Unit 2: People
Goal EXAMPLE: One of my goals is to become a better writer.
A result that a person wants and works hard to get
Resources EXAMPLE: The college has many resources to help students (health center, EOPS, tutoring, and more).
Something that gives you help and support
Enjoy Example: I enjoy listening to music.
To like doing something
Maiden name EXAMPLE: My maiden name is Acevedo
a woman's last name before she gets married
Convenient EXAMPLE: Costco is convenient. I can get groceries, clothes, and medication there.
easy to do or use
Helpful EXAMPLE: YouTube can be helpful for students of English.
someone who is ready to give help.
Give up Example: Being a good student means not giving up when learning is hard.
stop trying
Decrease EXAMPLE: To save money I have decrease my spending.
to become smaller or less
Return EXAMPLE: I went to Canada for vacation, and I want to return there.
to come back
Struggle EXAMPLE: When I was young, I struggled to learn how to swim.
to have a hard and difficult time
Assist EXAMPLE: Tutors assist students.
to help
Immigrate EXAMPLE: I immigrated to the United States, and now I live here.
to move permanently to a new country
to accomplish, fulfill EXAMPLE: I work hard to accomplish my goals and fulfill my dreams.
to work hard on something and to complete it successfully