unit 3 Evaluating Internet Resources

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what is an example of an item from a library database?a-c wrong-Direction to the nearest amusement park Your instructor's contact information and office hours Opinion essay about your course from a fellow classmate Transcript of a civil rights court case from last month

*A book review of a recent human resources manual from a trade magazine */Scholarly article about the research methods in the health care management field

Why is it important to know the author of a Web resource?a-d wrong-It is important to know the author so that you can call him or her if you have questions. It is important to know the author's age and nationality. It is important to know the author's gender. Anonymous authors are appropriate for academic work. Score 1

*An author's education and experience will tell you if he or she is qualified to write about the topic./Knowing who the author is will let you evaluate if he or she is qualified to write about the topic./Only identified authors with appropriate education and experience are useful for academic work.

What is one way to evaluate Web resources for reliability?d-d wrong-Check if the .com Web page has an anonymous author. Call your Internet provider to check the reliability of Web sources. The domain type .net is scholarly and needs no evaluation. Check the date when the Web source was created.

*Check the author's background. The author's education or experience should match the content type./Check the date. The publishing date should be near the time the content became known.

Why is identifying or verifying fake news important?b-a wrong-Fake news can be verified and used as a reference in your assignments. Fake news that agrees with your viewpoint should be passed on to all your family and friends. Fake news is spread by verified media outlets and is reliable.

*Identifying fake news combats the spread of unverified information. */Identifying fake news will help you separate hoaxes from facts.

what part of a Web site do you need to evaluate?b wrong-The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) needs to be evaluated for a .com extension. The parts of the Web page that disagree with your research question need to be evaluated. The Web site's design needs to be evaluated.

*The author of the Web site needs to be evaluated for qualifications or bias./The Web site dates need to be evaluated to determine if the information is outdated.

What is an example of fake news?a-a wrong-An opinion posted on social media about Disneyland's attractions A peer-reviewed journal article about the benefits of chocolate An interview with a local politician in a national newspaper A government Web site about the latest scientific news from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

A political propaganda television advertisement/*Alien abduction theories posted on the Internet */An article on social media about the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sending cats to space

What type of resource would be the most reliable if your topic was lead contamination in drinking water?a-a wrong-The first article you found when searching online for the key words lead contamination in my drinking water A Web site created by a concerned citizen A link to a Web site that you found on your friend's social media page An article on a Web site that sells home testing kits for drinking water

A scholarly article from a peer-reviewed journal found in a library database/*A chart created by a government agency that just completed a 20-year study of led contamination effects/A magazine article written by an environmental scientist with 20 years of experience/A government Web site article written by an environmental scientist

Why is a wiki an unreliable source?b-a wrong-Wikis are too specific and are not reliable enough for academic work. Wiki owners are verified before being published and are not reliable enough for academic work. Only the wiki owner can edit it, so there is no way to ensure reliability.

Anyone with an Internet connection can create a wiki, so there is no way to ensure reliability./Wikis are edited by unidentified users and are too general for academic work./Wikis are community-based Web sites and are not reliable enough for academic work.

Why is it important to evaluate Web resources?b-c wrong-Evaluating Web sites is important for academic purposes. You need to evaluate Web sites that do not have references. It is necessary to evaluate Web sites that contain opinions. It is necessary to evaluate the Web site publisher for bias.

It is important to evaluate all information that you encounter and this includes information found on the Web./*Not all information that is available from an Internet search is reliable.

What makes items from library databases more reliable than Internet sources?d-c wrong-They can be written by anyone with an Internet connection. There is no authority for items in the library databases. They are either historical or outdated. There is no review process for items in the library databases.

They have full-text scholarly journal articles./They have full-textbooks that have completed an editorial review./*The library databases have published materials that have gone through an editorial process. */They have newspapers, articles, and book chapters that are considered reliable.

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