Unit 3 and 4 us hist review

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What was the result of the battle of the bulge

The Allies pushed the Germans back, forcing them to retreat. After this war, World War II in Europe rapidly drew to a close it was last major German offensive during the war (allies win)

SSN also did

Make gov become more responsible for economic warfare

Why did President Truman agree to use the atomic bomb?

To bring the war to the quickest possible end and save American lives

What is D-Day?

When allied troops began the invasion of Europe on the beaches of Normandy, France.

What were the causes of WWII?

THE RISE OF FASCISM AND COMMUNISM The continued aggression of aggressors like Germany and Italy, but most importantly when Germany invaded Poland and rise of

What happened at the Munich Conference? How did the appeasement fail?

Hitler annexed Austria and threatened to take Sudetenland. British and French Leaders agreed to give Sudetenland to Hitler to avoid war. Hitler signed a nonaggression pact with Stalin (they wont attack each other) but Hitler invaded Poland and Britain and France declared war on Germany

What was the impact of the new deal on state and federal governments?

It took power away from state and increased power to the federal gov

Why were the Navajo Code Talkers so effective

Japanese couldn't break the code cause the language is un written

Who created the polio vaccine?

Jonas Salk

What dictators claimed power in Europe before WWII?

Joseph Stalin - Soviet Union Adolf Hitler - Germany Benito Mussolini - Italy

What is Korematsu vs. US?

Korematu was a Japanese American that stayed behind in the restricted area Supreme Court upheld the executive order of 9066. Congress later apologized to interned Japanese Americans and paid compensation to families involved

What started Peal Harbor?

- Japan invaded southern Indochina and FDR froze Japanese assets in the US - Japanese planes attacked the US at Pearl Harbor Hawaii and killed 3500 Americans - congress cited to declare war on japan - then Germany and Italy (Japanese Allies) declared war on the US

How did ration coupons benefit the war effort? What was rationing? What were Victory Gardens?

-Rationing regulated amounts of goods a consumer could obtain -Coupons were issued to each family based on size - victory gardens are veggie gardens meant to feed families to make sure there was an adequate food supply for troops

Battle of Midway

1942 World War II battle between the United States and Japan, a turning point in the war in the Pacific. Japanese commander tried to lure the US pacific fleet into battle near midway but we already deciphered the codes and knew about it nefore hand

What was the Dust Bowl? What was its effect on farmers?

A series of droughts in the early 1930s dried up crops, turning soil to dust. Heavy winds carried it for miles. Buried homes and destroyed crops. Most farmers lost everything and were forced to move.

What was Eleanor Roosevelt's significance during FDR's presidency?

Advocated for civil rights and later served in the UN commission for civil rights

Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?

African American pilots that helped on bombing missions and were incredibly successful

What is the Lend-Lease Act?

Allowed the president to sell, lease,lend or otherwise dispose of war materials to any nation whose defense he felt to be vital to American security

What are the flying tigers?

An American volunteer force that sent supplies and engaged in combat with Japanese pilots to help defend China

What did FDR do a few days after becoming president

Bank Holiday

What ended japans naval strength

Battle of midway

What was the Bataan Death March?

Brutal forced march of 60 miles made up of American and Filipino prisoners during WWII up Bataan Peninsula, 10,000+ died by the Japanese

General Douglas MacArthur

Commanded US Army in the pacific

What did president Hoover do in response to the Great Depression? What are Hoovervilles?

Created Reconstruction Finance Corporation to provide emergency loans. Hoovervilles - Shacks on the outskirts of town where the homeless lived. Showed their disgust towards Hoover.

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Created jobs by hiring artists, writers, and musicians to paint murals, produce plays, and create other artworks

What were FDR's fireside chats? How did he relate to the American people?

Fireside chats kept Americans updated on the government's efforts during the Depression, communicated via radio. He spoke in conversational terms and people thought of him as a friend

Mexican Repatriation Act

Forced thousands of legal and illegal mexican immigrants back to Mexico in the 1930's

What is a world based on Four Freedoms?

Freedom of speech & religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear

What was the Holocaust and concentration camps

Genocide Hitler's final solution he blamed them for all of Germanys problems

What is an impact of GI Bills

Growth of suburbs

What acts and policies did FDR pass in order for the United States to remain neutral during the first part of WWII?

Neutrality Acts: prohibited americans from traveling on ships of nations at war and could not sell arms to countries at war We could sell non military goods to NOT nations at war through a cash and carry basis (they have to use cash and have to come to US to pick up supplies)

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

New Deal program that hired unemployed men to work on natural conservation projects

Why was Vernon baker a hero?

One of the 1st African Americans to see combat during the war - he slipped through German defenses and removed 3 machine gun nests , 2 observation posts and 2 bunkers

What were the causes of the Great Depression?

Speculation on the stock market, buying on margin, overproduction and over use of credit

How did the Supreme Court affect the new deal?

The Supreme Court kept striking down New Deal programs. FDR appointed 6 new judges to the Supreme Court, thus assuring that his programs would carry on unabated

What was island hopping?

The US's gradual takeover of Japanese controlled island one by one until the US reached Japan.

What were womens roles during WWII?

They entered the work force to support war efforts and some joined womens Army Corps (WACS) clerical Jobs in the military

How did executive order 9066 impact Japanese americans? What was life like for them in camps

They had to leave everything behind and relocate the camps were crowded and had primitive living conditions

What was the significance of the Nuremberg trials?

They showed that political leaders would be held accountable for their actions.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

a federal corporation established in 1933 to construct dams and power plants in the Tennessee Valley region to generate electricity as well as to prevent floods

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

a law enacted in 1933 to raise crop prices by paying farmers to leave a certain amount of their land unplanted, thus lowering production and storing excess plants to store them

Chester Nimitz

commanded the Pacific Fleet in the Pacific

Social Security Act

guaranteed retirement payments for enrolled workers beginning at age 65; set up federal-state system of unemployment insurance and care for dependent mothers and children, the handicapped, and public health

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

insure individuals' bank accounts, protecting people against losses due to bank failures

What are war bonds?

its a small loan to the government to finance the war and after the war you get your money back plus interest

Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)

served as a govt watchdog over the nations stock markets

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