Unit 3 AP Euro

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Louis Philippe

"Bourgeoisie King"


"Kind of a Russian Kibbutz" (CHECK)


"Renewal, to be born" movement in Italy to recreate a strong, unified Italian nation-state

Edwin Chadwick

"sanitary idea". Advocated for the Public Health Movement

Crimean War

(1853-1856) Russian war against Ottomans for control of the Black Sea; intervention by Britain and France cause Russia to lose; Russians realize need to industrialize.

Klemens von Metternich

- Austrian statesman and diplomat who represented Austria at the Congress of Vienna. Metternich, Austria's foreign minister from 1809 to 1848, was an arch-conservative and worked hard to create stability in Europe and preserve the power of the old regime

War of the Third Coalition

- In 1803, Napoleon began preparations to invade Great Britain. In 1805, Austria signed an alliance with Britain.. The coalition was complete with the addition of Russia under Tsar Alexander I (grandson of Catherine the Great) and Sweden. Napoleon's conquest of Italy convinced Russia and Austria that Napoleon was a threat to the balance of power.

Continental System

- Napoleon's plan to stop all shipping of British goods into Europe. Announced by the Berlin Decree of 1806, the Continental System resulted in a British blockade of all European shipping, and ended up hurting France more than Britain. By trying to spread the Continental System into Spain, Napoleon and France had to endure the constant harassment of the disastrous Peninsular War.

Battle of Trafalgar

- french and Spanish fleets were destroyed by the British navy under the command of Lord Horatio. Nelson, off the Spanish coast. This established the supremacy of the British navy for over a century. b. A French invasion of Britain was no longer feasible. c. Though killed in the battle, Nelson became one of the great military heroes in English history.

Order in Council

- neutrals might enter continental ports only if they first stopped in Great Britain. a. Regulations encouraged these ships to be loaded with British goods before continuing on to the Continent. b. British sought to strangle French trade, not French imports of British goods

"Second" Treaty of Paris 1815

-minor changes to the frontier, forced the french to pay an indemnity of 700,000,000 francs over five years,and placed a french-financed european army of occupation of northern france

Simon Bolivar

1783-1830, Venezuelan statesman: leader of revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule.

Poor Laws

17th century laws in England that bound out vagrants and abandoned children as indentured servants to masters

the map above shows nat boundaries...


"Holy Alliance"

1815 agreement promoted by Czar Alexander I, by which most European powers promised to uphold Christian virtues like peace and charity. Only Britain, Turkey, and the Pope refused to join the Holy Alliance. However, few took the agreement very seriously.

Corn Laws

1815 tariff on imported grain to protect domestic producers. Never worked well.

White Terror

1815 thousands of former revolutionaries murdered by royalist mobs

Carlsbad Diet

1819. Called by Metternich. Cracked down on liberalism in universities and drove liberalism and nationalism underground.

Greek Revolution

1822, helped by other European countries despite being against nationalism

Mines Act

1842, prevented women and children from working underground

Alexander Herzen

1864, lead the populist movement that believed that peasants should initiate the reform, peasants not enthusiastic enough to initiate the revolts though. Wrote The Bell.

"petite bourgeoisie

21 Savage, bank managers, small industrialists. They do not own, they manage

Alexander II

A Russian Tsar who implemented rapid social change and general modernization of Russia, son of Nicholas I

Young Hegelians

A group of Germans who questioned the ideas of Hegel and formed the beginnings of Marx's communist ideas.


A secret revolutionary society working to unify Italy in the 1820s.

electoral reforms, petitioned, gathered arms

Actions of the Chartists in England in 1848

Emancipation Act of 1861

Alexander II's freeing of the serfs in Russia

Young Italy

An association under the leadership of Mazzini that urged the unification of the country

Ausgleich, 1867, Compromise of 1867

Austria compromises with Hungary to create a dual monarchy (two constitutions, two kings, shared economies and military)

German Confederation (Bund)

Austrian influence over the German states was enhanced by creating the German Confederation (Bund) of 39 states out of the original 300, with Austria designated as President of the Diet (Assembly) of the Confederation. It maintained Napoleon's reorganization. It was a loose confederation where members remained virtually sovereign

Lord Liverpool

Becomes PM of Eng. Sought to protect the interest of the wealthy


Believe in Science

Duke of Enghien

Bourbon duke who gets executed by Napoleon because he was accused of plotting against him


Bourbon king of France who held the throne after the fall of Napoleon in 1814 to 1824, with a brief interruption when he fled the country during the Hundred Days of 1815.

