be instilled like a leaven of divine justice into the minds of his disciples." ...have directly contributed to the development of which of the following aspects of early Christian history?

Increase of Monastic Orders.

Currency would have contributed most directly to which of the following developments in early Imperial China?

Increase of political unity

What best explains a comparison between Roman policy and that of Alexander the Great?

It could be made to show there was a history of empires pursuing good relations with the people they conquered

Why did Buddhism appeal to people in lower castes?

It offered salvation to people regardless of social position

What did the Edict of Milan, issued by Constantine in 313 CE, do?

It said Christianity would receive legal status.

What did the Edict of Thessalonica, issued by Theodosius in 380 CE, do?

It said Nicene Christianity would be the official religion of the Roman empire

What is a valid claim about sparta's food production?

It used Helots to sustain high levels of production through unfree labor

Why do historians make the distinction between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire?

It was a transition from a system of elected representatives and limited power to a system in which one man held most political power

What was true of Arianism, a Germanic sect of Christianity?

It was deemed heresy by mainstream christians.

How was Judaism different from most other ancient religions?

It was monotheistic

A painting of Moses striking a rock in the desert is best seen as evidence for which of the following?

Jewish influence on Christianity.

What is the best evidence for the claim that the Kingdom of Khotan was trading with both northern India and China?

Khotan issued billingual coins with both regions' language.

The ideas expressed in this excerpt: "The Master said: Guide people with policies and align them with punishments, and the people will evade them and have no shame. But guide them with virtue and align them with li [good customs], and the people will have a sense of shame and fulfill their roles." ...most directly challenged which of the following ideologies in imperial China?


In Imperial Rome and Han China, who had legal control of women's lives?

Male Kin

Why did Sparta hate Athens so much

Mistakes in diplomacy led to friction between them.

Why would Athens being a strong naval power have helped control its neighbors?

Most city-states were peninsulas or islands, and any strong navy could cut off their support.

What can Seneca's views tell us about the effects of the silk trade on Rome?

Not all Romans were happy about the Silk Road.

How were women treated in Ancient Greece?

Poorly. (Were not equal in any Greek city-state)

What is true about the processes by which empires rose?

Processes were rarely the same across different empires

Taken together, egyptian hieroglyphs, Native american string-records and sumerian tablets best represent what similar development among most early civilizations?

Record-keeping systems

The ideas expressed in this passage: "Mang asked what filial piety is. The Master said, "It is being obedient." Soon after, as Fan Chi was driving him, the Master told him, "Mang asked me what filial piety is, and I answered him 'being obedient.'" Fan Chi asked, "What exactly did you mean?" The Master replied, "That parents, when alive, should be served according to ritual; that, when dead, they should be buried according to ritual; and that they should be sacrificed to according to ritual."" ...most directly contributed to which of the following phenomena in Han China?

Reinforcement of social hierarchy.

The presence and maintenance of an ancient road in modern-day Mersin Province in Turkey is best understood in the context of what?

Roads fulfilled the Roman Empire's need to project military power

Which conclusions best fit the evidence Beard presents in this comparison?

Roman women faced restrictions, but not as many as Athentian women.

What best explains why the agreement between Rome and Jerusalem was made?

Rome offered legal protections for Jewish religious and cultural practices to maintain good relations

The image of nobles presenting captives to the Mayan Lord CHAN MUWAN as tribute could best be used as evidence for which similarities between states in the classical period?

Rulers often required social elites to prove their loyalty through tributes

What was Ancient Greece Comprised of?

Several city states that maintained political identity despite geological proximity

Taken together, the passages: Philosophy is no trick to catch the public; it is not devised for show. It is a matter, not of words, but of facts . . . It moulds and constructs the soul; it orders our life, guides our conduct, shows us what we should do and what we should leave undone; it sits at the helm and directs our course as we waver amid uncertainties. Without it, no one can live fearlessly or in peace of mind. and All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of sight. For not only with a view to action, but even when we are not going to do anything, we prefer seeing (one might say) to everything else. The reason is that [sight], most of all the senses, makes us know and brings to light many differences between things. could best be used as evidence for what?

Some Greek and Roman philosophies emphasized logic, observation, and investigation

What was a heretic?

Someone who believed a non-orthodox version of Christianity.

Why did Sparta refuse troops during the Helot uprising?

Sparta felt their troops were better trained, and that it was their rebellion to quell alone.

Why did the cities of Sparta and Athens look so different?