Lord Horatio Nelson

Brilliant British naval commander who won crucial victories against the French. These included the Battle of Aboukir (The Battle of the Nile) in 1798 and Trafalgar in 1805. killed at Trafalgar. Privately, Nelson (a married man) was involved in an affair with a married woman, creating some of the leading gossips in England during the Napoleonic period.

Napoleon Bonaparte -

Brilliant French artillery commander, general, first consul, and finally emperor. Seized control of the French government, built a massive empire that encompassed the majority of Europe. Married Josephine and later divorced her to marry Marie Louise. His rule, both in the passions and political and social measures it introduced and in the ideological and nationalist enmity it inspired, transformed Europe


British delegate to the Congress of Vienna.

George Canning

British foreign secretary; asked the American minister in London if the United States would band together with the British in a joint declaration renouncing any interest in acquiring Latin American territory, and specifically warning the European dictators to keep their harsh hands off the Latin American republics.

William Wilberforce

British statesman and reformer; leader of abolitionist movement in English parliament that led to end of English slave trade in 1807.

Florence Nightingale

British woman who organized a team of nurses to help soldiers in battlefield

Crystal Palace

Building erected in London.. Made of iron and glass, like a gigantic greenhouse, it was a symbol of the industrial age to show their leadership

The Bach System

Centralized control of Austria following revolutions of 1848 and Francis Joseph coming to the throne. Named after Alexander Bach. Tight control of Austria following period of revolutions. Shut down Hungarian nationalism; paved the road for Dual Monarchy to come.

Otto von Bismarck

Chancellor of Prussia until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany

Careers Open to Talent

Citizens theoretically were able to rise in gov't service purely according to their abilities. However, a new imperial nobility was created to reward the most talented generals and officials. Kind of a meritocracy

"June Days" Revolution

Class warfare in France, Barricades set up. Le Missssss

St. Helena

Coast off the coast of Africa. Napoleon was exiled here too

Gov. collapsed, Rev. in the streets, Republics established, kings fled

Consequences of the Revolutions of 1848

Augustin de Iturbide

Conservative Creole officer in Mexican army who signed agreement with insurgent forces of independence; combined forces entered Mexico City in 1821; later proclaimed emperor of Mexico until its collapse in 1824.

Charles X

Count of Artois, succeeded Louis XVIII. Pursued religious policy that encouraged Catholics to reestablish control over the educational system. (brought instability to France)

Secret Alliance

Created between Castlereagh and Metternich with the support of Talleyrand in a coalition against Russia and Prussia. The threat of war caused the rulers of Russia and Prussia to moderate their demands- Russia accepted a small Polish kingdom and Prussia took only part of Saxony. This compromise enabled France to regain its Great Power status and end its diplomatic isolation

Congress Poland

Created by the Congress of Vienna, a smaller Polish Kingdom. Part of the balance of power. was created with Alexander I of Russia as king; it lasted 15 years.

Battle of Austerlitz

December, 1805 (Moravia) a. Alexander I pulled Russian troops out of the battle, giving Napoleon another victory on land. b. Austria accepted large territorial losses in return for peace. c. The Third Coalition collapsed. d. Napoleon was now the master of western and central Europe e. In commemoration of his victory, Napoleon commissioned the Arc de Triomphe in 1806.

Prague Conference

Developed notion of Austroslavism

Scorched Earth Policy

During the winter, Russians evacuate, burn Moscow and refuse to negotiate. Forces Napoleon to turn back

Cornelius Vermuyden

Dutch engineer who developed successful techniques to drain swamp lands so that it could be turned into useful farm land


Early German Romantic philosopher and nationalist.

Joseph Mazzini

Early Italian nationalist; started "Young Italy Movement"

iron law of wages

Economy goes through cycles, people are happy , have more children, better quality of life, lots of children, low quality

Reform Bill of 1832

Eliminated Rotten Boroughs in England

classical liberalism

Emphasizes freedom, democracy, and the importance of the individual. Egalitarian rule

Austro-Hungarian Empire

Empire in which a dual monarchy was set up in order to bring compromise to a series of different ethnicities.

Treaty of Adrianople

Ends the war of Greek Independence


Est. by Prussia, it was a tariff union of 17 states that removed tariff barriers between the German states and was the first step toward a new German unity.

Grand Empire

Everything that was under Napoleon's control. France extended to the Rhine, including Belgium and Holland, the German coast to the western Baltic, and the Italian coast extending down to Rome. Placed a lot of family members on the thrones

King and PM opposed change, National Guard shooting people, corruption

Factors that provoked the Feb. Revolution in 1848 in France

Karl Marx

Father of Communism

Ferdinand VII of Spain

First Bourbon king to be restored to the Spanish throne after the Napoleonic Era.

William I/Emperor

First emperor of unified Germany, crowned in the Hall of Mirrors


Fought for Italian Unification

Plombiérès, 1859

Franco-Piedmont military alliance against Austria

Consulate Period

French government from 1799 to 1804, set up by Napoleon and Sieyes after their overthrow of the Directory. Napoleon was First Consul. Set up as an oligarchy, Napoleon ended up becoming the sole dictator of the regime. In 1804, he replaced the consulate with the Empire.

Louis Blanc

French nationalist, demanded work for the unemployed


German nationalist movement

Johann Gottfried Herder

German philosopher who advocated for nationalism

Prussian-Danish War, 1863

Germany & Austria defeated Denmark and took control of the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein The provinces were jointly administered by Prussia and Austria but conflicts over jurisdiction would lead to a major war between Prussia and Austria


Greek revolution year

Toussaint Louverture

Haitian revolutionary, who led a slave revolt in Haiti during the French Revolution. Toussaint's government was initially sanctioned by the French, but as Toussaint proved too uncontrollable and independently minded, Napoleon ordered an invasion of the island in 1802 and captured Toussaint.


Head of the French army/defense minister. Assembled the army to put down crowds of people who were angry about the closing of the national workshops. Destroyed barricades, became a hero.

Coup d'etat, universal male suffrage, assembly dissolved and attacked whenever they tried to meet

How Louis Napoleon was able to acquire supreme power in France




Idea, opposing idea, the combination

Class war, panic and chaos

Impact of the Bloody June Days of 1848 for many of the French people

Six Points of the Charter

Included universal male suffrage, annual election of House of Commons, secret ballot, equal electoral districts, abolition of property qualifications for and payment of salaries to members of House of Common's.


Individuals should obtain as much wealth as possible

Jethro Tull

Invented the seed drill

Balance of Power

It arranged the map of Europe so that never again could one state upset the international order and cause a general war. Encircled france France


Italian nationalist whose writings spurred the movement for a unified and independent Italy (1805-1872)


Italian state that led the Unification

"Il Risorgimento" (The movement)

Italy's "comeback"

Treaty of Tilsit

June 1807 a. Provisions: Prussia lost half its population in lands ceded to France. Russia accepted Napoleon's reorganization of western and central Europe. Russia also agreed to accept Napoleon's Continental System. b. In many ways, the treaty represented the height of Napoleon's success. French and Russian empires became allies, mainly against Britain. Alexander accepted Napoleon's domination of western Europe. France continued to occupy Berlin and e

Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71

Last war the french fought before unifying

Confederation of the Rhine

Lasting from 1806 to 1813, the Confederation of the Rhine replaced the old Holy Roman Empire and was Napoleon-controlled Germany.

Falloux Law 1850

Law that allows for public, secular education on France


Leader of Young Italy

Francois-Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture

Leader of the Haitian Revolution. He freed the slaves and gained effective independence for Haiti despite military interventions by the British and French.

Louis Kossuth

Leader of the Hungarians, demanded national autonomy with full liberties and universal suffrage in 1848.

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Leader of the Red Shirts unifies Southern Italy

Charles "Turnip" Townsend

Learned from the Dutch how to cultivate sandy soil with fertilizers. also instituted crop rotation

Reform Bill of 1832

Legislation passed in Great Britain that extended the vote to most members of the middle class; failed to produce democracy in Britain.

Alexander I of Russia

Liberal Tsar that dies

Law on Convents and Siccardi Law

Limits the power of the Catholic Church in Italy


Local assemblies in Russia.