Sparta's empire relied on less trade than Athens.

What does "giving the gods a human face" suggest in a Greek religious context?

That ancient Greeks probably found their religion easily relatable.

The ideas about the extinction of the self expressed in this excerpt: "All Buddhists have had one and the same aim, which is the 'extinction of self,' the dying out of separate individuality, and their teachings and practices have generally tended to foster such easily recognizable spiritual virtues as serenity, detachment, consideration and tenderness for others. In the Scriptures, the Dharma has been compared to a taste. The word of the Buddha is there defined as that which has the taste of Peace, the taste of Emancipation, the taste of Nirvana" ...are most similar to which ideas?

The Hindu concept of Mokhsha

Aristotle's views on power and equality are best understood in what context?

The distribution of political power and social hierarchies reflected the "natural order"

What was the Pax Romana?

The Roman Peace, an era when Rome was in a period of peace.

A comment that the plague could have come from farther east is best understood in the context of what?

The Silk Road trade was occurring at this time between China and Mesopotamia

The comment that the plague could have come from farther east is best understood in the context of what?

The Silk Road trade was occurring at this time between China and Mesopotamia

Why might have King Ashoka promoted Buddhism?

The doctrines of Buddhism may have given Ashoka a better public image and it was useful to unite the empire under a single religion

Pataliputra was...?

The capital city of the maurya and gupta empires.

The events described in this passage: "When I entered Babylon as a friend and when I established the seat of the government in the palace of the ruler under jubilation and rejoicing, Marduk, the great lord, induced the forgiving inhabitants of Babylon to love me, and I was daily trying to worship him . . . I returned to these sacred cities on the other side of the Tigris River the sanctuaries which have been ruins for a long time, the images which used to live in them and established for them permanent sanctuaries. I also gathered all their former inhabitants and returned them to their original homes." ...can be best understood in which of the following contexts?

The captivity of jews in the babylonian empire.

Which developments was this passage reacting to? "With the might of Qin and the virtues of Your Highness, in one stroke, like sweeping off the dust from a kitchen stove, the feudal lords can be annihilated, imperial rule can be established, and unification of the world can be brought about. This is the one moment in ten thousand ages. If Your Highness allows it to slip away and does not press the advantage in haste, the feudal lords will revive their strength and organize themselves into an anti‑Qin alliance. Then no one, even though he possess the virtues of the Yellow Emperor, would be able to annex their territories."

The centralization of authority during the Qin dynasty. (w)

The construction of the Royal Road during the height of the Persian Empire best illustrates what similarities between classical period empires?

The centralization of government often led to a need for more transportation and communication networks

what are some similarities between classical empires?

The creation of systems to manage production in order to reward elites for loyalty.

This Excerpt: "Both adopt one and the same discipline (Vinaya), and they have in common the prohibitions of the five skandhas ('groups of offences'), and also the practice of the Four Noble Truths. Those who worship the Bodhisattvas and read the Mahayana Sutras are called the Mahayanists, while those who do not perform these are called the Hinayanists." is best understood in the context of what?

The development of different buddhist branches.

Whiat most directly contributed to the developments described in this excerpt? "Early Buddhist art did not portray the Buddha, but drawings made in the seventh and eighth centuries depict different scenes in the historical Buddha's life, as well as other buddhas and bodhisattvas, who were believed to have turned back at the moment of attaining nirvana to help their fellow Buddhists still on earth"

The emergence of Mahayana Buddhism.

What was a cause of the emergence of Silk Road trade routes?

The establishment of stable governments along the routes.

The process described by Polybius is best understood in what context?

The expansion of the Roman Republic to control much of the Mediterranean

What makes Athens an imperial state?

The fact that other soldiers sometimes served in its military

The construction of Persepolis, the ruins of which are shown in a mountainous region, is best understood in the context of what?

The growing power and wealth of the Persian Empire allowed for the construction of a new administrative center

This passage: The Roman Emperor Gratian committed the task to the Nannienus, a leader of great prudence and skill, joining with him as his colleague with equal power, Mellobaudes, the count-commander of the domestics, as well as the king of the Franks, a man of great courage and renown in war. Nannienus took into his consideration the variable chances of fortune, and therefore voted for acting slowly and with caution, while Mellobaudes, hurried away by a fierce desire for fighting, according to his usual custom, was eager at once to march against the enemy and not delay is best understood in the context of what?