Realistic book

Madam Bovary - a woman that commits suicide after many unhappy affairs


Members of Russian leadership who said that Russia needs to become more like Europe if it's to survive.

Frankfurt Proposals

Metternich proposed to Nap. Suggested he could stay emperor and France keep its frontier on the Rhine. Chance in late 1813 of peace. Russians were anxious to go home. Prussians could be compensated elsewhere, but Brits not satisfied - didn't want peace being made without them and didn't want France to keep Belgium, too much access to British coastline.


Most liberal large state in Cont. Europe

Battle of Waterloo

Napolean and the forces that opppsed him met in beligium and the Duke of Wellington that was commanding the allied forces took a great victory when he deafeated napolean

Rosetta Stone

Napoleon found it in Egypt

War of the Second Coalition

Napoleon had his navy destroyed by England's Lord Horatio Nelson in the Battle of the Nile (1798). Napoleon and the French army were thus isolated in North Africa. Napoleon was victorious in the war, nevertheless

Concordat of 1801 -

Napoleon makes peace with the church. The pope renounced claims to Church property that had been seized during the Revolution. o The French gov't had power to nominate or depose bishops. o In return, priests who had resisted the Civil Constitutions of the Clergy would replace those who had sworn an oath to the state. Extended legal toleration to Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and atheists who all received the same civil rights. o It replaced the Revolutionary Calendar with the Christian calendar

.Berlin Decree -

Napoleon sought to starve Britain out by closing ports on the continent to British commerce. Napoleon coerced Russia, Prussia, neutral Denmark and Portugal, and Spain all to adhere to the boycott in the Treaty of Tilsit (1807).


Napoleon was exiled here by the "first" Treaty of Paris

Napoleonic Code -

Napoleon's system of laws, particularly the civil code, which he first announced in 1804. The code remains a basis of European continental law to this day. It differs from Anglo-American "Common Law" tradition practiced in most of the US in several ways; for instance, it is less concerned with protecting alleged criminals' legal rights.

"grossdeutsch plan"

National Assembly plan in favor of including Austria in unified German state

Napoleon III

Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte and becomes emperor of France

Organic Statute

Nicholas I declares Poland an integral part of the Russian empire

Austro-Prussian War, 1866

Officially over an Austrian/Prussian disagreement of policy, but actually from Bismark's desire to rid himself of Austria, this war paved the way to German unification.


One should only rely on facts and not wishful thinking, Realpolitik

Ems Dispatch

Orchestrated by Bismark, apparently the Germans were talking bad about France, an excuse for France to declare war on Prussia

Charter of 1814

Passed by Louis XVIII, it recognized equality before the law, accepted the Napoleanic Code, granted freedom of the press and established The Chamber of Deputies and The Chamber of Peers.

Peterloo Massacre

People were protesting the Corn Laws and got killed

Cato Street Conspiracy

Plot by radicals to blow up cabinet

"blood and iron"

Policy of German unification put forth by Bismarck; belief that industry & war would unify Germany

Decembrist Uprising

Political revolt in Russia in 1825; led by middle-level army officers who advocated reforms; put down by Tsar Nicholas I.

Pope Pius IX

Pope during unification of Italy, conservative, issues the Syllabus of Errors


Preliminary shift away from agricultural economy in Europe; workers become full- or part-time producers of textile and metal products, working at home but in a capitalist system in which materials, work orders, and ultimate sales depended on urban merchants; prelude to Industrial Revolution.

"Humiliation of Olmutz"

Prussia is offered to rule over unified Germany under a Constitutional monarchy and as a Hohenzolleran the king refuses.

"gap theory"

Prussia, when the king and legislative assembly can't agree, the King gets the final word

Great Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia

Quadruple Alliance

Victorian Era

Queen Victoria, longest British rule


Radical British author of The Conditions of the Working Class who also wrote with Marx

his name (friend of the common people and believed in order)

Reason why Louis Napoleon was elected as president of France in 1848

Congress of Vienna

Representatives of the major powers of Europe, including France, met to redraw territorial lines and to try and restore the social and political order of the ancien regime


Russian intellectuals in the early nineteenth century who favored resisting western European influences and taking pride in the traditional peasant values and institutions of the Slavic people.

Public Health Movement

Sought to remedy the high disease and mortality rate that occurred in cities as a response to the cholera epidemic

Jose de San Martin

South American general and statesman, born in Argentina: leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile; protector of Peru

Peace of Amiens 1802

Temporarily ended hostilities between England and france

"Eastern Question"

The "question" posed by the Great Powers about the future of the Ottoman territories.


The Greeks revolted against

King Victor Emmanuel

The King of Piedmont that appointed Cavour his Prime Minister and worked to unite Italy.

Keiser Fredrick William III

The Prussian king from 1797 to 1840. He was a fairly weak king, manipulated alternately by Alexander I and Metternich's influences. Under him, advisors like Baron Stein and Hardenberg initiated important modernizing advances in the Prussian state.

Treaty of Frankfurt

The end of the Franco-Prussian War, which ceded the territories of Alsace and most of Lorraine to Germany.

Second French Republic

The government under LP Napoleon, established in 1848 until 1851.

dialectical materialism

The idea, according to Karl Marx, that change and development in history results from the conflict between social classes. Economic forces impel human beings to behave in socially determined ways.

Congress System

The members of the Quadruple Alliance agreed to meet periodically to discuss their common interests and to consider appropriate measures for the maintenance of peace in Europe.

Enclosure movement

The process of consolidating small landholdings into a smaller number of larger farms in England during the eighteenth century.

Coercion Acts of 1817

This suspended habeus corpus in England

Nicholas I

Tsar of Russia, very conservative, Romanov

Alexander I

Tzar and Emperor of Russia from 1801 to 1825. For a time he allied with Napoleon by the Treaty of Tilsit, but ultimately he was a member of the alliance that defeated Napoleon.

Count Cavour

Unified Northern and Central editor, editor of Il Risorgimento, PM of Sardinia-Piedmont

National Workshops

What the French Provisional government adopted in 1848


Who Belgium gains independence from

Peoples Will

a Russian terrorist organization, best known for the successful assassination of Tsar Alexander II of Russia

Political conflicts in france in the aftermath of the f.r led most directly to which...?

a civillian gov't dependant on the army for support

"Il Risorgimento" (not the movement)

a newspaper edited by Cavour arguing that Sardinia should be the foundation of a new, unified Italy

following death of alex i in 1875?, russian society under nicholas i became

a police state, as the czar feared both internal and external rev. upheavals

"age of reason" diminished the human spirit...

a romantic

Delacroix famous painting "Life Leading the People" illustrates

a romantic classless view of the rev

Revolutions of 1848

a series of political upheavals throughout the European continent. Described by some historians as a revolutionary wave, the period of unrest began in France and then, soon spread to the rest of Europe.

kleindeutsch plan

a unified Germany without Austria was seen as the most practicable means of unification among various German states, particularly Prussia

Before 1848, most socialists supported all of the following except:

a violent revolution to overthrow the exploiting middle class.

Pierre Joseph Proudhon

advocated for mutualism, small businesses who share

Charles Fourier

advocated for phalanxes (free love communities)

Anti-Corn Law League

advocated for the poor people, affordable grain

he instituted the most extensive reconstruction got russian society and admin since peter the great

alexander ii

Catholic Emancipation Act 1829

allowed Catholics to be in Parliament, passed to keep the Irish happy

b/n 1700 and 1800 euros population rose from 100-120 million ppl to

almost 190 million people

the painting of nap. portrays him as which...?

an imperial ruler


artistic representation that aims for visual accuracy. Shows the hardships of life and the effects of the ind. Rev on nature

given what you know about the impact of the agricultural and industrail revs condemning the lives of women , which... statements is most applicable

as the revs progressed, the role and importance of women already in the workforce diminished

Battle of Nations

battle of leipzig refered to by the germans, the greatest battle in number of men engaged ever fought until the twentieth century

forgot question but something about a war w

be covered by war correspondents and photographers

Hundred Days

began on March 1, 1815, when Napoleon landed in the south of France and marched with large-scale popular support, into Paris after escaping from Elba

the most successful nat. euro rev in 1830 was in


when the netherlands was established it included

belgium and luxembourg

joseph mazzini one of the best known nat philosophers

believed that nat. was a holy cause in which the most generous and humane qualities found in expression

the immediate origins of the franco prussian war concerned

bismarcks devious editing of a telegram from king william i

which is correct key to table above

britain france holland

how did wealthy landowners in the 18c take advantage of developtments such as that being distriuted in the abve passage

by controlling and expanding their ownership of land thru parliamentarian enclosure acts