The growing use of non-Roman soldiers in the late Roman empire

The events described in this passage: "The Romans have become masters of war . . . when they went in numbers into the lanes of the city, with their swords drawn, they killed those whom they overtook, without mercy, and set fire to the houses from which the Jews had fled, and burnt every soul in them, and laid waste a great many of the rest; and when they came to the houses to plunder them, they found in them entire families of dead men, and the upper rooms full of dead corpses, who died by the famine; they then stood in a horror at this sight, and left without touching anything." ...most directly contributed to which of the following?

The growth of Jewish diasporic communities around the Mediterranean.

The actions of Augustus contributed most directly to what?

The growth of Roman bureaucracy in the imperial period

A historian researching the Vedic caste system and religion would most likely find a chart with the age of initiation, last age for initiation,seasons, garments and staff sizes useful as evidence for what?

The importance of social stratification.

This passage: "Wu Meng of the Jin dynasty was eight years old and served his parents with extreme filiality. The family was poor, and their bed had no mosquito net. Every night in summer many mosquitoes bit him, gorging on his blood. But despite their numbers he did not drive them away, fearing that they would go and bite his parents. This is the extreme of love for parents." ...written during the Yuan Dynasty, demonstrates what historical continuity from Han China?

The influence of Confucianism on social structures.

The ideas in this passage: We should believe the Sun to be life itself and, to speak more plainly, the soul of the whole world. Indeed, the Sun is the principal governance of nature, and no less than a God or divine power, considering his works and operations. The Sun gives light to all things, and rids them of darkness; He hides the other stars, and shows them again; He orders the seasons in their alternative course He tempers the year, arising ever fresh and new again, for the benefit and good of the world. could best be used as evidence for what?

The influence of animistic beliefs in the Roman Empire.

What is Beard's claim about how the creation of the Roman Empire affected continuity and change in Rome?

The late Republic was a period of revolutionary political and social change; the early empire was a period of political and social stability

Taken together, a statue of the hindu god Vishnu (stone) and a statue of a kneeling woman (metal) best represent what historical continuity within Hinduism?

The ongoing use of art to demonstrate religious devotion in Hinduism

Beard notes that the independence of Roman women will seem limited when compared to modern life. What could explain why she does not go on to use modern life as a point of comparison?

The point is meant to remind the reader that historical events need their proper contexts and that the society itself is so far removed from modern life that it would be impractical to compare the two.

What evidence supports the claim that structure of Roman politics, the empire or society didn't change between the end of the first century and the end of the second century?

The political structures Augustus created changed very little over two centuries and There were many events and conflicts that changed the structures of the Republic in the first century BCE

Why did Athens form a democracy?

The previous system of the masses being ruled by the rich caused political unrest which formed the democracy in protest

The roman temple of Antoninus and Faustina built in 141 CE most likely the direct result of what?

The repurposing of architecture after the spread of christianity in the empire.

What best explains the context for building the royal road?

The road addressed concerns about both external and internal enemies by allowing the projection of military and political power

What claim is the author making in this paragraph? "The Silk Road...is often presented as a link between two continents of civilization—the west and the east—and the area between them as an ocean of emptiness. But routes depend on civilizations to maintain them, ensure security and provide the infrastructure for rest stops, inns, water and other requirements of the traveler. The Silk Road could only emerge when there were stable regimes [governments] along its length, producing enough wealth to create surplus goods and a demand for items beyond the necessities of daily life."

The silk road was only possible because there were civilizations along most of its length.

A buddhist statue with greek dress was most directly a result of what?

The spread of Hellenism and Buddhism with conquest and trade.

Why did the archaemenid empire begin to weaken?

The system for maintaining the loyalty of elites to the central government began to break down

What is a supported claim about the comparison between Rome and Han China?

The two were similar in political structures but had important differences in economic and cultural structures.

The pattern of Olmec influence in 600 BC was most likely the result of which Olmec actions in Mesoamerica?

They were involved in trade networks with other communities

Why might historians see value in comparing Han China and Rome

They existed at the same time and had similar political structures

Why were the Romans able to build a successful empire?

They followed a consistent policy of forming good relations with the people they conquered, which allowed them to expand the population of their empire

The Behistun Inscription best illustrates which historical continuity between empires?

They tried to politically unify diverse populations.

What was the main purpose of the Agora?

To create a shared space that helped cement a social identity.

Why did Emperor Wu of Han create an imperial academy of letters?

To educate young men for government jobs.

Why did the Han Dynasty under Emperor Wu desire more and better horses?