Milan Decree of 1807

by napoleon; authorized his navy to seize foreign ships traveling to europe that had stopped in britain first, even though britain's orders in council said that they would seize any ship that hadn't stopped in england first; the US was basically screwed

David Ricardo

came up with the "iron law of wages"

Jeremy Bentham

came up with utilitarianism

major rev ideal spread throat euro by french armies during the rev and nap periods was tht

careers should be open to talent

the dutchdutch tried each... methods to increase the productivity and output of their land except this

casting seeds rather than planting wheat by a drill, which was more successful

all... leaders subscribed to this protocol except


the chronologically arranged maps above illustrate the

concluding phases of the franco prussian war


context for unification of Germany


controlled Bohemia

England and Russia

countries that had no revolutions in this time period

place the following events in chronological order from earliest to latest

crimean war, cavour meets nap. iii, garibaldi lands in sicily, papal states absorbed into italy

altho this revolt failed completely , it was the 1st rebellion modern russian history whose instigators had specific political goals

decembrist revolt

prussia excluded austria from german affairs by

defating austria in the seven weeks war

an overall result of crimean war

destruction of concert of europe...

a sig difficulty for nat. was and is

determining which ethnic groups could be considered nations

the carlsbad decrees of 1819 did all... except

dissolved several smaller german states

the p. goals of 19 c liberals included all... except

distribution of land


economic system that argues that people should be treated equally

Dismal Science


reforms such as haussmans building program in the map above led directly to which...?

economics stimulation thru businesses and jobs

Metternich would have been most in sympathy w the political philosophy of

edmund burke

the Frankfurt parliament did all...except

embraced the divine right of kings ideology held by william iv


emerged to provide work to those who were unemployed, conditions were often oppressive

Treaty of Lunéville

ends the war of the Second Coalition

which best reflects the main goal of the chartists demands described in the above passage

equal gov't rep for all social classes

The lasting impact of the f.r and the reign of nap. I includes all... except

established p. stability in france

Carlsbad Diet/Decrees

established to prevent nationalistic revolts by Metternich


excluded from the Zollverein


extreme pride in one's country or culture

Henry de Saint-Simon

father of socialism; industrialization, aided by science, would bring a wondrous new age in Europe, "parasites" and "doers"

he was placed on the spanish throne after naps downfall and altho he promised to govern according to a written constitution, he ignored his pledge

ferdinand vii

Crimean War

first war were media was used and nurses on field.

Robert Peel

founded the London police force

blah blah blah not nationalistic


who rep. prussia at c.o.v

frederick william iii

which... not a region of nat.s pressure during the 19c

french rule in belgium


general 19th-century intellectual rebellion against the Rationalism espoused by the French Enlightenment. This movement was particularly vibrant in Germany, which chafed under French rule and desired to rebel against French systems and influence.

He supported the american monroe doctrine in 1873 and is credited w the successful conclusion of the war of jenkins ear

george canning

based on the above passage which... most closely reflects de maistres belief regarding legitimate authority in politics?

goat's are the product of the will of god

which... countries experienced a rebellion that was primarily motivated by nat. soon after the end of the nap wars



group of workers who broke into factories and destroyed machinery because it had "stolen their jobs"

what was a direct impact on labor arising from development??? such as those discussed

growing working class dependency on wages

part of naps settlement w the C.C

had the gov pay clergy salaries

the map above shows the german states before unification. which... not part of austria


All... true about Nap. and his career before 1799 except

he made rapid progress and achieved the states of a general even before the rev

Napoleon has been characterized as a "son of enlightenment" bc during his reign

his civil code granted legal equality to the middle class


idea of a national identity or character by Herder. He said it was based on the true culture of the working people (the Volk). He said this was the reason why countries were different.