To fight the Xiognu and other enemies more effectively.

What was the purpose of King Zheng of Qin State claiming the Mandate of Heaven?

To legitimatize his claim to rule over china as emperor via divine sanction

Why did Emperor Qin Shi Huang order the adoption of a common written language?

To make sure his laws could be universally understood

This passage: A city provides goods and services for its surrounding area, exchanging food from the countryside for the products of its sophisticated craftspeople . . . Cahokia . . . was a huge collection of farmers packed in tightly. It had few specialized craftworkers and no middle-class merchants. ...could best be used to make what kind of comparison or contrast between Cahokia and other early civilizations in the Americas?

To provide a contrast with other cities in the early americas

Filial piety, as described in the Analects of Confucius, is best understood as what?

Unwavering obedience to one's parents.

The ideas expressed in this excerpt: "Not by matted hair, not by lineage, not by caste, does one become a Brahmin. He is a Brahmin in whom there are truth and righteousness. He is blessed." ...most directly challenged which prevailing ideologies in Ancient India?

Vedic ideals regarding social hierarchy.

When are empires considered to have collapsed?

When the central state is unable to wield power

Which of Ban Zhao's (incorrect) statements sound most similar to ideas about Imperial Roman society?

Women should yield to Men.

Did Ancient Greece have a unified culture?

Yes, basic similarities in beliefs unified them

What is kinship?

a broad term containing blood and marital bonds.

An autocratic government is a system in which decisions are made by...?

a single ruler

Given the historical context in which Ashoka issued his edicts, he was most likely using them to...?

apologize for war crimes

Bodies such as the Comitia Centuriata and the Plebeian Council show us that the Romans...?

believed a person's wealth and social status determined his political influence

In the centuries in between Maurya and Gupta rule, India was led by...?

many kings taking charge of small areas.

What are some possible reasons that Cyrus chose the location of Pasargadae?

he wanted an economic site, and to commemorate his victory over Astyages.

A client state...?

is indirectly under control of the imperial state.

How did the wealth gained through maritime trade affect Athenians?

it concentrated wealth in the hands of a few elites and forced others to go into debt slavery

Darius built Persepolis in the location he did because...?

it was difficult to access and easy to defend.

What were some features of Mahayana Buddhism that allowed it to be easily adopted by new cultures?

its universal message

How did Legalism enable Qin Shi Huang to enact his imperial policies?

legalist doctrine allowed him to centralize command over state resources.

Another historian might best challenge Beard's argument by showing that...?

social structures in the first century CE were very different than in the second century CE

. The circumstances in this passage: There was contention for a long time between the upper classes and the populace. Not only was the constitution at this time oligarchical in every respect, but the poorer classes---men, women, and children---were in absolute slavery to the rich. . . The whole country was in the hands of a few persons, and if the tenants failed to pay their rent, they were liable to be forced into debt-slavery and their children with them. . . But the hardest and bitterest part of the condition of the masses was the fact that they had no share in the offices then existing under the constitution. At the same time they were discontented with every other feature of their lives; for, to speak generally, they had no part nor share in anything." --about Athens most directly contributed to what?

the Formation of a democracy

What was a significant cause of the growth of trade routes?

the Growth of Large Empires, such as the Roman and Han.

If Herodotus' description of the Persians was correct, it would have contributed most directly to what?

the ability of persian rulers to create political unity over diverse populations.

This excerpt: "Four times, five, I ran amok from my dwelling, having gained no peace of awareness, my thoughts out of control. So I went to a trustworthy nun. She taught me the Dhamma: aggregates, sense spheres, & elements. Hearing the Dhamma, I did as she said. For seven days I sat in one spot, absorbed in rapture and bliss. On the eighth, I stretched out my legs, having burst the mass of darkness." ...is best understood in the context of what?

the emergence of a Buddhist monastic tradition.

The construction of sites such as the pyramid of the moon and the monks mound could best be used as evidence for what the Americas?

the emergence of centralized authority.

The image of a Maya king installing subordinate rulers best illustrates which similarities between early states?

the existence of social hierarchies.

The events described in this passage: "By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. There on the poplars we hung our harps, for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!" How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land? If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy." ...were the result of which of the following developments in the ancient Middle East?

the formation of jewish disaporic communities.

Items such as the ruins of Chavin de Huantar and the Olmec Heads are best understood in the context of what development in early American civilizations?

the use of monumental art and architecture for religious and political purposes.

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