Emancipation Act

in England, full rights to Catholics

the period from the fall od nap. in 1815 to the revs of 1848 is often referred to as the age of metternich for aall... reasons except

industry middle class was increasingly denied rep. in gov't

important prerequisite for G.B'S industrialization in the mid 18 c included which...?

innovations in agricultural techniques

Romanticism, a literary and artistic movement during the 1st decades of the 19th c.

insisted on the value of feeling as well as reaso

what crucial factor prevented a revolution in britain in 1830

institution of parliament

Saddler Commission

investigated working conditions helped initiate legislation to improve conditions in factories.

Why is it sig. that Nap. crowned himself as emperor of the first french empire in 1804?

it was a symbolic gesture to show his independence

all... occurred as a result of the settlement at the c.o.v except

italy was unified under sardinian leadership

all...allied against nap except

king joseph of spain

all...statements are true regarding england agricultural rev except

landowners developed new and improved methods of semi collective cultivation

George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

leading figure in German idealism

early 19 c nat. directly opposed the principle upheld at the congress of vienna that

legitimate monarchies or dynasties, rather than ethnicity, provide the bases forpolitical unity

which... correctly identifies the major pillars of 19 c conservatism

legitimate monarchies, landed aristocracies, and established churches

The above passage was written by louis bourriene...To what degree are the remains??? for which this statement stands as an into likely to be accurate

likely to be accurate in areas that can be compared w other sources

which... would best avoid or minimize the suffering of the cyclical subsistence crisis described above

limiting the birth rate

all...cities experienced major uprisings in 1848 except


count camillo cavours method to achieve italian unification would best coincide w which philisophes ideology




the argument presented above is fundamental to

malthus belief in the inevitability of working class poverty

who did nap married;niece of louis xvi

marie louis

Not among the factors in the defeat of Nap. was

mass negations to his brutal suppression of local customs in his conquered countries


meant returning to power the ruling families deposed by more than two decades of revolutionary warfare.


meant territorially rewarding those states which had made considerable sacrifices to defeat Napoleon.

Nicholas I

most Reactionary monarch in Europe

by 1830

most of latin america had achieved independence


moving to cities, more industrialized


nationalistic movement that sought to unite Slavic peoples free from foreign influence

Food caning was invented by

nicholas appert

Factory Act of 1831

no child labor under age of 9

this secret society was more moderate, thile it favored const monarchy and the abolition of serfdom, it wanted to protect the interests of the aristocracy

northern society

organic articles 1802

not sure but it relates to Napoleon and religion and public worship

Combination Acts 1799

outlawed unions and strikes, response to the radicalism in the French Rev.

Syllabus of Errors, 1864

passed to counter-act the Law on Convents and Siccardi Law by Pope Pious

The rev in paris in 1848 called into question all... except



people that want things to go back to the way they were before

National Workshops

poor houses in France

the 1870 english cartoon shown above is a comment on

popes retention of spiritual authority in spite of his loss of temporal control


practiced by napoleon, put his own family on the thrones

castlereagh was able to construct the quad alliance by

promising large british subsidies to the allies

a formal treaty in dec 1858 confirmed an agreement b/n cavour and nap iii which would

provoke a war i italy that would permit them (Italy and France) to defeat austria

in 1813-1814, which two countries joined britain and russia to form 4 coalition to go against france in battle of leipzig

prussia and austria

steam engines were first used to

pump water out of coal mines


radical educated and intellectual elite who believed they should lead the government in Russia

Metternich's policies

reasons why Austria did not have revolts in 1848

at the c.o.v, territory was divided up for al...reasons except to

reconfigure regions for religious diff

Georges von Haussmann

redeveloped Paris: · Wide boulevards (partially to prevent barricades), more open spaces, etc

city legislative responses to the pattern of urban migration as referenced in the above passage best reflect gov attempts to

regulate and control poverty

leading early 19c reactionaries such as prince metternich of austria tried to control or contain all... except

religious revival

under the dual monarchy of austria and hungary, german speaking austrians and hungarian magyars

repressed nat. minorities w/in their boundaries

The nap. code did all... except

rescinded the ban against workers' organizations

in f. political history the years 1814, 1830, and 1848 are known respectively for the

restoration of bourbons, election of louis nap bonaparte as president, establishment of paris commune

outcome of vienna

restoration to power of many of the dynasties deposed by the f.r and by nap

"First" Treaty of Paris, 1814

restored the bourbons to power in france, , confined france to its prewar boundaries of 1792, no indemity or reparations were imposed

the final act of italian unification occurred in 1870 when

rome became the capital city following the w/drawl of french troops

nap signed treaty of tilsit w


the continental system extended as far east as



secondary and higher education

Which... battles was not a sig. victory of british arms


charles x was overthrown as king of france in 1830 for all... except

seeking compromise w the middle class laborers

Robert Bakewell

selective breeding

Bank of France

served the interests of the state and the financial oligarchy. It was a revived version of one of the banks of the Old Regime. . The gov't balanced the national budget. c. The gov't established sound currency and public credit

Agricultural Revolution

shift from manual to mechanized labor

Dom Pedro

son of the Portugal King that ruled Brazil and declared it independent in 1822

results of the crimean war includes all...excpet

spain was restored to status of a great power

the burshenschafften in baden, Bavaria and wurrtenbourg were

student associations

Brunschnshaften (or sth like that)

student union in Germany


support for the concerns of ordinary people


supported popular grievances among Russian society, revolt against Russian society

The c.o.v hoped to restore the euro balance of power after the wars of rev and the nap wars by

surround france w strong states

Earl Grey


which...statement below would a follower of marx most clearly believe regarding social reform

that it should be based on science and facts

Second French Empire

the Imperial Bonapartist regime of Napoleon III from 1852 to 1870, between the Second Republic and the Third Republic, in France.

Real Politik

the accomplishment of one's political goals via practical means. (diplomacy who?)

Sir Arthur Wellesley (Duke of Wellington)

the commander of the British forces at Waterloo

all... are consistent w the goals of the 19c liberals except

the desire to maintain the economic restrains associated w mercantilism or the regulated economies of enlightened absolutists

Papal Infallibility

the divine guarantee that the pope's official statements of doctrine regarding faith and morals are free from error

all... policies reflect the conservative nature of the british gov't from 1815-1825 except

the establishment of a modern police force

Earl Grey

the leader of the Whigs, who helped Britain form a government by replacing "rotten" boroughs (ones with few voters) with representatives for unrepresented cities, increasing number of voters 50%, and forcing the passage of the reform bill by threatening to reform the House of Lords

Cavour, Garibaldi, Mazzini

the three helped unify Italy

prussian leadership of german unification meant that

the triumphs of authoritarian and militaristic values over liberal and constitutional values in the new german state

the graph above depicts the length from longest to shortest of the railway systems of

the uk, german states, and france

the russian socialist herzen believed that the true and natural later???? of socialism lay in russia bc of

the weakness of capitalism in russia and the existence of a kind of collectivism already established in the peasant commune

which... not true of the four ordinances

they eliminated any further elections

First Consul

title given to napoleon when he governed france

Naps main goal of the military conquests depicted in the image above was

to spread his ideals of the f.r

Treaty of Campo Formio 1797

took Austria out of the war with France

which agreement took austria out of war w france

treaty of campo form


under Napoleon, he played politics so well that he managed to stay in office under the two following regimes. Talleyrand represented France at the Congress of Vienna.

tsar alex. I of russia came increasingly to fear all... except

unlimited autocracy

the agricultural rev of the 17 and 18c in england and holland involved all... except

use of artificial fertilizers

the term realpolitik apples to bismarck

use of subterfuge,deceit,military force to accomplish unification and to implement other policies

iron law of wages

waged would stay low as workers bred more children

based on the above passage bismarck ideology most clearly reflects which...

war as a tool for political purposes

sparked movement...

wars of f.r and nap

a royal family with an official bureaucracy

what helped unify Italy

after the signing of the peace treaty of vienna in 1815, the process of industrialization

worked against the conservative euro settlement


workers in Britain looking for social reform, Violent and pacifist branch, petitions, uni. suffrage

the above diagram represents an index of social tension...

workers were best off in 1795


working class

February Revolution

working class and liberals annoyed with the king and his minister Guizot who opposed the electoral reform. King forced to abdicate

Communist Manifesto

written by Marx and Engels wanted to establish a classless society by violent means


wrote "Ideas on the Philosophy of the History of Mankind". He was a protestant pastor. Did not like the french, found them frivolous.

John Stuart Mill

wrote On Liberty (1859). Wanted women to have rights

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